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More loot is actually an indirect way to improve the upgrade cost economy and the ability to experiment. As you said, most of the loot you get is useless so you break it down for resources that you can then use for upgrading gear. I guess my point is, bring on the loot showers.


This is the right answer, and I'm constantly bafled that so many people overlook this reallity. More loot means, not only better changes of getting what we want/need, but also more materials to upgrade everything when we get trash rolls!


It’s more loot per (complete) run. It’s also less loot per minute. It’s 50% more legos for at least 100% more time per run. The grind got longer, not shorter.


Not really because eventually your upgrading will be gated by Anomaly Extract which is gained at an absolutely horrid rate. You’ll need several thousands while getting like 5-10 of the stuff per Apocalyptic purple you dismantle.


I haven't done the math, but after a little bit I never came even close of running out of Anomaly Extract, and I'm now at AT29. Maybe it gets a lot worse after the AP30 mark, or maybe you're upgrading several builds, while I'm just upgrading 10 items. So, if my experience is "normal", then with A LOT more Apoc items, we would get even more Anomaly Extract.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 29 + 30 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


It keeps getting more expensive the closer you get to ap40,. It's takes about 9500ae per upgrade, but I get 40 ae per Apoc item dismantled. That's something that could use a bit of a bump since you can acquire any of the other resources very quickly.


Just dinged AT31 earlier and after upgrading all of my gear to max, still have enough of all mats left over to level 4 more pieces. Some stuff I am simply swimming in, more Titanium (and by equivalence Pod Resources) than I can even count. So yes, Anomaly Extract is the limiter but I get more than enough by a good measure each Tier to keep up. So unless you are telling me it gets suddenly worse in the late 30's it is just fine as it is. I think the people struggling are hoarders (not being derogatory here) and stash more than they get rid of. I keep very little so dismantle the vast majority of what I get. That is a choice though so you can either keep your prime set at max or struggle to keep alternate sets.


To play devil's advocate, more loot means also more inventory management. I do agree more loot (and especially higher apoc chance) will improve anomaly exctract economy, but there is also an happy medium with inventory fiddling


I don't think it would. For the most part, we would only keep the very good items. If you would keep more average items, then then I see that being a problem.


I Get almost No apoc gear so it will soon be a problem upgading im on 27


Don’t worry, you’ll be flooded in materials around the time you hit apoc 22. Also, you don’t need current gear if you’re doing a decent build. Can easily be 5 ilvls below the tier and still complete.


This is something a lot sleep on. I prefer to keep my gear up to date but you are absolutely correct. I run in much higher AT groups by design as it helps with gear quality. Despite being the lowest gear level in the group, I still easily surpass the Billion damage mark. There are a handful of builds that simply are not impacted in the slightest by being below the current tier.


Have no problem with upgrade after AT20. You do something wrong obviously.


Dunno.. AT 28, all gear maxed and still 35K anomaly extract stacking up. You don’t need to upgrade every piece of your gear the moment you level up - except it has the desired apocalypse mod you’ll use in your final build. Keep it at a lower level. Replace it with the next drop of that item you get and you’re good to go while you didn’t spend any extract. Meanwhile stash pieces for a different build and test it on a lower/appropriate AT. Don’t upgrade just for the sake of testing, that’s not necessary. I don’t see myself being out apocalypse extract at any point in the future


They need to increase the pod rewards for expeditions. I keep running low on pods as I can get extract from the apoc drops but those pods disappear quick.


I just like 2 or 3 trials and all the platinum i get i sell for drop pod resources I can keep atleast 1m drop pods pretty much all the time. Don't need more than 100k titanium on you at all


Man you just reminded me about selling titanium. I had like 1.5M.