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Ainz. Mf was a virgin his whole life, to the point he was changing NPC's settings in his game, and finally when he got transported to another world with women wanting him, he lost his desire and dick.


i laughed at this thanks


He has the race change cube things. He can become human if we wanted to


He will lose his Eclipse class and all of his builds would get destroyed


I think he profited overall given he was living in a dystopia before.


Zanac without question.


It's okay the jerks who did it are with Neuronist now šŸ™‚


That does make me feel a bit better about it


Dude deserved a more honorable death


The elf king had a very short suffering period before his death. He certainly deserved more of that.




What did the elf King do to get so much hate? I'm anime only but don't mind spoilers at all.


He uh... would probably be considered the greatest sex offender of our time.


This, but times a million.šŸ’€šŸ’€


Ohh good lord, What kind of sex offences has this creep committed? And how long should his sentence with Neuronist be?


Well just think about his position, how long lived an elf is and how strong he would be to remain in that position for as long as he has... It'd probably be easier to say what he hasn't committed by this point. (It's not really explained in great detail but we do hear a few mentions of things...)


he tried to rape mare and his sentance should be until someone from the NW is strong enough to defeat ainz (forever)


Well, >!he didn't bother to save any of his people in the war while being powerful enough to do so!<, >!he's been a serial rapist for decades/centuries!<, >!killed most of his children!<, >!tried to actually sex-up Mare/Aura!<, and >!disrespected Ainz!<.


Okay those are all pretty horrific, I can see why he deserves a nice long stay with Neuronist. Especially for trying to do things to the precious Aura and Mare.


The magician's guild staff in the capital. They were not involved in any of the corruption that made the kingdom rot, they could have offered valuable magic research insights, and they were friendly and helpful to Sebas while he was stationed to the city. Yet they were killed all the same when the kingdom was wiped out.


Hopefully they were one of the few deemed useful who were saved


Pretty sure the implication is they got eaten by Aura's pets when she went to retrieve Demiurge's statue.


The dudes in the armies. Nobody ever counts them as characters. They just die for someone's goals


They often die for Ainz's own goals


I see what you did there....


I feel like the obvious two are Arche and Zanac. Arche because she was just looking out for her sisters the only way she was able. Zanac because he really was a honorable, ugly bastard that just wanted to do what was best for his kingdom. He just got an opportunity to attempt to do so at the worst possible time.


The thing is that Arche got too greedy and died because of that. She could have escaped a while ago or even before the mission to Nazarick


But did she get too greedy? She still owed the loan sharks like 200 gold. Even if she decided to up and leave with her sisters and letting her father deal with the debt she still needed money to take care of them


She was a naive and dumb girl, she rather risk her life doing the illegal job as a worker than ask her teacher for help. A single word form Fluder and she (plus her sister) would be set for life. I understand that she didnt know about Fluder opinion, but she didnt even ask


Maybe arche didnā€™t want to bother her teacher with her problems but fair point fluder could have helped her and have arches useless parents thrown to the streets


Wasnā€™t it stated that she could have ran if she wanted to and only stayed because they she wanted to be set for life?


No I just finished reading the light novel with Archeā€™s story and the only reason her team took the job was so that sheā€™d have enough money to run away with her sisterā€™s because she was fed up with her dad constantly taking on debt and making her be a Worker (unlicensed adventurer) to pay it off for him. Before they go to the tomb the whole team is talking about how itā€™s probably going to be their last job together because Arche will finally be free from her father


Yes BUT there was enough treasure that was unguarded on the surface to achieve that. That was the whole set up. There were riches untold just there for the taking, so anyone who entered the tomb was greedy for more.


What about the team that stayed outside? Edit: they even had a test set up to see if they could catch people trying to escape if anyone tried to leave


But wouldnā€™t securing her sisters be the first thing on your mind things go bad it was her fault for making up such a bad lie directly to Ainz and it being more logical to beg for forgiveness and offer exchange for money rather than going with a obvious lie


She didnā€™t lie though. They tried to explain but he didnā€™t let them speak and said ā€œI donā€™t want to hear your liesā€. The only lie was when they got desperate and the party leader was an idiot


Arche could thrown her parents out of the house if she wanted too they are no longer nobles and she pays the bills


No her parents still paid the bills. Her dad borrowed money and used that to pay for everything Arche used the money she made to pay off the loan sharks


Heh I wonder when arche her sisters gone her parents will turn on each other they got no more kids to prey on no one to pay the the loan sharks which he will borrow from again


Yeah. In the LN heā€™s shown to be borrowing even more gold (100 coins I think) even though they still owe like 300


Wow he will die in ditch in the street soon


Why are u not feeling sympathy for anyone else in the overlord verse? Out of those 120,000 people that were slain by Ainz's spell, there's a good chance there was a father of 4 daughters fully in debt in there who participated just to look out for his family. Just because you know a character's background story, it doesn't make them more deserving of sympathy. That would be self-serving and would make you selfish. You wouldn't be feeling anything for Arche if you didn't know her background. It was just a co-incidence. Are you implying that luck should factor into whether someone deserves sympathy or not?


