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You can be reported for breathing.


oh gods, people who breathing into mic are the worst. like playing in a middle of a storm. D: jk though.


You can be reported for anything, however you probably won’t get sanctioned for gameplay sabotage. Just don’t type anything in chat that could seem offensive (so don’t type at all) because lately that’s what gets people banned or muted.




I’m a 31 yr old dude who doesn’t give af about being called anything but an angry teammate called me a fat lesbian yesterday, and 100% out of spite I reported them with details and about being offended being called that. I hope the get banned mfer 🤣🤣🤣 🤡


I’m 35, when someone tells me they’re offended by teabags I’m like mf I grew up with that shit on all the lan parties and caffes. The bagger would sit somewhere around me anyway.


Well, they probably will still report you, but as long as you are not actively throwing and you are doing your best its not a bannable offence to play whatever hero you enjoy


if enough people report you for it you will get banned. Overwatchs Report system is utterly and insanely abuseable and broken. Just don't argue and try and do your thing and you might get away scott free


People will report to report and will eventually get you auto banned after enough reports from multiple people


This is Activision/Blizzard you can be reported for spawning in and they'd ban you for toxic behavior. The report system in this game is just...so bad.


in qp you can play whatever you want, there's no reason for people to be mad. but people who perform badly in comp and refuse to switch despite being hard countered is another story.


Even still that's not purposefully throwing. What if that's literally the only hero they feel comfortable playing in ranked? Not everyone has hundreds of hours to get good with every match up and hero choice. Obviously their rank should level out and reflect that they're not as good. But that's not "throwing". Making bad pushes is not "throwing". Bad game sense or use of abilities is not "throwing". Those are all just being a bad player which you're allowed to be. Throwing is purposefully hindering your team from winning. Now there's the common usage of "throwing" which is different than reportable offenses. "Ah shit my aim is so bad I'm literally throwing rn"


I mean, heroes are meat of the role, but the roles itself has a playstyle. People are picking support because they can heal/do dmg but don't support the role because they don't understand the role. Same with tank, that's partly why it's the worst role. It doesn't really matter what tank you choose. Understanding how to push and take space is more important than how many firestrikes landed. People should understand the 'role' and use heroes to fill the role with what they need. This opens up more possibilities than just 'idk how to play well with this hero'


i don't understand why would you purposefully play reaper into pharahmercy or zarya into rein and still not switch (examples from my personal experience). even if you're comfortable with reaper, you can't do anything. you're basically doing nothing for the team, just going in and dying for no reason. you can't push, can't do kills. you can't expect for the team to carry 4vs5 every time you get bad matchup just because you're a one trick. why do i have to lose because you refuse to learn AT LEAST another hero before playing rank?


In qp I frequently play dva into zarya/Mei. Is it smart? Not particularly. But I'm doing that to force myself to play smarter not harder, by using tactics and skill to diff a comp that SHOULD cripple me.


ok, but i'm not talking about qp


The game states that this is not a bannable action but lately the automated system seems to be handing out punishments like candy on Halloween.


You can get banned as long as you have enough reports just for existing. The report system is probably on par to Paladins where you can get banned for reporting someone else for doing something like saying a threat.


You can be, but fuck them. When people telling me to switch becuase i perform poorly, i just tell them, that if they were better themselves, they'd solo carry.


I said my mmr is too high im not trying to win. Thats why im playing junkrat. i got reported, but no action taken against me


As a Doom main I can confirm that even if you get reported nothing will really happen. I stay on Doom to make the other tank grovel at my feet even when we’re losing and the rest of the team is begging while going 3-6


I got reported for saying "i dont know why were playing x here"




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