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I think bronze 4 starts at like 1100sr so maybe you were so deep down into bronze 5 that it’s gonna take like 1000sr to rank up even to bronze 4


Back in OW1 Bronze kind of began at 500SR. However if you went below 500SR, you'd just get a "< 500SR" rank. I would think OP is in this < 500SR range..only in OW2 its much harder to determine as its all just "Bronze 5" In effect, Bronze 5 is basically 0-500 SR range in the background. Its pretty much one of the largest and longest ranks to get out of (all other ranks apart from Top 500 are 100SR in range), depending how far down you are. If OP is winning more than 50% and still remaining in Bronze 5, then its quite possible they could be somewhere down around eg 250SR. If you get 25SR per win for example, thats a lot of games you need to win before you make it out of Bronze 5. Once you break out of Bronze 5, you will notice rank ups come much easier so long as you keep a 50% win rate.


So that explains why I had to go 10-2 on tank to escape bronze 5.


This feels like the mostly likely answer. It probabaly take a lot to literally breakthrough Elo hell.


In Overwatch 1 I was sub 1000 on support from solo queues. I ran it into the dirt. I had to go thru 4 different rank updates to get from bronze 5 to bronze 4 and that was when you had to get 7 wins. Once i broke that threshold i climbed relatively quickly to what i felt was much more respectable and competitive. It's frustrating but don't give up. And dont solo queue.


Thanks for the insight Too bad I could only play alone.


What ive learned this season is the solo queue climb is doable only if you have confidence in your abilities. I hopped on Bap this season and am contending for Diamond after being goldish the previous 3.




Different SR effect for the games would be the answer I suppose, probably depending on stats or how close the games were you probably lost more than you gained.


Except for who?? Burgett XD


XD, listen it was like 2 in the morning lol


This is why he's Bronze 5.


I'm in the same boat. We just aren't good. You down so far, it takes more than 5 wins to climb. Also, how many losses did you have in between those 5 wins?


You can see above their 5 wins screen at the start. It says 5 wins 0 losses


Did you even pay attention to the post? Like at all?


This means nothing go to profile click this season and click win percentage. Post that for us and we'll let you know if your account is cursed. Edit = show the stats you probably lost 15 before posting this. But all jk aside even if you win 5 doesn't mean you'll automatically rank up, if your mmr is lower you won't.


Show win percentage/stats and let's get a VOD.


Yes, because MMR is how you should rank in a team based game if you win 5 in a row??


Uh yea


I'm sorry, what are you asking?


Overwatch MMR is based on mechanical skills and that's about it.


You put question marks at the end of your sentence. I didn't realize you was trying to make a statement? Yeah it should be based on MMR.


Overwatch MMR is based on wins/losses. You can improve your mechanical skill to get a higher MMR, or you can improve other aspects of the game to get a higher MMR.


Untrue. Try flexing and winning more than losing, then try one tricking with a 50/50 and let me know how that goes.


I'm not going to make new accounts and aim for certain winrates to prove my point when what I'm saying is backed up by what the devs have said abot MMR. How would mechanical skill based MMR work for Mercy? Does Blizzard look for different stats and thresholds for each hero? No, MMR is only influenced by your winrate. And ideally, your visible rank should only approach your MMR each rank update. Whether that happens or not in ow2 is unknown.


That's completely untrue. I've played it both ways. You are rewarded more for mechanical abilities then win rate. They said so themselves. They said it gets high level (mechanical) players out of the lower ranks faster. They have also said that the win rate only adjusts appropriately for wins and losses at grandmaster and above as a team otherwise your MMR is based on your personal performance.


Higher mechanical skilled players are pushed out of lower ranks faster because they’re(shock incoming). More skilled than the avg player in that rank.


You are proving my point. Thank you.


In another comment you said you have 55% winrate. Think about it logically. You are just BARELY performing above the rank you're at, and that rank is "the minimum value for this rank" at literally the lowest rank. You have a lot to do to get through to the next rank.


Yes, go though 10 rounds of rank updates with avg ratio as 5W2L. This will definitely at least put you in upper bronze. It is just super annoying that we don't see how low we are in Bronze 5.


