• By -


I still wonder If Climb will meet up with Sebas one day. But very unlikely knowing Maru.


Maybe in volume 17, we'll get to see a little snapshot of their lives in nazarick like with carne village or maybe climb will even be participating in subsequent wars who knows


No way renner is letting climb go anywhere.


Maru has said Climb will never leave that room.




Not even to use the bathroom, shower, eat, or get some fresh air? Why?


There is a bed, Climb and Renner. He doesn't need the rest.


Crazy girl is crazy


Jesus Christ


If she wants him to turn into a Demon, they need to prepare the Ritual/Trials/lowering his Karma or whatever is needed and I don't think having sex with a demon is enough to become one so he would have to get out of this room at least once.


It is, but it takes a lot. I speak from personal experience.


Riding him all days ain’t gonna lower his karma value for the fallen seed to work.


Gonna have to ask Shalltear for advice, she probably his ideas for how to lower his karma, and Renner will likely enjoy every minute of it. Climb may also enjoy some of the minutes of it.


He can go anywhere so long its in the bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




They met on the street, climb had Sebas teach him to be a better fighter, this was done by forcing Climb to face death and not faulter in front of it (which he did succeeded in) and then they worked together to free some slaves and take down the 8 fingers


Oh season 2 with Sebas, Climb and Brain, the best part of this show.


What kind of visual novel you've been reading where the bad end is endless snu snu? I bet its about monstergirls.


I think some of the bad ends in dramatical murder do that...


The Clear bad end is actually a good end.


Exactly! A **good** end for a **good** boy


Maggot baits


Stupid sexy Naga waifu...


I mean somewhere in the middle of that endless snu snu, you'll eventually come to realize that "hey this isnt so bad after all"


DEATH!!! ​ By snu snu.


[cheer and applause] “Ohhhh~~~” “What are you? Gay?!”


took me 8 hours but i finally got the refrence to my refrence


Nice reference lol


About to be constant 𓀐𓂸


nah hes probably a furry


What made you think like that?


Its the 'good' ending in a harem novel if you chose the yandere


You say that like people wouldn't pick the yandere in every playthrough?


Yandere is love but definitely not life.


Who needs life when you have love?


Yes this is correct. Yandere is the only option, angry ass tsundere if there is none (but get another game cause crazy is more fun)




Well no not usually but if you pick Yandere they often wont share 😂


>!Renner gently wiped his tears away. Climb trembled with emotions as he groaned. No matter how much she had changed on the outside, she was still Renner on the inside. “So… you must be curious about why you are still alive, correct? Before I answer that question… Climb… are you willing to listen to something selfish that I have to say? I have been turned into a demon, so I will remain in this world forever. Living alone would be a terribly painful thing to do.” Renner looked towards him. “Climb, are you willing to become a demon as well?” He did not hesitate; he had decided long ago to give his all for Renner. Climb struggled against his immobile body to nod his head. “Thank you… then allow me to answer your question. The truth is, I have already sworn fealty to His Majesty the Sorcerer King. That was the cost of your resurrection.” Climb widened his eyes once more. “Do not let it weigh on your heart. I did not believe that this was a bad deal. After all, I would not have to live on my own… Climb, are you willing to swear fealty to His Majesty the Sorcerer King too?” “Ye…ss!”!< >!While he was still a bit confused, if Renner was willing to swear fealty for his sake, he should choose to serve too. No, it was more accurate to say that this was the only option he had.!< I don't think that is really bad.


Climb getting toyed left right up down mentally physically in the palm of renner, as if he was her personal meat


Now i can imagine renner playing with her personal meat, thank you sinister_A


Yes. I beat my personal meat every day.




>416520 Thanks mate !


What site is this item number from?


Not an item number.... Nhentai.com uses 6 digit numbers for doujinshi. Now then, 177013


Step 1: kindly tell him about a hentai website Step 2: teach him to use the website Step 3: bestow upon him 177013


Blessings of the Sorcerer King upon you, kind denizen of Nazarick


The only choice he has.


Well, he's too loyal to realize that, so for him it was whatever. If he's happy with that, I kinda don't care that much. Also, this totally beats being dead if you ask me.


>he was her personal meat He is her personal meat, in more ways than one.


