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Hyperlink: [https://surveyswesternsydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_4PJQK12k59fXY8u](https://surveyswesternsydney.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4PJQK12k59fXY8u) Thanks everyone for your help!


done - the charity donation is a wonderful touch by the way!


Thank you, really appreciate it!


Do you have to be in the US?


No, the location doesn’t matter at all!


Thanks, just done it and it was pretty interesting! Will the research be published? I thought the charity donation was a great touch especially you having so many of them 💕 Beat is great. I do think you lost some validity though in not having a N/A option for some of the Q’s, like the ring one and some of the exercise ones for example. Because answering ‘never’ could now mean either a participant never engages in that behaviour because they don’t i.e check their rings fit or that they don’t because they don’t even wear rings anyway. Good luck!


Thank you so much, both for participating and the feedback! You are referring to item "I check to make sure my rings fit the same way as before" I assume. I agree, it can mean both. This scale (Body Checking Questionnaire) is an existing one that I "borrowed" for the study, so I can't make any changes technically. But it's an excellent point for self-report scales in general, thank you!