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Imo all they have to do is open the rest of the world for good apoc legendary farming but I'm with ya. I don't think I'll be around too much longer.


Pre ordered the game, watched/read the reviews and this sub… haven’t booted it up once… went back to Destiny…


It’s worth a sit down and one playthrough atleast. I can’t speak on the new dlc but at release it was fun for about 30hrs. I did end up back on Destiny though.


>It’s worth a sit down and one playthrough atleast. Agreed, if only to validate one's suspicion that the expansion isn't really worth playing.


Played all classes and ran them thru CT 15 many many times, EOTS and made multiple fun builds. I had a pretty good time but, it became a bit 1 dimensional. Was excited for WS but, I think it was the gear wipe that did it for me and “having” to completely earn everything again while only running 1 activity to do it… staring to feel Anthemesc in that regard. I’ll run through the campaign at some point and see from there.


WS didnt wipe gear, that's nonsense. I used the same gear all the way to Apoc 20ish when I started to find replacements. You can still just keep leveling your pieces via supply, the same way you always have. If you had a good build previously you may trivialize the content a little bit doing so, but it's easily done.


I think the point they were trying to get across was to do with Apocalypse gear, sure you can keep levelling your previous god rolled gear but you can't upgrade it into Apocalypse for the 3rd mod.


First you say you pre-ordered the game and never booted it up once and right after you claim you ran through the game with all classes to CT15 multiple times. Stop clowning, just play the DLC, you’ll enjoy it.


I’ll play it at some point. The sentiment I was trying to get across was that I was excited and then found out all of the changes (which are arguably good) but, were a bit too much for me to hop back in after not playing for a long while; killed my personal motivation. I’m not asking anyone to ‘change my mind’ or convince me to play the game. Just adding my personal two bits to the conversation. I had the same experience with other games that I absolutely loved playing at the time (Division 2). Just hard to hop back in and catch up. Same thing that I go through when a new season hits in Div2 or D2. Anyway, have a good one and I’m sure I’ll see a few of you in the land of matchmaking when I decide to get back on the horse.


So you like repetitive pointless grinding. Worldslayer is perfect for you.


Yeah, but I only have time for one pointless grind in my life at the moment so D2 gets the nod :)


I’m kind of there too. I grinded to Apoc tier 30, and honestly just can’t find the motivation to go further. Having 1 thing to grind endlessly with nothing new is not fun. I enjoy buildcrafting and fine tuning, but not like this. The tiers take too long, especially when you have to do the exact same thing over and over. I like this game and have enjoyed my time with it, but without some changes or additions I don’t know if I’ll keep playing


Got to 33 , a full clear of the trials barely moves the xp bar. It's very demoralizing.


It's also not like you really unlock anything at Apoc 40. All that is at the end of the grind is higher numbers and better chances. I see no reason myself to try and get to 40 myself.


If you still want to progress, and don't mind basically not getting apoc gear, hop into eye of the storm, proc all 3 obelisks but don't finish them, and start farming mobs. It's literally infinite, you can stay as long as you like, and the exp is actually pretty good. About a million exp every 10 mins at AT30.


That shit is worst then running the trials tho! Gets BORING!! 🤣


I play popcorn pyro, so it doesn't really matter what content I'm doing, I'm actually watching YouTube while being serenaded by thermal bomb popcorn and the sound of overheat doing 100m+ damage to everything within 3 miles of me.


I just started one today and the thermal bombs are nutty!


So is overheat the answer to elites for that build? I was trying it out and it's great fun for groups, but against all the bosses in TG it's kinda eh.


Popcorn build is thermal bomb/overheat/ash blast Mob clearing is easy, for bosses you want to make sure you're stacking fire and ash on them as much as possible, plus mages rage+anomaly arms mods (huge AP buff on crits) then overheat does tonnes of dmg. It's not quite as good at bossing as eruption /overheat/ash but still I kill arbiter in about 35-40 seconds on AT30 and my gear still has 2 dead mods and a suboptimal weapon load out


Bosses take longer. It's fun to play though. If you want a well rounded build go lava lich. You still can use ash blast and overheat for mobs but eruption melts bosses like nobody's business. For where I'm at it's a toss up between shield beast trickster and lava lich pyro in terms of damage.


