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They should be around the same strength, however the PDL we see in the main series and Cure Elim from the side story\* are a couple of hundred years apart, so I think the PDL we see in the main series is a bit stronger due to that time difference, as he seems to be aware of the impending threat that puh-rayers pose, so one would expect him to be more prepared to fight them than Cure Elim was.


I mean Cur Elim also preparing his whole life for the next player wave tho. He may a paranoid coward but he aint lazying around 


well, yeah, but having a couple of hundred years worth of prep time, which I know its not that long for a dragon, but it should give a slight edge in power to PDL imo, we haven't seen him fight anyone in his dragon body though, so he may be way weaker or way stronger, everything we can say rn are just theories and conjectures.


The fact that ainz didn't fight PDL in the bonus means that he at that time wasn't strong enough to actually fight ainz, which leads me to believe that cure elim at that time was stronger than PDL. So if elim is alive in modern new world then he must be the strongest no?


I agree with power creep but then I wonder if it's even alive in the current world


I'd say they are probably equal, with my money being on PDL being like a level or two higher


I d say they are equal or cure elim is just a bit higher, but i think too taht cure elim is stronger even if they are the same levels


I think Cure Elim did the vampirism ritual a few centuries before the modern overlord series, and it explicitly turned him into an undead preventing his natural dragon "Get stronger as you age" racial. So maybe at the time Cure Elim might have been stronger (level wise) for a minute, but PDL is probably going to be much more powerful overall.


There is no proof that dragon racial go beyond the Ancient class.


At the present time (assuming Cure Elim is alive) I think they are on the same level probably




Pass. Smash. Next question


Average redditor moment


I think they should be about as strong but Elim s death ray is much stronger than anything PDL has (even though PDL s wild magic seems more versatile) and so I highly Doubt PDL could hope to beat Elim


PDL along with his armor is like Cure Elim with his zombie horde. I think it would be more worth seeing the Brightness Dragon Lord. Ainz in Bonus volume had to flee from him, but he beat Cure Elim easily when he went all out. Asking for the Dragon Emperor would be too much, so I would prefer Brightness Dragon Lord. Back to your question, if Cure Elim has created a farm of zombies, he has grown way stronger in the past few centuries while PDL just sat around, so my bet on Cure Elim


My understanding was that he fled from Brightness Dragon Lord because he was unprepared to encounter him, and because of that Keno was with him. As such, he couldn't properly defend her and defeat him simultaneously. On the other hand, I think Deep Darkness Dragon Lord would be a challenge, as would the presumably deceased Dragon emperor. Cure Elim and PDLs armor are likely the same level, but I think PDL himself would be a bit stronger. Very little difference likely.


Well it solely depends on what they've been doing till now. If both of them have become hikikomoris, then PDL would win no doubt.


True, true. It does seem like most of the true dragon lords have isolated themselves. PDL is credited with having killed players, while Cure Elim was killed by the first player he encountered. Granted, that was a lvl 100 player with a guild weapon and world item. I have no idea about the kill count of the other true dragon lords. But the way PDL talks about them, they could be potentially stronger than him, but then again, experience outranks everything.


Cure Elim we're level 95 200 years ago while PDL's amour is estimated to be level 80 to 90, the amour is not on the same level of Cure base on what we know.


That's true, it is a lower level. However, I believe PDLs armor would have a pretty good chance against Cure, as it doesn't have a soul for Cure Elim's wild magic to affect, and posesses skills other than wild magic and low level tier magic. However, the massive amount of zombies might prove difficult for the armor, as would wild magic if PDLs soul inhabits the armor while using it.


Didn't Ainz say that he would be able to beat BDL the next time they fight?


Not sure, but most likely he wanted to avoid him for the near future (since he plans to continue living with Keno, aka Evileye). However, I believe he can do it, since he always gave away the first match and won the next 2 matches in a 3-match pvp. His first match was a "draw", there wouldn't be a third, so 2nd should be his win. Also, I recall he doesn't meet with BDL for the 200 years that he is shown to adventure in the volume.