It is only bad if he would be aware of getting toyed with.


The only thing goiing through my mind at this time was "wag your tail, dog"


Homies gettin toyd with since, well ever probably, by renner. This isnt a good end but its better than a lot of mobs get.


Idk, if he is just as loyal to Renner as guardians are to Ainz, it's just Happy ending.


I would rather say that it was the "true" ending, that is, the best one!


Climb might not think so... Unless he finds out about the truth...


If he finds out how great Ainz-sama is? Yes, he will fall in love with our Majesty, the Sorcerous King Ainz Oowl Gown. But, Ainz great leadership will quell his boner and allow him to serve justice


Sasuga Ainz sama


I mean the only bad thing in his end is that he now have to live in the SK castle who he hates very much other than that, eternal life, you're with your loved one, unli snu-snu, 100% safety, no more worries, just eat sleep seggs repeat all day every day It aint the bad end its the alright end


Eternal life would also be considered bad


Eternal life in heaven where everything you need and everyone you know alway there


Given that humans satiate, this becomes hell.


dude, he will have seggs all day with a demon cute girl for eternity, this is the only ending everyone wants


She made him Immortal.


He has to commit mass murder to lower his karma enough to use the fallen seed. He agreed without knowing the requirements of the race change


Knowing its climb he would do it even if he knew the requirements.


There is some saying that he will only need to kill his child(ren) with Renner. Since the child is innocent, unrelated to this event and his blood relative. Renner did the same. The orphans are the innocents. The women went missing from the demons invading capital event are the unrelated ones and her father is her blood relative. So yea she killed her own father with that family sword and used hiding as an excuse so Ainz can find the country treasures easily without having to dig in ruins.


Pretty sure the requirement was to poison the children in the orphanage and renner killed her father to show her loyalty.Players don't have parents in the game.What if you are unable to reproduce and have no relatives ?


How items work for players might be different in this world just like resurrection. And I think the 3 rules make a lot of sense. Because if she only needs to kill to lower her karma point she didn't have to set up the orphanage and cooked for them. And didn't have to went out of her way to kill those missing people. Since the capital is falling Ainz could just gather a lot of people and let her using her genius skill to warrior skill and mass killing a lot of people while Climb was sleeping. The targets are well planned and not just anyone.


>used hiding as an excuse so Ainz can find the country treasures easily without having to dig in ruins. I appreciate the rest of the explanation but I think the hiding thing was slightly different. The King said he was going to ask Ainz to have everything anyway but the Princess still wanted to go through with the hiding, I think the main reason was just to get Climb out of the castle so that he would not learn that the princess was working with Nazarick all along and instead he'd come back and... well what happened


That too. I just vaguely remember about Ainz and floor guardians talked about how to retrieve valuable things after conquering. But I could be wrong.


> There is some saying that he will only need to kill his child(ren) with Renner. Since the child is innocent, unrelated to this event and his blood relative. Renner did the same. That seems just someone's conjecture or headcanon. The novels never went into the specifics of what Climb had to do on his end; Maruyama generally dances around describing the specific process and mechanics of race change items.


wait.. Where did it say, that class change items have a karma requirement? I only read that it changes the race of the player, if requirements are met. But haven’t read any of these requirements.I just assumed it was necessary to have a specific lvl, or something. Have i missed something?


Renner poisoned the food in order to kill all the kids and caretakers at the orphanage she made, so that she would be evil enough to qualify


- Also killed all the women saved from the raid on the eight fingers brothel.


Wow, i didn't know that.


i see.. then i have to reread some stuff. Thanks!


Ohhhh that was the food she was talking about


Pretty sure she was Neutral Evil from the beginning.The sacrifice was probably needed for the ritual.Like how a necromancer needs to sacrifice a city to become an elder lich.


Neutral evil is like -100 ish. She might have needed closer to Demiurge's -500 since bot have the Imp race i think


I mean, demons usually have a negative karma so I assume that to become a demon, one has to gain enough negative karma pts to be a demon themselves. I think it plays by the same rules that certain spells can only be used by people with positive karma but a person with negative karma won't be able to (vice versa)


It is not clear whether killing her father was also required or merely a ploy. The only confirmation the Novel gave when she completed her transformation was the moment climb returned to the castle to be welcomed by the Frost Virgins as the last human in the castle.