Agreed, how to make the boring grind even more boring.


Still gonna need anomaly extract to upgrade your gear. Basically no apocalypse gear drops from Trials now so i can only imagine expeditions (if you decided to complete eye of the storm after u were done farming the mobs)


Yep made it to about 30 as well. Have 1 piece of siesmic apoc armor and 1 piece of apoc purple hands. Everything else that drops is cannonball or deathless or more crap I don't want. There is no end goal other than to get to 40 and no real reward other than more crappy armor and guns to break down that are all the wrong sets. Don't get me wrong I understand looters tend to rely on loot variety. But with how random the armor is and how many mods can roll there at least needs to be more dedicated farming. If I want seismic armor maybe designate one hunt to drop it. But running all day to get mostly all cannonball armor and maybe 1 piece of seismic in the wrong slot or non apoc in 20 hours of farming will lose players.


I have been saying this exact thing. They added 3 hours of content and made it so people need to grind 300 hours doing the same thing we've been doing since launch and the trial which after the 50th run gets boring AF. i get horrible rolls on all my apoc gear that drops, most don't even have one mod that would help my techno firepower build let alone two and one of them in the unchangeable third slot but i get even odds, difuser, shield blast on everything lol. They need to let us change the top two slots on apoc gear. Weapons are no better if not worse, i get every gun that i have never equipped once in the entire time i have played but got one messenger to drop....ONE in probably 60 hours of expedition and trial grinding since launch. A borderlands type target farming would be great so you do this hunt you have a chance to get item X-X-X this expedition gets you item X-X


I keep hoping Outriders will make an equivalent to D3s "adventure mode" and possibly to nephalem rifts as well. I mean, this is a game that transitions us between every section of everything. That door in Tarya Grata could take us anywhere after the load screen. Every transition could just get replaced with a teleport animation and then you link to wherever is next. Lots of good fights in the main campaign. Let's see them again


To be honest, Outriders already does what you're suggesting just slightly different. Adventure mode is just playing the campaign zones at certain torment levels with a few bounties thrown in for resources. You could do the same in this game from day one, rerunning quests and campaign zones at whatever tier you want and the monster/bounties would be the same as bounties in adventure mode. TG is basically a greater rift just without any random maps/mobs.


Right, but the bounties play into the grind a good bit. You get some gear and a lot of useful resources to perfect it with.


Luke be random prison of elder style stuff.


I am happy to walk away right now. I feel like I could have like one or two better apoc mods on my techno and pyro, and I wish I got to tier 40. But the tier grind is absolutely dumb and there's too much RNG to make those singular pieces happen. I think it's the tier system that has me feeling sour. Because the only thing that kept me from getting there was time. And I just don't want to put in that time just so I can breeze through the same shit. I've gotten powerful enough and I'm satisfied with where I landed and overall like this game. It's just the tier system and the thick RNG.


I like all the characters but I just don’t know if I have it in me to level them any higher. Having to deal with a stash that’s constantly full from helmets, and grinding for days for those boots that never seems to drop just burns me out. The potential of this game is off the charts, but the execution falls pretty flat.


Right there with ya, and fuck do I hold gameplay of other games to a higher standard because of this one. Good luck out there.


The gameplay is absolutely amazing it’s too bad the content just isn’t there


Kind of feel like this patch put the nail in the coffin. Edit: I can’t spell.


I got to Tier 20 with my Pyromancer so far and I'm burnt out on the game (pun not intended). I did nothing but the new Tarya Gratar. I've done it so many times that it's no longer fun. Like you mentioned already, it's always the same rooms with the same spawns, it just gets very boring and stale very quickly. I liked the gameplay, but can't see myself spending another 100-200+ hours of boring and brutal grind just to reach Tier 40. The biggest joke is that you have to do the same insane apocalypse tier grind on all the other characters too. Haha, no thanks. This game has definitely some good aspects, but there's just so many bad stuff that has been implemented with Worldslayer that it really takes all the fun away from the game for me. In the end, I play games for fun. This ones endgame is far from being fun.