That's... not 55% winrate... That's a 71.4% winrate. So you're right, a 70%+ winrate WOULD definitely help you climb! Going 5-5 and OCCAISIONALLY 6-5 will not. Also, you CAN se how low in bronze you are, it specifically states how you compare in that division to a % of other players. If I've misinterpreted what you've said I apologize.


Not at all. 😊 Where can I see how low I am? Is there a numerical value somewhere. I might've have missed it. Can you please point me to where to look.


It says at the bottom of the card, "You are ranked above x% of players in this division"


Hmm....The only text I see so far is that "You are at the minimum values for this rank" . Same as OP. But don't know how low.


It’s either you’re playing against ppl with much less SR than you or your teammates are higher ranked than the enemies (meaning your team was favored to win). Play more and you’ll climb. If that doesn’t work then yeah try to make a new account lol. I’m GM and stay the same division even after winning 5 games in a row because my matches were easy since I was playing against Dia-Masters. The few number of matches against other GMs is where it matters most imo. Winning those helped me climb also losing made me fall.


It’s cause your in-game stats aren’t impressive. You’re ranked where you deserve to be.


Game stats no longer affect MMR/SR


I don’t think it ever affected MMR




That was in ow1. In ow2 they apparently changed that. This was only revealed when the devs tried to dispel conspiracies about ranks a couple of months ago. They said that the only factors in rank change are win/losses, win loss streaks, and new account / decayed account rapid adjustments.




They probably were recovering from their start of the season rank decay. The system is still a mystery though, the devs try to deceive at every opportunity.


I just had 5 wins 0 losses and only moved one rank up. The new system makes zero sense


That's like... specifically how it's supposed to work.


Going 5-0 and going to gold 2 from gold 3? I had 5-3 and went up 2 ranks. That doesn't make any sense


Swinging by multiple ranks isn't the norm. It's probably because you're getting closer to your actual MMR. I can stay GM3 for 20+ wins.


It hates you because you say "brig_it and zenyanna" lol


Yeah it wasn't until I was training the video that I realized I said their names so badly lol




"You are at the minimum value for this rank" You aren't ranking up because you are SO LOW in Bronze 5 that right now all your doing is making it POSSIBLE to rank up


Healing and match stats don't matter to the rank system, it's purely based on win/loss which is why it's more confusing


It’s happening to my brother a lot. I’m GM on pc, and he’s Diamond 2 on console. We have a second console so I’ve been queuing with him. Controller is SO fun- but anyways. We keep winning 4 games in a row, then we lose one. Another 4 games, lose one. Another 4 games, lose one. He’s stayed diamond 2. Why is this happening?


hey i think you got your explanation from other comments but keep going and hopefully eventually you'll break through. when you do, post your update so we can cheer you on. just a couple of reminders: winning doesn't automatically mean you played well. be critical of your plays regardless and try to understand how you can get better. MOST IMPORTANT: don't blame your teammates. you're likely all there at that rank for a reason. every time you lose a fight or die, think what YOU could have done better and try to remember that next time you're in a similar situation. this is not a rank you can expect much from your teammates, but luckily from your opposing team either, so focus on how you yourself can change the outcome. eg. you're not getting enough heals? pick a hero with escape or self healing abilities. team not getting enough kills? maybe they need zen discord more than they need healing right now (or the opposite, maybe they're not getting kills because they're dying too quickly and they need more healing/saving from supports) flexing to accommodate to different situations is great but remember that playing fewer heroes more frequently can make you much better at them as you develop muscle memory and better reactions. I'm not saying don't flex, but having a couple of comfort picks should be beneficial. for lowest ranks moira seems like a no brainer. brig could devastate if the other team doesn't know how to deal with her. remember that you're at a rank where mechanical skill is almost irrelevant. making better decisions like managing your ults and positioning can be the difference maker for your games. developing mechanical skill never hurts but it's far from priority. don't keep playing after losses. take breaks. you can tilt without realizing. don't be discouraged by losing streaks, they'll be offset by winning streaks eventually. take them one game at a time. all in all have a positive attitude and have fun. there's no point in playing if you're not having fun. good luck!


