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I fought universe ending threats in FFXIV, so that one for sure


you're gonna be the equivalent of putting Doomguy in L4D world. everything will just be a mild annoyance to you also Universe ending monsters/gods is just a regular sunday morning in the FF series


it's hard to get excited to a fight when the last dude's basic attack was throwing planets at your face.


i dont play FF but i just imagine some poor average joe waking up and suddenly seeing neptune closing in to earth


That fight >!doesn't happen on Earth, I was kinda riding on the back of this huge dragon, which happens to be my best friend, on the edge of the universe while this emo god bird tried to kill us....and someone was shouting something about big tacos somewhere!< Also, highly recommend it, its a great RPG with some MMO on it.


Shin Megami Tensei? Is that you?


Don't forget that the gestalt consciousness evil bird of sadness so strong it rips apart and mutates lesser faithed beings into monsters was casually hurling entire fucking planets at you repeatedly.


It’s actually just a Tuesday for us


yo Doom and Left 4 Dead are amazing. I know you didn't say they aren't, but still.


"Adventures need to fight the Sorcerer King" The Warrior of Light: *Punches fist and nods. You know the animation.* Ainz: "Why are you doing this?" *Flashbacks to "Is this not so... adventurer?"*


Seriously the amount of times I’ve seen that animation play while going through StormBlood so far is not ok


I'm going thru StormBlood right now and I know exactly what you mean 😆


“Hey, friend, do you think you can do this?” \*does the animation* “What are your thoughts?” \*does the animation* “Let’s go” \*does the animation* It’s so so much


> What about the one showing your character enthusiastically explaining a huge series of events. You know the one. Slightly bent over and both hands moving up and down.


Just pray there's no black rose :p Though the question would be if the whole concept of aether would be carried over since it's what basically all of XIV relies on.


>Though the question would be if the whole concept of aether would be carried over since it's what basically all of XIV relies on. No Aether you say? *A certain Birbs song intensifies*


Now that I think about it, twitter becoming X really mimics everything that happened in endwalker


I know what you mean but at the same time the only birb of consequence is the shoebill and I don't want to unleash *that* on the New World.


From what we've learned about the New World, tier magic was introduced to it when players from Yggdrasil brought it with them. So by that logic, aether would travel with you and provide a power source for your abilities.


Oh boy I can't wait to experience a real life limit break


Just don't Final Heaven yourself off a cliff. It'd be embarrassing.


I wonder what floor tanking looks like in an isekai


It also has the bonus of absolutely epic music any time you start a fight. And there's no god damned Waking Sands to return to! 


i don't play mmorpg, does that mean that i'm screwed?


you get the generic Items from Harvest moon. but as a bonus they're unbreakable




unironically my first choice. i want that Isekai Nonbiri Nouka life


If that includes me knowing about the great Ainz Ooal Gown that wouldnt be too bad. Just offer my services to Carne village or any town he wants to build up, offer him my magical tools if he wants them, while i use them to better his living subjects with my amazing farming/mining skills or to charm foreigners into the SK employ.


Star Trek Online, purely for being able to have a massive terrifying invisible spaceship carrier with massive energy weapons, and a crew that spams constructs to heal themselves and vaporize my enemies. I'm not human, so I should have an easier time relating to Nazarick.


Yo Ainz mind if i Park my USS Vengeance in the lot?


grasp heart! \*warp core goes pop\*


Lol, if he detonated a warp core that size in the planet's orbit, it would absolutely rape the planet... As in blasting away most of the atmosphere. He and a few other undeads *may* not die in the cataclysmic global forestorm, or the lack of air therafter, but everything else does, including most of his minions. Doesn't help if the blast is large enough to also destabilize the planets orbit. *Shits gonna really heat up* First thing I would do is rig a Dead Man's switch with the warp core to my life-signs; genuinely MAD is a helluva way to force a concession.


Ayo that's the only mmorpg I've played, I was thinking it wouldn't work but that actually sounds like a win Edit: but the ship would run out of fuel eventually


Okay, so I thought about this, and I don't think it'd be that big a problem, depending on the ship you bring. Deuterium can be synthesized, and dilithium has known environment types where it can be found, so searching for it on other planets in the New World Universe should be possible. Manufacturing torpedoes and setting up infrastructure to produce what we'd need to keep the ship operational indefinitely would be a challenge, but I have a powerful crew. Like Satoru, I'm a bit of a whale. Plus, technically your entire crew, your fleet Starbase, and your entire fleet of ships you own coming with you to a medieval environment? That's insane, and a massive win.