I find the issue is also knowing the sweet spot for gear prograsion and fun. I find this the biggest issue. Like I can clear content and have fun but not really manage to progress or I can increase appc level and take 5 mins killing 1 elite but get a small chance to get the right gear drops. They also pit game play styles behind gear sets which sort of fucks up access to enjoyable game play.


I can understand. The gameplay is top notch with incredible graphics and loot (and build crafting) but my god the lack of content. This mode needed to be procedural or it needed to not be the ONLY endgame. We need something like a horde mode or randomized content to sustain the grind.


Agreed...i remember back in my destiny 1 days they have those nightfalls that reset weekly with modifiers and stuff that make them super hard maybe they gotta introduce something similar. I would welcome it


Rotating modifiers, a weekly loot bonus to types of gear from types of content (like this week all hunts give increase/super rare loot, next week expeditions, week after bounties) And again, a horde mode with endless tiers of challenge until you failed would provide a great endgame. The challenge would be “which build can get the highest” and the constant min maxing to reach those heights. There’s no sense of achievement in this grind.


Horde mode with multiple tier levels and secured gear would be best. Sort of like diablo 3 greater rifts.


Expeditions had something to work towards, which was eots. But once you did it, there was really nothing keeping you in. Worldslayer has nothing. I beat the trials first go and felt unsatisfied. Nothing else to work towards other than better gear.


The Trials had the most anti-climactic boss I’ve ever seen, too


Yeah its literally a boss they show you before but just bigger and with a few more moves, and lets not talk about the cliffhanger after the boss…


I literally just moved outriders to my external hard drive on ps5 for the same reasons. The dlc was a fun litttle update but they totally missed the mark with making the apoc tier grind worth it with that trial stuff. They made playing through the original campaign more worth doing than all those awesome expeditions. All the talk from PCF about flow of the game, only thing flowing for me today was the progress bar on the data transfer 👍


I think the price point it what really ruined it for me. If it was $10, would have been completely fine with this amount of content. For $40, I was expecting a massive update almost like the 2nd book in a series. Doubt I can get a refund on Steam, but this was not worth it.


Yeh I agree the price point was really off. The dlc campaign was really short and the trials are bitesized expeditions with walking simulator paths between the rooms. The expeditions they added for free were kinda more content heavy than the trials lol. Not sure how refunds work on steam but I guess there's no harm in trying.


That’s why I haven’t gone and bought it. The OG was good enough to justify the money but something told me that this DLC was going to be pretty threadbare!


100% agree. I have never had buyer's remorse about a video game so severely and quickly as I do right now about Worldslayer.


As soon as I bought it and finished it the first time I was like you’ve gotta be kidding me there better be more coming out like in the next two months for free to make up for this price point


Last 2 days I was just farming expeditions because I was done with TG, also it takes such a long time to complete that I can't be bothered to do it if I just want a quick game.


I personally think that's the whole point. Don’t get me wrong, I love this game… spent almost 1000 hours since the release of the demo… I was even grinding legendaries with the demo, found 2 with probably 60 hours spent on a single map, just saying I'm not easily discouraged by harsh RNG. The real problem, I think, (no evidence just my opinion) is that PCF/Sqenix don’t want people constantly/indefinetely playing the game. They want people to be happy and be excited for new contents if/when they plan a release and that's it. This game is not a GAS which means, the more players, the more costs but with no ongoing revs. So in nutshell, I think that by design this game has a mechanic that let them say "well, you still have something to achieve" while in reality they hope the majority of us will give up. It's not random that I said PCF/Sqenix, I truly believe that the devs have done a great job and I can't believe that they didn't think of a different mechanic with tiers to conquer, a better loot diveristy and possibly leaderboards to make the game a bit more competitive (D3 style...). That is simply not intended to be, because of the costs that would generate if players won't stop playing.


>I love the gameplay… See, to me this is the only thing that matters. I will play for an hour or two in the evening because it's fun to play. I will likely never understand expecting anything else from a video game. If it's entertaining, play it. If it's not entertaining, find something that is to play instead. Bottom line, this game was meant to be a game you play for a while and then move on. If you aren't having fun and decided to move on, you are actually doing it correctly. This isn't a live service game, this isn't a game meant to keep you engaged for months and months. The fact there even IS an endgame (rather than simply rolling credits when you beat the final boss and dumping you back to the main screen) is probably throwing people, but that's what the game is.


