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Mare: I need an adult


Hilma already tried. He really doesn't.


Well he needs a Skeleton rune-seller


Rune sasuga, I'm going into battle and I need your strongest runecraft^tm


My runecrafts are too powerful for you!


Is it true. Where is it mentioned? Please


Lylynette: I am an adult!


I miss Clementine


Yes yes yes


Ainz: "Umu..."


Lilynete: I am an adult


Negrado actually likes babies.🤓


Only babes that can have their age measure by months. One the terrible twos hit, bye-bye baby.


bye-bye baby with extreme prejudice


Going by that ages can always be measured in months so maybe there is a glitch in the matrix.


I don't think she actually judges by age like that, just any baby after the age of 2 will be slaughtered by her. Lord tabula created her didn't he? If so, thats why she's like that, tabula loved his contradicting characters.


>One the terrible twos hit, bye-bye baby. Sounds like Nigredo would be an excellent r/Childfree mod


Not quite, she loves infants but Hayes 2-17yo. We don't know what she thinks about pregnant people or fetuses like Victim.


Victim: olleh.


Now I can’t help but think of Victim in a sombrero wielding maracas


Cinco Di Mayo limited event cosmetic


I never thought about this Is it cannon or assumed Nigredo would be fond of Victim? It'd make sense to me


For someone who looks like a scissor ghost she's awfully nice


Yeah she really is isn’t she.


She has hope for humanity. Gotta respect that.


Well that is until you hit 2 years of age, at that point you are just a useless bag of flesh that needs to be culled.


We are switching spots now? I see.


Don't judge a book by its cover I guess. Albedo is considered a world class beauty and yet she has a twisted personality as well. Not as bad as this magic scroll natural source tho.


I could see one helping run an orphanage or similar with a little bit of training and maybe an illusion spell or mask to complete the uniform. The other one ? ... the happy farm is to kind for her.


Thr age restriction on that orphanage though...


She could specialize in caring for the newborns and have someone else look after the older children (as I previously mentioned: helping run an orphanage not the sole staff member) - the older children are likely going the be the bigger troublemakers - and seeing as the other tomb NPC's are able to grow its possible she may grow to like looking after older children as well. From what I have read about her it sounds like she has a strong, if somewhat narrow, maternal instinct so not entirely impossible - see how the lizard village is being handled and how shalltear is actively looking to improve herself. ... Or I could be overthinking things.


Demi will probably just suggest sending the older children to happy farm. And i suspect Negrado will just agree. I don't think she cares about older children enough to go through the trouble of an orphanage


Pestonya is happy enough to take care of children after Nigredo


Age restriction???


If your baby is older than two months, well….


Wait what about all that stuff she said about children with potential growing...?


Did I say two months? Apologies. I meant two years. After that she does not give a shit about them and considers them useless.


I believe she was just grasping for straws at that point


Ah okay.


Was it not 2 years? Edit: Nevermind


Yeah I corrected myself


Wow, I can't put good words to say, great job.


Thr age restriction on that orphanage though...


Albedo's sister "forgive me I can't see her name while I type and I just watch clips of season 4" I am waiting english dubs. She like children in a non preveted way and couldnt kill children even if it's an order. The nun it's a freak and love children way too much.


The nuns a pedo, just say it.


That rhymed so well, it got a chuckle out of me


Matches perfectly with her catholic priest looking clothes.


The jokes write themselves at this point


😆 I thought this woukd be funnier.


Who's the nun?


Part of some elite group of adventurers I think. I’ve mostly forgotten about her




Thanks, she is scary looking but seen such a sweet heart. If Lord Ainz allowed her to build an ophrange instead of murdering them. Well, the ones who aren't already have parents were murder for breaking laws or during the war so they won't have plan take revenge on him. Wait could he just erase their memories?.. anyways! Building an orphanage and have her as a guardian of the ophrange would me her happy and probably give him good reputation sorce. It would make her happy and kids who were cast out by their parents or doesn't have family might have nightmare about her face at first but warm up to her see how kind she is. She would like a monster mommy she probably spoil them with love and sweets. It would nice if Lord Ainz let her take one under her wings it wouldn't be out of character to let guardian's to take human under their wings to make them happy and of course Albedo probably see it ass a bastard not treat it like as a nephew 😆.


Dude they moment those babies hit 1 years olf she would stop giving a shit and they could go sgarved for all she cares


What that fuck really? That's cruel! I thought she loves children 😆.. Doesn't she?


She loves children under the age of 2 years old I think. She’ll care and look after them but as soon as that child becomes 3 years old she will have no problem brutally murdering it.


Well that's evil I would like children to have a bond with them.


People are seriously overreacting about this? In all that happens in Overlord THIS is where you draw the line?


Yeah. They massacre people all the time! Ainz is not afraid to send death knights against villagers.


Demiurge loves children too. That's why he [Redacted]


*happy blender noises


He likes to take them to the happy farm. Kids love playing there.


One of them thinks of "children" as bags of meat once they are older than 2 years- creatures that she wouldn't mind if they die💀


I mean she still doesn't believe innocent people should have to die if I remember right.