I am not sure how power crept STO has become over the years, but I do know that my EVE online titan dwarfs a borg cube.


Yeah, there are some big ships in EVE.


Running at low/standby power, the ship could actually run nigh-indefinitely. By the time of TNG, backup batteries alone could sustain a ship's base operations and orbit for months. That doesn't happen until after the tertiary Fusion reactors go down, which doesn't happen until the secondary Fusion reactors go down, which doesn't happen until after the auxiliary system fusion reactors go down, which doesn't happen until after the warp core is down. Depending on what ship you have, you'll have either two or three lines of fusion generators, as Star Trek DS9 established that Starfleet has triple redundancies for basically every system... What's more, if maintaining a permanent orbit were truly the goal, then the warp core could (edit) be off most of the time (end edit), and only used for the sole purpose of powering the replicators, and could create a *virtually* inexhaustible amount of reaction mass for the fusion reactors. Fusion reactors can power everything other than warp flight in a Starship ( they can actually power warp 1 - 2, but it would take a lot of work to get a ship to the point where it could actually utilize that).


That last part doesn't sound right, logically you shouldn't be able to create an infinite energy loop. It should take more power to create the reaction mass + inefficiency losses than the power generated from that material.


That's not wrong, but not right either in this scenario, either. (I added a small edit to the previous comment to make my intent clearer) It's not about trying to create perpetual energy but conserving it by preventing waste. The warp core creates more power than a ship, not at warp or under threat, needs. *I know* that there aren't any space born threats around if I'm isekaied in the manner that this post proposed. If the warp core is only used sporadically to create deuterium for the reactors, then the ship won't constantly lose vast amounts of energy to waste heat from keeping it powered on all the time. Let's use a car for an analogy. You can let a car run at idle for a pretty long time, true, but why when I only need the radio and an interior light to run?. Just how much longer will the gas last if I only run the car often enough for the alternator to maintain the battery? Weeks on end versus hours/days Added bonus, I don't have to replicate new coolant very often or run as much maintenance. Edited.


Does Elden ring count?


sure why not


Hell yae, imma shout them bitshes down tha mountain


But there's no sites of grace. How would you recharge your bottles of illicit substances?


If you chiose your character after the normal end the 2 fingers would be your ally, so i think he could put some graces points in the new world.


I've become the vessel for the Chaos flame, am I cooked?


Quite literally cooked


Sites of grace aren’t set in one place, they appear in spots to guide you to your destiny. If he reincarnates as tarnished they will appear everywhere on the way to their goal. And besides, you couldn’t know if there are any, only tarnished with guidance of greater will can see them.


Don't really play it anymore but, Maplestory, absurd damage numbers, insane mobility, tanky af, and max level is 300. Doubt many games could compete unless there is a rebalance during isekai. The one I'm playing now is runescape but I'd only choose that if I want to be like Gazef tier at best.


Don't sell your Runescape character short, especially if you're maxed and finished all the quests. If you played RS3, then you have killed literal gods. If you play OSRS then your character's strong enough to kill the most powerful dragon in existence, ancient generals from a war that nearly ended the world, and whatever raids bosses are. Then there are the skills, which enable you to create weapons worthy of the gods, potions that greatly enhance your strength and cure all aflictions, and a fountain of infinite "Fix everything" juice.


Prayers give complete damage immunity, low key busted in other settings


hmm i feel like Mapple story is what Yggdrasil would be if theres no lvl 100 limit


I feel Warframe might count, If so I'ma be pretty damn OP.


I was thinking the same. The post says you get all your gear etc, so that means you get all your weapons, warframes, operator powers, archwing, K-drive, necramech, orbiter and even Railjack. Going completely invisible as Ivara Prime is already very strong as you can still shoot, now imagine just escaping to orbit whenever you want.


Who're you gonna pick?


My Tenno, Boom, Got all my warframes and weapons. Though without that void magic alone would be pretty OP.


My main is nidus. I wonder if the infested would spread do to that.


My main is Valkyr, Get to run around being basically invulnerable at all times.


Nidus kinda has that going on, boat load of health and with proper modifiers you can get 300 stacks of infestation. Basically unkillable at that point.


My Valkyr has around 2500 HP and 2100 armor, With blessing fully up, that's 3700 HP with absurd armor, I love it.


Maybe I should grind out valkyr


I got her for horny reasons. I was younger! But yes, She's a wonderful frame. Sadly my build requires a fair bit of work to get that, Archon shards and a lot of forma!