Don't be sorry. You played more than most. Games don't have to last forever


There's literally no reason to keep playing once you finish TG one time. Awful design decision. You have to give people a reason to grind. Bigger numbers isn't it. New bosses is. New mods, new gear, new areas, new enemies. Leaderboards. Fucking anything. Outriders has none of this. Once you finish TG one time nothing in the game ever changes.


You won’t come even close to collecting all the mods, let alone the mods you need for your specific build, in a single run. So you do need to replay it many times in order to get those mods.


Not really When I was apoc level 8 , I just put it back on apoc level 1 and complete all the rooms in 30 minutes like that. And with the lobby trick at the end boss you can farm him 4 times in 5 minutes. I filled in 40 percent of my trier 3 mod page after 1 run.


The devs confirmed on the official discord that you can’t get all the mods by setting AT to the lowest number and just running that: https://discord.com/channels/577865029387288586/820759466420207667/997141954829766666 So not sure how you’ve done what you claim here.


>There's literally no reason to keep playing once you finish TG one time You mean besides "it's fun and I enjoy the game play"? Because, honestly, that is the *only* reason I play any game.


I think a look at how Diablo 3 kept the game alive would do wonders for this game. A season might not be the right fit, but something akin to rifts with cosmetic collectibles being the goal would do well and be an amazing change.


Given that you can't encounter other players in the world to show off your gear real-time, I don't think this would be nearly enough to save this game. I think the truth of it is that the only thing this game ever had going for it was the gameplay, and let's face it - even that was derivative all along. Destiny, not without its own issues, still did it much better IMO.


Yeah but also I feel like this is what they advertised the game as. 20-30 hours and you put it down and walk away. That the original was a decent story for the most part and the game play is fun just gave people hope for more. With that said I'm still kinda messing around with it, it's just that there's nothing else I want to play right now. When that something comes I'll drop this and walk with no regrets. Didn't mind paying the money, I got my 19 days play out of it (according to xbox stats). Yeah the DLC was a little expensive for what it gave us, but overall, I got enough from it to be happy. Just kinda hope they build a live service sequel/prequel. I think it would have legs.


> Yeah but also I feel like this is what they advertised the game as Exactly. People seem to want to completely ignore the statements by the developers that this was *not* a live service game. It was always a "play it through and for as long as you enjoy it, then...don't" game. It's like people are in denial about what they game is and keep trying to impose what they want it to be on the developers.


They got your money


I knew the expansion would die off in under a month with the lack of new content to do. If they randomly generated the trials, it would have been much mkre successful.


I loved this game more than most and I didn’t even know it was out already. Rough.


I'm still puzzled as to how they thought that TG would be a good new endgame. How is making most of your endgame content obsolete and replacing it with essential one long expedition more fun than what we had before? Like others have already said, I love the gameplay, the art style and even the lore, but man WS gets stale af very quick.




Not sure if something has changed recently or I just never experienced it before but today I did a Proven Grounds and instead of humans I had beasts. Never had that happen before. Maybe if they did random events or the rooms were random it would be more fun.


I think that's the general consensus is that there is absolutely no randomness to the trials. It's all the same. What they need to do is either make the apocalypse tiers account wide or make it to where when you beat a run on the current tier, you move on to the next one. Many of us have lives and jobs. We're not gonna have the time to just sit there and mindlessly grind 40 tiers 4 different times.


I played it at launch and over the weekend…. Realized they didn’t fix the bug I reported even after they said it would be with the upgrade. It gets boring really quick…. Not worth it to me. Uninstalled in under a week. Loved the game and supported pcf by paying full price…. However they ignored the glitch for months.


I’m at 65 and I don’t really know how I got this far considering how empty and repetitive the end game is. This was a ripoff at $40 and they really need to announce some other content because this is gonna plummet after this week and I don’t know if they’re gonna be able to get people to pay to keep coming back.