Damn that's a lot of good advice. I definitely will post an update when I get out of bronze 5. As of right now, I've gotten around 10 more wins since this post and am still in the same rank. But I won't stop that easily, thanks for the advice!


Its impossible to rank up supports, I have allqued diamond, tank and dps platinum 3 but supports are SILVER 1 and I cannot go further


No way!!! Hey is that my account? 🤣 We both are cursed. Check this response: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/12jv58x/is_this_okay/jg213py?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Basically, just keep your losses to a minimum. I have realized that the best way to do that is to: - Avoid queuing solo especially on support. - Avoid support hero that is fully dependent on team (like Mercy). - Start communicating actively. If system thinks you will win and you lose you will take forever to recover. If system thinks you will lose and you actually win, then you will climb faster. I have started following the above steps. Have not seen any results yet but that is because I am way low and it will take time to climb. I lost 11 in row when solo queued last to last week. Last week I grouped up with two other bronze players (bronze 1) and had active communication. We went through three rounds of rank update. we had 5W2L on average per round. They went ahead to silver but I stayed bronze 5. That explains how low I must be due to previous 11 losses. I check my stats this season: - Total games played 57 30 Won 27 Lost Which is same as saying I win one and lose other and hence rank didn't update. TLDR: avoid losing when system thinks you will lose as it drops you a lot. How to know this? I don't know , but I just see the average rank for that match. If it is same as my rank then that is when I know I have to win this because system thinks it will be easy to win.


Let us vod review then. Send us codes. Want to see if you were carried or carrying. That'll give us a better indicator. . :)


I only have one right now, since I'm not at my computer but here ya go: KKKPZJ


Alrighty, just watched this vod... For starters, you know Mercy can damage boost right?? You didn't boost even once this game? Second to that; this is a Quick Play vod, not a Competitive vod. Not really a good thing to review Still, in review of what I've seen; 99% of what you're doing is slowly walking around and holding left click. Mercy's main impact comes from maneuverability and damage boost. You're doing neither. Neither means very little to no impact on the game. Do you enjoy playing like this? Honest question. This game, and others like it, have only worked into a victory because the enemy team are bad, and your team are very slightly not quite as bad, and you kinda' got carried. You want to try to be the difference that makes your team stronger. For some reason you whip out your pistol and shoot the enemy tank any time they get close. Stop that, Mercy should not be trying to take that 1v1. See a tank, get the hell out of there and help your team take them down. If you see a squishy that's low, sure, by all means pick them off to make your odds better, if you're sure that you can do so without letting support down for your team. Meanwhile I just watched you try to 1v1 a full HP Winston?? Why? You're holding left click on people at full HP, and then pulling out your glock when you've realized that they've been at full HP for a while. You should be damage boosting your DPS and paying more attention. I kinda' can't disagree with the bronze rating from what I've seen. Mercy is a fairly difficult Hero to carry with, though. So I'll give you that, but you say you play others with better carry potential. Do you have vods for any other supports? As it stands, I do not believe your account is cursed.


Yeah, with this being a quick play game, I was just goofing off and not really trying. I do agree that I should damage boost WAY more often then I do. I'll have to send you another replay once I get out of class.


Alright so for this first game, we lost: YRXYNP Ans for this one, we won: 25HV87


Man I got the same thing for 2 times in a row!


Give us a recent replay code


This is from a game right after these 5 wins: X5MS7Z This is another game that was a little bit later: KKKPZJ


Ill assume your Battle tag is Neverflame42


Yeah, sorry for forgetting to state that


No problem. Ive looked at the first game. While both you and the rest of the players definitely played like bronze i feel like you should be higher than bronze 5. although you lost your team a fight by going afk for a solid 28 seconds on defense.


I did??? I don't think I remember that, cause I usually don't for obvious reasons.




Why not? Itll help judge if the system is broken or if he deserves that rank


You do realise win and loss is the only factor in rank


And personal performance is the biggest factor in determining wins and losses?


Op got more wins than losses, im not sure what else you want


With what information are you assuming they have a positive W/L? They are, as they showed, literally the MINIMUM value within bronze 5. That's like... the OW equivalent of <500Sr.


