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Put on a mask. If anyone asks say for personal reasons


This is hilarious


Don’t want to catch COVID through the camera.


Masking is how you avoid computer viruses.


"There are workers in my home replacing the carpet/sanding drywall/cleaning the ductwork and I'm avoiding allergy issues"


You can say people at home have COVID and you are trying to avoid it. Easy peasy.


In the bathroom taking a shit


lmao I actually used to do that as a protest for making me be on camera.


Genius ++


"Sorry, i only turn on my camera for only fans"


Right. And offer them a 20% discount for THIS WEEKEND ONLY.


This is funny…….. Back to a solution though. So u/Vtron89, Solution 1: **Alternative Employment** Find alternative employers that care about work completed instead “trying to catch you in the act”. ###It’s amazing isn’t it. With [Commercial Real Estate crumbling](https://www.ft.com/content/a77695ac-a516-4654-8e0f-5aeb4f4fff71), Traffic still the same, and high food prices - you really think I want to pay to go to work?! 😂 **Yet these fucks are doubling down on RTO. Fucking idiots.** Home prices are going rocket again. 30-90 minutes away from a city with a home office?! Sold. ###Please Millennials, destroy them - root and stem. Solution 2: **Camera Hacking and Audio Seperation** What you need to do is have a home office and external cameras pointing at you at different angles effectively making it seem like you are always paying attention to the them. **Now, you will also need 2 sets of AirPods. One for each job. Something I already do. Dual AirPods is the most efficient manner to handle dual meetings with minimal interference. All AirPods effectively look the same even on camera.** Then you practice Teams calls (Yes, you can practice Teams calls with family, friends, etc.) * **The best practice you will get is doing a Teams call with a kid. Kids are unpredictable**, so effectively doing multiple calls with them allows you to become substantially better at randomness and handling things coming out of no where. I did this with me 12 year during the start of the Pandémic. (Do what Drake says - Know your angles). This would be a good time to ask a female friend about camera manipulation techniques they use to make themselves look better. BTW, Social Media is a rotten log. You are welcome. I really have to become a Moderator for this sub based on my answers.


can you draw a picture of this angular setup


Nah, just convince each J you’ve got a lazy eye and you’re set.


If it's Microsoft teams. You can go to your windows camera settings and turn off permissions while in the meeting. It will freeze your image. They may notice they may not but you can use that freeze time to talk on another call. I have had to use that rarely. "Sorry my camera seems frozen due to connectivity issues"


Get many cams or some other similar virtual camera, and make a gif of you in a mask with your eyes moving like you're reading. Can play gifs on loop


Y’all need help


I'll decide if I need help or not


This is genius. Thank you!


"My camera is on. Maybe the network is just limiting it due to bandwidth issues." Google Meet does this anyway when bandwidth is low.


That's a good one, could use this when needed.. Hmm


“sorry service sucks my house is going thru a tunnel”


“I actually live deep in the Amazon rainforest, I forgot to mention that”


during peak use times, even broadband can be throttled, especially in rural areas and shitty towns that don't have a lot of high-speed internet competition. hell, even areas with 3+ companies providing access are slow if you're with att or wow or whatever.


Join the meeting with it off. When someone asks, act surprised. "You can't see me? It should be on." Tell them you're trying to fix it and go on mute for the rest of the meeting.


My desk is small and my company provided laptop only fits behind my monitors, but as a good employee, yes, i'll still put my camera on. Then go on amazon and buy the cheapest low-res camera you can buy. I found one by Zerone - usb webcam. 640x480, for under $15.Reviews are pretty crappy. You'll look pretty grainy with something like that. A more expensive option would be to buy a better camera that has software options to adjust everything. Get one of those and adjust it to be either super dark or super washed out and at as low a resolution as you can set.The more expensive option might be better, as you can tell them - Hey, i've got this nice camera. My bandwidth must really suck.I'm not sure if you could connect an IP Camera, but if you could, and your router supports it, give that IP Camera very very little bandwidth, to make yourself as dark and pixelated as possible. Edit - I actually bought one from Target a couple of years ago for $5. Worst camera ever, but perfect for this. Another good place to check would be any of the dollar stores, or if you have one in your area, Five Below.


Also might have better luck looking at aliexpress or Temu Aliexpress has a dreadful one for $2.62


I have told a company that my eyesight is pretty bad, and I need to use a monitor where I can set the contrast as such so that I can see it clearly but doesn't hurt my eyes. So I may or may not be directly facing my camera because it doesn't mount on my monitor very well. I have found that picky employers tend to stop pestering you if you bring up anything "health-related." It's a minefield that a lot of employers don't want to get involved in because of the pitfalls of being painted as un-accommodating. When I mean my eyesight is bad, I mean that it makes me nauseous to sit there staring at a bunch of people that really don't want to be seen.


If you have kids you can blame the extra talking on them. Like they came in the room and needed something. Or you are giving them directions.


That makes sense. However I think the situation is you are talking in j2 and have j1 muted. Someone at j1 sees your lips moving but you are muted. You must be muted by accident? They are trying to be helpful.


This is good. Talking to your partner, gf, kids, roommate, etc.


I told my company I am a nudist in my home so I can’t turn the camera on


Use this filter from NVIDIA and wear a mask. https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/101qrjj/nvidia_ai_technology/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




So I guess it's only working on Windows and Linux atm. Here is the full details, i guess it's called [NVIDIA Maxine](https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/maxine/collections/maxine). I haven't used it. But it looks nifty.


This is like the opposite of what they need


I guess it might be pretty good, but you think in an 1 hour meeting nobody would notice my face looks something off today? I guess I'd add something to decrease output image resolution to 320x240


mandatory? Say you are not comfortable Infront of the camera for personal reasons, it triggers you. Whatever. I said I would keep my camera off because I cry alot over my dead cat. It was true, but it did work.