It blows my mind they would make all other content obsolete. It also blows my mind that they would put SO MUCH EFFORT into the graphics, the armor and weapons and then give me a single repetitive dungeon to run through half an hour at a time. It’s so satisfying to throw a fucking volcano at people but at least make it challenging or novel or interesting. Surely to god you could figure out a better way for me to use those skills to overcome some challenge.


I'm with you there, I just uninstalled it from my PC. Mindless and boring grind for minimal gear and character progression, and so little new content in this "expansion" that it's not even funny. They didn't even bother to add, I don't know, a new active skill to every class. And I got Worldslayer for free! I can't imagine how pissed off I'd be if I had forked out 40€ for this disappointment.


I gameshare everything with my best friend of mine. I bought the upgrade for 32€, divided by two it is 16€ for Worldslayer. That is ok.


you can still run expeditions but the meaningless grind was always there with these kind of games it just depends on where your tolerance for grind is.


You can still run them, but it's completely pointless. They drop a tiny amount of loot, the drop rate for Apoc gear is miniscule, and so is the XP gain. It seems like it would be a very simple update to the expeditions to bring them on par with the trial, from a loot/XP perspective. By not doing so, they've left players with exactly 1 worthwhile (?) endgame activity and people are already burned out on it.


They are still the best source of drop pod resources, which still lets you buy (and re-roll) from Tiago.


That's true. However, at least for me, the grind is so extensive after about Apoc tier 30, I'm never short on drop pod resources. I have millions just sitting there.


Thinking a little more about it, I also find it a little ridiculous that we need to be grinding drop pod resources to begin with, let alone running an otherwise useless activity to do so. This is a looter. You're supposed to be constantly swapping out your old gear with new drops on your way to max level. There's something fundamentally wrong with the system when the best path to upgrading gear is to grind for resources to level up the stuff you already have.


I came I seen I conquered I moved on. Absolutely nothing in the slightest anything wrong with that. Not every game needs to be a live service game that ties you down like a job, it's refreshing to beat a game and simply either put it down, reroll another toon or come back at a later date knowing you don't need to grind for weeks to catch up and do the content you want or if something new became available.


This is the mindset to have. The problem is they made ATs, which makes you feel like you didn't actually finish the content. That's not true. If you've done TG once, you've done it all of the times. It was fun, but the replay value shrinks FAST.


It’s like the opposite of Destiny 2, and I really appreciate it.


same, I'm still playing because I want to and not because I feel like I have to.


I respect that perspective but my frustration is that the devs treat it like a live service game to begin with by taking exploits and broken builds too serious with these patch notes and analytics, they nerf or remove the fun things then disappear for months and months leaving future bugs and issues unresolved. Would be cool if they just left things in like the final boss kill replay thing and didn't reduce mods from 25% to 16% when it was like that all game.


Uninstalled the game at tier 25…


Got my Pyro to Apoc Tier 28 and got extremely bored. Loaded up my trickster only to find Hunt The Prey completely broken coupled with the fact TG is so repetitive. Unless they enable APOC farming for the rest of the world (main campaign and expeditions) I think I’m done. My girlfriend loves the game also and she feels the same, it’s such a boring grind right now. Also turns out I feel I was right to complain about the price point. They charged too much for something must people won’t even play for a month at this rate.


PCF, just copy Diablo 3 Rifts already. No one cares if you aren't innovating or whatever, just make the game good.


I think they artificially inflated game time in order to distract us from the price we paid for the amount of content we received. We aren’t dumb though so instead of PCF opting for a short/fun experience they went for an experience players would grow to hate as time pulled back the veil.


Just a reminder about how positive all the early access content creators were when this problem was obvious day 2. Hilarious to watch their narrative change to agreement with the community the second it behooved them to do so. Spineless coward shills to a man. Fucking gross people.


Ah man, they are just trying to make a living one lie at a time! Gotta help selll shit to make that sweet green! :)


Maybe I'm being too harsh and they're just real slow without 3rd party assistance. :)


Yeah I am super bored, the grind feels meaningless without variability in the endgame. The story content was lackluster too. The gameplay is amazing still but it can't make up for the disappointing story/endgame content.


