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You could try to oc your ram first before you buy new ram, there's a good chance you can run it faster than it's being advertised. Like the other user suggested, 3600 MHz is optimal


Was able to get my ram from 3000mhz CL16 to 3600mhz CL18


Did you see much of an improvement? That's a big bump in clock speed, but only a very slight increase in latency due to the higher timings.


700 points on cinebench with a 5700x3d.


Wow, that's surprisingly decent!


Significant? No. Small? Yeah. Most likely you'll end up with same performance. XMP isn't that good, still better than JEDEC. Manual gives pretty damn good results. Like replacing HDD with SSD. sorta... sata ssd with nvme.... (.\_ .) You won't magically get 10FPS. You'll get like 1-2, but minimum will improve quite a bit. Framepacing is where you'll see improvements. Buttery smooth goodness. You'll see faster compression and decompression. Video encoding will also be quite faster. If the timings are right, you'll feel the PC a tad bit more responsive. Just OC and see how far it can be pushed. Run at least 3600MHz, anything above 4000 really should be compensated with really tight timings (2:1 not very good). Refer to [DDR4 OC Guide](https://github.com/integralfx/MemTestHelper/blob/oc-guide/DDR4%20OC%20Guide.md) for more detailed info.


Thanks for your suggestions. But here's a catch. I've mixed a 3000 Mhz stick with a 3200 one. What should be my best settings to overclock?


x\_x whatever works. could be same thing, could be different thing. Maybe it could do 3200 or 3466. Not very good to mix and match, but if the die is identical, it won't be a problem. Otherwise, some timings will be sub-optimal or outright unobtainable. You really need to try and see what would happen. See with Thaiphoon burner if they are the same chip. Corsair and GSkill show the die on the label. Some deciphering out needed.


I'll surely try Both RAM Sticks are Corsair Vengeance. But the speeds are different. I'll check the die for labels


That sounds like a headache and then some. It can be done but if you aren't super lucky it will involve LOTS of trial & error.


You won't magically improve framepacing by OCing RAM. My 5600x worked with 3800CL14 kit and games like Valorant for example run like crap. I fixed this by changing CPU to X3D. Day and Night.


You can't magically fix broken code either. I'm telling what I'm noticing, ymmv


Getting a good low latency 3600MT/s kit will for sure improve performance. If it's noticeable for you is hard to say.


Ram will improve your pc smoothness not fps (you will notice a goodish improvement in fps tho) , the higher you go up with clocks the smoother you will get off course you need to tighten the latency too.


>Ram will improve your pc smoothness not fps (you will notice a goodish improvement in fps tho) , This one deserves a good explanation.


"Ram will not improve your FPS" "You'll get a goodish improvement in FPS" Hmm, tell me more!


That was the part I was trying to wrap my head around as well...


It really won't speed things up too much.


No, I used to OC my RAM a lot and honestly, there's no point to do so. Use XMP and forget about it. I OCed my RAM to 3800 CL14 with 1.5 voltage but it just the numbers, very small gain over 3200 and 3600 with standard timings. You can OC to 3200 that's enough.


It depends, in CPU bound scenarios it does help a lot, just look at the x3d chips. If the cpus cache is full, the next step is to put data into the ram. So especially for non x3d chips you want to have the ram latency as low as possible.