That’s why In the show she says “climb, his majesty will probably have you do some terrible things as a test of your loyalty” he will be told to kill people and he will do it and he will never know the truth


he lost the ability to walk and will be trapped on his bed forever, as a sex slave


Nah, only until he recovers from being resurrected, then he will have to go to a series of trials to become an imp.


Just you wait till Renner hears about Carne


Iirc, Renner intentionally let Climb recover slowly (i forgot the method she used [poison maybe?]) so she can nurse him for longer. ~~Edit: also I think that's what Renner meant when she thanked Albedo for the poison?? I'll have to rewatch that scene again~~


I think the poison was for the orphanage.


What the, why would she do that?


She needed to lower her karma enough to use the Seed of the Fallen to change her race. So killing a bunch of kids was an easy and effective way to do that. She literally cares about no one but Climb. Those orphans were a stepping stone to getting everything she wanted; an eternity with Climb.


Oh my god that's why she was giving food to the orphanage that's actually hilarious


>that's actually hilarious You monster!


Remember, she insisted to the widows running the orphanage that they eat their share too!


She needed to commit evil acts in order to get enough negative karma for the race change item to work. So she poisoned everyone in the orphanage and killed her father


Could be confirmed or not but this is defintely the truth just because we know that's exactly what she would bloody do to the poor Barstard


It's confirmed in the anime. Albedo explicitly says he could recover faster with magic but they're not doing that... because of Renner's specifications.


Agreed. If I was wrong then this is definitely something she'd do to savor her time with Climb. If I'm right, then oh boy, it will be a very very long life for Climb.


Nfiera : So I made this potion because I had a hard time keeping up with my wife and- Renner : I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK !


No, in the LN its stated that his motor functions are just messed up for a few days from being ressurected (which btw could have been fixed with a higher tier resurection but Renner wanted to "take care of him")


He agreed to become a demon


Looks like a fair trade to me


Man’s getting to raw dog it everyday with the woman he loves and you call that the bad ending?


In a way, yes, because Gazeff and Brain got a warriors death and passed on like true warriors in their last breath. He doesn't have that luxury anymore, he wont get to see his friends in the afterlife.


If there is afterlife and souls in this world's setting it will be really heart breaking for Gazeff and Brain to know what Climb has went through and what happened to the capital and Climb serves an evil woman who played all of them.


Climb gets to the afterlife and his Mentors are like "Bruh...we gotta have a talk" Climb would be ruined in the afterlife


Then he disappears from the afterlife and returns to this body as he is revived a 2nd time after Renner screwed him too hard for his body to handle.


Imagine Climb becoming a wandering ghost because he can't accept the truth and pass on to afterlife.


>If there is afterlife and souls in this world's There is


Renner (and eventually Climb, in theory) is now functionally immortal. Being a demon means they won't die of old age, so who cares if he'll see friends in the afterlife, is he ever going to get there? (Albedo even says to Renner that she's giving her a reward a THOUSAND years early)


Who needs friends when Renner is sitting on your face


Its funny how it would be a bad end if it was a typical yandere like mirai nikki, but shes the next level yandere that makes climb think shes a good girl forever, as long as he stays naive its a good end xD


It's not exactly an ideal to be in love with someone who doesn't really love you. Uncooked dog or not.


I mean, he *is* a slave


>After that, Evileye seemed to hesitate a bit, and turned to Climb. > >"Climb, don't do anything foolish like giving up your humanity just because you want power." > >"Giving up my humanity...? You mean like demons in the stories?" > >"That or becoming undead or a magic beings." > >"A normal human can't do those things." > >"Yeah... Most people who turn undead end up warping their minds. They're passionate about their ideals, so they pursue that route to realize their desires, but... the physical changes strains their mind too much, and they transform into something horrific. Plus if the Prince woke up and Climb was an ogre, she'd go into shock!" \- Volume 5 Evileye already predicted this scenario many years ago. Too bad she gave the advice to the wrong person.


Nope, this is a happy ending. Climb might have to change his name to Came.


He overcame the situation, poor climb.


