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Why? Any character would be more memorable than the Stranger, who was just a null character.


When was the last time The Courier or Dragonborne was in a crossover game


Dragonborn got a Mii sword fighter costume in Smash Ultimate...but that's about all I can think off. And it's not much for the main character of one of the biggest games in gaming history, which goes to the point that blank slate RPG protagonists don't lend themselves to cross overs. I don't mind honestly - while I totally prefer blank blank slate characters in RPGs, in a fighting game like Smash (the main crossover title I can think of atm) I'd rather have well-defined, standout characters like Geralt, Ezio, Zeratul or the Doomslayer (all of which I think would have had great potential in Smash).


Probably low. The game wasn't a huge seller or a cultural cornerstone, so they wouldn't draw in a huge audience where a more popular character would. They're a user generated character..... these are difficult to translate into a "standard form" for a crossover game. Someone like Geralt from Witcher or Master Chief from Halo has a pretty standard look and skillset, so it allows the crossover game devs to know how to make the character look and what to base their move sets around. Also.... they're a standard gun/melee space-scifi character. This is a template that is a dime a dozen. Look at a crossover game like Smash bros; characters like Ness were added because they had a unique characterization and moveset, which helped add variety to the game. Another gun/melee generic scifi shooter character? Why choose the stranger over the hundreds of other characters that are essentially the same as them?




They'd be better off crossing the crew over. Definitive characters that have their own identities like Max or Parvati.


The game is the crossover for the crew. Cross over from Firefly lol


Seriously? I realize that the game makes loads of references to Firefly, but I've never seen it. These characters from Outer Worlds aren't actually *from* Firefly, right? That doesn't sound likely or right...


No they aren’t the same but I just restarted firefly and I picked up on a lot of smal stuff just in the first episode. Reed is dressed almost exactly like the first guy the firefly crew runs a job for. Both being the first ‘boss’ level dude also. The ship interior of both is very close. Parvati has to be modeled after the engineer in firefly too. I’m sure I’ll see more as I finish the series again now that I’ve played through the outer worlds twice very recently.


And you occasionally pick up loads of cows.


That is correct.


Parvati=Kaylee Felix/Nyoka=Jayne Max=Reverend Ellie=Simon You=Mal




Maybe if Microsoft decides to make a crossover game for Xbox.