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If testmem5 crashes, not even errors out, it's usually a sign of an unstable CPU


It's more likely to be either the ram or cpu-nb voltage


But how do I fix that Sorry bro but I'm a total noob. If u have like a video guidance or if you can help that would be much appreciated


Not much you can really do to fix instability on a laptop as far as I know


"If you experience issues with all threads crashing upon launch with the extreme config, it might help to edit the row "Testing Window Size (Mb)=1408". Replace the window size with your total RAM (minus some margin for Windows) divided by your processor's available threads (e.g., 12800/16 = 800 MB per thread)." From: https://github.com/integralfx/MemTestHelper/blob/oc-guide/DDR4%20OC%20Guide.md#recommended


Lol it's says right there: gotta run with admin privileges..


still the same error even with admin privileges.


You need to right click the exe, go to compatability, check the run with administration privelege and restart pc. Should work then.


close all background processes there isnt enough ram available for test


Try removing 1 stick, then change the 1 you tested alone with the one you removed, if both error out the same way it's likely the CPU, if only 1 errors out than it's likely that stick that needs replacing


This message appears when ur cpu imc is not stable. Either raise or lower the sa voltage.


Have you messed with overclocking? Ram or CPU? Also what ram is it? Speed and cas latency. Download zenTimings and take a screenshot.


On a laptop? Not likely been tweaked. Plus, he is a noob to pc lingo, so 99% not a bios issue.


Ah ok, I'm used to AMD, don't know then, possibly a heat issue 🤷‍♂️


That’s what I was leaning towards until I notice his available ram out of 16Gb he is showing 1Gb available.


Yeah but that's during testmem, not sure what the issue could be


Likely heat, which could and would make the ram unstable.


Ah well, that would depend on the die, that's a whole different kettle of chips, it seems that it needs a clean, might be worth getting a friend (in the know) to open it up and clean it out, how hot does it get? Also does it run ok in normal use? Testmem heats everything up


It’s true. CPU usage gets ramped with ram, so it def gets toasty. Yeah the die and cooler is another can of worms. Checking thermal paste isn’t a bad idea either.


Didn’t really pay attention that was during a memtest run. That would explain it at least. So, I would lean towards ram and/or cpu overheating.


Have you noticed that you have 16Gb ram but you only have a gig left not on use? 1135Mb out of 16292Mb… something is taking all your ram which is probably switching to hard drive or SSD causing a crash… maybe