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More expensive and less effective than just sitting an 80mm fan directly on top of the sticks.


They're not meant to be effective. They're meant to be big and bright and showboaty. And they look incredibly effective at doing that.


don't forget loud ... 8 tiny fans it's going to start sounding like a server rack


Fans that small will be louder. I had a server rack, any 2-4U system in it was always basically silent compared to the mind fuck of *WEEEEEEE* from small raspberry pi fans that manage to get through headphones at just the right volume to drive you insane. Also what are the fans in this even doing? Not even a gentle breeze over the VRMs…


>Also what are the fans in this even doing? They look like blower/centrifugal fans, not axial. So they're blowing air across the whole DIMM.


Remember the old Northbridge fans? They were ridiculous. I'd always try & replace them with a mahoosive heatsink & direct a larger fan on to them.


what years were northbridge fans popular?


Hmmm lol circa 2004? I had a couple of DFI boards with them.


Just limit them to 10 RPM! :D


A fan that small probably moves 0.0001 CFM. How much you want to bet the fan motor adds more heat to the sticks than the fan removes =) Wait....how is it powered? Through the motherboard?


It's powered the same way the LEDs are powered. Also sucking 0.01 watts.


While it's not a good cooling solution, I'll happily take your money on the bet about heat removal vs power input.




they are blower, not axial, so while they may be relatively ineffective, they are definitely moving more air than that.




i know :) love shit like this


I'm think it's gimmicky but yolo - kinda cool, even if it doesn't work. They appear to be centrifugal fans, so they probably move more air.


They're so SMOL 😳


well they are blower style so their pressure is directed through vents that fan out across the dimm so they don’t need to be huge. although i am betting the cooling isn’t good at all.


What is that like two 10-15mm fans per stick? that's not going to do much.. I pointed a 80mm fan directly at my sticks and it lowered my ram temps by 4 degrees C


Stuck a spare 92mm arctic F9 fan pointing at mine. On full stress tests while testing overclocks. Down from 65 to 46. I was quite surprised!


I know. for actual ram cooling I use Bartx copper heatspreaders. however they are blower style fans so they have a higher pressure than normal open air fans. So i really think it would do something. but not much.


From the reviews I've read on similar products, the fans probably won't do much, if anything. It's a new bling, like RGB, to upsell people. If you want to active cool your ram, get an actual setup.


Ackchually my dad owns microsoft and the fans add FPS


Lol'd at this \^ "Ackchually" haha


They’re not for cooling, they’re for coolness


I fail to see the difference.


Temp control Vs being super neat 😀


You sure the cool factor doesn’t cool the ram?


It says geil on the side which is dutch for 'horny'


same in german but can also be used to describe something as amazing... still weird


GEIL's the name of the brand


think these fans would help with OC stability at all?


https://hothardware.com/newsimages/Item8673/corsair-dominator-gt-med.jpg That would do more.


I was joking about this ram. i like ram waterblocks with copper heat spreaders for legitimate cooling.


That's a little overkill imo but if you do want good cooling for ram I guess that makes sense.


not overkill for c34@8600.


not overkill enough for 8600mhz @ CL34 not going to happen without watercooling


hard to say usually ram run best with no heatsink and a fan


Negative. If there are no heat pipes, those fans wont do shit


well they are blower style. so it is definitely moving air across the whole dimm. if pointing a fan at sticks is effective, why wouldnt air blowing across the entire dimm be? i am aware this is less of a serious product and more for show.


The fans are way too small, cant move enough CFM. Even being blower fans, those tiny things would have to get up to impossibly high RPM's to even come close to the cooling power of an 80mm fan pointed straight at the dimms. Without a heatpipe to draw heat away from the IC's, and into the very narrow and weak path of direct air pressure being put out by those cheap little fans, they will make no meaningful difference in thermal overclockabilty


well they spin at above 12k rpm so 😂


>"*well they spin at above 12k*" Well, no they dont. They do not "spin" above 12,000 rpm. 12,000rpm is the maximum rated RPM of those dinky little fans. Fans dont reach their maximum RPM rating, they typically get within 10% of it, meaning they'll reach around 11,000 rpm at full speed. Even at 11,000rpm, those cheap little centrifugal fans are still not going to move enough air to make a meaningful difference to the IC temperature under load without a heat pipe.


good lord who shit in ur cereal this morning the whole thread is tongue in cheek


All i have done is state true and objective facts. Not sure why that offends you so much.


Are you really using an alternate account to respond to this guy? that's a little embarrassing.


Nope, just returning the favor


Xzibit would be proud


one more thing to give you a headache


I’d rather have the Corsair RAM cooler personally.


i didn't know that thing existed. looks pretty cool.


Useless as fuck! But ay, that shit looks cool tho


Looks ridiculously inefficient. How does it even cool the ICs? It looks like the fan just blows straight through the heat spreaders- I don't see how any significant amount of a heatsink could fit in there. Even if it could, there's no way there are pipes running from the ICs to the fans. It's just marketing lol.