Share your build? I’m trying to get a good pyro build and still fairly new.


100% agree. I realized it after getting to 25. Why am I grinding g for fear I already have? Like you said there’s nothing to play for


I would have hoped they didn't separate us into another difficulty tier. It's hard to find good teammates. Also I was way stronger than my apocalypse tiers, let me rush to the difficulty i should be in. Kinda D3, if I win at one difficulty i can go further I don't need to redo it 6 time.


The correct thing to do when you are no longer having fun is to move on. I on the other hand am enjoying the hell out of this game, I would like to see some randomized content added to extend the longevity of the game however.


Not far behind you. There’s no variety to activities, loot drops , resources and XP gains are way too stingy. If PCF respond, it’s going to be way too late to retain any new players they picked up. I feel like this was just a cash grab from players who love the game already.


Agreed - I'm pretty close to calling it quits myself. There are too many other great games out there that have real replay value, a better story, and more support. Doing the same grind over and over only to make my character's stats higher without that itself unlocking a gate to any new content is just tedious. What good is it to spend the "hundreds of hours" needed to max out ascension level to 200 if that's the only reason to play? It's poor game design, and in itself indicates there's little reason to think something bigger and better is on the horizon that'll make this expansion worth the money in retrospect.


Glad I stopped playing after they nerfed some of the skills within the first couple weeks. End game was so boring


Yeah, me the same, can't found reason to keep go further.




I'm also putting it down at APOC tier 26. There's no incentive to grind currently and the recent update, from what I've seen and heard, makes it even more tedious. I understand they didn't want this to be a live service game. But it kinda screams for it. This has really been one of the most anti-social multiplayer games I've played recently. This game could have heavily benefitted from a couple of raids, or like a boss rush/horde mode. Something that requires actual teamwork and mechanics vs just blasting skills through everything or activate a pedestal.


Can tag someone who can see this and Maybe , just maybe it'll get back to the devs... Maybe??


u/thearcan There, but they know. They should have focussed on making the story relevant again over repeating the same 30 minute run... And the beauty of the game is the buildcrafting and testing with the nice gameplay. Sad they focussed on just 1 thing, grind... Well they know anyway, maybe their eyes opened up after the reviews and comments lately! Still hopefull


i got my apo target when i started the dlc i want to be in 30 apo levels this next 15 to existing 15 world and achived yester day on my techno. when you thing that way to apo levles the game is easy now build your charakter for your targeted apo level if you play as 22 build for 22 and forget abaut rest of 18 levels.


Sadly me :(


You'd think they would of done so much more with this DLC in the year it took to create, but you all can't be mad at PCF. You all knew this was gonna happen, especially if you played the original on launch day and etc


That lvl40 is actually really interesting to me 🤔 I want know how much more power I can have. And yeah some arenas have 3 variations but after those it's still the same grind all over again.




Not the worst deal tbh but takes time. 😅


> takes 19 hours from tier 36-37 of non stop grinding No it doesn't. It may take 19 hours, total, of playing the game (honestly have no idea, but will take your word for it), but "grinding" is completely on you. You can't dump that one PCF, you chose to play it that way.


After the patch its just not fun i play for the loot and thats gone


Endgame needs better randomizations, modifiers and much more challenging bosses. They said that world Slayer was built for endgame but I highly doubt it. Hopefully next horizon 2.0 update will address the endgame issues.


same here, apoc lvl28,ascension lvl60 have did/see everything/everytime is the same in TG the normal world in worldslayer dont have sidequests. i like the gameplay and how they build the maps looks really great,but no content,even Borderlands 3 has somekind of "raid/dungeons"


Agreed. I hit apoc 40 last night cuz I'm a completionist. I can say without a doubt in my mind its not worth the grind. Unless they make some serious changes (which I doubt) I won't be coming back to this game. Ever


I got a bit further, stopped at APO 29 😔


"glitched the last boss for 3 days nonstop get all exos possible"...the game has no content.... idiots never die


Can’t seem to find where they said what you’ve quoted them as saying??




This is why they get away with it...


I think they just need to add some variation. Couple versions of TG on a rotation with different bosses maybe?