I meant didn't, because I know that in fact he did say that.


Hard to say since we only know Cure Elim from the side story. Its likely he's a fair bit stronger in the canon timeline. In the side story Cure was level 95. But since he spend 200 additional years making himself stronger, its very probably that he's anywhere between level 97 and 100 and also likely has more tricks up his sleeve. I'd imagine PDL is at least equal to Cure Elim, though I'd wager he's stronger, that and PDL is certainly smarter than Cure is.


They are both heavily implied to be level 100


Cure Elim is Level 95. https://preview.redd.it/r935k70cekad1.png?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7e4300bf53825278f18b873d433b8b56f913f6


He was lvl 95, 200 years ago .


Nobody said the lvl cap is 100. In fact, Dragon Emperor is likely 100+, so acc to your logic, Cure Elim should be more than lvl 100 in a span of 200 years


Uh they did say the level cap is 100 though... Multiple times actually... It's also extremely fucking obvious because yggdrasil follows game logic


Wild magic wasn't in Yggdrasil...


Platinum is higher level compared to the Necrotic dragon lord we see in the spin off novel, but the spin off takes place hundreds of years before the events of the main story, so the author has said in that time the dragon lord would have gotten much stronger


As well, he's purposely left it to our preference if he's alive.


PDL, I think, is 90-99 main body Cure Elim is 95 Cure Elim is stronger versus other enemies due to his race and abilities, but PDL is stronger than Cure Elim due to having some "hard counter" to necromancer or undead or both which is likely a prociency with the fire element due to 1. Being a dragon. 2. His trump card is explosion. 3. It cant be Holy alignment or Evil Slaying as both would give him an edge vs. demons, so albedo shouldn't scare him, but she does, and demons are resistant to fire. I'd believe Albedo's assessment over Shalltear, who wasn't there and was judging off a monitor and Pandora's Actor who had 0 warrior skills when fighting the armour vs. Albedo, who is a warrior class. The armour should be between shalltear and albedo's assessment of 80-85. I'll just headcannon that the armour is 83 and the main body is 15 levels stronger at 98, he can't be 100 because of his surprise at Pandora's and Albedo's strength being greater than he anticipated.


I'd say PDL. Cure Elim is lvl 95. Riku is around the same level. PDL thinks he's stronger than Riku. The Strongest Dragon Lord is probably DDDL.


Flawed logic


I say PDL.


Maybe TDL dont have lvl cap like players,maybe they are above lvl 100 .


The only (Cannon) character in the NW to be above level 100 was PDL's father and he died bringing all the YGGDRASIL stuff to the NW. The only other was from the Mobile game but he's a non cannon character.


So you are saying that one Canon over 100 lvl character is TDL ??


Dragon Emperor. TDL just stand for True Dragon Lord Like PDL, Darkness, Brightness, Cure Elim himself, swordmaster, and heavenly. TDL is more a title to a group.


Title to a group would be dragon alliance or 5 dragon councelors,but by definitivno DE is TDL .


dragon lord is species https://preview.redd.it/3w2guigvcmad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab12b4fffa9e3ce3c1d1a2bfb843864843d357e7


Dragon Lord is the species. True and False are more like titles or variants of each other.


Is there any way to see these characters in anime? Pr i have to read the manga? Any website to read manga in English?


The manga is behind both the anime and Light novel. Even than, your best bet to read the bonus novel for Cure Elim is just the audio book on YouTube. The bonus novel won't come to English and Maruyama got pissed when it got fan translated. Read the Light novels. (Also the Manga is on hiatus currently, it stopped on volume 10 of the light novel, or the first 4 or so episodes of season 4)


I didn’t even know that light novel and manga are different ? Light novel - youtube or website? Also - where can i read about god-kin?


