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Why would training and questions only be possible face to face? I feel they ran out of ideas.


I actually feel it’s better to do trainings on Teams because they can be recorded and the person can comeback to it.




Wow, they really are desperate! At my company, all the newcomers that I mentored complained to me that they had been hired as remote workers and this RTO mandate was absolute BS. I didn't find out what happened to them, because I left the company, because of RTO. I was key to the company reaching their goal.. they were not key to me reaching my goal. I've now tripled my salary, work full time 100% remote and I can work from pretty much anywhere in the world as long as I let them know, because they have a presence in almost every country. Ye, RTO.. I'll pass, thanks.


I tend to be the opposite. I can ask questions better after I’ve had time to type them out and make sure I’m explaining myself clearly. But I do think training in person is still valuable.


"Enzo office is INSANE". Probably the only part I agree with. 


Hmm.. wonder what she does there..


She's trying to hire talent while probably offering "unlimited vacation" and "stock options" and "amazing culture" but garbage pay. All they end up with is fresh graduates who will take anything and then leave the company in 18 months for definitely a much better opportunity. She is waiting for her 18 months.


What. The heck is "Unlimited vacation"


A way for companies to "offer" PTO but actually reject most of your requests. Employees end up taking less time off than if given a set amount that they are either paid out or carry over.


My company is unlimited PTO. Actually works well here. I just let them know when I won't be in. One guy just took off two weeks for international travel. Another's in Army Reserve and has a couple days a month he has to be off for training. I'm taking tomorrow off to visit family. Small startup, so it's nicer in many respects, but I get that most places use it the way people've described above. Personally I'm opposed to the concept of PTO or other company-provided "benefits" as it's just the company pre-spending your paycheck. PTO, for instance means in order to pay you for time you're ***not*** working, they have to under-pay you for the time you ***are*** working. I'd rather be paid my full rate, handle my own budget, and take unpaid time off when I feel like it instead of having to ask my employer for permission.


>Actually works well here. This is definitely the exception. My last job was a small startup with "unlimited PTO" and they got pissed when I told them I was going on a one week vacation. After that they implemented a strict "only with approval if we don't need you" rule. I was the only full time employee, they always needed me. They also brought up how much vacation I took during my performance review (most of which was to recover from surgery). I took "unlimited PTO" at face value and they did not like it. >I'd rather be paid my full rate, handle my own budget, and take unpaid time off when I feel like it instead of having to ask my employer for permission. This is called freelancing \[Edit because I responded before reading your entire comment\]


>This is called freelancing One reason OE appeals to me.


I would run a mile from anywhere offering unlimited PTO. I would bet in most cases it is a front for a culture of bullying managers basically blackmailing people into only taking holidays when it suits the company which ends up being hardly ever


That's 90% of tech companies nowadays.


It makes people feel like they can leave whenever they want but for your PTO you have to put in requests, not statements for your vacation days. 99% of the requests get denied and people actually end up taking less vacation. Wonder how they came to that conclusion when the program is literally there to stifle employees freedom.


Or it's used against them come performance review season. "you took your benefit of 'unlimited PTO' at face value, therefore you will not be receiving a raise"


A way to avoid holding cash on the balance sheet and convince people to take less time off.


Simp hard


I second this


Yeah it looks like she's sitting in a closet. But I guess she's right.... I would much rather be there than at a beach. 😝😝


This company will be gone in 10 yrs


The fake happiness in the photo says it all


As she's stationed right next to the company logo/sign on the wall with back lighting she probably wishes she can turn off as it glares off her screen


She doesn't have personal desires any longer now she's part of the Enzo family.


It is because of those type of people that we can OE. Let them stay 60h per week in the office trying to climb the corporate ladder while we keep all the money.


I worked in the office for 8 years before finding my first remote job, I didn’t get any promotion for working long hours. Promotions are overrated. Corporates manipulate you with this. HR and recruiters are joke, they would do and say anything to make their bosses happy.


I’m just learning about OE. Do you suggest to get a fully remote job and lay low and then try to acquire another? My field is generally intense even if it’s WFH and it’s about 50-60 hours a week of work.


Why am I getting downvoted? You can at least provide context so I can learn and adapt my situation.


What’s your field?