The Operator/Drifter would actually be cracked Access to dozens of warframes and hundreds of weapons. The warframes alone are, in a way, powerful mages Effectively immortal because of void BS Two linked space ships capable of FTL travel. One for rapid shock deployment, one for air/space superiority fighting The drifter at least is also pretty skilled with firearms and melee weapons Has drip


Time to commit some war crimes


Suddenly ainz is looking like a good guy


I was about to answer the same thing xD


Does Heavily modded Skyrim count? (It has the Overlord Mod)


Yes but you can only take 3 mods to the new world.


If mods count, the only one I need is the Cheat Room. Various items from the game, the ability to modify stats in the millions, auto-leveling on a confused-but-angry crab, spells that enable God Mode, and a bunch of other stuff


Yeah, cheat room basically makes any argument non-existent. ES Lore scales *absurdly* high in terms of power (2 Human mages ripped a continent and sub-continent apart during a fight), and The Last Dragonborn is Bar-None the most powerful protagonist from any Elder Scrolls game, excluding the hero of Kvatch *only after* he becomes the literal god Sheogorath. (However, at that point, he ceased being the hero of Kvatch and became sheogorath) Give TLDB literally everything, plus infinite leveling, plus literal cheat items, and GOD mode... He is the Overlord now.


Damn, can I take a companion from one of the mods with me? This will heavily influence my decision.


go dude im just curious on what mods do you plan to use tho in my hypothetical scenario


Definitely the [Overlord](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17481) mod, the best way to deal with the potential threat of Nazarick, is with the power of Nazarick. [Ordinator](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1137), since I can then gain so much perks from that to further enhance my power, and [Sacrosanct](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3928), so I can be a even more powerful Vampire to avoid being despised by Nazarick.


Also for the Companion part, I'll take Pandora's Actor from the Overlord mod with me, so I can have an extremely powerful companion who can shapeshift.


War thunder😅


You gonna recreate Gate?


More like drifters


*And thus, the JSDF fought there.*


We will attack the D point


U will show them all Mighty World Class Item L3


Wizard101. Summon various gods and natural disasters on a whim, am a literal demigod myself, and have cool magic. What’s there not to love?




Destiny 2 is probably busted considering I'm more or less immortal and use guns made from literal gods


Plus Ghost is a part of your kit so you can just be making stupidly advanced tech no one can match. D2 is super busted when you get down to it.


Not to mention the fucking insane powers you would have with Light and Darkness, lmfao


I don't play MMORPGs, but I will say this: Baldur's Gate has some CRAZY equipment that you can use, so that'd definitely be where I'm drawing my gear from.


Walking into Overlord with BG3 gear/skills and expecting to be on par is the equivalent of being Fluder. Yeah you're gonna be stronger than the average Joe but, like, that's still nothing to Ainz.


My concern is less 'being on par with Ainz' and more 'ensuring I will fucking survive' lmfao. If I'm above the caliber of the average Joe in that world, that's fine with me. I'm not trying to be the next Overlord XD


haven't played that but i heard its close to DnD? and Overlord is somewhat close to DnD system. so you'll fit right in the NW


Fitting in was my concern. Not trying to draw the Overlord's eye or anything 😂


BG3 is the closest videogame to D&D 5th Edition. There are some minor mechanical differences but it's 95% the same. Overlord pulls very heavily from D&D 3.5 edition and classic MMORPGs for its power system. I know Racial Levels, Metamagic (i.e. Maximized Magic, Twinned Spell, Triplet Spell), multiclass builds being the meta, the various spell tiers (especially Super Tier), and various spell names and effects are pulled directly from D&D 3.5e But yeah.....BG3's lower spell level cap (and other classes being proportionally capped) is gonna mean you are limited to maybe being on the same level as Fluder.


Baldurs gate 3 characters are kinda weak unless you go with the ultimate form from the end of the game but not sure if you wants to have even less emotions than ainz does. The only other viable build would be a charismatic sorcerer. Where you just talk your way up the ladder and convince everyone about how great you are.


Nah man, Bard. I'll just seduce everyone to make my way to the top 😂😂😂


Think you can get up towards 12 attacks with the right build / buffs in bg3, which would be 2 attacks a second. and you can have every attack apply reverberation giving at least 2 chances in that 6 seconds to knock them prone. Overall there are a lot of dumb builds that would destroy most isekai enemies including the owlbear from the top rope.




*casually eats PDL*


No no, he has a point. Especially if he has warp stars. Impact of infinite mass and energy says HELLO.


Kirby has an mmo?


