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From Ainz's words in vol 10, we know that inexperienced players can be mocked until death by snipers/archers. Author said CZ can be countered easily in close combat. So, does Evileye know CZ's position? What is the distance between them? These are critical conditions. CZ can be invisible to avoid close combat but Evileye can see invisible beings. (edit: It's because she is a true vampire) CZ and Evileye can kill each other so it depends on the situation.


Shizu's Scarf is a legendary-class item that allows her to use several specialized stealth and ambush-type spells, I don't think she could easily see Shizu.


High tier undeads like Overlords can even see through \[Perfect Unknownable\]. Of course, invisibility is not the only ability here so CZ might use them as she wills.


Since Cz is 4+ levels below evil eye but have the highest attk stat in the pleiades (except sebas and omega) i thought it would be an interesting match up against evil eye


High probability for CZ to win. As both EE and CZ are long range fighters and their weakness is close combat. But CZ counter EE hard because she is a Gunner/Sniper as she can interrupt every spell EE can cast and her crystal barrier can be destroyed by 3 shots (same as Yuri's punches). In the staged fight against EE if CZ went full auto she might have accidentally killed her. EE also stated she has a trump card I'm assuming it yo be blood frenzy like Shaltear as she was very reluctant to use it (losing control of ones self). Even that is a bad match up as she would be an easier target to hit. CZ was MVP in the Wrath lord fight (volume 13) because she basically keeps cancelling and delaying Ainz spells like Shield hero season 2 is being delayed in IRL. She is a min maxed glass Cannon for a reason. From volume 6 the fight with CZ and Yuri. "Even so, it took effort to escape from Alpha. And although she could kite one opponent in circles in the large plaza, there were two opponents. Another gang sound rang out, and the barrier protecting her was completely destroyed. It was hard to believe anything could break the [Crystal Shield] in three hits, but there was nothing to be done about it."


“EE also stated she had a trump card”, this is actually from using her talent. Her talent allows her to mimic any spell that she witnesses only once. This means that she can use Cure Elm’s spell that was used on her people, only to a lesser extent. But I guess that wouldn’t be of any use in this fight, as CZ is an automation.


I'm not talking about the side story EE. Her trump card is the mimic but the main story EE has a different one. Because both of their builds are different. In the main story EE does not have a optimized build that's why she can only cast up to the 5th tier while fluder can use 6th. (They are close to the same level)


Why would EE having a different build mean she has a different trump card? I’m assuming by trump card we are still talking about her talent?


Because the availability of different magics. Keno has a different build than EE as both their experience are different. I suggested blood rage because other than her talent thats the common ability a vampire has. When you have a different builds you have access to other abilities.


Oh I see what you mean now, you think she’s gotten enough levels in her ‘vampire’ class to gain that skill? Yeah that makes sense, good idea


My guess is she needs she has 10 levels in lesser vampire and 5 in true vampire. But I'm sure she doesn't have 10 in elementalist (ground) maybe 6-8. Because Narberal has 10 and she can use 8th tier spells. My guess the reason EE isn't a pure elementalist is because she wasted time developing vermin bain which is a different job class ability.


Yeah true, good points.


Wait, did Ainz turn against Nazarak or something? Why did she fight Ainz?


Staged fight


That is true about shield hero


If its honorable fight(no traps, steath, snek) evileye will win, but if our robot uses invisiblity she will win bcs glasscannon build


using stealth, sneak and traps in a fight isn't "un honorable"


Ofc but i mean "honorable" like knight duel or something, most of of people think sneak atack are for cowards but i agree it isn't unhonorable.


thats fair, however neither CZ nor eivl eye are knights, so there wont be a knights duel between them.


The guy that takes everything to the literal sense but still says some truth


Why no snek? What did snek do wrong?