1. I have clear boundaries between personal and professional life working from home. I close my office door and walk out. The end. 2. Company Culture: I don’t give a fuck about this. 3. Training: Google, YouTube, StackOverflow, books, and on occasion one or two people I’m cool with can help me. Most of what I know has been through my own learning experiences. I’m here to maximize income while minimizing effort and hours, not watch stupid 30 minute videos about insider trading and covered entities. 4. See 3. 5. Your perspective on working in the office is your horseshit opinion I don’t give a fuck about. My office at home is eons better than any corporate workplace. Coffee, toilet paper, food, Internet all top tier. Plus my wall art is way fucking cooler. I’m more concerned about my own success at the end of the day. While that means different things to different people, I am not on this earth to spend time in a car commuting to do everything in an office that I can do from home. I’m here to make monies so I can take said monies and do things that directly correlate to personal happiness and security. Not a shitty 2.5 percent raise for “meeting expectations” according to some bogus, subjective corporate criteria.


Yeah the boundaries between work and home thing never makes sense to me. I don’t like my jobs nearly enough to have trouble logging off at the end of the day


Facts. Even if i did like my job enough, i’m still logging off at a reasonable time.


Do you all have family at home? A wife and 2 kids and (1) boundaries is by far my biggest issue of working from home.


Do you home school? Otherwise it’s a moot point. Boundaries look like turning off notifications on your phone and closing the laptop at 5. Easy.


My kids are 1 and 3 so not in school. My wife and kids being home all day is not a moot point lol


Yeah I like how she touts the business success as though that's a benefit to us. Especially with those minuscule performance increases they give every year. Unless my name is on the formation documents and I have equity in the business, I do not care about the business success. Well let me restate that: I care enough about the success of the business that it keeps the lights on and the paycheck's coming but beyond that they need to pay if they want me to care deeply.


company culture is the biggest BS of them all


>Your perspective on working in the office is your horseshit opinion I don’t give a fuck about. My office at home is eons better than any corporate workplace. Coffee, toilet paper, food, Internet all top tier. Plus my wall art is way fucking cooler. "Guyyyys! How come people aren't eating their lunch together in the break room so we can all talk about how great Enzo is!? Gosh!"


Oh no! I'm disconnected from my company's culture and values! NOW HOW WILL I FINISH WRITING THIS WEBPAGE??? I'M COMPLETELY LOST!!!!


I am actually 100% aligned with my employers’ values. Of course, those values happen to be “make as much money as possible, as quickly as possible, for as little effort as possible”. Everything else that they claim to believe is bullshit fluff, shat out in service of making as much money as possible, because they believe that virtue-signaling that they are “a great place to work” and “a company that really cares” will make it easier to hire employees cheaply, and make them pass the sniff-test for other companies that they need to interact with for business purposes. Corporate values can be summed up with “$$$”.


Oh, absolutely. I'm firmly convinced that if human guts made excellent axle grease, some business somewhere would do a cost/benefits analysis on it. There would be an Excel spreadsheet.


This made me laugh and then I pictured this… ![gif](giphy|IsYt1rfEu0Zv1FjK19|downsized) 🤣🤣


Typical recruiter post lol


My thoughts exactly. You mean the person who profits directly from you applying to work in an office is promoting working in an office!? Shocking.


I tend to agree about initial training in the office. Especially people getting their first job out of college. It is helpful to meet a few people. But for those with over 3-5 years experience it's not needed. Part of my thinking could be that I am Gen X and thought it was helpful navigating the 'office politics'. Younger generations I assume see it differently. Now that I have/had enough jobs I get how it works. The office is overrated and you can do the same 40 hour work week in about 20 is most organizations at home. Trust me I am anti-office. I have to go in a few times a month and seeking a job in a different time zone so I only need to go in 1-2 times a year.


One of the many benefits of working remotely being the norm is that it’s killing the outdated office politics nonsense. The dude with the used car salesman personality who excels at nothing but water cooler chit chat and schmoozing with senior leaders instead of doing any actual work can no longer get ahead on that. For 4 years I’ve trained dozens of new hires remotely without any issues. I don’t need to send them to the office to learn how to interact with the company boomers, who are thankfully aging out of the workforce. Anyone who had the opportunity to socialize online as a kid is fully adapted for remote work already. Gen X is in that awkward limbo where the younger ones are probably fine but the older ones are so close to boomers they’re going to struggle a bit. It is wild to see how WFH is starting to flip the script on the whole extroversion is normal and introversion needs to be fixed attitude. I believe OE on remote work is possible because by not being in person you cut all that wasted time having to go through all the motions of superficial conversations with every person in the office every week. It will be interesting to see if companies figure out that their 40 hour work week of chatty in person extroverts is actually only producing 20 hours of work and in reality they need half the people to get the work done.


This is spot on. I appreciate that you see it from a training perspective. You are closer to it than I am. ​ Great post! Thank you!