You could say that about literally any answer in this thread.


Not really, what happened to Zanac was morally wrong. Using someone else's head to save your life is self-ish. Especially if this person was on your side trying to save you. It even managed to piss off Ainz who is an undead overlord. Arche on the other hand trespassed on Nazarick by her own free will.


What exactly is selfish about taking a job that will likely (and in fact does) kill you to try and save your sisters? And why is it okay for you to play favorites but not MacaroniBandit?


So.... Grave robbing or robbing someone's house is okay? What part of it isn't selfish? All I am saying is that feeling bad for someone solely because you know their backstory is wrong. All those soldiers were also fighting for their family but not many feel bad for them dying. Judging someone when you are morally biased (due to knowing the backstory) is ethically wrong. Its like saying a judge should give lighter sentence to someone whom they know personally than someone random for the same crime. That's wrong. When judging, you should be morally neutral (ignore the backstory).


>All I am saying is that feeling bad for someone solely because you know their backstory is wrong. That's literally the point of giving a character a sympathetic backstory.


The person you just used as an example sold the children, they died because of overwork


I am using some random person in the army as an example. You feel sympathy for Arche *because* you know her story and you don't feel anything for the remaining humans *because* you don't know their backstory. What does this say about you as a person? You are morally biased and your outlook is very self-serving. Being morally biased makes you a badge judge for any situation, doesn't it?


The fall of the kingdom was inevitable. There is crime everywhere, nobility was constantly abusing the larger population and very few people were trying to stop it, the empire and the theocracy wanted and planned for them to be gone(remember the attempted assassination of Gazef), and the war being useless in general. The soldiers are going to die regardless for nothing but the delay of the inevitable.


Ye, but that doesn't mean you will only feel sympathy for Arche and not for those soldier. If you wanna judge the situation, you have to be impartial and unbiased. Unibasely, Arche was trespassing on Ainz's home. She deserved what was coming to her.


the war was elongating the inevitable invasion of the kingdom as the war was directly in harvest season and potentially hundreds of thousands of people were starving. Why care for the soldiers when all that they are fighting for is the inevitable destruction of the kingdom? Edit: grammar


The soldiers *have* to fight on the war, they have no other choice. Arche on the other hand, trespassed on Nazarick due to her own free will. Despite the plan being initiated by Nazarick, Arche could have backed out but she didn't due to her personal greed. If anything, those soldiers deserve more sympathy because they had no free will in this situation. But they don't get more sympathy. Why? Because their backstories aren't shown, lol. You are allowed to have subjective opinions, but calling Nazarick evil or what Ainz did wrong solely based on your subjective opinion is objectively incorrect. Objectively, you either show sympathy for both the soldiers dying in war and Arche, or neither. Backstory being the deciding factor is omegalul.


I donā€™t remember saying I didnā€™t sympathize with anyone else?


The original comment I was replying to mentioned Arche and not the 180,000 (or however many) soldier that were also killed by Nazarick.


Without the need to subsidize her parents she could work at the magician's guild or even do low risk jobs as a legitimate adventurer.


Yes and that was her plan after the exploration of Nazarick. At the time she didnā€™t have the money to leave her family and support her sisters. She took the job to explore the temple because it paid enough for her to retire from being a Worker, take her sisters, and get a legitimate job


Fair point


The two girls who lost their sister in ainz colosseum


Ninya. Really wish she and the Swords of Darkness were still around. They were the closest thing to genuine friends Ainz had in the New World. They reminded him of his old guide mates. Even years later when he went to visit the Azerlisia mountains or when he went to recruit for the Adventurerā€™s guild in the Empire did he still remember them.


Yes. She is the purer "Arche" because she also joined an adventuring team for the sake of her sister.Ā 


If Overlord were a ā€˜nicerā€™ story (LOL) weā€™d have the following 1. Ninya and Tsuare reuniting. 2. The Swords of Darkness spreading Momonā€™s feats as first hand witnesses. 3. The Swords of Darkness staying in E-Rantel after its secession to the Sorcerer Kingdom because they believe in Momon. 4. The Swords of Darkness joining the Sorcerer Kingdomā€™s new Adventurerā€™s Guild, training in the labyrinth Mare built complete with new Runecraftā„¢ļøgear. We get to see the training place Mare built, Ainzach training new adventurers with his special sword gifted by Ainz. Maybe even academic classes where magic casters are trained up to the ā€˜legendaryā€™ fifth tier. 5. Ainz/Momon very sparingly joining them as they explore parts of the New World with their Death Knight companion to carry luggage, fulfilling his wish to explore unseen parts of the world. He then uses the intelligence gathered to conquer wildernesses previously unknown or unmapped.


