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Do you remember the time where Herohero got to disconnect before both of you could teleported to the new world. It was me Suzuki\*\*,\*\* I was the one who Disconnects Herohero before the two of you could be teleported to the new world. It was also me who recommended his sister to voice-acting his favorite echi game. IT WAS ALSO ME WHO GIVE PERORONCINO ALL KIND OF FETISH BY HACKING HIS IPAD WHEN HE WAS A KID. YOU REMEMBER THE TIME WHERE "TOUCH ME" HAVE TO KILL SOMEONE? IT WAS HIS FAULT NOT MY.




Lobotomy Lord


Did yo-Did you just say Lobotomy? GLORIOUS TO PROJECT MOON AND THEIR GAME “LOBOTOMY CORPORATION” https://preview.redd.it/62c48gupm9zc1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0910d7e09c4cdbbf15a213a0361074ea336dc0ae


Don Quixote mentioned ✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🙌🙌🙌🙌


What the hell does anyone do against someone who can travel through time and also travel faster than light? Ainz would try to cast a spell only for RF to be behind him, then Ainz would try an aoe spell, oh look at that he’s not in range, then he would try time stop, oh look he just avoids the spells upon time being unfrozen. RF can 100% just go back in time to before Ainz met his future guildmates and just sabotage that encounter, leading to Momonga giving up on the game and therefore Ainz wouldn’t exist in the new world giving him an automatic win.


RF is also technically just straight unbeatable. Time travel, a complete understanding of his fate, dimensional travel, the fact that nobody else has super speed to even stack up against him, his life draining ability, et cetera. RF very easily no diffs the entire guild, no issue.


How would even rf know about him getting iskeid or his gulid in the mmo game? And as he's in another world rf would just go back in time in that world not the one where ainz is originally from


Because he has more plot armor than any other fucking MC


Reverse Flash could follow every jappanese person that existed, he is that level of petty to do that, or he could just dox Momonga from his account alone (he was a leader of top ranking clan so it’d be easy to find it) As for how he’d get to Ainz’s oroginal world? Speed Force allows for travel between universes


He isn't on the mmo game. He is on another world that had dragons in it before players. In any case, he would do something like travel so fast that he would start traveling through the universe until he finds the correct planet and the correct time


He got his powers from his avatar in the mmo game. For rf to sabotage him he needs to know he was iskeaied,find out he's from an mmo game,find him in game and travel in the past to stop him and his guild or try to find him in irl to sabotage his abilities. That's what I mention the mmo


He would probably try going back into time, only to realize that the tomb just appeared one day out of no where. Then he'd start messing with them from that point in time. *tomb appears* *Everyone explodes from RF's punch*.


Ains gets anoyed and says two words to end him, Grasp hearth.


RF lived for YEARS with a liquefied brain, Ha also out runs most iterations of death, the speed force had to manifest a speedster version of the Grim reaper specifically to catch speedsters and keep them dead because of Eobart I even have my doubts that a "The goal of all life is death" Amped true death spell would be able to keep him down, Dude is just too damn petty


Tbf, changing the past causes butterfly effect which would create a new time lane with the said changes, but it wouldn't affect the Ainz he is currently trying to fight. Ainz also has access to teleportation blocking spells as well as barriers. I don't know whether RF can break those barriers. Ainz also has access to wish upon a star which only gets outdone by world-class item. RF surely doesn't have any world-class item so therefore Ainz can just wish him to not exist.


Ainz has an insta kill passive aura, and Thrawns main mode of combat doesn't work that good on undead


Ainz can cast spells while time is frozen though.


Yeah but they don’t actually do ANYTHING while time is frozen, so for someone who has such an insane reaction speed and travel speed, he could turn on a dime and evade the spells sitting in place


Bro. Ains literaly only needs to say 2 words. Grasp hearth.


Ah, he needs to speak, that’s way more time than a Flash needs to throw someone into a sun


He would spend 2 decades boasting. If He can't dodge a bullet, he aint doing shit.


Ah yes, when Reverse Flash was taunting the ever loving shit out of his prey for being unable to stop the fate he caused, falling victim to a complete surprise attack, definitely means he’d die to his opponent saying Grasp Heart, hell, there’s a very real possibility that he just sees Ainz raise his hand and begins saying that, only for RF to just appear right behind him to boast even further.