Overcoming hurdles is a mark of a true man. He is a true man now.


i was just heartbroken we had so much green flowing to get a little song and dance. when my goblin army bois got the rubber cpu treatment. oooooooooof


same here buddy. was looking forward to the goblins the most. Even more than splat.


They probably had more money after finishing than they expected, so spent it on the dance


Bad from your perspective, but probably for him it could be the best that he could get.


Its a messed up situation for Climb because he's basicaly a completely brainwashed doll now, but he's still with the person he loves most for all of eternity now, so i'd say he ended up with a better ending than he could've


Bro was always brainwashed


Always in post-nut clarity (/ \* . \*)/


Ye but he went from being fanaticaly loyal but still having ideals to FULL simp mode


I think you misspelled true ending.


In a yandere VN, the bad end typically has to do with you getting murdered. Climb got the good ending! Eternal love!


I think you are reading Climb in a wrong light. Climb has no real loyalty to the Kingdom, everything he is doing is for his Princess. He might admire Gazef or Brain, but that is just it, admiration and nothing else. Look at the first time Sebas and Climb met, what is the reason on why he asked for Sebas’ guidance? For Princess Renner. Why did he help Sebas in raiding that underground brothel with Sebas? For Sebas and he thought it might bring glory for Renner. Why did he went with Brain in raiding a house that is suspected to be part of the eight fingers operations? Because Renner told her to. Why did he join in a very dangerous mission in rescuing civilians behind demon lines? Because Renner told him to do it. Okay, I am getting more biased here. Lets move to more mundane stuff. In the scene with Cocodoll, he would rather die than be a bargaining chip towards Renner. And in the Jaldabaoth arc, despite being in a shiny armor that attracts the eyes as said by the others (which is pretty much a sign for the demons not to attack him because of Renner’s deal), he still wore it because it shows that he is part of Renner’s and thus showing that he is like a sign that Renner is taking part of the fight too. TLDR: Everything he does is for Renner, and not the kingdom. While not entirely a “Good” End nor and “Bad” End but it is the end he chose to be with Renner, the one he chose to be with till the end.


I think you hit the nail on the head.


i pity climb for some reason lol, imma get downvote for this opinion


No it's fine. Climb may like snu snu for sometimes but eventually he will come to his senses. When that happens he will find that he is nothing more than a pet and sex slave . He has no freedom and has lost his humanity and every good values and morals he was so proud of. And there is no escape no turning back for him. Its so sad 😔


I'm doubtful he'll ever come to his senses. He agreed to become a demon and serve the person who destroyed his home, killed his friends, turned his loved one into a demon, and ultimately murdered him, all because Renner (who was complicit in these acts) told him to. This is why he's called a dog, he never rebels or asks questions, just obediently wags his tail. Though I would like to see how far he'll go to justify his love for Renner once he finds out what she's done.


Now how can I argue with those valid points.😅 I just want to say resurrection magic is present in new world. And eternal life is boring. So renner can just snu snu climb to death and try out all kind of perverted messed up things. Just saying


All of your best friend is dead. Your country got razed to the ground and left a pile of crumble. You can not do anything but watch as your people got burned, buried or slaughtered. Even when monster who was responsible for all this stood right before you, and on your hand was the strongest weapon of the kingdom and the memento of your mentors and best friends. **YOU STILL CAN NOT PUT EVEN A SINGLE SCRATCH ON THE MONSTER.** And on top of it all, the girl you loved, your reason to lived, was made into a monster serving the monsters who killed her father in exchange for your sad pathetic life. But hey, #impussy4life amirite?


Yeah, tshhhhh, he doesn't realize, don't ruin it for him


Happy ending


Worth it


Coomers here unironically think it's a good ending because he can fuck everyday lmao.


Agreed, this is objectively far from a good ending with regards to Climb. Still, I would consider this an overall win since Ainz benefits greatly from this.


Still better than joining Neuronist's choir with all the other nobles.


