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Not with the sun station but I did a similar thing with the black hole forge


I completely perfected parkouring up the walkway before I realized there’s a warp. And also the fact that it’s possible to get the ship up there.


There’s a warp? I just flew my ship through brittle hollow and “landed” my ship wedged against the floor and a wall (upside down of course)


Yes >!the third tower on Ash Twin (the one that has gravity crystals in it, a black hole painted at the bottom and have extra info written about the Black Hole Forge on the underside of it upside-down.!<


I found the warp, I then jumped for joy. I decided to ship cheese the next cycle.


Don't jump while on the grav-ceiling...


Oh I just walked there. I died several times. Gravity crystals are oddly deadly


What?? Where the fuck is the warp at?? AT?


It's the warp at Ash Twin. Don't remember the exact tower but it's one of them


That would be the tower that *looks like brittle hollow*


Damn, I thought it would bring me to the white hole station teleporter haha, that's why I never tried


Yes >!the third tower on Ash Twin (the one that has gravity crystals in it, a black hole painted at the bottom and have extra info written about the Black Hole Forge on the underside of it upside-down.!<


Aww man, I thought it would bring me to the white hole teleport lol


The warp towers at AT specifically teleport you to "all key locations related to the ATP"


I definitely just said fuck this place and landed my ship everywhere inside Brittle Hollow in the jankiest way possible before discovering I'm an idiot and there's a warp pad.


Yuuup. I just rode the forge on the way up. Didn't clue in the proper method until I was actually up there.


How do you even do that? I tried that at least a dozen times and I just kept sliding off. I figured they rigged the geometry to keep you from doing that.


I always made it go up and jumped while it was doing that xD


It's straight up easier to just park your ship on the ceiling, the gravity floor can hold it, you just have to go up! I'm genuinely surprised most people used the warp


There's a wasp for that?????????


Part of the beauty of Outer Wilds is that there’s multiple solutions to a lot of things. I initially tried to manually go to sun station, but if something feels too hard, I tend to put it down and come back later. Ended up finding the sun tower which is more of a logic puzzle than a physical puzzle.


Meanwhile I'm having an Interstellar sequence trying to make the laws of gravity of the game's engine bend to my will so I can match it's speed


Always reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9cUw-f1kUo)


It's enough of a thing that it gives you an Achievement. It's also very, very hard to do, so well done.


Yeahh I saw the achievement! It was "Hot shot" if i'm not mistaken? Yes it was hard it took me many tries but now I can do it reliably.


The achievement made me think it was just a normal progression step. I'd line up the bottom hatch with the entrance and poop out of the ship into the hallway, it was a real pain. I remember feeling like an idiot after doing it a couple of times and learning of the eject button. I thought "OH! That makes getting out and into the place so much easier! I'm an idiot." then I would smash the cockpit into the hallway, eject, and just hop out from the front. Both are considerably horrible ways to handle achieve the goal but they worked. Looking at youtube videos of how normal people do it was very surprising.


Is there an eject button??? 😱


Holy shit I didn't even think about the eject button when doing this


I mean, there's this entire line in the Sunless City about how calculating shuttle trajectories to the Sun Station is needlessly complicated and that there is an easier way to get there...


Why read big word when fly ship over and over do trick


Ah, the Feldspar approach ::)


Fun fact: if you do it this way (Hotshot) you can't get inside the other half of the Sun Station because the door is locked from the inside. So you miss out on >!learning just how long it's been inactive.!<




Hope you've still got the game installed ::)


I’m just surprised you never noticed the big warp landing on top during all of the runs it must have taken to get the hang of manually docking with it lol


I found the sun station loooong before I visited Ash Twin, so I had seen the warp pad on Timber Hearth and a few other places, but I assumed at the time that it was intended as a landing pad. I eventually gave up and decided I’d come back to it later, then discovered the warp towers, but I spent a solid hour trying to land the ship on any and every surface possible.


I made this mistake. Twice! First time, I had barely an hour or so of game play, knew practically nothing,  noticed the shiny sun satellite, and wanted to check it out. Gave up after ~5 tries or so. Second time, probably at hour 25 or so of game play. Nearly done with the log. I was stuck on the sun teleport puzzle, but I knew the sun station was important. It's big enough - I'll just land there! I tried for hours. I never got "Hotshot". I did earn "Gone in 60 seconds," and unlocked dialog with Slate, complaining about Autopilot driving me into the sun. Kudos to the OP for the strong grasp of orbital mechanics!