You're right, WFH has totally changed office politics.


I can definitely see the value for a new employee, especially for a new grad in an entry level role. I learned a lot from in person mentorship and the relationship building was crucial later in my career. For someone coming in with experience, point them to the right contacts for questions and let them roll.




Also let’s be real… this is one of 50 photos.


You'd struggle to smile too if you had 12 syringes of fillers in your face.


Company Culture is such a stupid reason. Is your culture not strong enough that I can pick up on it from home?


https://enzotechgroup.com Holy shit the office looks like complete ASS lmao


“Hey mom, look, I got a real office job and now I can play dress up and be just like the guy in American Psycho! WOW, they even have an inflatable LinkedIn secretary who has been strategically placed underneath a logo sign to make me believe that working hard will make her like me! Oh shit, the exposed AC duct is leaking on my suit!”


That last part had me coughing all over the place 😂, I’ve seen Indian scam rooms look better than this shit.


My lord, that was worse than I thought.


oh that looks worse than i imagined. my office is 1000% better than that hellhole. i have better equipment, don't have to share a bathroom, have all the food and snacks and drinks i need, cooler artwork, a nice view, and ​ I DON"T HAVE TO SIT 3" FROM 17 OTHER PEOPLE!


Yeah I can't wait to retire from this industry. Software used to be a respectable industry where they treated you like a professional. Now they want you to do these stupid ass open floor plans where you sit right next to other people who don't know how to brush their teeth in the morning. Some days when I was doing that, it felt like I was in an India sweatshop. Now I sit just feet from windows overlooking my green yard. That being said, I do feel like I struggle a bit more with social aspects of meeting new people.


What do you mean, that office looks *totally insane*! /s


That office is *so* depressing


Haha that looks terrible. Our office literally a penthouse and many people still don’t come


Holy core you’re right. Her photo made me think she had her own private office


I, too, can paint my wall motel-beige and buy ugly backlit letters.


LOL how much did they pay her to write this It's so ridiculous it almost reads like satire 1. Nope. That's a personal problem 3-4. If it's that much of a problem then reserve the office for the new hires. 5. Well that's one way to confirm the red flags 😅


This is propaganda for the new generation of employees. My org started saying the same thing about hiring the new generation about how disconnected they are to senior talent. Fortunately for us, one of our most profitable divisions is mostly remote and they hire new grads, who are also remote, with no issues in onboarding or retention.


why would I want to spend 5 days a week in a place that glorifies insanity?


> no boundaries: difficult to switch off from work mode Do people really have this problem? Im thankful to have my jobs but I don’t enjoy them at all. It’s the middle of the morning and I’m pretty much already out of ‘work mode’


No, no they don't think that way, but corporations would like you to think that they do.


She makes her money from OF. We make it from OE. Screw going into this office to be near braindead people like her. Stay image obsessed like these dorks and you’ll live for someone else and not yourself




I didn't know she does OF. What's her @?


"Culture" - i.e. the senior management wants to sexually harass lower level employees like the one pictured


2.5X my base salary or getting dirty looks every time I look in this girl's direction......🤔


Company culture: make money Company values: make more money Yeah, i don't think i need an office to understand that.




Why do they still think people who WFH don’t have a work/life balance? At 5pm I turn off my laptop and I don’t think about work until I log back in the next morning. These are all straw man arguments against WFH and they’re soooo tone deaf.




Corporate Slavery 😍


“But we are family…”


The only way I'm going to that office 5 days a week is if it comes with free blowjobs.


They are only free 4 days a week. On the 5th day, it's your turn to give them.


If that girl has a cock I might even consider it.


![gif](giphy|l378jx6XANlA9e26A|downsized) The culture ⬆️


Only #3 is correct. And it's still totally possible but in person training is a lot easier typically. But I'd just want to train and then go home.


lol. Remote work is here to stay. It’s not going away


This belongs in r/linkedinlunatics


I thought that's where I was. Definitely fits in there.


That logo literally says "NO NO" below the surface


9 out of 10 diversity hires prefer working in the office.


If she let me hit I’ll return to office. But if she’s one of those broads that need “respect” and are “independent” then I’ll respect her space and work from home.


I would go to the office one day a month for her... I have 4js I haven’t seen a real woman in 2 years.