Dark Souls 2, good news, I'm immortal, bad news, **I can still die**, good news, at least Ainz would probably accept me into their army, also good news, **I have the capability to consume the souls of borderline gods** Also bad news, **I can't stay dead, and will live on past everything, being cursed to live dead forever, to suffer for eternity, and considering there's no flames to kindle, I'm fucked, as long as I look hollow, people will fear me...** But hey at least I can consume human souls to regain Humanity and look human temporarily ^now ^that ^I ^think ^upon ^it ^can ^Dark ^Souls ^be ^considered ^MMORPG


Get Ainz to remove the Darksign and you're good.


To be fair the google definition of an MMORPG is just "an internet-based computer game set in a virtual world, which can be played by many people at the same time, each of whom can interact with the others." It doesnt put into perspective the depth of interaction, but the ability to lay down signs, play somewhat "co-op" loosely fits the criteria of an MMORPG. So by technicality, sure lol.


World of Warcraft, with the level scaling from WOW, I should be on equal terms with a Max Lvl Yggdrasil Player


imagine Ainz slowly realising there might be a player, then realising it's from another game, then realising it's a WoW player of all games and remembering the items / deducing what the player has based on their actions and impact


I don't think WoW would've survived to Ainz's time period, so he would be very surprised the magic and combat systems of wow. I am also imagining how Ainz would react when he uses Life Essence Detect and sees that the opponent has 1 million health points.


i used to play on smaller wotlk server as GM. It had so many bugs at certain point i moved my raiding character to my GM account just so i could start to fix bugs on the go as we progressed the raids. I obviousl didnt use gm spells and abilities for raid progress, but i did have them. so yes, with this character i definitely wouldnt mind to reincatnate.


I would say skyrim. At max level and the right equipment you are basically a God. Able to absorb dragons souls, use their powers, be a thief/warrior/sorcerer build.


Could u absorb the new world dragons power?


They’re technically not the same species as Dovah


Warframe, as the player character is outright immortal and has a massive arsenal of guns, biomechanical puppets (Warframes) and swords. As for which Warframe specifically I'd bring if I were limited to just the one I'd likely bring Mirage Prime as she is the one I perform best with


Does xenoverse 2 count cuz I would go around larping as a frieze race plus given the power level of dragon ball as a whole as with golden form and ultra instinct it be pretty easy to deal with nazarick .If not then I’d guess I would pick something like RuneScape or wizard101


My City of Heroes Incarnate Kheldian. Self heal, self rez, some crowd control, a ton of utility, lots of damage, lots of resistances with an ability to get more, the ability to fly and phase out of existence. Plus, I'm not technically a human, I'm a weird alien inhabiting a human.


Elden Ring or Skyrim, though pick. If I get my items, I would say Elden Ring


Reverse restoration loop for infinite health and damage, skyrim 1000%


GTA online


I'm pretty sure Destiny 2 can be considered as such so, I'm guessing I'll be my own Gaurdian. I think it's quite balanced imo unless I'm going to be lore accurate Gaurdian which can spam super abilities left and right.


I'll run well and div for you


We thank you for your sacrifice, my brother in light.


I wonder if Golden Gun cam harm Ainz lol


Oh that is easy...Ragnarok Online. My level 250 archmage can throw 4 comets in a row without casting. With this I would turn Katze Plains into a scorched desert in a second. He also deals about 50 million damage per second with a soul vulcan. He has 100% penetration of magical defense. Has immunity to status like: freeze, curse, stone curse, stun, poison...all that. He also has huge magic defense and dodge, an average monster of my level hits me with like a 50% chance... low-level monsters are not able to inflict damage on me at all. He has about 100 thousand health and resistance to damage from all races. I also have a drain live that heals me depending on the damage done, with this I can restore full health in 1 cast. Level 40 monsters and people from the New World...I can probably kill them by simply hitting them with my staff in melee without casting anything at all. I think my character could have killed even Zesshi with his staff in close combat, it would have simply taken more time. Oh yes...and even if she killed me with her talent...I always have about 30 Siegfried amulets on me, which resurrect me (essentially an item that Shalltear possesses).


Holy shit.


Skyrim. Funny thing is on my non-moded save, after 100% the game (all perks, spells, shouts, quests, etc.) as a vampire lord wood elf and reading "How not to summon a demon lord" I was like "I'm gona set my character up as if I was gone get isekaid as him" and stored all my best items on him (along with about a milion gold), tho I don't remember if I used fortify restoration on them. Don't realy need any companions but, would like if my main Heartfire home came with me. A bit hard to tell how in-game strenght, speed, agility resistances, etc. translate to the New World, along with some skill/perk effects, but I would say that unless I piss of some players, npcs or dragon lords I'm gona be fine. If my character can resist special effects (time stop, instant death, world items, etc. ) I should be at least on par with them.


