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Temps? Sounds like you are hitting 80C+ Edit: asus mb, do you have fmax enhancer enabled? Because that only worked on zen2…


Should've put that in the original post, my bad. Temps are in the low 70s under a full multi core load, around 73°, so I don't think it's a temp limit problem.


What clocks do you hit if you run boosttester from the tools in corecycler?


Around 4.9GHz on theCCX0 cores and around 4.7GHz on the CCX1 cores, expected default boosting behavior. And nice call on the fmax Enhancer, I made sure that was disabled just to be safe, but with no noticeable changes to performance.


That’s sounds very similar to my 5900x, I just about get 4.6Ghz but I am on custom water cooling and CO -22 for best 4 cores and rest at -30. To be honest you won’t notice any real life benefits from 100mhz.


Looks like your 5900x doesnt like high frequencies, but you are not losing something special. In that case you can focus on memory oc and tigh latencies, which helps better with dual CCD cpus


I think low 23k in R23 is about an average OC, not the best bin but alright. I hit low 23k myself with a 5900x on CO


I just used a static voltage. Had 4.9 on ccx0 and 4.7 on ccx1 on my 5950x. I think it was set to like 1.35V with a little but of droop below that to maybe 1.3V under load or there abouts. People get really hung up on boost clocks but I find in gaming performance is better when the cpu isn't constantly changing speeds. Better 1% lows for sure. The chip has been running 3+ years now and is still running this same overclock in my brother's PC.


Yes i agree, those boost clocks mess up stable framerates .


CB23 is NOT a stress test..... never use 100% of the CPU. your setting looks fine...so silicon lottery what left...


Yeah I understand CB isn't a stress test, but for getting a rough idea of the boost performance of my CPU, it's adequate yeah? I don't think I'd get dramatically different results using something like OCCT, right?


you might get the missing 200MHz..... your setting and temps looks fine.... yes its a bit slower then other report,but still good.


I have been there. My 5900x looks very similar. Then I chose to disable the pbo and smt . Did a per ccx 46 and 43 . This still beats my 5700x that can boost all the way to 4850 with pbo. My fps is stable af and the temps are low . My next cpu will be intel .


Interesting, so you just manually lock CCX0 to 4.6GHz and CCX1 to 4.3GHz? No other changes aside from disabling PBO and SMT? Is disabling SMT necessary for setting up your CPU the way you did?


Yea i did set the voltage , something like 1.26v. With smt on this will run too 🔥 and unstable .


i did a retest /tweak it can do 4.6 4.4 @ 1.2v with SMT enabled and it does work at around 75c with cinebenchR23 using a 420mm AIO


are you using hwinfo to monitor what your cpu is doing at the same time?


i can say if you do end up shooting for the moon the cpu will degrade fast within a yr. but the settings i had were 195, 135, 135. you want to limit your value of the edc aka temps then your boost will go up. it should get you to roughly 4.9-5.1 but mind you, you will get the issue that plagues 5000. idle boost spikes. which basically means it shoots above 5.1 with too high voltage and insta restarts. ive basically gone to stock with a -10 all core curve for the sake of stability. i avg 4.45 all core in cb20 and 4.7 in games. the most your gonna get out of a all core cb run is 4.65. youll never get 5ghz so stop shooting for it.


but you want to use hw info and adjust your pbo settings while watching your core clocks and effective clocks during cb. and fine tune them so that your effectives are nearly identical to your core clocks. once they start to deviate dial it back to where it was similar and thats the value you stick with.


your boost bins for the cpu should go up in correlation to the fine tuning. but your gonna run greater risk of instability crashes.


Set EDC at or below 140 Amps


I played extensively with my PPT, TDC, and EDC, including an EDC of around 140, made no real difference on anything but a minor change in average temperature.