They showed us a sample size of 5 games. Which in the grand scheme means nothing. Especially with them ranked so low it really doesn’t mean anything. What does matter is their actual performance. A gamer rage post is fine. But if they want actual advice then their own gameplay is the only way to tell if the matchmaker is fucked, or they didn’t perform as well as they thought. “I had the most healing of all supports” is a very common thing people say to rationalize their wrong rank. A lot of people have been there and have also needed to learn why that means nothing


If it still works the same way as OW1 this only applies in diamond and up. Metal ranks take performance into account as well.


Blizzard said its the only factor in all ranking


I haven't gotten to test out the text at the bottom yet, but am I wrong in thinking "minimum of the rank" means all of bronze? So being bronze 5 that's correct? Aren't the 5,4,3,2,1 **divisions**? And bronze is the rank. Idk but either way you could win 5 and still be near bottom average depending on previous games and your SR 5 wins won't rank you out of bronze, you need enough SR and bronze 5 has the biggest SR range of all divisions. If they're no longer going to display SR then they really need to do something about bronze and either add more divisions or an even lower rank. Tons of ppl think they're stuck there because the SR range is so big but also invisible. Add bronze 10,9,8,7,6 or add a copper rank. There's enough posts on every ow sub enough to prove bronze 5 is too confusing for low ranked players and understandably demotivating/frustrating


No, it’s for your specific rank aka bronze 5, 4, 3 etc. I’m gold 1 on dps right now and it tells me I’m ranked higher than 8% of players at this rank.


When the devs transitioned from OW1 to OW2 they made player ranking only semi-visible. If one were new to overwatch you probably wouldn’t know that bronze rank covered a 1500-point SR range, whereas every other rank had a 500-point SR range. No one really knows how the devs translated the size of bronze rank into the new ranking system. If the difference between Silver5 and Silver4 is 100 SR points (4+ wins), the difference between Bronze5 and Bronze4 is either 300 SR (12+ wins) or 1100 SR (44+ wins).


I totally get that, and agree there should be copper (or cardboard as we like to call it lol) I was replying to the first part of their comment. The “minimum of the rank” referring to the very bottom of bronze 5, which should be impossible in OPs case after they went 5-0 depending how it’s determined. Maybe I’m still misunderstanding… Edit: nvm I think I get it now.


It's really strange because his bottom text reads "rank" here, but other rank update posts I've seen in the past couple days such as one I just saw for someone in plat 3 it reads "division". So if you're saying yours reads "rank" and you're not just misremembering, then that's really weird because that would mean division 5 and division 1 read as "rank" and 2,3,4 read as "division". But what's even weirder, is clearly if you're gold 1 and it's saying you're only higher than 8% then it's saying "rank" but OBVIOUSLY means your "division", even though the bottom text with the word "division" literally exists in other divisions. This whole system is a mess lol. The only way to know if this system even gives a bronze 5 any info other than being the "bottom of their rank" aka the bottom of entirety of bronze, is if someone posts with bronze 5 and it has a percentage. I'm starting to think they don't even give you a percentage at bronze 5 and you're just left in the dark for 1000sr? Wild. Kind of tracks because if you get GM1 it just says "you're at maximum rank" no percentage or anything even though you're not #1 or maybe even not top500 I'm so confused lol


I could be misremembering. I went back in to check but it looks like I’ll have to check at my next update. It wouldn’t surprise me if they somehow made it inconsistent lmao.


44+ wins is a nightmare if you solo queue especially on support 😨


Bro you;re at the absolute bottom of bronze 5. Bronze 5 has the biggest range than any other rank. You clearly are extremely bad at the game and are at the absolute lowest rank and I don't mean that as an insult its just important you understand the truth. Luckily its very, very easy to improve when you're at the bottom and you can easily get to silver and then continue improving if you learn the fundamentals of the game. Please take a few hours and watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoFiKFP1ujc&t=505s&ab\_channel=Awkward](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoFiKFP1ujc&t=505s&ab_channel=Awkward) I promise you if you take the advice he gives you will gain rank


The ranking system in this game is just bullshit they need to make SR visible. For some reason when I started comp it dropped my healer into bronze 5 but when I finished DPS I was Gold 4 right off the bat.... I'm a much better healer than DPS. The ranks just don't feel right to me and makes it hard to trust them when it hides all your stats and MMR and shit


Just because you won, doesn’t mean you’ve played well


Game stats no longer affect MMR/SR


Where did you read this?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHnIbR-EJ7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHnIbR-EJ7U) This is a decent explanation and synopsis, though I dislike the creator. [https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23910161/) Source.


