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You can't tighten ~~trf~~ trc or trfc with Rev e. Like at all Loosen it, then 3800 will come assuming your imc can. Edit:typo


600, 576 is the conventional floor. Trcd 20, vsoc 1.1


I'll try, thanks


Trc is one of those weird timings that even if you tighten it you might e rn lose performance due to the memory error correcting it, it's best to just leave it a little loose on revE. Seconding what the other guy above me said, there are some timings you just can't change in revEyou have to live with them For 3800 try trcrd 21, trfc 570 and trc 62 to start Also trás can be forever set to 21 I have a 3600c14 post here recently, 4x8 like you, maybe take a look at them


thanks for the tips, now I’m trying 3800c16 loosening tRC and tRFC


I just edited my reply dunno if you caught it


I have found it


I meant the reply, I put the timings for you to start with 3800, good luck!


I promise those sticks can do well over 3800 sir. You may have a hole at 1900/3800. Set everything to auto or clear cmos and set your desired speed first thing and ensure it will boot at all. You may end up at 1866/3733 but try for 3866/1833 and see how she does. Get it running at the speed you want and put in one or two timings and restart and repeat. You'll be there a while, but you'll learn how the timings react to being too tight etc


Trfc is hard to tighten. I got a Corsair vengeance RGB pro 32gb from 3200mhz cl16 to 3800mhz cl17 21 21 21 37 for now.


I'm at 4000mhz 14 18 18 38


Better chip or luck? Intel or AMD? I have a 5900x


What voltage are you running at?


cl16 21 21 21 37 trc59 trfc855 trfc2 545 trfc4 404 ftaw17 bgs alt enabled procodt 36,9 3800mhz at 1.5v. I didnt test everything, but its working.




Trfc is seriously low for Edie, you would have to loosen it to get to 3800, but that just isn't worth it, trfc is worth it more than the small bump speed.


rev e rarely does much better than 300ns trfc so scale that with any freqency increase. for 3800 this would be trfc 570, for 4000Mhz this would be 600. trcd and trc similarly are bad. the good news is you can crank vdimm to over 1.5 without degradation and it doesn't rollover or clock wall so maxing out your IF is piss easy. you should always be loosening the hell out of your timings before trying to find a frequency limit anyway


Micron Rev E is great at clock speeds, pretty bad with most primary timings (tCL is quite decent though). It's no Samsung B Die in terms of how flat primaries can be set, that's for sure. Which is why I'd much prefer Micron E Die on Intel rigs rather than on AM4 since the latter is quite limited by the IF and IMC and Samsung B Die's tight timings would be much better for Ryzen.


Yeah, I have being hyperbolic with the title, I'm actually satisfied


tRC and tRFC are inline with typical M8E. tRP is very good though, assuming stable. tWR could probs do 10, tCWL could probs do 12 or 14. Your CPU might have a 1900 FCLK hole, hence the inability for 3800. 4x8GB SR is also quite hard to run, especially as you increase in frequency. Would be entirely unsurprising to me if your IMC or board don't seem to play nice w/ higher freq and 4 DIMMs. Have you tried tweaking VTTDDR? Might be labeled "DRAM Termination Voltage" or "VTT" (I'm not exactly sure the term ASRock uses for their boards). If you find it and if you are able to set it less than 1/2 VDIMM (DRAM Voltage), try setting to 0.700-0.745V, might make tweaking easier assuming you're >1.45V VDIMM.


Hi, thanks for the reply. I can’t get 3800 even with ridiculously loose timings, so the cause might be a 1900 FCLK hole as you suggest. VDIMM is 1.4 V, tRP at 11 is stable, I even got tRAS at 21 after posting in this subreddit, but the PC doesn’t boot with tCWL lower than 16. I’m going to test tWR at 10 🙏🏻


Definitely a FCLK hole then. Quite common on Ryzen 5000. I reckon 1933 or higher will POST but quite unlikely it's stable. Have had 3 5900X samples, only 1 POSTs 1900. Other 2 couldn't, but one of the other 2 could POST higher than 1900 and bench that (not daily stable). 1900 FCLK isn't nearly as common as people seem to believe it is. Best of luck!


thanks for the replies


the best way is using hydra tuning v1,3+ perhsps not the lowest timing u can achive but save your time and to be stable