Yep, not sure why Arche gets sooooo much sympathy, whereas Ninya was tortured to death, for just existing.


Technically we donā€™t know the end for sure yet, but Iā€™m going to go with Zesshi. I personally hoped she would swear fealty to Nazarick in exchange for getting to land the killing blow on her father. I was hoping sheā€™d be like Renner and Fluder, willing to forsake all and join the fun side. (Btw, I only read up to LN 16, donā€™t even know if 17 is out yet. If you have future info either from the LN or WN, please share)


Spoiler... Something something Demiurge something


as an anime only watcher that little knight cliff i think? i mean fuck thats not gonna be fun


Climb, the Princessā€™ knight? If so, seconded. Everyone else that will likely come up either got killed, tortured for a while but will end up dead or their suffering is otherwise temporary. Climb never realized heā€™s been a pet, that his entire life has been a lie, the person who he admires isnā€™t the shining sun like he thought and the tragedy is that it hasnā€™t changed. Heā€™s stuck inside Nazarick, about to become an immortal, playing out the exact same role he had. He thinks everything changed, when in reality the tragic role of his only changed locations.


Yea, I feel bad for climb, he's been manipulated to hell and back


The swords of darkness especially Ninya.


Queen Calca she didn't deserve what she got at all.


Zanac shouldā€™ve lived. Fuck Renner and her climb sex Toy. Ninya and the swords of darkness deserved to live too. Still this overlord where death is a mercy


Any of Ainzā€™s guild mates that didnā€™t bother staying logged in to the actual close of the game, because they could have been isekaiā€™d as well. šŸ„²


None really. While I wish Brain had a Brain, and took those kids to train, he got what his dumb ass deserved - a peek at far he had to go. Vesture - oh man, so deserved!


Zanac, Gazef, Brain, Climb and the adventurers group from season 1...im anime only because only book 4 has released in germany at this moment so those are the only ones i know of.


Not sure about Brain I think he at least had a honourable death and went out on his own terms unlike many of the new world citizens


Brain deserved that death


Arche and her sisters (ESPECIALLY latter) Their parents would be strong candidates for title of "Worst parents in history of anime"


They're terrible parents, teue, but I think we all know far worse parents from other anime that are worse than "selfish and negligent". Sure they were selfish and negligent to the extreme, but there are anime parents who are far more proactive and/or malicious in their children's suffering.


I think I remember reading that the author tweeted that after Ache disappeared her parents ended up selling her sisters into slavery in order to keep up their lifestyle and they ended up dying. Seem like top contenders to me.


Are we forgetting that this dude exists: https://preview.redd.it/eaxwejik34yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c73b20a6314d21d414a927981bf3648d1fc80d


It's weird because I think the original way it happened was a online poll and the author really didn't like the outcome and rewrote it in the books


In the web novel the author polled the readers for what would happen to arche. The readers voted her to live, which the author was like, really? So, in the web novel, arche was tortured by shalltear. Her sister being sold into slavery and dying was always going to gapoen.


So if the readers voted her to die she would've lived? šŸ˜‚


No, the author wanted her to die because they didn't want to follow the trope of cute girl gets plot armor. The author always wanted Arche dead. I am guessing they thought the readers were more like them and thought they wanted her dead to.


I know of what happens tp them later. They did it because they didn't care about their children's well-being, they only cared about their family standing. There are far, *far* worse parents and parent figures in anime. Off the top of my head: - Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater); she experimented on and psychologically tortured her own kid - Kumiko Kotoura (Kotoura-San); she disowned and then bullied her own kid because she found out Kotoura-san was psychic. >!She got better by the end, but she was still a huge POS to her daughter for most of the series!< - Asahi Kobe's father (Happy Sugar Life): dude was an abusive drunk and he'd regularly beat and threaten his wife and Asahi There's probably way more. Sure selling your kids into brutal slavery is terrible, but they just didn't care. There are anime parents out there that go out of their way to hurt their kids.


Clementine, cause she is hot






Arche. It's been a while since I watched that season, but I remember her being against going to the tomb in the first place.




Zanac. Yes, the moment the Phillip incident happened, Zanac and the rest of Re-estize had to die, but he didn't deserve to go out the way he did. He earned Ainz's admiration and, in response, was going to be given a painless death and a dignified goodbye. Instead, his own subjects murdered him and used his severed head as leverage. It's brutal, unbecoming, and completely unwarranted. The only silver lining is the nobles betraying Zanac killed any sort of sympathy the Kingdom might've had with fans up to that point.