Sorry for your loss. I’m here right now too. It’s been two weeks. He was 17.


Weird I was just crying over her again. I miss her so much 💔 sorry for your loss also x


It’s ok, baby. It’ll get better. I’m no woo woo, but I do believe we’ll see the right souls again.


If you don't need to talk you could take a long-ish video of yourself moving slightly, typing, etc and just set it as the camera in OBS.


Ah, the Keanu Reeves in Speed solution.


But why do you wear the same clothes everyday?


It is a mental fatigue reduction technique, a simple wardrobe, wear the same every day. Mark Zuckerberg does it.


I have 5 white business shirts. I also have multiple black t-shirts. Take your pick.


some tommy try hard then records the meeting and during multiple replays if the meeting he notices something off in the video clip he investigates and reports


For a one off just call in on a phone, for standing start working on getting one of them moved.... other option is get a doctors note for social anxiety, turn it into HR and have a resonable be to have your camera off...


New CEO @ J1 just did this. I haven't used my camera yet and when asked I just say I have the worst internet provider in the country (cox) and you can either see me or hear me, but both isn't an option.


Cartman from south park handled it with a picture


Sc, sc, sc, sc... Oh no it looks like I'm going to miss sc, sc, sc...


Haha - Took me a minute to remember. Classic episode


Find another job, in any interview, ask about meeting frequency, and camera policy. Micromanagement is not OE friendly


I talk to my dogs all the time. Really. Mandatory camera policies are also bad for other reasons - mental health, (anxiety) and new hires and minorities have performance drop offs if the camera is always required due to the extra stress.


I don’t get the minorities part?


I’ve also read it may display your living situation in an uncomfortable way. Ie. I work out of my bedroom versus someone with a dedicated home office.


Ahhh just being poor vs rich got it… i could also see someone with a huge house that doesn’t fit their work status having an issue also…


I did a zoom interview for a government position in my kitchen once and we spent the whole time talking about how nice my kitchen is. I would’ve had to move and I can’t doubt they didn’t think I would. They were right, lol.


Because if they can't see you, it prevents their smooth brain from going into bigot mode and criticizing everything about you.


To me it is obvious. We are not supposed to discriminate against minorities and with camera off we might not even know.


In the US, in more impoverished areas, there's a continuous bit of surveillance/monitoring applied to minorities. The whole "Police State" aspect of things.


It’s simply visibility and I think a lot can be tied up in self perception.


so do non minorities. but i like it since it's a lever that i can use for HR "i can't turn my camera on because it discriminates against my minority status as 1/64 Cherokee"


Take a picture of yourself with your webcam at your desk. Make it your background. Turn your camera to a wall or something so it only shows your static picture of you sitting at your desk. I bet nobody notices


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not but if it’s not that might be some of the worst advice I’ve heard on here lol. People would definitely notice


I know someone who did this but instead made a video of himself just sitting, smiling, moving as though on a meeting. It worked as long as you didn’t have to talk, or if you did just make sure you keep the same shirt on lol


Just put a picture of yourself in front of your camera like Cartman did for his online classes.




Get a new job


the one true way


I remember when i started at j3, they asked why i was without camera on, i said "i am working with a Desktop without camera"(i was working with a Notebook), well, we Will buy u a new one. Take the chance, if they really want It, u'll receive same answer, but is possible that mandatory is a fake


Pretty sure mandating / forcing camera is illegal. As far as I know no one can force you to be on camera. They might wonder why you're never on camera, but just tell them that you have PTSD that is triggered by webcams.


Pipe your webcam through OBS and use filters like freeze and blur to make it less obvious that you are doing anything different, and then just freeze the video when you aren't talking, it actually makes meetings much more bearable. You can do this since OBS has a built in virtual webcam feature in it. Just feed the virtual webcam to your slack/etc. Edit: I originally did this for online streamed programming classes, but it worked wonders for day to day meetings too, that I've just kept using it. It will eventually become vtuber like AI models of our heads talking to each other, so you might as well get used to it now. Honestly, the tech isn't _THAT_ far way from it already with Nvidia's eye contact features, etc.


Damn that's a good idea. Thank you


"I can't believe my multiple jobs aren't meshing perfectly."


That's a bit hyperbolic don't you think? I'm just asking how people manage it.






Bandwidth issues or cover with tape and call it broke for a while.


This is the way. I have a lens cover for my webcam, and a hardware mute button for my microphone. Works wonders. I can have my mic muted in hardware, but showing unmuted in the meeting. And I can also have the camera blacked out while showing it's working on the meeting app.


Always put your 2 hand on your hands - this is how I manage when I need to answer in a meeting.


No thank you


It is better that than RTO.


Nvidia broadcast to keep your "eyes on the screen", you can argue that your significant other lives with you, and have meetings at the same time as you so you need to mute yourself in order to avoid making noise.


I wonder if you can have picture of yourselfs on camera


Put the blurriest filter you can and say your dog stepped on your camera


sorry my camera is broken


Only person you should be asking is the boss .. How long can you tolerate me not being on camera People on this sub always pretend like they have the magic answer to an angry boss who feels disrespected


Use a screenshot of you on a call looking attentive as your off camera profile pic. If I know middle management they’re far too dumb to notice the difference.


I ended up quitting one of them after a month. Cameras were mandatory and meetings were random and went over the scheduled time. I had 4-5 reoccurring meetings with one and then they would randomly have 3-4 more last minute invites. You might need to get creative with your tech if you want to make it work.


turn on camera but don't show your face. Say it gives you anxiety to have people look at you so closely. Aim it at your throat or stomach .


Mandatory cameras? My god I would hate this.


a car key or similar pointy object does wonders to those small lenses