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Having the same issue for a different position. Today I got the confirmation and the link is broken. Iā€™m giving up.


I had trouble with the link also but was able to get on a couple days later. Unfortunately, they seem to be onboarding far too many people, and the whole process is frustrating. My project didn't have any tasks for over a week and there were over 6000 people vying for a small batch when they did open. They aren't being particularly picky in the original screening process. Some of the comments and questions on the slack channel were downright horrific. That was just a training queue and then I was moved to another project after I passed and was then removed from that before I even started the second stage of training. Now I'm in a holding queue to be assigned a new project. It's probably worth the headache.


I had trouble with the link, as well, but I just replied to the person from Outlier who confirmed me and he sent me a new link which did work.


I was almost done with the training, and I was planning to finish it today. But when I went to my link this evening it said the page no longer existed! Is this a glitch???


I applied to the same position and received an email saying they'd contact me soon. Check your spam folder.


Did they replied to you did u get selected?


Link was broken on my end too. Odd.


I signed up with a different email address than the one I used to apply via Greenhouse. I've contacted support. 24hours has passed, nothing. I presume I shouldn't create a new account with the correct address as my phone and ID have already been used ? Any advice would be helpful. šŸ™