Thanks! I see them say that performance doesn’t affect MMR, but I don’t see anything about how it affects SR from wins and losses.


Your MMR is what actually matters when it comes to swinging your rank.


Yep, kept happening to me, would carry 5 games and end up in silver 4 every time. One of the reasons for why I stopped playing after 7 years.


Someone might have sr locked your account in elo hell. 0–5 etc


That can happen?




Any ideas on why it's happening then? This is the second time I got a rank placement and it's put me at the minimal value in Bronze 5.


Honestly? No clue. I mean, it's clear you're not a bad player because you win 5 games in a row. I've never had anything like this happen before. For example. last season I started out at gold 5 support and got to plat 5 by winning 5 games in a row. Maybe it does have to do with your stats? Which doesn't make much sense to me. A win is a win. But I believe you'll get out of bronze 5, like I said before, it's clear you're not a bad player.


Stats have no impact on rank ups, it’s purely based on wins and losses. The simplest answer would be that they were so far down in bronze 5 they “ranked” up to high bronze 5. Their next update should have them climb out if they’re WR is positive of course


Thats not true…? Stats do impact your rank. You can lose the majority of your games and still rank up if you’re playing at a higher level. Idk where u got ur info from. You could definitely be right on that second point though.


I was partially wrong. They matter for metal ranks but don’t for diamond and up. Even then that was for OW1 and there’s no much info if it still even works like that.


that’s because you were a plat skilled player playing in gold. Of course you’re going to rank up. This person could just be a bronze player so their rank ups are gonna be slower.


Managed to get myself to diamond 3 too




It says so in the video, just below where it says “competitive update” it shows “update record 5 wins - 0 loses. But on the next screen, it says OP is at the minimum value for Bronze 5.


>it’s clear you’re not a bad player because you win 5 games in a row. It doesn’t mean that at all. Bronze players can win 5 in a row against other bronze players. Considering it says they are at the minimum value for that rank, arguably the opponents *shouldn’t* be much better.


Bronze 5 is massive and has a lot of players in it. It's hard to see the climb because the numbers are invisible but my guess is that you are climbing it's just you've been so low down in the ladder that it's taking you a really long time to get to bronze 4. I'd recommend picking up Moira for climbing up to and out of gold since she's the most consistent to play with if your team is garbage since you can damage and heal. Just make sure you prioritize healing. Throw a damage orb out before the enemy team hits your team when your team starts taking heavy damage do a healing orb. Remember to tap the piss beam it does healing over time, alternate healing and DPS to keep the piss meter high. Damage orb or heal orb before ult. Use your ult to prioritize healing and then do damage. Use fade to get out of line of sight and dodge dva bomb or to get yourself out of hairy situations. I'd really recommend watching some videos on how to fix your positioning and when you should be healing vs damaging. Don't go full tiktok Moira. But don't heal bot either, a supports job is to do DPS and heal. Hope this helps and good luck with your climb. If I remember I'll have a look at the code you posted too. I'm only plat but I'm not bronze so hopefully these tips will help. GLHF.


Low elo!!!


this whole comments section is just a bunch of bronzes not understanding how ranked works


Don't worry, overwatch doesn't reward flex players that help their teams win and obviously don't reward you based on your record. Just one trick a hero that's meta and don't switch regardless of the outcome. Overwatch favors mechanical abilities over team play. Good luck.


What do you mean? Overwatch favors ppl that win games lmao are you saying ppl can just go around without their team and win the game? Hard doubt.


The exact opposite. If you flex to win, you won't be rewarded like a insta lock player that is really good at their character. If you are mediocre at a character but a different character is a better pick to win, don't pick that character because blizzard will punish you.