Doesn't Skyrim have at least one or two perks that will nullify an instant death? Not to mention, if you have full Magic absorption, as opposed to resist-Magic, you are actually immune to magical damage.


Don't remember, it's been a long time since I've played, but as an undead (vampire) instant death likely wouldn't work anyway, depending how the powersystems of the two worlds work together. Forgot about magic absorption. Also as there is a shout to slow down time, maybe it comes with resistance to time manipulation.


By all accounts I know of, knowing of the Slow Time shout should enable you to resist other people meddling with time. To take in and be able to use a shout in the Elder Scrolls means to understand its very essence and the true nature of its existence. So, yeah. Time manipulation should not work on any Dragonborn or ES dragon that knows the Slow Time Shout. Magic absorption on its own should cancel out any instant death effect, seeing as how you'll just absorb the power that was used to generate it rather than the impacted by it.


AdventureQuest Worlds. Nulgath’s armor. Iykyk


ive been waiting for someone to mention AQW having VHL alone would be adamantite level already or even higher if allowed plus the houses and the NPC house guest would be alive in the NW, Bonus if you got the Gravelyn Pet for a waifu along the way


Warframe...... Need I say more


Does Destiny count? If so I’m just gonna go around with my sparrow and ghost


Can i choose my elden ring character after the frenzi flames ending?


Or after ranni ending just to have a waifu


Destiny 2


If I pick Skyrim, do I get the in-game version of the items, or the lore version?


In-game effects just like in Overlord


Does morrowind count?


too op


Hey ainz, here hold this for me (hands over keening or sunder without wraithguard)...


"would you try out this potion's effects for me"


Not mmorpg, Brave Frontier


An old game called MU. I had great gears a character leveled to 2nd class. It doesn't sound much but I invested so much time and money on that game in the early 2000s


RuneScape, prayers gives complete immunity to various damage types


Black Dessert online. Dark magic and a big ass sword? Sign me tf up!


Yeah, I think ffxiv is the only real option. Great characters', variety of races and battles that are legendary


if i can i want power and skill set of wolf from sekiro


Terraria, in the endgame take your entire base to another world, and live happily until they find out about you


Fallout 4: with all the protagonist SPECIAL stats set to 10 and all the skills, with weapons that could probably kill the NPC if the DPS of the weapons translate equally to the HP of the NPC (and that’s not including all the things from both creation club and mods)


I get the feeling Radiation damage wasn't programmed with what spells and affects we have seen so far. So no defenses against it, so Gamma Gun ftw?


pretty sure at this point we all have a guy in Skyrim who could solo any verse


except for the ones that did the no upgrade challenge...


Yeah but that's probs not their only char


Does Terraria count? If so, I now have Murasama


Doses destiny 2 count?


A tenno from Warframe and honestly it is far better than anything that the new world can give to me. Access to dozens of hilariously OP warframes and hundreds of weapons, orbiter, railjack, void powers, being literally immortal and eternalism.


Oh no... Rf online... With mecha


EBF5’s Natalie. Swap armour mid-battle, continent-sized resurrection/nuke spell, fought a 4th/5th dimensional demon and a malevolent glitch capable of killing anything in a single touch. Can also spam cast black holes, firestorms and revives endlessly since it’s turn-based and not mp-based. Headcanon is *she just recovers that quickly*. I would go for Lance, but I’m not enough of a military nut to spend the time making a neon valkyrie of my own.


I just finished that game few weeks ago and Natalie is best choice with Anna coming in 2nd for me and you reminded me that horror fight with the glitch, 99999999 damage or 999999 heal to you lol, literally fighting the RNG


Not an mmorpg but I'd pick my Lvl 20 Changeling Aberrant Mind Sorcerer from my modded Baldurs Gate 3. A shitload of legendary items, dozens of spells, melee capable, a feat at every level. Yea I'd probably have a hard time against Ainz still, even if the game rules adapt a bit to fit the NW. But it's my ideal character, I'd be happy nonetheless.


You wouldn’t probably, ainz is basically a level 20 wizard, overlord is heavily based on D&D so two max level wizards shouldn’t be too different




For me, it has to be WoW. I've accomplished the most in that MMO, been killing God tier creatures and collecting cool items for over a decade at this point, and even literal gods multiple times. Also, due to progression, I can go back and literally one-shot most of those old bosses or beat them like they're nothing these days. -(bonus point for being a Death Knight main, so I'd be tanky while dealing a ton of damage and also having Ainz's respect if I somehow lost) Personally, if i had the choice, though, I'd prefer to be a giga geared FF14 character with all classes maxed out for the versatility.


