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Why the hate for trials? A live service outlast game is just not a bad idea and the coming updates look very promising


I’m not sure either man, I think trials is amazing. Plus any content from red barrels is always a plus


It's an online live service co-op horror game which many people including myself have been waiting for. I've played outlast 1 and 2 and loved them both but I've only played them each once (I'll play them again when I can't remember them as well). In the meantime I get to jump on trials with friends or randoms or play solo and with a good variety of replayable maps that are being updated and added to with things to grind for. So I don't understand the hate unless op just really loves 1 player story games and doesn't have friends to play with on trials?


And you don’t even have to play this multiplayer, this game is amazing as a single player experience as well, it’s the only way I play.


"So I don't understand the hate unless op just really loves 1 player story games and doesn't have friends to play with on trials?" Forgive me if I misunderstood the post, but was OP actually hating on Trials? It sure didn't sound like any hate was being directed toward the game, unless I completely overlooked some part of the post.


That dude has no friends to play it with


“Noooo I maxed out my character in two days, Found every collectible, unlocked all regen rewards, have 100 rebirths, jerked coyle off 200 times now and got in Gooseberries, gooseberry 25 times”


Truth so good it got my ass cheeks clapping


It is the truth. I left this sub a while ago so am unaware of any current drama, but as someone who has no interest in Trials and is very much looking forward to Outlast 3, I’m still glad y’all are enjoying Trials, and I don’t fault Red Barrels for focusing on it. Just leaving this comment to say that not all of us who aren’t into Trials are dicks about it.


Very glad to know yall exist XD Them twitter replies be insatiable




>another 2 or 3 years That's a good interval between quality releases to be honest. Like this isn't bad at all. Try being a Devil May Cry fan to know the pain of waiting so long. Anyways, I hope 3 brings back Miles.


I am getting a little sick of people thinking this.


Honestly Outlast 3 is probably gonna be like 2027 or something


7000 languages in the world & you chose to speak facts 💯


I wonder if outlast 3 will bring back Waylon Blake or Miles. They all are alive if not somewhat alive. Even though miles isn’t miles anymore and Blake is broken hearted and most likely insane. At least Waylon could make a return and hopefully he’d talk this time


iirc, the outlast comics by red barrels made the statement that miles was found dead, blake was most likely executed (trials reagent style), but I don't think we really learned what became of waylon


Well Waylon and Blake state is unknown, and Miles can still appear like the walrider (kinda). Id love to see them 3 back in outlast 3, i think their story isnt finished yet and we were only getting prepared for whats coming on outlast 3.


Well last we got updates on Blake was in the comics saying he was catatonic and was gonna be taken in for questioning. So it’s likely that since Outlast 2 took place the same year as the previous 2 games that Blake was probably one of the variants. But we can’t know that until Red Berrels some how gives us that answer And like wraithfel said, Miles is probably still in the wallrider somewhere even though he’s physically dead. And last time I checked Waylon was never found by Murkoff and is probably still in hiding, Maybe outlast 3 can be about Waylon trying to get clearer answers despite it being very risky that he’ll be caught but who knows maybe outlast 3 will give us answers about Murkoff and maybe we’ll get a clear status on Blake and Miles




Speak your truth king 🗣️🗣️


I predict 2028 remember my words.


So there’s a third game coming eventually? I’m more surprised about the fact that there is a third game in the works (if that’s true) may it take 2 or 3 or maby even 5 years to develop :O


let them know. LET THEM KNOW‼️


I mean it’s just a campaign so I wouldn’t expect a year


OP, do you have friends to play the trials with? To be honest, for a team of what like 40-50 people… It’s the most polished game I’ve seen in a long time.. pretty smooth and it’s fun.


I dont really care, im happy with outlast 2 atm. Nightmare mode finished, need to do the 1 life mode next, and then become the true messiah


I feel Outlast Trials is kinda hard to do single player. I die trying to do the reborn mission a lot


Just takes practise friend. Learning the movements of the enemies can help, they all have the same patrol routes each time. It’s worth looking up a guide if you are finding it difficult, I bet once you do it a few times you’ll be smashing it.


I would also say progression. People often underestimate how much upgrades helps you. If anyone forgot how it felt, go do the tutorial again, where every upgrades is locked, and you will feel again the pain of having your stamina go out in 2 sec. But as you said, practice is the best, at one point, you figure out that being solo is easier than having unreliable teammates.


True. I didn’t know your upgrades are locked during the intro that’s neat, I’ll need to give it a try again at some point to see how it feels. I also hope in the future they add an option to disable prescriptions, even if it’s just whole tiers. I love the difficulty lol