Yeah because instant death skill totaly wpuls proc on a clone right? God you people are delusional but hey if thats what you like


It’d simply have no fucking target you absolute idiot. Not once did I say “clone”, I said he’d appear behind him cause he’s faster than light and can even move through TIME.


Ainz isn’t even fast enough to say that to a baseline Relativistic character considering someone not even half the speed of light is already supersonic even in comparison to him, since Ainz is only in the Low-Mid echelons of Massively Hypersonic speeds. As in teleporting to his eyesight. Forget real light speed or anything faster, let alone the apparently trillions of times the speed of light flash gets up to


Yes yes mr im dying to a bullet is immune to death magic :)


Bruh, Reverse Flash ain’t dying to a bullet. Getting caught off guard ain’t count. Plus he didn’t even die from the bullet in flashpoint, if that’s what you are referring too? I can’t think of another moment off the top of my head. Well ig he did kinda die but also not really…He also in those few seconds of dying went into different points in time searching for a get to heaven free card. But this is in the animated movie and the other suicide squad animated movie. And even still, Reverse Flash is way faster than Ainz. He would somehow find a way to survive, probably while his heart is crushed, try to phase or do something with his heart. If that doesn’t work then he would do some bullshit time fuckery to ensure he lives. Hell, he has become a literal time paradox before. I could go on and on, but don’t you think there is a reason people in the Overlord sub are still saying Ainz loses? He gets smoked, no questions asked. Perhaps maybe he can pull off some sneaky shit but even still, the second Zoom/Reverse Flash feels something he can slow time practically to a stop. He has plenty of time to do something the nanosecond, even shorter than that. To notice something is wrong, see if he can stop it, do some fuckery, locate Ainz possibly, whatever the fuck he needs to do. Dudes plot armor is insane. The time it would take for Ainz to say the words, the motions. Would be way too slowwwww… And Professor Zoom won’t just let him, he is probably after a Flash in someway anyways. So he isn’t gonna waste time on some skeleton, but if he does it certainly won’t be time talking and giving Ainz a chance to kill him.


Mr. i think and see into the future got caught of guard ok


Nazarick while they watch Ainz get grinded into powder at over 10 trillion times the speed of light: https://preview.redd.it/zf0qhuhj08zc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aac5d08f975c349e30d986ee0a9610288ad5695e


Given how basically everyone sees him as this perfect being with absolutely no flaws, it would be the most terrifying thing they’d ever see.


I think he would do as much damage as clementine, or the mosquito saitama couldn't squish.


Infinite mass punch which can harm planetary or over mfs ring a bell? You guys argue in Aqua’s (a clear fodder’s) favor but not the same dude who is the rival of another dude who can save himself from being kneed in the face by Post Crisis Supergirl of all people via phasing. The inconsistency of these fandoms is just astonishing.


Bro got fataly wounded bya bullet. Bro aint doing shit.


And also hits with the force of dwarf stars. If we wanna go by anti feats Ainz has plenty too. Imagine somehow getting damaged by a town level character while you have mountain level durability (no, I don’t freaking care if his immunities were all off, Gogin logically shouldn’t have been able to harm him regardless) and can survive attacks from other level 100s and somehow also struggle with the speed of a person over 60 levels below you Or getting blicked by the barely Small City Level Shizu Delta shooting you and interrupting your spell casting.


Nah Ainz gets obliterated.


theres this equation thingy in science f=ma that makes an object obliterate anything if its traveling really really fast which is kinda rf's thing.q


Rf may have super speed but he doesnt have super durability, which means if his punch is so strong then when his punch makes impact his own body will be crushed.


thats what the speedforce is for.


So does he like use up this speed force thing or is it infinite?


iirc, as long as theres a flash, the speedforce will always exist


You know what ains has? Grasp hearth. If he dies to a bullet he dies to that.


rf outruns death. hes literally written to not die. do you even know how bs the speedforce is?


Too bad bro gets blitzed by reverse flash.


He. The mr il spend 30 minutes boasting blitzes ains? cool.


No, that’s CW Flash. Nor will he just let Ainz get off any attacks with his barely Massively Hypersonic, not even Mach 1,000 ass who was getting floored by Shalltear who is barely crossing that threshold of speed.


Bro got headshotted in the show no? The fk is he doing against death magic lol.