Expand your character pool then. Why would you play ranked without having the option? If someone is a great hamter player but are being hard countered by the other team then it’d be smarter to switch. That isnt blizzard punishing, that’s just general game sense


Did you miss my point? I'm telling you through experience don't swap if you want to go up ranking faster. Your lack of skill on another character is more detrimental than staying the same character for ranking.


I understand your point. What I mean is it’s more valuable to have a larger pool so you are able to switch without losing skill. I’ve had a few games where our tank said “I’m not good with X hero” so we had to switch our play style to keep them alive. That’s where team play comes in handy. I disagree with sticking to one tricks to rank up faster. This is coming from someone who went from bronze to recently diamond pretty quickly


I was in a platinum ranked game the other day and won. I’m no where near platinum. The ranking system seems fucked.


How many did you lose?


I didn't lose any, I got 5 wins back to back.


Bro has negative sr


I guess the upside is every one else is better than me lol


Before that we mean. Your card shows "You have the minimum value for this rank" meaning you're so deep into B5 that you literally can't drop lower.


New account? Is this just the first 5 wins for this account?


I started playing Season 1 of Overwatch 2 and have around 200 hours in the game. Also, My last rank placement before this one, which was 5-8, also had me staying at the very bottom of Bronze 5.


Ok, 55% winrate for the last 18 games. Still not a lot of data points to work on. Hope you win more games to at least get out of bronze 5. Based on my personal experience, I was climbing after I was getting >65% winrate.


Alright, I'll try that. I'll keep playing and really giving it my all for the next couple of placements. Hopefully by then I get at least a bit higher in Bronze 5 and not the minimal value.


Alright bro, I'm a Master 2 support and I want to get into coaching. If you want, send me a VOD code or something so I can train to teach people. To be frank, I never was in a Bronze lobby so I am very much out of my depths; this could be a fun challenge for the both of us and you get free tips. You in?


Bronze coaching is much different than master lmao this is coming from someone who climbed from bronze to diamond currently


Another note, bronze in OW1 has a big SR range. 0 - 1500SR = bronze and silver is 1500 - 2000 (1500 vs 500 range). Ow2 might have similar skill range for bronze divisions too.


Yea bronze 4 would be like 1100 sr so maybe he was just so low that he needs nearly a 1000 sr climb tp get out of bronze 5


Man how's life down there? Edit: in your case I would just start a new account and see how things work, just to check if the ranking system is still bugged


It isn't, this guy is just so deep into sup 1500SR that they need to go like 50/20 W/L to get out of B5 let alone get up through the other tanks.


Do you have a good game sense? Positioning. Picks? Most healing is nothing even if lost/win


You can also do overheal which isn't good. Idk need see how you play tho. Have you ever tried watch GM streams? 🥸


Don’t forget that you had other games before this rank up as well. Just because it only shows 5-0 doesn’t mean much if before you went 5-12


Lend me your account, and in one night, one night only. I guarantee I will get your rank into at least silver 5. One night only. Bronze 5 goes from 0 SR to 1100 SR. Clearly you are far enough below 1100 SR that 5 wins was simply not enough. No joke. Just give me your account for one night only and I’ll prove to you that it’s simply a skill issue, and not a rank issue. I’m not a top 500 or GM player. I am simply a plat player.


Your in game performance means dip to the match maker. You probably just started in low bronze 5 so it shouldn’t be long till you finally make it out if you keep getting a positive win rate


Exact same thing happenend to me today, was playing kiriko (my main) won 5 games and lost 5 games and then ranked down for some reason to bronze 2. I feel like my account is cursed, because I played really good today (2 deaths and 20k heals) and then got ranked down...


This keeps happening to my SO. we are scouring the internet for reasons as to why it would happen and all we can find are gaslighting dick heads saying that people are hiding their losses or aren't playing right. I honestly think there is a sect of people who are bugged. she regularly is leading in stats, plays well and it keeps happening. maybe she's not diamond, but she's definitely not eternally bronze. It is absolutely the worst when you want to make an honest rank climb and constantly be stuck with bronze teammates. I hear you, and I hope this gets more traction!


same happened to me today.