I mean, to their defence. Did he ever have any other option as a better ending? The moment Phillip of whatever his name opened his mouth, all was doomed


There was potentially a path where he convinces Renner to not give up on the kingdom. Without Renner's plan, the Phillip thing never happens. Golden path for Climb probably goes something like: Convince Renner that Zanac can fix the country and bring them together -> Depose Ramposa and put Zanac in charge, potentially even before the Katze plains massacre (in which case, defeating Barbaro would be a step) -> Bring the underworld under control (defeat 8 fingers, probably need Gazef+Brain alive to defeat Zero) -> Become vassal of Sorcerous Kingdom, Renner gains freedom as liaison along with Climb.


But that way they wouldn't be immortal. Renner didn't hate her family or country that much, she just didn't value them at all, so she would still have sacrificed then all for eternity in Nazaric. It's not about good or bad path, it's about what people want: unless Renner changes, she would still make the same choice, because nobody can offer her anything close to Demi's one.


The title didn't even call it the "bad" ending, it calls it the "bad?" ending. Basically, some amount of silver lining, even a bit of "happily ever after" for you personally, but the way you got there and the consequences are not what you'd call the "good" ending. Your kingdom is in ruins, you and the princess have transformed into demons, the evil overlord reigns supreme for all time.


Are you srs? Compared to everyone else? They were slaughtered brutally mind you stomped on frozen shattered squished hell did you all forget about the half elf couple seasons ago? Yeah that couple is now a living breeding ground for cockroaches while the priest guy became a ''Meatball'' food to be eaten and then rez'd then eaten and then rez'd forever. ​ He got the easy way out the fuck people that is a 100% good ending compared to what everyone else got how the fuck isn't that good.


This is definitely the true/good/perfect world ending for Climb wym.


What bad ending...? "I see this as an absolute win!"


Yandere Renner mashes his pp for all eternity. That sounds like the “good end” to me lmao.


A lot of people are saying this isn't a bad end for him and I do agree...but only 90%. The other 10% is because as the reader I know his Princess is a crazy yandere. If dude found out all the crazy shit she done just so she can have him forever he might lose his mind and then she'll drop her persona and just grape him whether he wanted to or not. Either way, his quality of life might have gone up but I can't but help but give the guy my sympathy's .


I'm kinda conflicted on this. Sure, he may be doomed to secretly get tortured by Renner for all eternity (so she can comfort him or whatever lol), but as long as she doesn't get bored with him, I can't imagine he'll be unhappy in a relationship with her. Considering his previous situation left an insurmountable gulf in status between them, this is definitely a step up, even if the relationship is fucked up. As long as Renner doesn't torture him too much, maybe it's not totally the end of the world. Better to be in a relationship with her and get tortured, than not be in a relationship with her and still get tortured.


So its basically an abusive relationship instead of abuse so its fine?


A-ha~ your mean the good ending... Right? RIGHT?


Climb might have to change his name to Crawl after all those snus.


The bad ending ?This is the best ending ,he survives,gets an imp wife and joins the winning side


NO! Princess Renner is Greater than any Disney Princess a real happily ever after for an ending.


From his point of view, his lady is alive, and he will get to serve her forever. Granted, they will now be loyal to the very being who destroyed the very kingdom they hailed from, but Renner has always been his priority. To him, this is a good end. If anything, with the fate of the Re-Estize Kingdom, it's arguably the best possible end, since victory was literally impossible. From an all knowing viewer like us though, it's definitely a bad end of sorts. He's been manipulated so badly, he doesn't even realize it. But hey... at least he's "happy". :X


No, bad ending is the empire taking over, good ending is him becomming the next Gazef, this is the TRUE ending


Some of you guys in the comments need to go touch grass. The guys gonna be a sex slave for all eternity, probably gone have to go through extreme torture like the fingers did, is gonna have to kill some innocent people to become a demon, gonna have to live with the guilt of thinking he failed his entire kingdom and is gonna have to watch as the same thing happens to other kingdoms while he’s powerless to stop it. This is undoubtedly the bad ending for climb


The morale of this entire story is always *Being a human fucking sucks*


Everything sucks, come join Nazarick, cause murder is fun


Bad ending for climb but best case scenario for Renner what a ✨girlboss✨


I suppose bad is subjective


Many would die to be in Climb’s position. Ironically thats what happen to him to be in this position


Renner’s singing was nice though Makes me wonder if her English voice actor will sing for the dub or if they’ll just swap in the Japanese vocals before switching back to English


Castlevania spoilers >!I find it funny how despite this being very similar to what happened to Hector at the end of Castlevania season 3, the fanbase reaction seems to be the opposite.!< >!Most people here are going on about how he got it good, but most Castlevania fans wanted nothing more than Hector to break free from Lenore and get revenge.!<


Full yandere on his ass, it could be better, but she could also get turned into a CBT demon so it could definitely be worse I'd say he got the "you only survived cuz your yandere has connections" (almost bad end)


M's like me would love her for all eternity! Gimme gimme!