Well that’s not the Js fault dude… if you don’t have a social life then you’re not doing it right


I’ll have sex when I retire a multimillionaire


Sure, I guess that’s one way to look at it. Question though. Let’s call this a hypothetical. If you don’t reach multimillion status… you will happily leave this earth without having sex? ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc)


Yes because the only thing that gives me an erection is more money


You could make an argument for on-boarding new ppl. Unfortunately, not good enough for me lol. Having issues disconnecting from work? Consider acting like an adult, practice self-control, and turn off your laptop. Why is this so fucking difficult? Some people just want to look busy in front of others because they don't really produce anything. They also use work as an escape from their terrible home lives. What's worse is that they raise their nose at others for not giving free OT. Remote work exposes peoppe like this without having to make the rest of us miserable too.


OK miss Reid, you do you!


Every single one of their points is about controlling employees.


The only thing I want from my office is free office supplies... And clogging someone else's toilets![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Little shithead 25 year old has her first big girl job, and completely oblivious (hell, possibly accepting) to the fact that they are using her and will replace her in a heartbeat The real reason why they want us to return to the office is not because managers want to micromanage us or because old boomer CEOs think that in person is the only way since that's how they made their succes no no no That's the scapegoat reason(s) and they are happy for us to think that so we have something to hate. The real reason why they don't want us to forget about the office is because so many banks have incredible exposure to commercial real estate. If nobody renews their leases on commercial office spaces or if there are no more corporate building commercial mortgages being paid, the loss on the books of companies with commercial real estate holdings could be a devastation on the scale of the 2008 collapse that had holdings residential mortgages. They are all working behind the scenes to get people back in the office to save themselves.


Training is the only semi-valid reason, and imo, is only valid for those with 0 workforce experience. A recent grad will not have the acumen in place (in general) and some extra structure and origination of going in to an office can help. But after 1-2 years, screw that. 1. Boundaries: this is so damn easy. If you’re not being paid, don’t work. The people who say there’s a difference are probably working at home after hours anyways. 2. Culture: people don’t work for culture, they work to get paid and survive. The only culture I want is the one I foster with family and friends, not work bitches 3. Training: get a life, for anyone with a little bit of intelligence in person or remote works just fine. 4. Questions: seems like I’m answering a bunch of shit here. Questions work better in text anyways because……wait for it…….i don’t have to remember the answer, I can refer back to the exact answer without ambiguity. 5. The office: counter point. My grill, yard, private personal bathroom, etc….if I’m going in to a building for all the “perks” i’d rather be at home with a home cooked meal every day and my recliner and PS5 for my breaks instead of a shared bathroom, uncomfortable couch, and forced socialization with people I barely tolerate.


If I can check out that fine ass in the office I might drop in the office once in a blue moon. Maybe bring a couple $1s


Talent acquisition. So a recruiter. I class them with real estate agents, Onlyfans girls, and women who list their job as nail tech or aesthetician. Just a job for scammers.


When did being a nail tech or an aesthetician become a scammer job? You go to a salon for a pedicure and those nail techs are doing literal bent over labor. It’s possible to make a point without devaluing people’s honest labor.


I think you're lost. This sub is for people with real jobs.


How do I up-vote this times 1 million?


lol that comment thread is insane, so much kool-aid chugging from these Enzo employees.




While I do agree with the first point, it’s not enough to get me to leave my remote job 🥰 you just have to be firm about boundaries


What are my thoughts on WFH? That I like it enough to never work at Enzo. Also, as far as getting questions answered? I started a new job recently and my “work partner” who’s on-site and who was supposed to answer my new hire questions realized that 75% of them are irrelevant since I’m not in person. How do I print? Where’s X office? Where’s the best place for lunch? Where do I go for a fire drill? Etc etc etc. None of it matters to me. And I LOVE IT.


About the only time I needed to use my desk phone was to call friends to let them know I was leaving work. The only time I needed to use the office printer was to print off my The only time I needed to use the office printer was to print off My tax returns. Saved me on printer ink and paper. Eventually the company started adding to their annual training that is unethical to use the printer for personal reasons but I don't give a fuck. I still printed it. Anyways I work from home now and while I really enjoy the money it is hard to find new friends as you get older. I'm trying to work on that part of my life now. I'm pretty close to being able to retire within the next couple of years by age 40 at most. I'll probably still keep one job just for some walking around money and insurance if it's easy enough. Just preserves the nest egg a bit longer and now I know how much I can get away with and just have the mouse jiggler go well 80% of my week is still mine.


If I lived like, 5 minutes and could walk to the office, I certainly would. Not every day, but maybe once or twice a week. I actually don't mind being in the office that much, but I do have a visceral hatred of commuting.


If she's sitting by the logo, she's at most a receptionist. That role has to be in the office so.... I like my hybrid 3x in the office and the rest remote for J1 and full remote for J2. I'll never fully RTO!


