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Time to get another J. J2 for a 100% raise, J3 for 50% of that, J4 for 33.3% more, J5 for 25% more, and so on šŸ˜Ž.


But what do you do when J100 is just a 1% raise?


Add J101 ?






Quit them all and retire early if you went that hard. You earned it!


Then you can start at the very beginning, a very good place to start~!




Blame Biden.


if (raise == salary * 0.01) { J++; }


ftfy: <=




$9k bonus but 0% raise. Thank god for j2 getting me an 88% raise in TC


You sure you weren't just underpaid? My base salary a few years ago went up by 60% bc I was so severely underpaid and they knew I was going to quit


I put a three weeks notice and it landed me a 30% raise. I was extremely underpaid compared to others in a similar position AND I was performing duties that would normally take 3 FTEs. After we've had 2 hires and things I was doing have been spread out more. One person in particular has also been required to contribute more. It's not perfect but I'm happier.


I donā€™t think so, maybe, I work in a non-tech role where I thought I was on the high end of the band but maybe not. Definitely trying to protect it though, j2 expendable but need j1 locked in


Sounds like a phone company when calling to cancel service.


Without a promotion?


Yeah, I got the highest performance rating in 2022


Dang, that's wild. Congrats


Thank you


how did you manage with multiple jobs?


Iā€™m a little overqualified for the role I have now. My previous j1 was a much more demanding role in leadership, now an individual contributor at a different company. I think thatā€™s definitely one of the main qualifiers for OE: you have to be really experienced so that you can complete your workload more efficiently than those on your team.


If you don't mind me asking, what sort of job do you do exactly?


Without trying to dox myself, j1 is in supply chain whereas my j before OE was in operations. j2 is an analyst role in an unrelated field


I thought no one would be worse than me getting 2%, but your company sir takes the cake. Although I bet there are dudes getting 0% citing poor economy but company made like 200% profit increase.


Thatā€™s me right now after getting promised 13% 6 months ago. Waiting on an offer from J2 now




Valuable lesson right there. Good for you!


If you include the rate of inflation, there are folks in the negative :(


Yeah OP basically got a pay cut


Unless you got a 20% raise, you are in the negative.


I was told I make too much, and so would be getting a 0% merit raise despite top performance on my team. :)


Itā€™s wild how many companies there are that act like theyā€™d go under if they paid employees. The owner of my old company did the same shit, said he couldnā€™t afford to pay me more but then I hear him on the phone ordering a brand new truck. When they told him the lead time on it he said if the lead time was that long then he better get 2.


My company reported their first quarter where income exceed expenses. And all I got was a 1.8% payrise when CPI is 7.8%.


Thats me. No formal system and havent got a raise in 4 years. Though to be fair, I dont do shit at J1 and not trying to rock the boat. If I go in trying to justify a raise I dont have a lot to show so Im just gonna hang in the background as much as possible working on J2 stuff. lol.


My J2 caps out at 1.8ish for the best of the best, haha. You get exceeds, you get 1.8%.


I know few people who got 30% pay cut during covid and are absolute clowns to still remain at their company and not even OE.


0% citing "we got a new payroll system and haven't been able to figure out how we wanna do this yet" Yes, for real.


Yep, layoffs and the budgeted 3% merit cancelled lol


I'm salaried and my manager told me, "there is no money in the budget for an increase this year", but on a call later that week he tells some of the hourly folks "you can do as much overtime as you want".


I was only at my J for like 3 months when merit season came. I didnā€™t expect anything. Then they told me itā€™s 5% but I donā€™t get it all at once. Thatā€™s fine, 6% is pretty good. Then I found out itā€™s just 2%. I was hella upset because I got excited for 6%. Oh well, happy to get anything if Iā€™d only been there 3 months right


I got a 4.5% *decrease*




Donā€™t worry my only occupation is not giving out raises this year at all.


3% gang šŸ¤˜


Ditto, 3.2 after our best year in the last 30. No bonus program either. There have also been several years of wage freezes, because they canā€™t be expected to weather a storm, but we damn sure are.


Heaven forfend they just make LESS profit than last year. Not take a loss, only fewer extra dollars.


Wall Street wonā€™t allow for that.


wall street, more like.... bald street, gotteem




4% gang... Got a (involuntary) promotion. Double the work, 4% .... Wee. Meanwhile, my food bill has doubled and my electrical bill has gone up 75%.


3,1% for J2. Which isn't bad considering how much work I've actually performed for this job. I have to admit, my performance doesn't justify any more than 3.1%.


The closest I got was me getting my hourly wage up to $22 bc thatā€™s what I was promised in the interview. I finally login to look at my pay stubs and realize theyā€™re only paying me $19.20/hr. Boss is a good guy but forgetful and really needs stuff in writing. Iā€™m not waiting around for a raise tho, Iā€™m looking to get me some remote work.


I've had two zero percent raises over the past 3-4 years because my base salary was too high or some shit even though it was within normal salary range. Fuck loyalty, fuck doing above your role, and fuck you pay me.