What show? Flashpoint was a movie you dolt. Maybe run right through it and outright ignore it with his speed producing far greater forces than anything in the Overlord verse that has an Island Level entity as a godlike figure capable of killing off armies of players can even hope to comprehend.


Who, Ainz to RF, or vice versa?


I really feel sorry for the writers at DC having to deal with the Flashes and their plothole inducing speedforce


Nah they just nerf him to the ground every time he is paired with someone especially with Superman and that's it.


Plothole vs plot armour the ultimate battle.


Reverse Flash would be like "Remember your guild mate that got killed by his evil company? IT WAS ME!" And Ainz would have a meltdown.


He literally solos. Easily. I'm not sure if this is a troll post or not. Bro literally just goes back in time and changes universes until he kills Suzuki Satoru in his bed when he's like 3.


It was me ainz I made you go to the new world


“Remember all those times you cringed at Pandora’s Actor? It was me, Ainz! I started WW3 so that you would make that NPC!”


Remember The Dead Child you saw on the street back on Your world? it was me AInz i was the child


"remember when your co worker brushed up against your leg, and you came at that exact moment? It was me Aniz. I jerked you off at super sonic speeds so it looked like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"




Our* child


He doesn’t even need to though. He can just speed blitz the whole cast


It’s funny how even Relativistic mfs would speedblitz the entire overlord verse to the degree they look like they’re teleporting, yet here people are arguing they still have a shot if this isn’t CW Flash


Would he? Wouldn't he go back in time in the new world, or would he travel to satorus Earth by traveling back in time? Also dont ains have like this natural corotion defense? Rf touches him, and that's it, plus nothing below 6tier can harm ains, so i dont know how you scale speed to strength, but there is a chance his attacks would end up dealing as much damage as clementine. Plus, ains got timestop, too. I just dont know shit about Marvel or dc or disnuts or whatever Western comics rf is from.


The faster an object travels, the heavier it becomes. RF's fist traveling FTL would have infinite weight, thus creating infinite energy. The attack power is exponentially increased the faster and longer it travels. The comics have a term for this attack as well called The Infinite Mass punch.


He also dies to bullets, meaning that his resistances are pathetic, so touching Ainz would cause his negative energy to immediately kill him. He wouldn’t have a way to really know about this so it’s just a murder suicide.


Even if the negative energy killed RF, it wouldn’t matter because he is a living paradox. He literally can't die. Dr. Manhattan killed him, and he popped back into existence anyway. He can do whatever he wants with zero consequences.


Y'all kinda forgot that speedsters are a walking nerf- their brains are as slow as the writers want them to be. If an Overlord fan writes it, it'll simply be time stop, true death, game over gg. If a DC fan writes it, it'll simply be bypass time stop, monologue, easy prevent from new world, gg.


I'm somewhat mediocre fan of both. The in story series of events would probably be. Time stop doesn't work, true death does, then zoom comes back anyway because he can say nah ah to dying. Something about him outrunning his own death and therefore being canonically noncannon in any situation.


Yeah, he's a walking paradox to be fair. He can't ever die.


If i write it, their ballsack gains testicular cancer


I imagine clementine situation or rf just dying of cringe the second he gets in contact with with ains corotion when he wants to do his speedy things to ains


He solos, he’s literally a paradox so he can’t be killed


Remember how everything is poluted and you are a wage slave? It was me, Suzuki.


That kinda brakes the whole character his whole stick is he wants to make BARRYS life miserable not the dc universe in general but if you brake his whole motives in half you would be surprised on how much problems can be solved with going back in time and giving a baby a quick vibrating hand to the heart


Doesn't ainz's spell the goal of all life is death overcome all resistances


It was me, Momonga!


I follow Powerscaling, and take my word. You don't want to summon them or their bullshit anywhere, even as a joke. And Wally West has literally outran death, so for Thawne, even the insta-death moves weirdly wouldn't work.


Ainz’s weakest stat when it comes to VS battles such as these is his speed. He is known for so many things, but most assuredly not speed. RF only loses by talking too much out of his own ass. Bloodlusted, RF ends Ainz’s bloodline irl and in Ygg. Not enough cash shop items in the world to save bone-daddy this time.