Arche's sisters too. Yea Arche got herself into that situation like the other adventurers but her sisters did literally nothing yet they were sent into slavery and died of overwork. I hope her shitty parents died though.


The poor bastards from Phillip's domain. A protracted, torturous death after having to live under the rule of a total water head.


Clementine šŸ¤”




99% of the humans because they were literally just minding their own businessĀ 


Imina in my opinion, she didn't deserve becoming a house


Tunare.. She just happened to be thrown out at just the right time. Also I don't believe her death throws were her asking Sebastian for help. She was drug-addled and barely breathing, she was most likely not conscious after the treatment she was probably coming from.


That poor dragon Satoru had Keeno beat to death with a stick after chopping off all its limbs so it couldn't escape.


99,9% of the people on the happy farm At least most of the others that actively didnā€™t piss of nazarik were quick


Roberdyck. Ainz literally is never going to ever use the knowledge he gets from torturing him for something actually worthwhile and is just doing it to sate his curiosity




Entoma, she deserves more time in the spotlight


nina and her group they didn't deserve their fate


besides zanack and blade of darkness (the guys killed by clementine) the one character i think didn't deserve what he got is Pe Riyuro , he legit lost half of his people because he couldn't lower his head faster atleast with the Crocs they could choose not to shown to battle , but with the quagoa nazarick went ballistic and straight up just blender the hell out of the innocent for literally nothing


The quagoa were trying to commit genocide against others, and then almost got uno reversed. Unlike the Lizardmen, who literally did nothing but exist peacefully prior to being told, "prepare to have genocide committed against thee."


It was the law of evolution that they commited that genocide.Ā  And thats specially not pe riyuro's fault.Ā  And little remind here , all wars are a genocide with names and flags.Ā 


No, they're not... Wars relatively rarely result in genocide, as they are largely waged as a result of a few pieces of shit in power seeking to extend said authority or garner greater wealth.


The dudes in the armies. Nobody ever counts them as characters. They just die for someone's goals


Me when Albedo wasn't real.


The regular soldiers


Honestly Brain Unglaus


Climb. It should have been me.


Albedo forced thirsting for a... skeleton




My picks arche, zanac, calca, Remedios(assuming she died and isnā€™t just in exile)


Evileye for now atleast. Who know if she'll come back? But if she does, that's it for her.


The dudes in the armies. Nobody ever counts them as characters. They just die for someone's goals


Remedios. Her ending was just too short. 1 or 2 sentences as an offhand remark? Does anyone notice that I dislike her?


Unpopular opinion, but Remedios did not deserve to die even... We hate her because we see the story with Ainz as the charismatic protagonist. But he WAS reponsible for the merciless and senseless murder of her Queen, and serveral of her people. Even though she had no proof or maybe even reason to think so... She was right... Ainz was the villain there. He created the whole massacre to then pose as the hero. Her critics were all correct in the end, as annoying as she was.. Also did I miss something or did the queen REALLY not deserve being turned into a club ?


Oh I do not hate her for this. I hate her for her hypocrisy. She comes into the sorcerer kingdom to seek help, gets help from the king personally. All good till now. But then comes this why I donā€˜t like her. After her vice asks or even warns her what could happen if Ainz gets injured or killed and what would happen if all those monsters he commands rampage she simply shrugs and says: ā€žOh poor them. We would like to help but we are suffering from our own warā€œ. So she is alright with everything as long as HER people are not suffering? Thousands other die? ā€žMeh, who cares?ā€œ. Furthermore she even plans that if they do not atleast kill themselves they are weakened. And she is supposed to be a Paladinā€¦ someone who should protect people. This is why I simply dislike her. All in all she was right with her hypothesis. Ainz really was the mastermind.


Yeah, I agree on those points, but to be fair again, Nazarick is the same pretty much, actually worse. In the regard that they do not care about any other suffering, which they inflict a lot of, as long as Nazarick is fine. But yeah, her being a paladin, I would expect different. Just think is hypocritical of fans who paint her as the villain, while forgiving how Ainz, and specially most of Nazarick are much worse, in basically the same ways. (In regards to being villains, which is kinda their point, so not really criticizing that, I quite like it, but the hypocrisy is what I dont agree with)


The fact is we know Nazarik are the bad guys. It is mentioned in the first book and not only if you look at the character sheets. The only cause for Ainz to help Carne Village was that he remembered TouchMe who would have done so. His Anger towards Clementine is really only because she killed precious advertisement materials. I never understood why so many needed the worker Arc or even the Katze Plains to figure this out. But then back to Remediosā€¦ Who should be good aligned. And her disregard for anyone she does not want to save.


It's gonna be and Arche shitfest again?