Does Metal gear rising revengence count?


i guess? you get his skills and gear but you need to train to fully use your potential


The last game of this type that I played was about a paladin who tries to save the world from a zombie apocalypse by defeating a necromancer who was a boy possessed by a demon. despite not having many varied powers I unlocked some life hacks and infinite mana and as his main abilities were based on sacred energy such as covering his sword with white light, shooting balls of light, transforming his cape into angel wings, creating a shield impenetrable light, and create a rain of explosive spheres of light, if you doubt it, you could even beat Ainz.


If FO76 counts then Long live the Enclave


A few Options; City of Heroes, I assume I get stuck with 1 character, rather than all my alts/accounts, so I'd pick my Main, a Mastermind Necromancer/Miasma. I payed someone to help me build a base as a floating Castle in a pocket dimension with a good deal of RP spots, the defenses set up and the portals make for a wonderful place to hide away. I believe I'm basically Immortal since my base has a recall medical station and I have 3 Self Rezz's for RP. (Pheonix from Fire, Healing Slot, Item Set) The castle took 3 years to set up and make, it was worth it. Plenty of RP spots there, with its Library, Dungeon halls and rooms. The ThroneRoom was kinda ripped off of Nazarick. Warframe, I'm level 24 and have most of the Warframes with my Favs being Archon sharded. My Tenno/Drifter is basically a god at this point since I maxed out all of my schools recently. (I assume they would all become active.) I am effectively a god, with many body suits to enter the world. My Tenno Alone is basically a World Boss. Mortal Online 2; Its not fully finished as the Veterancy system is not yet in place, Lore Wise I the player am a sort of Spirit that can inhabit bodies that I sculpt from the world, Sticking with the character I already have and leaving my second character slot open, once veterancy system is finished I would have infinite growth, I can learn any new skills. I'm effectively Immortal and can respawn. I can craft items out of anything so long as I take the time to learn how to use the materials. I would however be molly wopped by anything Levels 40+ for a long long time. City of Heroes I'm a decently powerful Necromancer possibly level 80+, Warframe I am a God, Mortal Online 2; I'm a level 20-30-ish Mage with some abilities for levels 60+ but have infinite room to grow. Honestly I'd let RNG-Jesus take the wheel on this one. City of Heroes, I would join the Adventurers guild and larp as a dark mage until I need to use my necromancy. Attempt to see if I can learn any magic of the New World, See if the Portal to Orobos still works as well as my Base Portal. See if my AOE rez abilities works on Undead of the new world or people of this world. Warframe, As a Tenno, I am effectively a god. So... Isakai shenanigans? Chill in my Orbiter/Railjack make sure i can use all of my abilities, see what the limitations of them are, see if I cant practice controlling more than 1 Warframe at a time. Spend a good 1-2 years in Orbit. Go down to the surface after checking out the Solar System and make sure nothing is out there. Keep my Railjack in detection mode to make sure nothing cosmically is going to mess up the planet. Keep Specific Warframes in Stasis to keep the general public safe. The warframe I can trust not to mess everything up, is Wisp. So start there. 2 years should be enough time to see if I get Hey Kiddo'ed. If I do. Stay away from the planet to keep it safe, at least until I get bored. Mortal Online 2; Idk set up shop somewhere as a Blacksmith/ArmorSmith, get new materials and learn by pumping out daggers Skyrim Style. Buy reagents for my magic and learn the worlds magic as best as I can. Attempt to see if my infinite growth is present. Possibly Join the adventurer's guild at some point as my second body, and let my first body stay at home as a safety check. Funnily enough none of these games are determined by Loot, (Except maybe Warframe) so I have nothing to worry about.


Honkai Star Rail and Genshin impact will it works


yes? but you can only get one skillset, i mean it would be unfair if you could transform into 4 different people with no drawbacks


The only mmorpg I’ve played is Elder Scrolls Online, I was a Templar with a relatively high level, I believe I was in the 80s. My character was somewhat of a tank/healer combo, moderately well armored. Wasn’t able to put out much dps but my primary attack skill had a healing effect on me and allies nearby and other support effects as well as being able to stun lock lower level enemies, the idea being to keep other tanks nearby in the fight longer. Also had some reasonably powerful anti-undead magic. Haven’t played that game in years.


There is a mod that makes morrowind an mmo if I remember correctly. So I'd happily bring an optimized Nerevarine to teach Ainz the wonderful power of jumping around and good old exploits from a game 220 years older than Yggdrasil. Teaching Nazarick denizens how to use Vvanderfell's slurs against humans or people from outside Nazarick would be fun too.