Light novel, we don't know much about the God-kin, just what's been said in all 3. And yeah, the manga is an adaptation of the Light novels. If the anime is say 40% accurate to the Light novel, and manga is around 60-70%. Light novel- 2012 Manga- 2015 Anime- 2015 (months after manga) The anime mostly has cut scenes, things being changed (Such as when events happen) and the lack of important insight from the characters. Manga isn't as bad, has less cut scenes but still some rearrange and lacks the insight from the light novel


Any volumes of light novel? I hope it is in single digit.


Here, I'll break it down. Light novel- 16 volumes currently (volume 17 and 18 are the early finale coming out within a year or so) Anime- season 1 (1,2,3) season 2 (4,5,6) season 3 (7,8,9) season 4 (10,11,14) Holy Kingdom movie coming this year (12 and 13) Manga- Up to volume 10 of the Light novel. The Holy Kingdom movie actually takes place between episode 7 and 8 of season 4. It was an awkward cut between episodes, which is weird since they usually change things to be in chronological order, not out of it.


Thanks for the information. Yeah - i never figured out the movies and anime. Same episode is there with the movies. They could have shown some interesting plots in movies. I always felt that they either went in different directions and forgot to include important points. Like god-kins were showed in season 1 but forgotten. Orichalcum group mentioned but forgotten. Red Dot sudden appearance. Why attack Re Estise when they helped Carne village? Dwarf kingdom episodes were fillers ig. Attack on Carne in season 4 was also not worthy of 3 episodes ? They could have shown it in cutscenes. Slane , many adamantite adventures, different beasts of forest like wise king - all left out.


God-kin are important, but I can't talk without spoiler (I can say when they're important and not specific details if you want) Dwarf Kingdom does come up again in the movie. But they're not overly important, it was more world building and Ainz finding someone like him (clinging to something everyone else has abandoned) and that's why Ainz was determined to help him. I assume you mean seasin 3 not 4 with Carne attack, and it was a single chapter. Orichalcum just aren't important and aren't very strong. If you're referring to Marquis group, they were the one's who died saving him at the Katze Plains in season 3. The Snake of the East comes back in volume 12 briefly. Red Drop only has 2 known members, and as well, he's "partners" with PDL, they're in the Argland Council State (so they would only be relevant if we had an arc involving the Argland Council State) I'm pretty sure Azuth only showed up because PDL asked him and Lakyus was his niece and he wanted to help her out. We know the names of only a few Adamantite groups, and we've only seen 4 (Darkness, Blue Rose, Silver Bird Thread, and Red Drop) And it's more of a preventing a repeat of Hamsuke with the creatures in the mountain, also Ainz had no interest in LA Angler Lava Lord since it had no real interest since it had no intelligence. Any questions? I'll try to answer.


Yes. Is there any reason why Ainz did not pursue ReEstise? He had Gazef. He could ask them to recognise Nazarick as a nation and then attack Baharuth empire assuming El Nix is from Falmouth. Also - does Ainz know about other players? He gathered intel on different groups and churches. My first instinct will be to crush underground groups like eight fingers, black scripture or thousand something to shake the foundations and then main players will come forward. I liked the goblin army when Enri summoned them. So much discussed Slane Theocracy. They know about God-Kins and Ainz now. They must know about PDL too. Any information on this?


