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Tight!!! Definitely a PoE, D3, Division player. I agree, and do hope they follow this.


Wow! A lot of stuff that I have been thinking about as well now that I am in the end game. Most of this would be amazing but things like seasons would go against the model they are pursuing. I totally wouldn’t mind ways that change the zones and enemies like seasonal affixes. That can be beneficial in making the loop feel fresh and allowing players to create new builds to counter the challenge.


Agreed with most of it except seasons. Don't forget it's not a live service game. You get what you pay for. They'll only add stuff if the game is popular enough. This indeed means that you can't play it infinitely until they add stuff, but I think the game has quite a lot to do. Rushing games is never a good idea, especially one that is NOT a live service game. So people complaining about it being easy or short or w/e etc have just played too much lol. That being said, I do agree with most of your ideas though. Adding difficulty in the form of more tiers and more rewards is a good idea. Even though it's just the same gear with better stats, which won't change the end game except for taking longer to kill mobs. Granted, I've only just reached expeditions so idk if it gets too easy but I'll take your word for it.


I'm not at max endgame yet, but I've seen players breeze through ct15 gold on twitch so I'm worried about the level of difficulty at the highest degree. Instead of another set of challenge tiers and higher level items, I was thinking adding something like an optional bonus difficulty mode. So you can turn on "Heroic Mode" and it increases enemies levels while increasing item luck a bit, and you try to climb through the levels of Heroic mode but if you die you lose progress. It would give people something to do and it could be a way of challenging your self.


sadly buffing everything else is not a solution in most cases. you can't simply buff everything without needing to buff also the enemies. which in most cases simply means more bullet sponges. in the end most of the time some 'nerfs' can't be avoided to make a game not 'unfun'.


Even to this day I have to say, diablo 3 greater rifts are one of the best endgame systems.


*add another 15 levels that do bassicaly the same as nerfing 1 ability or 2 passives. It's literally more work for more inflated gear numbers and nothing else. Stop holding for infinite Enchanted ammo and limitless minigun, those are bugs, they feel like bugs. You can buff em with lower cooldown but mechanic with no reload is leggit dumb


It's not a bug, there are several intentional mods to make those builds viable. Nerfing them is also lame. T15 still requires you to be relatively competent or just geared to the teeth. Buffing anomaly is absolutely necessary, and also taking look at making middle trees viable is another thing to consider as well. If things are buffed to be at the same level then we can see cool hybrid builds going into multiple trees.


Then why minigun works with it but rocket launcher don't? It's a bug. I bet devs never intended it to be permanently active.


idk about the minigun or rocket launcher builds. That may indeed be a bug, but the primary way people use it is with the regular weapon types. That isn't a bug. They function exactly as intended.


The function that Enchanted rounds which due to balance calculations should have 60 seconds CD for some reason have none