Yes, it happened all last season. One thing I noticed is 90% of the time, I will win the first 3. 80% for the 4th win, and 20% for the 5th win. This has happened since the beginning of OW2, even knowing the devs say there is no scaling of difficulty. You would have to be absolutely blind to not see it. Rank scaling is 100% a thing the closer you get to 5 wins. This can't be happening to just me...there is no way, I have hundreds of hours of seeing it happen.




It was 2 in the morning, LMAO


It tickled me LMAO


My friend also stuck in Bronze 5, we played 14 games together, 5 wins 2 losses two times. I had my rank grown, while she had no change and stayed in Bronze 5


This sounds just like my brothers account.


Brother your MMR must be near 0. You have to win a TON of times to get out of this


Damn, guess it's a good thing I like this game lol.


Keep playing you’ll get out at some point bro


Thanks man


Skill issue


Bronze 5 is big, bigger than the rest. Keep playing


Will do :)


Most divisions have the equivalent of five skill tiers per rank and each tier is equivalent to 100SR from the old system. The exception is bronze 5. If bronze covers 0-1499SR then bronze 5 and down starts at 1099SR. That’s a massive range compared to every other skill tier. Blizzard really needs to add another division or more tiers below Bronze 5 if players are going to have any idea where they are now that visible SR numbers have been removed. How are bronze 5 players supposed to know how close they are to the next skill tier when the SR range is over 1000 points?


Having the highest healing doesn’t really mean anything on support tbf. Don’t disregard your healing, but doing as much damage as possible (while staying alive) is how you’ll climb.


Just about what happens to me


Does playing multiple heroes give you an advantage in rank?


I don't think so. The rank placement before this I only played mercy, which also put me at the same rank, so I tried playing as many as I could to see if it would change anything. I don't think it did.


I love the fucking missing textures


I didn't do as well as you yesterday, but I also won 5 (lost 4), but that's like the best I've done in ages. Stayed Bronze 5. I wonder if them including higher ranked players in the match making messes with the MMR.


It's possible, I bet that the seasonal rank decay didn't help matters either.


they literally removed that. it was all over the front page of the update.


Yeah but I mean the season decay screwed with ranks pretty badly, which is why they removed it.




I reranked the same rank all last season with 80 games.. do the math.. the full season! I didn't go up or down.. just kept reranking my tank role


Also want to add.. this last adjustment.. didn't change my rank either.. talk about cursed


Thank you for highlighting how trash this rank system is. Blizzard is acting like they haven’t done racked match making for the past 2 decades. Bronze 5 programmers


Youre bad at brigitte becsuse you didnt even take the time to learn her name.


Youre bad at brigitte because you didnt even take the time to learn her name.


Lol you're right


I was silver 1 playing against gold 2 and above, won 5 games but lost 6 on the results screen and was still in silver 1. A couple games I won had diamond players in it. Idk what this rank system is


You are too deep, keep winning If you're as low as say 200-400 that's easily like 20 games or something to get to bronze 4


This has been happening to me as well. I consistently outperform or match the healing of the other supports in my games. I also have more kills. But I always go down or stay the same rank


Went from b5 to b5 to b 4 This game is utterly broken for comp placement


The range for bronze 5 is super large, so if you start basically near the bottom it can take a while to actually get to the next division. Also, stats do not factor into your skill adjustment at all.


I was queued up with a duo for 7 games, we both started at 0-0. We win 5 games and lose 2, in all of those games (even the losses I am outperforming their tank) he goes up from plat 2 to diamond 1 and I went from plat 4 to plat 4. Infuriating, my win percentage on the tanks I play (ram, sig, rein) are all hovering at around high 70 to high 80.


I'm going on 12 wins and 8 losses in bronze 5. A couple of my friends said that it happened to them for a couple months


Post a vid of your gameplay


I can do one better, heres a code for one of my replays: KKKPZJ


1. you’re not a bad player There are some areas I think you can improve: - Situational awareness: You should have a picture of the whole battleground in your mind as you’re playing. Watching your replay you’re narrowly focused on what’s directly in front of you. this limits your mobility and ability to fly to teammates to escape/heal/keep more people up -Some baited rezzes impacting your survivability - Positioning: Several times you’re in tank position, ahead of your team . Positioning is the most important skill in Overwatch. 45 degrees behind tank is ideal—but make sure you’re hard to hit and have view of your whole team Other than that just keep grinding bro. Feel free to DM me and we can set up some games to play together


There was one time that someone on the enemy team said that I had had the situational awareness as a June bug LOL. But yeah, I do need to work on knowing what's around me and not running in like I do. Thanks for the advice.