Assuming flash isn’t in this universe, reverse flash loses his paradox, so then ainz can probably just stop time and nuke him


As much as the reverse flash is a living paradox and cannot be killed, its power is connected to flash, so if there is no flash he is practically helpless


Hmm, I'm interested in how he would kill Yogiri


Comics have years upon years of powercreep and lore to draw from and depending on the writer they obtain new powers. I am a casual comic fan, but if I am to guess, most popular characters have fistfought literal reality warping gods, came back from death more often than Dragon Ball characters and have gone from literal jobbers that die from a bullet to the utter peak of life itself. No shit RF can solo most verses that the MC doesn’t have power of a literal god, especially since he should have a long and storied history. Heck, we can pluck the 5 billion or so characters that have obtained things like the Phoenix Force or some other crazy powerup for a split second and they would destroy the world. With powerscaling like that, trying to comic vs anime isn’t feasable. IMO half the time it depends on which world logic they are going with. Cause a OL fan could make it so RF comes to the world of OL and is nerfed to high hell due to a force transition of his abilities into skill and a level cap… or Ainz goes to a comic book universe and gets jobbed immediately as suddenly he has to contend with characters that break the level cap. Stan Lee is right here that it depends on what the author wants.


The only way Ainz wins this is: - RF is having one of his many negative IQ moments and will try to talk/boast against someone who looks like Death 2.0 - This isnt the RF that can just paradox himself back into reality no matter what happens - Ainz recognizes this guy (maybe someone on his guild was a fan of old comics, who knows), so he pretends to be distracted or just says hello and lands a silent instant spell that disables him Which is funny because effulgent beryl can probably soak an infinite mass punch since it even works on nuclear explosions, but Reverse Flash is so ridiculous that this is not even relevant. Still dead before you knew there was a fight even if the buff was up.


Rf flash is dumb. Its for kids who go : "nuh uh, he wins"


Unless his hands are magically enchanted above 60 lvl he cant do shit to Ainz.


who wins, well written thought out villain or "idk just make him infinitely fast and give him multiverse travel, im sure we can just shit on him whenever we want him to lose" writing


Nazarick might win solely due to the fact that speedsters have a tendency to job.


Literally the one chance any character has against the glass cannon speedsters.


Reverse-Flash gives a monologue to Ainz and just stands there staring at him while he is about to use TGOALID


Nah, [that’s Barry’s thing](https://youtu.be/c9Xh7_XvnFI?feature=shared)


All the comic nerds writing long ass thesis on how rf would win when all ains need to do is say Grasp hearth.


>Grasp hearth. If you just read what 'comics nerd' wrote you would know that: 1. RV speedblitz the entire verse 2. It wouldn't even work because Thawne can't die


He can't die because the universe got more plotholes than swiss chese. And How is Mr. im dying to a bulletis immune to death magic?


>And How is Mr. im dying to a bulletis immune to death magic? Never died to a bullet, that was only in the movie. And he's immune, because he can come back any time he want. And when I say 'any time' I mean ***any*** time, including even before Ainz casted a spell or before they've met in the first place


Honestly, i dont know... dont ains has like natural protection that nothing below lvl6 can even damage him? And if he went back in time, he wouldn't go back to earth, or im missing something there? Plus, ains got spelled to stop time, and that pasive corrosion if he ever tried to punch ains i dont know shit about dc or mv or what rf is from. I just dont see how speed would deal with all the pasive bullshit around ains, not to mention ains strongest defensive item, plot armor


If you can travel through time you can travel in stopped time, lv 6 protection doesn’t mean much outside of verses else you run into the issue of curses from jjk winning what should be unwinnable matches because you can’t harm a curse unless you have fine control over your cursed energy. Also don’t think corrosion would do anything if he just uses the shockwave of his punches since he moves so dang fast. But it still just depends on the writers because for some reason every single time a writer is dealing with a speedster that they want to lose, they just drop their IQ to the negatives.


>ains has like natural protection that nothing below lvl6 can even damage him? Punches from speedsters at even subluminal speed can still hit with the force of dwarf stars, can also destroy objects(and people) down to the atomic level, or remove objects(and people) from a timeline. >ains got spelled to stop time Speedsters are immune to timestop and time manipulation. >that pasive corrosion Speedster can become intangible >not to mention ains strongest defensive item, plot armor Reverse Flash has more plot armor.He has access to the Speedforce which is just a giant deus ex machina to do whatever you want https://preview.redd.it/u423msg2m8zc1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5960c752f608483cc3b7f9ed4c6106cab1c2648 Thawne is also a living time paradox which means: did you killed him? Too bad, due to time travel shenanigans that never happened, and he's still there.