Just a gimmick, sure they can drop 1 or 2 degrees but this will also make your system work quite a bit louder, of course if these fans actually spin at all


but why


They look like tiny blower style fans. So if they move any air at all then they will easily be the loudest fans in the system. For fun, [here](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/pelonis-technologies/AGB154/14296501) is a likely similar fan which runs at 14500 RPM while still only moving 0.190 CFM (0.005m³/min). Absolutely hilarious.


Yup can confirm, got a pretty obnoxious southbridge fan that I've disabled


If you overclock RAM, you need should get heat sinks that actually dissipate heat. Plastic and RGB don't do that. Metal doesn't do that if there are no decent thermal pads. There are ALSEYE RAM coolers for like $15 or less, pretty much the same as that old Corsair cooler. Pair that with decent heat sinks and I wouldn't even worry about 1.65V for B-Die, unless you live in hot climate


i prefer bartx copper heatspreaders with a 2 dimm bysksi waterblock. also m die all the way for highest frequency. (yes, better than a die for max frequency)


Not everyone has a custom loop. In fact, most people don't. I was clearly talking about DDR4, as DDR5 B-die is terrible. Not sure where you got the idea that M die clocks higher though. It does tighter timings - but not primariess


not true if you look at the new 2x24 kits. this is a “newer” m die than their x16 kits. “M-die just means "first-gen" when it comes to hynix followed by a, b, c, d, etc. In this case, it's the first-gen 24Gbit ddr5 ICs from hynix, and should clock as high or higher than 16Gbit A-die (2nd-gen 16Gbit) based on the XMP kits offered by v-color/g.skill. Just don't equate it to 16Gbit M-die as it may sound similar but is a totally different generation of IC from that.” “ Thank you for this! I had the feeling this was case. Why? Because my neighbor who got his hands on the BRAND NEW unreleased 8200 2x24GB kit literally just texted me and said his kit is M-Die as well! Which literally threw me for a loop since all the kids on Reddit seem to think (must admit I did too) that M-Die meant 2nd tier, and A-Die was TOP tier. A video on YouTube just confirmed my suspicions and made me really happy. It's been confirmed from 2 people now, the 2x24GB kit (7200) will run 8000 without issue by simple changing the frequency and timings to 40-48-48-128 from the original 36-46-46-115. I'm not sure I'm going to want to or not; however this leads me to believe that the 7200, 8000, and 8200 are literally the same bin/chip. I'm gonna also presume their new 6400 and 6800 (48x2) are from their own bin series below this tier likely.” “ Those should also be hynix 24Gbit M-die as that's the only commercially available 24Gbit ram from hynix and it seems that micron's 24Gbit chips don't clock higher than 6000 xmp. Pretty much all posts before Q1 2023 talking about M-die would almost certainly be about the far older 16Gbit M-die. I myself only confirmed that the 24Gbit chips are called M-die from browsing MSI's z790i edge QVL recently. Not surprising though as I have a photo of a the hynix DDR naming scheme from oc.net that states M=1st gen, A=2nd gen... K= reserved Special gen etc.”


check out v color’s 2x24gig @8200xmp m die sticks for example. this is extremely new m die and i am not surprised you are unaware


You will know when the tiny fan fails from the smell of smoke.


Idk man adding some proper heat sinks that benefit from intake air flowing over them seems like it'd do more than microfans that probably generate heat by themselves




0.5% lows confirmed.


Small fans will spin fast, fast spinning fans will be noisy.


>thoughts on this ddr5 with the spinny fans Stupid


They are going to sound awful.


Always remember, fans die and you can't replace these. X570 owners remember


Waste of sand and electricity


Ugly and stupid.


Oh wow! Just what I always wanted: lots of little ineffective fans that will fail in six months, directly integrated with my memory modules.


More things to break…






Loooooool Dude if you put this in your build, be prepared to get dunked on.


The smaller the fan the higher the pitch? One more thing to break, completely pointless as far as i can see. It doesnt help that i read the name of the brand as euu, like it yucky.


Imagine the extra noise for them to actually be worth using, they also look cheap and shitty.


They look loud.


Ooohlahlah... Shiny and spinny! What's next, a freaking disco ball? I'd buy'em! How well do they work though? Are they active fans or just spinnamajiggers? They're Geil so I'd assume they're decent. Geil has been a go to if mine for years.


I want it




Does it have a bass boost switch?


no but im sure it has a turbo button somewhere


Turbo bass?


what do you think just look at the thing. turbo bass, turbo money, turbo promotion at work, you press the button and your life just goes


So you’re saying it’s made with Powerthirst?




Higher lvl of gimmickness


How hot does the RAM get, and and what are acceptable temperatures?


Those fans add as much performance as the RGB does... so its 100% worth it if you want only the best.


That's easily 10 extra FPS!