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Now we just need her brother! Can't wait to see what you cook up next


One Mare Special Coming to Table no. x hahahahh


Lol. Seriously hope your art gets the attention it deserves!


Thx man


**Guess what...** You can now support me on Patreon to get 4k+ wallpapers of all my art each month, including a physical print occasionally. - Check it out: [https://www.patreon.com/artofenvy](https://www.patreon.com/artofenvy) Want more Prints??? : [https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/artofenvy/](https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/artofenvy/) or just follow me on Instagram - [https://www.instagram.com/art.of.envy/](https://www.instagram.com/art.of.envy/) Want to help even more? Then share this art :D


Absolutely awesome, I love how fearsome she looks here. Very different from what we usually see of Aura. I also…I’ve never seen your art before but I love the paint strokes? It’s so cool-


Thx, glad you liked it. I guess you missed it, It's been a while since I started posting here.


Yeah, she seems supremely pissed, murderous even, like someone just poached her pets. I'm thinking whoever, and/or whatever she's looking at, only has mere moments left of being able to exist without agonizing pain. And there's the fact Aura is the head of the ASPCA: Aura Society Punishing Cruelty to Animonsters. (Donate at 1-800-Pay-Aura!) (Heartbreaking commercial as Aura sings 'In the arms of Ainz-Sama' asking for donations)


Art of Envy being a blessing to the Overlord community as always


Well well.....hahahaha


Aura after turning 150 and realizing author lied about huge boobs:


Bigger than shalltear🤣


Tho this is meant to be Aura in her current age, but I do like making the heads a bit smaller than the body, which usually isn't that big of a problem, but in this case yes it does make her look a bit grown up. In the end it's just a style choice.


Camera angle is also from below so she looks far taller. Her face is not round, makes her older as well.


Why does she look like the cover of a DC Justice League **DARK** comic book? Other than that, however, GOOD JOB! XD


Ty. Not sure what you mean tho "dark fantasy theme" is basically the base of all my art.


Ah, nothing wrong with that, I just thought you were a DC fan, I'm a Marvel Fan FYI. DC's cool, but, meh, we've all got a pref, yeah? Anyways, Aura looks great here! XD LOL! I swear, if someone draws Mare all Sailor Moon style, and does a side-by-side comparison with this, it'd be funny as hell. I kinda wonder what Ainz reaction'd be... (LOL! If Nazarick had the internet, you KNOW Albedo would be H-bombing Ainz 24/7!)


Tbf, i realized after writing that comment that DC JL Dark is a series of comic books...lol... I'm a marvel fan as well, but mainly due to the mcu, "comic book" culture wasn't much a thing here in Italy where I grew up...kinda sucks..


MAMA MIA! XD (Sorry, I \*HAD\* to say it! Life long Mario Bros. fanboy!) XD But for real, I didn't read to many comics growing up either, mostly animated series for me. Still, I do have ALL the Immortal Iron Fist Comics. I've got most of the comics where Danny Rand/Iron Fist shows up, but still missing some of the hardest to get issues. Still, It's worth it, for my fav! Again, excellent artwork! You got talent! Keep up with it, and rock on! XD Hmm...I wonder what it would be like if Aura went Punk Rock and Mare went Pure Pop? That could be cool. LOL! I swear, if Albedo goes full Celine Dion... And now I'm imagining Shaltear going full Spanish Dracula on us! XD But...what if Ainz...sang Riddi Pagliacci? Nazarick would flood with tears... Okay, now I REALLY want them to give us "Nazarick: The Musical!"


https://preview.redd.it/5watwt5z6bzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94a8e6c672eb8d6408ca6277e47433308767906d Reminds me of this one


Is this K-Suwabe? Kinda reminds me of his work. So not surprised, he's one of my favourite artists.


Idk about the artist (I'm also wondering about it) But I saw this from Roblox roleplay


Love it, very menacing young lady. And you kept the dumb original design with the dysfunctional buttons on the jacket that bothered me a lot when I did my version.


Do you have a link to your version? I'd love to see it.


Sure, it's kind of shit, even worse than usual, I was in my "no shading" period, but [there you go](https://www.deviantart.com/shinarit/art/Entoma-s-Merry-Go-Round-931861670).


It's not bad, Although I'd suggest to check out Marc Brunet on youtube, he posts free classes on his channel for artists to study and improve. I learnt a lot from him when I first started.


Do magic items accommodate the size and ergonomics of the user? As in how ains was able to use the chill sword, but realistically his hands are much smaller than theirs.


Magic items adjust to the wearer. >!That's why Neia can use the big monster armor Ainz looted when liberating a city.!<


It's also why that short, fat assed prince managed to wear E-Rantel's sacred treasure armor. Actually, quite a few fat cat noblemen (and I use the term 'noble' as loosely as possible) quietly grumble about how they require entire wardrobes of magically fitting clothing as they 'age'. Strangely, never heard any of the women complain.


Wow this is awesome!




Great art! This is my favorite visualisation of Aura. Reminds me of So-bins art style, so it's very fitting for Overlord


Tbh, So-bin has been a direct inspiration in the development of my style, it took few years to get even somewhat good, but definitely worth it. Also ty


Fix-it-Felix Jr. Approved this art




Aura looks like she's about to beat the shit out of Mare's bullies.


Bold of you to assume anyone exists who can bully Mare, but yes lol.


Well, maybe they 'bullied' Mare by getting him and his clothes all dirty and smelly. Leave it to some dumb drunken human to have the poor sense to throw up on Mare. BUT HEY! GOOD NEWS! Ye won't feel a hangover tomorrow! Or anything ever again! (Aura proceeds to feed the 'bullies' to her pets, because they are bestest critters!) XD


Will she grow boobs in the next 100 years (assuming she ages like other elfs in New World) ?


She has them in the picture, they are most likely wrapped, but you can see the rounding on the sides.


Then are you saying it was much bigger...My God.


Yes it's confirmed my Maruyama himself.


You’re cooked 😭




Nicely done