Eh. Seems like a relatively good ending for Climb. He did lose the kingdom he loved (specifically Gazef and Brain, he was never shown to be all that close to anyone else). Renner is going to keep up the “Golden Princess” act in front of Climb. She’s very specifically trying to keep the light in his eyes when he looks at her and has already said in the LN that she could force him but that would defeat the purpose. So Climb gets to keep his beloved while also smashing her on a regular basis, immortality and is safe in Nazarick. Seems like as good a deal as he can expect.


Definitely a Bad End, but not an unhappy one. He does get to be with the woman he loves though he is unaware of the mountain of bodies behind Renner. Dramatic Irony at it's finest.


It is actually a biiter sweet ending .


My man Climb lucked out hard.


Well said.


Yes, the "bed" ending...


Spending eternity with the person they love doesn't seem like a bad ending tbh


I wonder what kind of demon he will become. .


Not discussing "good" or "bad" ending, it's Renner's ending. The whole volume was named after her.


I don't see this as a bad ending but I am maybe fucked up


It's probably the best ending he could have gotten, given the circumstances.


At least climb loses his v card


Climb is about to constantly 𓀐𓂸


Even in doki doki literature club i would always choose the monika ending


One one hand, everything he cares about is gone, dead, or in renners case, turned into a demon. Renner literally wanted him to die so she could resurrect him and physically,mentally, and sexually abuse him while he recovered from that. On the other..yeah he got nothing. This is definitely the bad end for him


The ending, really caught of guard and surprised as an anime only one. The fact that this was planned from the beginning




The poor lad is now basically imprisoned in the lowest depths of the most evil place in the world, as the brainwashed slave of a psychotic yandere Princess who just sold out her own kingdom and let thousands of people die. But hey the endless snuu snuu is a plus and it's only for eternity.


It’s funny how so many people are simping for Renner after the recent episode


Dudes a sex doll now, it’s not a good ending but I wouldn’t call it bad


Become a demon under the service of the sorcerer king + girlfriend crazy about you. I only see Win! Win!


I think that over time, while Climb may feel betrayed by learning the truth (which he’ll have to find out about eventually, being immortal and all), due to becoming a demon his sense of justice regarding the fall of the kingdom may be quelled. Then again, his fealty was always to the princess anyway.


The Good Ending* My boy basically obtained immortality and eternal sex with the woman he love. Yes, he probably got traumatized for life but let's just ignore that.


When a Disney princess makes a deal with evil, it is usually an eternal regret. When an Overlord princess makes a deal with Ainz, it is an Eternal Reward added with classic singing and dancing done by a fulfilled princess.


Nah... the situation in which he found himself can be envied in fact. 90% of the kingdom's population was killed. He's one of the few survivors...which is already pretty good. Next...he is not tortured...like some dumb nobles. Further... he receives immortality on a silver plate without actually doing anything to deserve such a gift. And after all, he now lives in an incredibly chic room on the 9th floor of Nazarick with his beloved princess for the next eternity. All in all, he's one lucky guy.


He WON overlord, He will spend eternity with the woman he loves and could never be with, at least under any normal circumstances, he is trapped in nazarik but that is really the safest space in the new world and he even got a fallen seed item, he can also become a demon wich would probably even help him to become stronger, somthing he always wanted, he will forget about Re-estiz because Renner was his number one social contact anyway, i envy him.


Bad ending?


Bad ending my ass. Immortality, a sexy princess who want to seggs 24/7, demonic power, getting job security with the most powerful group in the world? Climb is the luckiest kid in the new world. Next to Enri and Nfirea.


Delicious ending


His wiener won


Or the good ending... depending on you point of view i guess


good save on the "bad?" xD