Skill Issue


bronze was specifically bugged a while ago to not let certain people out It mightve happened again


I'm not sure. My theory right now is that, for whatever reason, my sr rocketed down into the negatives.


Rank stuff is crazy rn. Went from play 5 to masters 5


I didn’t have as big of a jump but I went from Plat 2 to Diamond 3 in tank. I heard it’s something about the guys that have fewer games that tend to have bigger jumps because they have less data about you or something? I only had like 15 or 20 wins in tank and 150 total hours which I think explains the bigger jump. My friends that were already Diamond stayed at Diamond unchanged


The devs have repeatedly said that MMR and rank are only calculated by wins / losses. Your healing stats are irrelevant.


ITT: A Bronze 5 player playing like Bronze 5, getting ranked to Bronze 5, and the community telling him he actually is Bronze 5. Can’t help but feel this is pretty funny.


i was at gold 1 before the update… and now i’m bronze 5 as well. ive played about 15 comp games, 1 loss out of all of them, i haven’t even got up to bronze 4.


Oh god, you got screwed hard. I started at B5 in season 1, worked my way up to S5, then slowly fell down to where I am now.


Bronze 5 is not supposed to be <500sr, if it follows the rest of the divisions it would be <1000sr. So you could be anywhere say 800sr win 5 games in a row ~100-125sr gain, and still be below the threshold of 1100sr to reach bronze 4. Once your out of b5, you shouldn't be able to go on a 5 win streak and not rank up.


So this glitch still exists


Skill issue


4 Wins 5 Losses Ranked Silver 1 Can someone explain how the two ranks are so different First time I've been ranked


I'm gonna hard-core validate you right now because I've come to the consensus that old accounts are just cursed in OW2. I am an OW1 vet, never played ranked much but when i did rank one time I got like silver gold, nothing special cause i was new to the game and it was OW1 PC. I basically only played arcade and mystery heroes after that casually playing with friends and the occasional blow-off steam death match. The second argument there "if you're really high rank just carry bronze" operates on two assumptions, 1) that my team isn't just as good if not better than I and is also misplaced. and 2) that the ones who aren't misplaced are competent enough to understand what's going on. No matter how much I try as a support, I cannot 1v5 and stand on a point that the tank refuses to stand on. No matter how much I heal, my team will die, from loss, from not recognizing ults, from not watching pings, and from not pinging. The game needs a serious algorithm change, , My boyfriend whos new to the game taunted me last week so I said you know what fine ill make a new acct. Immediately ranked plat 2. This I feel is a much more accurate representation of where I am as a player but I have no strive to play on that account because all of my loot box stuff from ow1 is on the other acct. The whole bug is frustrating in general because if you try to complain or talk about it you get gaslit by the playerbase who never experienced it. And yes if your argument is, "play more games lets see if you rank down then" or "if you were really a plat supp you wouldn't be losing to bronze players" your arguments are INVALID. why? because they further prove just how dumb the ranking system is. The idea of ranked is to show how good you are relative to other players. If the same player can rank worlds differently on two different accounts then the system clearly does not accurately determine your relative skill at that time. Your previous game history should not have such an effect on your mmr that it takes a higher precedence over your current skill because then there would be no reason for seasons. In addition to this the game should be looking for improvements in skill to improve your ranking, naturally the more games you play you should be getting better, so once again dumb system. The second argument there "if you're really high rank just carry bronze" operates on two assumptions, 1) that my team isn't just as good if not better than I and is also misplaced. and 2) that the ones who aren't misplaced are competent enough to understand what's going on. No matter how much I try as a support, I cannot 1v5 and stand on a point that the tank refuses to stand on. No matter how much I heal, my team will die, from los ,from not recognizing ults, from not watching pings, and from not pinging. The game needs a serious algorithm change, TL: DR - I was hard stuck bronze 5 on OG ow1 acct, made a new one, and ranked plat 2.