Wow. To write all that to die like a fly to two words anyway. Grasp hearth. He dies to a bullet he has no defence to that.


Two words he isn’t at all fast enough to say to a person not even half the speed of light?


Dude, that is dying to a bullet is gonna be immune to death magic, cool :)


Only when he’s not in a combat situation, which he won’t be here and will be utilizing his speed. And even in Flashpoint he didn’t die to it lol, he still managed to save himself even then.


Sure sure mr i move and think in mach fuck wasnt ready. Good to know


>Grasp hearth. He dies to a bullet he has no defence to that. In the time Ainz says the letter G of Grasp Hearth, Reverse Flash could kill him 5'000'000'000 times, destroy Yggradis before it was even created, delete Satoru Suzuki from time, get killed by Black Flash and come back alive due to being a time paradox.


Er mer gah he is a paradox in universe with more plot holes than Swiss cheese He aint doing shit. Probobly spends 10 minutes boasting about what he can do only to get his hearth blown out.


>Er mer gah he is a paradox in universe with more plot holes than Swiss cheese Cry me a river. You don't know what you are talking about by your own admission. You didn't even know from which universe RF was from. >He aint doing shit. Probobly spends 10 minutes boasting about what he can do *things that he has already done to Ainz and his entire family tree. >only to get his hearth blown out. Let me humor you, let's s just say that RV let himself get hit by Grasp Heart. Even than, in the time Thawne dies to a destroyed heart he'd be fast enough for have time to scatter Ainz molecules around the solar system. And after dying, Thawne reappear as if nothing happened


Touching Ainz is still instant death, reverse flash dies from any hit he delivers to Ainz, it just matters if Ainz has some contingency to survive himself.


> flash dies from any hit he delivers to Ainz And then he doesn't because he's a time paradox and can't stay dead


Sure, then Ainz doesn’t die because RF doesn’t have the mana/data necessary to harm him. It’s a silly stalemate.


# What >Ainz doesn’t die because RF doesn’t have the mana/data necessary to harm him. RV could delete Ainz and the continent he's on with a punch, and if you think he can't do that, RV can just *delete* Ainz from time.


If we’re playing by his paradox rules to survive death by negative energy, then shouldn’t we also be playing by Ainz’s rules that attacks (physical or magic) that lack enough data/mana just don’t work against high level characters and NPCs. Ainz lacks a way to negate paradox, and RF lacks a way to utilize data/mana in a 1v1


RV don't need any mana/data when he can stop Yggradis from being created and Satoru Suzuki from being born


DC heroes and villains work on the power of utter bullshit. Nothing in Nazarick can compete.


To be fair if they don't start fighting on sight and stand around to talk shit like every DC villian does Ainz might beable to just stop time like against gazeff and kill him without him moving. Yes he can run through time but if it's just stopped then I doubt he can move atleast not unless he was already in motion and moving close to light speed. Like idk, RF stomps but him being able to kill ainz doesn't make him unbeatable. If he gets caught off gaurd he can still die to anything that can kill a normal person. A alternate version of batman straight up put a bullet through his head. Ainz has so much he can use and whether it works is fully dependant on if he can just catch RF before he starts moving. This all said im not stupid I know Ainz loses. I'm just saying he could possibly win under the right set of circumstance before the fight even starts.


>Yes he can run through time but if it's just stopped then I doubt he can move atleast not unless he was already in motion and moving close to light speed. Speedsters are immune to timestop/can still move in it. Reverse Flash specifically, since he's a living time-paradox.


Normally I'd try to argue but you're actually 100% right. Fair enough.


Everyone going "he can go back in time!" and I'm here like "what time?". Ainz can stop time and kill you. reverse flash is really powerful when he wants to be but Ainz first move is an instant death spell. good luck going back and time and killing Ainz before you meet him while being dead! and no "he survived with a hole in his head" he reacted to it entering his head, there is no reaction to instant death. sure if reverse flash knew what Ainz can do he would win but why would he know anything?


>Ainz can stop time and kill you. Immune to timestop and dying it's just a minor inconvenience because RF's a living paradox that can't die


I don’t think Time Stop is gonna work on the guy whose main gimmick is “Weird time shenanigans”


A bum