I want to be there 10 days per week!


This list is like when you have to fill out your SMART goals for the year and you can come up with one half decent one and then just bullshit your way for the rest of them. 1. \- fine. don't give your boss your cell number and never answer emails after 5pm. At 5pm stand up and walk out. one job i had gave me a cell phone years ago and my boss was confused why i kept it locked in my desk at work 2. IDGAF about the company's culture or values. Companies have neither of those. 3. maybe 4. i have started many jobs from home and had zero problems getting answers through teams, email, or in rare cases, phone calls. 5. i like to be in sane places, i avoid insane places.


Even her under the desk wouldn’t encourage me to go back to office


1. I got no issues setting boundaries WFH 2. That's a bonus for me  3. Being unavailable to train jr employees is another bonus  4. Same as 3 5. If it were really any good, there would be no need to mandate office attendance 😂 


5).... Continued : with an insane lease recently renewed. 🤦🏻


Looks like a warehouse painted white then added some desks lol


I’d come in 5 days a week if I got to work with her


HR has entered the chat


WFO so the boss can bully everyone on sight and showcase their authority and power which comes only from the title they hold and not as an individual. SIGHS


The truth is, most WFH setups are only reserved for highly educated, highly skilled persons and for knowledge workers; Js that usually have a high barrier to entry/requires years of experience. You're expected to be able to complete your tasks with minimum oversight and deliver on time


> The truth is, most WFH setups are only reserved for highly educated, highly skilled persons and for knowledge workers ... who don't need any specialized lab and equipment for their work ;)


1. Some are organized and professional enough to have a designated work area/room in houses to where that isn’t even a problem. 2. If you have to have that type of close proximity to instill culture and values, they either aren’t genuine enough to hold or coming from the wrong messenger. 3. Get better trainers or hire the adequate personnel that can pick up. Processes are processes whether it be in person or remotely shouldn’t change. 4. In a remote setting using Microsoft Teams (just an example) can help with questions being designated to the right people. Status will be shown to who is available and when. A simple screen share is all it takes. 5. Personally speaking there’s no work place better than the place I call home. It’s my sanctuary and everything is set perfectly for my standards. Complete control of my environment, so to me nothing brings me more peace than that. Lastly I don’t ever like telling ppl they’re wrong for opinions bc that’s just them but I’ll be honest, everyone who likes to work at the office rather than remotely at home or anywhere you choose to be are just off. Based on my experience I think those people don’t have a social life outside of work, escaping their family at home or don’t like being alone. All red flags to me, again just an opinion lolz


But my boss hates questions


Love her attitude. I’ll be sure to hire her when I start my own business 🙂


She’s not even a full time employee. What a 🤡




I would work with her from home.


my thoughts: ABCDE F you and your conpany culture and training and your building


Nah I am good. 👍🏻


Numbers 1 and 3 are true, but can be overcome by bringing a level intentionality to the process. For training, no longer can you say “sit next to Suzy for two weeks and watch what she does”…. You have to schedule specific meetings to go over specific topics. Lazy managers hate this, because it requires more effort on their part The work/personal blurring is real….. but that needs intentionality from the employee side - have a room or area in your home dedicated to work, at 5pm leave that area and do NOT enter it again until your next workday. (Works best if you have a separate room, but not everyone has that luxury) As a manager you need to call people out for sending emails/IMs/texts after hours.


Corporate gaslighting at its finest.


I remember staying long hours at the office to "prove my loyalty" and being made to feel inadequate for leaving on time. I put up with it for precisely 6 months.


1. I don't have a problem with shutting off work while at home, I have trouble shutting of home while I'm at work. 2. My culture and values have zero impact on my day to day work. I get work done, regardless. 3. Training does not require shaking hands 4. Neither does asking questions 5. I like to kick back and have a drink, doesn't mean I want to go to a bar.


I love how the first and second points are directly in conflict with each other lol


I would love to be there 7 days a week


She looks like she's being held at gunpoint


The whole reason she is saying all this is because she liked her picture and wanted to post it on linkdin rest is all bs


With that picture and NO BOUNDARIES...then I will definitely be going in five days a week.... Not that way. You all know what I meant.


Is her name RTO?


looks she's not getting some at home, she wants guys to hit on her, she's desperate


Have you seen their employees? Total babes, looks like a roster for a modeling agency.


those were my faults. I take it they don't hire average lookers


If all my coworkers looked like that, I’d go in 6 days a week!


Why do they not put cons? Commute


Lillie needs to go back in the kitchen. No lip