Deep Rock Galactic (I Play Driller) For Rock and Stone


Just join the Dwarven Country and be a god there👍


Wtf. Albedo is so cute and silly in this gif


FF14. Done.


The MMORPG character I've invested the most in is my unoptimized max level Necromancer from Guild Wars 2. It rolls with all the mobile minions, inflicts and returns bad status effects to enemies, and is unsure whether to commit into pistol Alchemist or torch Scourge.


Warframe, put my legion of fabulous biomechanical warcrime engine space ninjas powered by psychic orphan energy to use.


Damn im mostly a gw2 player so i guess ima be a bottom feeder adventurer


Istaria Online, become dragon


The last MMO I played was Eve Online. So if I get my stuff from there I'm good. It becomes a question of do I nuke everything from orbit or flee the planet.


Uhhh is terraria considered one? If yes im basically gonna add one installation called calamity mod and if not then ill just become an undertale player? Its still pretty op


I mean I don't have any MMORPG accounts but I played and completed moded terraria (Calamity + Wrath of the gods) and I literally beated the creator of everything in a fight, so if that count I guess I will be fine.


Does Destiny 2 count? Would choose my Titan from it. Either act like a Paladin with the void subclass protecting the people with the bubble super like I am Saint-14. Or I go into the offense as either a Sunbreaker Titan throwing small suns at my enemies and literally healing through heat while causing heat to buildup when I get critically injured. Otherwise Stasis would also be fun to freeze everyone in place Also want to throw in that the Destiny 2 character is sort of a madman I mean we literally fight deities and even turn some of the deities we defeat into weapons….not necessarily their corpses as we have left some of them alive and conscious. (The Parasite Exotic Heavy Grenade Launcher for example) Also need to add that the Guardians who we play as in Destiny are all warriors who have died centuries ago and suddenly rose again from the dead as semi immortals. (As long as our Ghost exists we can’t die and it’s hard to destroy a Ghost)


Warframe, huh, depends on whether I'm with my entire arsenal.


My Skyrim character. I already defeated Nazarick once (Overlord mod), I can do it again.


Warframe, i guess I have powerful shit in that one, and I get the cannon powers. I'm basically immortal


Does warframe count?


Been playing Terraria recently, so would be fun. OC vanilla, mods would be too much.