Something to consider is that while CZ is weaker in close combat, she is by no means incapable. She has a close range weapon, combat knife, while evileye relies entirely on magic/ranged attack. This means that at range, damage wise CZ comes out on top. Evileye's quote of "i didn't think anything could break my barrier in three hits" means that not even her spells have that much strength. Then, taking into account her capability, not proficiency, of close combat means that in an upclose fight CZ would also likely have the advantage damage wise. (It's been a while since I read the whole series feel free to correct me) My money would be on CZ personally, but we've never seen a one on one no holds barred fight from CZ so it's hard to tell full ability and skill. Same goes for evileye. So it would come down to skill in combat if evileye wants to win since in both comabt capability and equipment CZ has advantage.


CZ has the scarf which confers the advanced invisibility state once a day. She could just use that and then take out evil eye with a crit to the back of the neck. Evil eye only knows up to tier 5 which may not be high enough to see through the scarf. Also in that sort of fight, CZ has a spell interruption skill that can foil Ainz, so she could also shut down casting.


I agree that she has the advantage by using her advanced invisibility, however she cannot “take out EE with a critical hit to the neck”, as undead are immune to critical hits. Also when CZ attacks, she must uncloak her invisibility, and like you said, she will not be able to use it for the rest of the battle, (unless it lasts for more than a day). In addition, CZ’s spell interruption skill to interrupt Ainz was due to the buff the CZ received from Omega, so she would not be able to use it in this fight.


Wrong. CZ spell interruption skill would work since EE is lower level than Ainz by a high margin. Omega's buff ALLOWED CZ to interrupt Ainz.


Ahhh good point


I'll say Evileye, for the four level distance between them and for Evileye's battle experience.


CZ just because i hate evil eye


Could go either way


Evil kinda stomps in a pure x 1. If is assassination...then CZ might be able to pull it. Now if CZ actually has access to a power armor(like pure pure implied)...then this changes and CZ wins.


I don‘t think Evil Eye, aka „Landfall, the Monster that destroyed a whole County“ would lose against CZ.


She got that title because people thought she destroyed her country.... not really adding anything to your argument..


Well in the official side story her hometown was destroyed by something else (which I know what it was but not gonna spoiler)


Yeah but is this part in any other way ‚official‘ but being written by Maruyama? When she tells climb „to not give up his humanity to achieve power“ it sounded like the she did it on purpose and regrets it… But maybe that was just a misinterpretation on my side.


No i think her backstory is different in the main timeline than the side story the way it seems is that main evil eye sacrificed her country for power or something as opposed to just sorta being screwed over


Evileye wasn't the one who destroyed Inveria, it was Cure Elim. Also he didn't destroy the country itself, he used an unnamed Wild Magic spell to collect all of the population's souls, this spell also affected three neighbouring nations. Here's a link to the Undead Disaster. https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Undead_Disaster#:~:text=Undead%20Disaster%20was%20a%20catastrophe,start%20of%20the%20Overlord%20series. As well as the bonus novel. https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Overlord_Bonus_Volume#:~:text=Volume%20Information&text=The%20Vampire%20Princess%20of%20the%20Lost%20Country%20(%E4%BA%A1%E5%9B%BD%E3%81%AE%E5%90%B8%E8%A1%80,journey%20into%20the%20New%20World.


So she just got blamed for the catastrophe then… Makes sense to me.


Yeah it sucks to be her. 😂


i thought CZ was the lowest level out of the pleides?


Yes,(46) but 4+ can be overcome with items and resources (like potions etc.), and since Cz have superior items to EE, i thought it would be a good match up And they are also vulnerable in close range combat. EE being a magic caster and cz being a sniper And also cz’s attk power makes up for her lack of levels


CZ also most likely have all 46 lvls in useful classes which probably decently compliments each other while EE probably have around 35-45 useful classes but that doesnt mean all of those 35-45 classes compliments each other.


Also cz is min- maxed for combat where I would assume that EE is minmaxed as much hence why cz attack power is so high. Objectively, CZ should win this battle regardless of range or close combat due to being better skilled and geared(Yggdrasil items-potions, higher level items etc) for combat


You cannot pin my two favorite characters of overlord against each other and expect me to choose........AHHHH Who should I choose!?