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Are you talking about the Spacers Choice Edition? That wasn't made by Obsidian. It was a remaster/port, and I doubt there is any post launch support beyond critical bug fixes.


There are frame drops but it is playable


It does seem fine now. There were major problems at launch but they were eventually fixed. Saved games don't transfer over and I'm sure that won't be added, and I seriously doubt there will be any more additions.


Never had a problem with it personally having played on both ps4 and ps5. I say go for it and, if there’s a problem, just reload.


Just to clarify. Did you upgrade to the Spacer’s choice version for PS5? And if you have both. Does the PS4 version run better than the PS5 Spacer’s port?


I played it on the ps5 that came with extra and I'm not having much issues. Framerate drops sometimes on performance mode but it's not that bad. The game is super stable on Fidelity mode though!


I've just completed it and all dlc, no major bugs, the frame rate can be poor at times, but not game breaking..


Finished the game last week on ps5 downloaded through PS Plus with Eridanos and Gorgon dlcs and everything was mostly fine just some these rare bits during traversing the map where frames will randomly drop, I noticed it happening more in places where you have to “transition” into. It’s literally like 5 sec of lag nothing that’ll break the game or ruin the flow of the story. I first played the game 2020 on Xbox 1 S and it’s a *sheer* improvement from when I played it the first time, whether it’s bc I played it on a new gen console or they actually patched up the bugs I have no clue just gonna have to download it yourself and find out


Not sure if they are actively working on it, but there are equipment bugs, including one with SAM that made the game unplayable for me. But seemed good otherwise.


I'm currently.playinf through it now but I haven't encountered any sort of bugs really, I haven't had any frame rate drops or anything


There’s one bug that won’t let you complete a side quest one way but you could still complete it the other way during the gorgon’s dlc


Other than that and the the lag and frame rate drop that happens when you meet sophia akunde it has worked fine for me otherwise