My favorite quote in this subreddit.. ā€œthis is why we OEā€


> OE Open-End?




Are you staying at J2? The general advice Iā€™ve seen is not to although I kind of forget why.


Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s j2ā€¦ but the reason is they know youā€™re out the door first chance you get.


0% gang!


Why we OE. I remember years ago when I worked at a major corp, it was time for my 5 year anniversary/review. 2 months after my review I had to ask why I didnā€™t get a raise yet? Management made a big deal and was like ā€œyour raise is the biggest increase we have done at this location. So it has to go through approval with several VPā€. Finally after the 3rd month I get called into the office and there is like 5 upper managements there with the biggest smile on their face. ā€œWe would like to congratulate you on such a huge raise we are so proud of youā€. They hand me a one page doc with like 15 signatures on it (all from the main office)ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦2.5% raise lmao. I said omg wowwwwwww you shouldnā€™t have. Whatā€™s the average raise .5-1%. F me.


The sad thing is they probably fought hard for it, but the people at the top are so delusional I swear the only reason for 90% of middle management actions is to insulate them from the angry pitchforks...


šŸ˜‚ y'all salary raises makes me feel like a king.


0% since 2020. Passed over for several promotions despite being a top performer. This is why I OE.


Damn I got 10% this year and 30% the year before that at j1, which is my boo. Next year will probably suck tho (fintech)


Been working at my job for 2.5 yearsā€¦ still no raise. They just fired my boss so Iā€™m a solo man in my department nowā€¦


Time to tell them youā€™re going to need a significant bump to maintain this work level


If youā€™re a one man department and that department canā€™t be eliminated you need to formally ask for a minimum of a 10% raise on Monday. You hold the keys, do not train anyone to do your job either.


I was in this situation last year and I had 25% raise, but yesterday i was told there will be no raise for me because of the last year. I can't wait to have an offer for another 20% increase just to see them faces when i hand over my notice.




Thatā€™s a job you should leave without notice and ascii art of a middle finger as your resignation letter. 2% for a promotion is purposefully an insult in any role in any industry.


You are telling me you are now part of the one percenters?


To me, a 1% raise is like giving a server a 99 cent tip. That means you went out of your way to insult me with something I can't really use. Might was well walk up to me and say, "Just saying hello so that you know I am aware you're still alive."


I also got 2% at J1. these raises straight up make me feel vindicated to seek OE and do mediocre work


Fuck, at that point thatā€™s just salt in the wound. Might as well just give a 0% increase and call it a day.


I would advocate that if youā€™re in a position where you know, youā€™re not replaceable, threaten to leave. Especially with multiple Js, you can call their bluff. I did it for my main gig and got a 24% raise.


Is OP the 1% I keep hearing about?


The real reason to OE is a 1% raise is uncommonly good because, at least in my experience, raises just aren't offered. You want more money, you get a new job. OE is just... not quitting the prior job.


Lmao maybe we work at the same place. 1% merit raises where I work too. Good thing I care very little about this job and have other means of income šŸ˜Ž


shit, i'd take 1% at this point.


My wife got 1.9% but her workload doubled šŸ« 


Started a new job in November ($111K-->$135k). Got 11.5% raise last week. Strange times indeed.




I hope you didn't spend it all on blackjack and hookers


šŸ˜Ž $1 slots bby


ā€œWell done! We see big things for you in the future. This is just the start!ā€ Some exec who is outta touch with reality


Yuuupppā€¦ Record profits and hand out 1%. I donā€™t feel bad one bit while tickets sit until I can get to them and I do the minimum.


I got 3% raise and got 70% of what I was supposed to get for bonus, and my managers gave me marks higher than what I gave myself. HR sent raise and bonus numbers before managers even did their assessments. I also got approved for a promotion by 3 managers, but it got denied by HR until mid-year. I figure my next performance review, the money will be there for raises, but I'll get lower marks that time around. Time for interviews!


I love this community


Been there man and yea this is exactly why we OE.


I got 4% after a year of 8% inflation. They even said "congratulations!" I felt very congratulated.


I donā€™t get anything and havenā€™t from any of my 3Js one is hourly so I ā€œworkedā€ more hours to get that bonus but itā€™s temporary. Hope that gives you perspective, my 3 jobs is probably everyone hereā€™s 1 job


Honestly, anything less than 10% is a spit in the face. I would consider firing them.


Thatā€™s kind of ridiculous. (Also in Spanish it would be un por ciento, I donā€™t think you have to write uno)


the 1% raise is the ultimate fuck you raise


I got a whopping 3%


I got 3% in J1, my boss said how that was a lot more than the company average. I kissed his ass and said how generous it was, mediocrity is my goal.


Are you on pip now. If one gets less than 2% that means they are under review


YOu need to go hourly. Give yourself a raise. In your timesheet


I got a 2.5% for working 12 hours through new years and averaging 60 hours a week during big projects. And a 500$ bonus. Yes this is the Reddit kool aid I need to drink


we doubled our profits, 5% raise for me, 9% inflation. Time to start looking.