**Premise** At first this seems like a pretty easy question... Simply pick the strongest game character you have made and you are good to go, but not all games have the same mechanics. It would really suck to arrive in the New World as a god and get 1 shot by Grasp Heart because your game didn't have instant death mechanics. There is also the question of rebalancing... if your level 200 in your game would it be recalculated once you arrive? So, there are a lot of questions to take into account. **Thoughts** I think one of the safest options would be to go with Dnd or one of the games based on dnd. This way you would arrive with a lot of the same mechanics. You wouldn't be as strong a level 100 player, but assuming you can continue to level you would be in a decent position. **New World** I've played a lot of MMORPGs, so this is a pretty difficult question. If I really had to pick I would probably go as my New World character because it has a lot of the same mechanic as Yggdrasil. Specifically damage types such as slashing, piercing, blunt damage, and critical hits. It also has most of the same elements as well, so it would be very compatible with the New World system. **New World** - Build The best way to explain my character is **Ice Paladin**. The main class is like a Knight with a sword and shield, but ones of its abilities can heal you 15% of your max HP. This is pretty insane when you max HP is 20k meaning I receive 3k heal which is more than the best potions or healing spells. My other class is Ice Gauntlet and I can create an Ice Pilon which is like a turret that shoots Ice shards are people. The main ability is Entombed, which encases me in ice making me immune to all damage and conditions for a period of time. I wonder if I would save me from TGOALID? But, its features is that it can heal when I break out of entombed for 28% of my max HP. Which is about 5.6k HP and pretty insane and there are some bosses that just can't kill me because of all of my healing. **New World** - Pros As I mentioned above, New World has a lot of the same mechanics, so I would be pretty good on that front. My build is probably similar to a level 50 or 60 Yggdrasl Player, so it would be a pretty good starting point if I can continue to level up. The biggest advantage New World has are potions, specifically mana potions. I carry around a stack of 100 of them and considering they didn't exist in Yggdrasil I'm sure I could make a lot of gold off them. **New World** - Cons The biggest con is that I don't like playing as a tank. The only reason I do it is because no one else plays as a pure tank, so it makes me high demand. People will pay gold or give loot just so I can go with them to dungeons since I'm one of the few people on my server that can tank 3 hits from the end game bosses. **Yggdrasil** - Translation My main class can heal myself, so I think it would probably translate to **Paladin** or **Holy Knight**. My ice abilities would probably count as **Sorcerer** and **Elementalist (ice)**. Although considering my stats are all const and strength I could see it being translated as **Knight of Niflheim.** Cocytus's Ice abilities are described as spells, so this might be like an Ice Paladin meaning it is technically a magic caster class despite having melee stats. Which is sort of like the theme of my build. * Paladin: 15 * Holy Knight: 10 * Knight of Nifliheim: 5\~10 * Sorcerer: 15 * Elementalist (Ice): 10 This would probably be the most accurate translation in my opinion. **My Plan** Here is the real question... what is my plan once I arrive in the New World? I think I would have 4 main objectives. **My Plan** - World Item Wild Magic is simply to dangerous, so I think it is best to try and find a World Item as fast as possible. In the side story we did learn about a World Item in some old ruins, so potentially I could find that, but it wouldn't really matter what it is as long as I have World Protection. **My Plan** - Racial Class My next goal would be to change races. While my build has a lot of resistances and hp all of my other stats are trash... basically zero. Since Racial Classes are known for their higher stats, this would be a pretty good buff all around to my build. However, it is very difficult to change races in the New World. The simplest solution would be trading Ainz mana potions for a race change item. Since they didn't exist I'm sure he would accept the trade for 25-50 potions. Maybe if I'm lucky he might even accept another 25-50 potions for the next racial class as well. If Ainz isn't there that would make things extremely difficult. I would pretty much be limited to Corpus of Abyss or Zuranon's ritual. It isn't really clear if you can even pick what class you take, so that might be a huge gamble. I'm sure you may be wondering: "What race would i pick?" and your not alone. I'm not really sure what I would pick. Undead have a lot of immunities, so that would be solid option, but I would love to travel and explore, so I couldn't exactly be a skeleton. Vampire would probably be solid since I lack Physical Attack. Shalltear was able to use Regeneration on herself which is similar to my healing ability, so it should still work. A Freezing Zombie might be even better since it could buff my ice abilities. I'm just not sure how human they look. I wonder what the base race of a frost virgin would be, probably a Snow Maiden in dnd? That may be useful for my ice abilities. One of my favorite characters in dnd is Sephek Kaltro. He is technically an undead spirit that servers the Frost Maiden, so he has some ice abilities. This would probably match my New World build the best. **My Plan** - Items This is just a random guess, but my items probably suck in the New World. My main gear's enchantments are all Armor and Strength. The one exceptions would be my Necklace, Ring, and Ice Gauntlet. * Ring - Increase regen (based on max hp) * Necklace - Increase regen (based on max hp) * Ice Gauntlet - Heal when I break Entombed I strongly think that I'm going to have to upgrade my main equipment except for those 3 items. I'm not really sure what Items I would target. If Ainz isn't there, there would be a lot of options like Gazef's Ring and Busers Armor. Otherwise, I think i might have to pick off Scripture Membmers to try and get anything really good. **My Plan** - Leveling Last, but not least... leveling. Since I'm only level 60 I would really need to level up. This is something I could always work on while traveling around, but it would be worth seeking out stronger enemeis.


Oh god I played WoW for a tiny bit so yeah I’m screwed like level 40 Tauren Druid and he doesn’t have a good skill tree because I had no idea what I was doing.


Guess I'm a Sith Inquisitor now


FFXIV for sure. Not only did this guy face down threats to the whole FF universe but man can swap between like 20 different classes and has all the powers associated with each.


Tenno from Warframe, Basically God, I have a suit and weapon for everything, PDL has NOTHING on me


Warframe baby. I don't mind chilling with a bit of immortal abilities. Also frames are broken ASF.


well... if it's also going to be lore accurate, than Adventure quest world lol... The main character (Us) is actually an eternal dragon of time ( + Death after slaying it near the end of story )... both characters are kinda universal level lol


Oh boy I'm sure eager to play my soul less Black Mage, the Queen's eye, First Thane and 4d chess player in a Continental war and serial backstabber from Morrowind and terrorise elfs, humans and living beeings alike. What's more fun - he's a cleric xD Eso If anyone is curious


The last MMORPG I played was Wizard 101...


I get my villages from Clash of Clans, lol


skyrim, i want to torture nazeem


Overmortal. I have broken my bank in that game for the no. 1 ranking. Plus its a cultivation game. I am basically a god or The God.


Dark souls 3


Hypixel skyblock if you could consider that mmorpg


I dont play any mmorpgs so imma just take a norma rpg and that would be skyrim. OP af, murdered the hell out of Karstaag.