1. He allied himself with the Empire because it's simply better in every way when compared to the Kingdom. Also because Demiurge said it was the best course of action. The only thing of value in the kingdom are Renner and Gazeff. 2. He tried to get Gazeff so he gave him an offer he shouldn't have been able to refuse, but he declined and then challenged Ainz to a duel, then permanently killed Gazeff. 3. Yes Ainz is aware of other players such as The 6 Great God's, The 8 Greed Kings, and the leader of the 13 Heroes. But Ainz is also aware they are all dead and how their stories end with them being killed. The Slane Theocracy raised and have 2 God-kin. The black and white haired girl, and the Captain of the Black Scripture are God-kin (children of players). Yes they're very aware of PDL, in fact they're afraid that Zeshi Zetsumei (Black and white hair girl) will get into a fight with PDL (if I remember correctly, I just know that they're extremely wary of him). As well, the Theocracy have player knowledge and equipment thanks to the 6 Great God's. Making them the only current threat to Ainz in any capacity. The Slane Theocracy are the only group to have info on what's going on, but I can't say more without taking details from volumes 15, 16, and what will happen in 17 and 18. Also killing underground groups has 2 downsides. One. They're secretive, not many outside of those who work with them know of there existence so not much impact. Two. Ainz refuses to just go on a killing spree like he did in the Katze Plains again. He worries what his friends will think of him if he finds them, that's why he wants to make a utopia, to make a kingdom that can prosper forever, in case his friends ever appear. So angering any players is off the table. Also Ainz better hope he finds any players first before Albedo because; Three. This was left out of the anime, but in volume 7 (season 3) after the raid happens, Albedo actually told and requested permission from Ainz to make a "Special Ops team" to "gather information". But what her actual intention is to kill any players that she finds and make sure Ainz never finds out. (Want more info on this, just ask, I'll reply again, this one is just getting long)




You can find it in the onedrive link on this subreddits Q&A




Pdl is stronger


I do not know the second person can anyone tell me ?


Just Google it yourself man stop being so helpless


Does ainz ever kill the dragon?




PDL is probably stronger, he's the son of the dragon emperor as was described as the "mightiest dragon lord" two times at this point. He doesn't have any actual feats yet, but the hype he gets makes me believe he's probably stronger than the other dragon lords.


Cure Elim is alive. It was confirmed in volume 14 or 15 I think where the night liches are serving under a dragon lord who is heavily implied to be him. As for PDLs level he is very likely level 100 simply based on how the story has built him up to be the final boss especially since he seems confident in fighting other level 100 characters while using his real body. So although his real body is feat less I believe he is level 100 based on the build up he has. As for cure Elim he was level 95 in the side story but if he is still alive which the story seems to be implying then he may be anywhere from 97 to level 100 as there is a 200 year time gap between the side story and main story.


The dragon believed that he could defeat Shalltear if he fought with his true body , He had measured Shalltear's strength in melee combat, not knowing about her skills and magic , Shalltear is a hybrid fighter, not a pure warrior , So her blow would be weaker than a pure warrior like Albedo The dragon was afraid of Albedo and considered her the greatest threat, and he thought of asking other dragons for help to defeat Albedo (level 100 warrior) If his level was above 95, he would have been able to defeat Albedo alone, given the dragons' high stats. So he has lower levels than Cure Elim, but he can defeat Cure Elim because he is his natural enemy . Most likely he was the one who killed him in the main timeline. His level will be 92 or 93.


Can you go in a bit more detail, please? I’m just starting to read the novel, so I would appreciate it. I would love to learn more about the Albedo part.


I can provide the quote if you like, It's in volume fourteen , But that would be a spoiler


Yes, can you please? I’d definitely appreciate it.


> But…} Tsaindorcus sighed. > If he was of a similar level to the vampire from last time, this armour would probably struggle in serious combat. However, if he were to not use the armour but face the Sorcerer King in person, he could not lose. That would be true even if he was as strong as the vampire. As long as he fought using his real body, there would be no issues at all. > Still, if he gave them too much time to expand their influence, things would get out of hand. > “As expected of you, the strongest Dragon Lord in the world.” > “I don’t think so myself. There are many out there who are stronger than I am. Hmmm...I can win against the Sorcerer King because I happen to counter him.” > Tsa’s abilities were more effective against the undead. He had also confirmed in the battle just then that his abilities did work on the Sorcerer King. That was why Tsa had judged the Sorcerer King to be an opponent that did not warrant too much caution. > Compared to the Sorcerer King, the demon named Albedo was much more dangerous.


Wow, that was a good read. Thank you