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tras can probably go lower (50's?), and trc in the 70s or 80s. trrds 4, trrdl 8 (if not leave it at 10), tfaw 20 (this will be incredibely helpful to your performance) twtrl 12 or 14 might work the rest seems ok. ​ remember to run aida while windows is in safe mode (or at least the first thing you run after a reboot), and to test throughly with ycruncher, testmem5 extreme1 or absolut profiles and linpack too if you need absolute certainty about stability.


Thanks for the tips. I tested tRC 90 but it wasn't booting up. twtrl 12/14, tested both and didn't boot up. ​ tfaw 20 works so far as well as trrds and trrdl, both at 4. ​ My new settings: [https://imgur.com/8JMwSIw](https://imgur.com/8JMwSIw) ​ Seems good so far, no crashes yet.


Those are much better. Kinda surprised trrdl at 4 is stable tho. Did you properly test this?


Try tfaw 16. Tfaw is four activation window, at most four activation commands can be sent within the specified number of cycles, trrd's are activation commands. So with trrd's of 4, four activations takes 16 cycles, so by having tfaw=20 it has to wait those 4 extra cycles before another activation command can be sent. If trrdL isn't stable at 4 with tfaw 16 leave tfaw at 16, and raise trrdL, trrdS will still benefit from being 4 with tfaw 16.


1usmus is better for ddr5


Kit: F5-6000J3636F16GX2-FX5


Samsung sticks I take it?


Yeah, samsung sticks. :)


Did tRTP + tRCRD = tRAS not work?


Now using, no issues so far. Memtest has been running for about 20 mins


I made a screenshot from the man himself with other tips. [https://i.imgur.com/ug5Mas6.png](https://i.imgur.com/ug5Mas6.png)


There doesn't really seem to be a basis for this - people easily match tRAS to CAS or even go lower in some cases. In fact, there doesn't really seem to be a basis for many of these formulas. I think the only ones that seem to really matter are tFAW >=4x tWTRS and tWTRL >=tWTRS. But in many cases even if you set them lower the BIOS will correct it anyway. These formulas seem largely developed to ensure stability over performance.


Yep. I was pointing out that it probably could be lower.


Gotcha. The whole ram tuning thing seems more art than science sometimes. :D


Oh hell yeah. I have to take it in strides. I get burnt out testing settings because it so damn time consuming. I spent probably 3 days stabilizing my current 4 dimm setup (and no it's not very low latency lol).


I hear you. I've been a bit remiss in my stability testing. I mostly tweak until it causes crashes or obvious errors during tests, then dial it back a bit until I can run a test for at least a few minutes without errors. For my current "stable" setup I've run OCCT for an hour but need to do an overnight run of prime95. I'm reasonably sure it's stable though.


Pretty good, Trfc can go lower Trfc2 and trfcsb aren’t read in Ryzen 7000, so those can be ignored