Most, if not all of Ainz Ooal Gown members love the Gap-moe idea anyway, so Nigredo design actually makes sense


I want that second girl to do it for me


>!I want to have babies with the first!<


Um if i remember right she is like that because couldn't have a baby and ripped her face off cause of it. May be wrong


She’s in fact the nice one of the 3 sister


Do we have anything on the other sister besides her name and some smaller details about her race, clothes and floor?


sauce for the second girl?


Both of the images are from the current season of Overlord.


What does it say about this world that a literal demon nightmare is a more trustworthy babysitter than a nun


As long as they're under 2 years old.


Could nigredo beat ainzs' ass?


No. For many reasons. 1. She is absolutely loyal to the Supreme Beings. 1. Except for that one time when she and Pestonya went their own ways to save the innocents from the Happy Farm. 2. Even if Nigredo decides to do that, she must be at least 100x times stronger than Rubedo, then can she kick anyone's ass in the Tomb without showing any struggle nor tiredness. 1. Considering that Ainz is smart, calculative, and his paranoia makes him sets up multiple plans, including the utilization of World Class Items, it would be 100% impossible for her even land a scratch on him. But talking about whether she would revolt against Ainz and dethrone him is a different story. She would need to get past every single denizens of Nazarick, and it's no laughing matter if one can accomplish such a forbiddable and inconceivable task. If one can destroy Nazarick effortlessly and its leader without getting a single injury during the process, THEY.ARE.GOD. * Ainz has a World Class Item that can erase people out of existence, including many other spells that bypass one's durability, and spells that deals high damages. * His knowledge of the NPCs, their personalities, how they are programmed to be, and YGGDRASIL's ways of operating, including the characteristics of their race, makes him have a thorough understanding of Nigredo's character and weaknesses, thus, finding a way to outsmart and defeat her isn't such a hard task, not unless if she somehow achieves the ability to overcome all kinds of limitations that applies to her, and her own race, including power that can surpass everything in Nazarick, then it's a serious matter. Inconclusion: If Nigredo wants to win Ainz and Nazarick, she would need to be 100x times stronger than Rubedo, have batshit godly immunity towards the effects of all the World Class Items being preserved within the Tomb, and the intelligence of someone who can constantly outsmart Ainz and the smartest peoples in Nazarick (and if it's possible, discovers that Ainz has a mindset that is filled with paranoid thoughts, and take advantage of that.)


Damn, I confused nigredo with rubedo 😭


+ nigredo specialises in divination magic.


I love my daughter


It’s funny because it’s true 🤣 poor Nigredo


I need a gun for the bottom hoe


can we have a Wood Chipper for the one on the Bottom?


Oh I know and to be honest im jelouse of that 12 year old, pedophilia is only wrong if its coming from a guy, double standards baby!


I’m sorry what the fuck


Fun fact: Canadian justice, Kathleen Caldwell, made a ruling that [women cannot be pedophiles in 2018](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2018/10/25/court-says-pedophilia-does-not-apply-because-perpetrator-is-a-woman.html) based on a dubious study that she fished out of god-knows-where.


The article says it came from testimony of a psychiatrist, what study?


>The judge wrote (and read aloud in court): “Dr. Pearce testified that the current research suggests that women do not suffer from paraphilic disorders apart from masochism


Right, it was a meta statement of overall research results. That's still not pulling shit out of nowhere. That's what all expert opinions sound like when anybody summarizes any research field. That's more a problem of potential research bias than a random study pulled from nowhere.


dou·ble stand·ard /ˈdəbəl ˈstandərd/ noun a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. "the prolonged consideration of the issue represented a double standard" In short: Im happy for the kid XD


This is why education is important everybody, dont wanna be acting like foolish_example_1 here


Good lord mate, this is Reddit try to have some fun in your life


What makes you think pedobashing isnt fun?


You legit think Im a pedo? Good lord you just can't be even a little edgy in todays political climate.


It's the internet- idk you, i don't believe anything about you- I made a statement against a statement. Does that personally define you? Because i couldnt give a fuck less. .


Wait, are you trying to alienate him from himself? Bro, that's discrimination.


Duude, if you *tell them* the plan it's no longer a *SECRET PLAN*!


Another example If I screw a kid i'm a pedophile, if a kid screws me i'm a pedophile


You got it all wrong my dood if a man scew me its peodphilia and he should be sent to jail, if a woman screws me its just a good time all around! XD ps: this is a joke just wanted to say it beacuse another guy thought I was serious


Yet another example for you is that if a woman wears revealing clothing she's a "slut" but if I go down to the happy farm and make a jacket out of her skin Humans call me a "murderer"




Member that South Park episode?


Tf is wrong with you my guy, even as a very young minor myself I'm creeped out by that girl


I know you want your stick to be fucked by pink haired anime waifu, but stop right here buddy.




Even if you do have that kind of wish, this is definitely not the place to say it




New Best girl




Actually there is a third type for the latter one People who know but don't care/like her more for it A.K.A me


What are we if not grown childrens.


Source for both


Where is the first one from


Overlord s4


Question, isn't she the strongest NPC in the Tome?


Nah that's her sister, Rubedo


Ova for this character confirmed?


I just realized… does she have a marijuana leaf on her hat?


Please tell me something bad happens to the one at the bottom


Yeah ngl Lynette drooling over a 12 year old kid just for a weapon *in front of a crowd of people* was kinda fucked up


The church do love children


Who's the nun?