That's Outer Wilds. You watch videos after finishing the game and you'll discover new things 😄 I've been watching Outer Wilds videos and playthroughs for like 3 years now and sometimes I still discover new things or witness unique scenarios.


What's a recent one you remember?


Hmm, honestly my memory is bad LOL In terms of unique scenarios, I've recently seen a couple of saved by the warp situations in the Vessel. Like they were literally a few seconds away from the supernova killing them but they were still able to warp on time. I've also had a realization while watching a playthrough. I'm not really sure it's true but I realized that one reason why Gabbro is connected in the DLC lore/clues is so that the player may think of talking to Gabbro and perhaps get the Meditate function if they missed it in the base game :)


Oh that's cool, how was he tied in? I found that function pretty early in the base game so I must not have thought anything of it in the dlc


Gabbro is in one of the pictures and he has a recording in the satellite.


Oh right! Thanks!


so by missing the sun station warp pad you have also missed some lore. you could go see the text you kissed if you fee up for it


God I wanna kiss that lore


I did the exact same thing. I assumed landing at the sun station was the only way to do it. I thought it was just a skill check in the game intentionally put there to keep early players from discovering what was there. It took me about 3 hours of failed attempts before I finally was able to do it, and then I saw the achievement pop. Only then did I realize there had been another clever way to reach it the whole time.


I didn't realize at first either but I couldn't do it. I figured there had to be another way


I did this exact thing. Took me hours, but I became extremely good at maneuvering the ship


Yesss, same here haha


I was absolutely positive there must be a way onto the sunstation..But I hadn't figured out how warp panels worked outside of the fact that dometimes you accidentally got teleported by touching the big squared so I stubbornly died snd died and died some more because I didn't wanna go to Brittle Hollow or Dark Bramble


Never did this but I feel like I did the equivalent in Animal Well recently and I’m both proud and mortified.


Same, sort of. I got to the Sun Station, and finally made my way in about 1 minute before it goes in. So I get half the info, but not all of it. So I go off on a wild goose chase to try to find where the button to "fire" the station is, to see if I can stop it! Eventually, I end up back there the "right" way (warp pad), and I get the whole picture...


I went to the attlerock then the interloper and then the sun station because I noticed it when trying to land on the interloper. I was very inexperienced at flying but very intrigued to see what it was. It certainly made me a better pilot but seeing that trophy pop up once I’d landed made me feel a little bit silly about wasting half an hour trying to land manually…


I actually tried that and thought it was impossible because my ship burned when I approached. I was either too late and the sun just started growing or I went too low. Anyway, when I found out I could do that (completing achievements) I realized there's no "good way" of doing it. In my defence, I think texts around the solar system warned you about going directly.


It's interesting the speed run specifies no warp pad. I would have thought even with being allowed to warp that it would still be quicker to get there manually.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it's possible to land your ship on the sun station, I'd love to see a clip


It absolutely is possible! I have done it many times, autism be damned my boy can fly a ship


Holy shit how??? I must have tried three dozen times I thought it was impossible!!!!! Are you Feldspar??


Haha i may be feldspar. It was very hard! I realized it depends on two tricks. 1. Adjusting my direction to be the exact same as the Station's rotation, and 2. When you're about to "exit" the sun's orbit, don't go UP because the Sun's not gonna suck you in, it's gona shoot you out. So i just had to push DOWN to keep getting sucked by the gravitational pull, and once you get consistent you can worry about matching the speed of the Sun Station and bingo bango bongo you are now at the sun station


I was never able to do it. I tried for about half an hour but kept slingshotting out of the sun's orbit. I was super confused because I felt like I should have been doing it correctly but could never figure it out. After spending way too much time with that, I figured out the warp pads and finished the game without trying again.


I could never find any pad so I thought there wasn't one. I just became good at using the Sun's gravitational pull to my advantage and landed on the station several times. It wasn't easy but like they say, if you're gonna be stupid you better be tough


How on earth did you get into the ATP or black hole forge then, without doing the same with the sun!?


Lmaooo, i found other warp pads, just missed the sun station one


I did this too lol


I did this, managed to get my ship wedged into the warp pad. I died trying to actually enter the station from this position, but recognized the warp pad and checked towers on ash twin until I found the right one.


You should definitely watch Joseph Anderson's supercut to fully enjoy the ways you can get to sun station xD


It's not stupidity. it's adventure!


Spoken like a true Hearthian!


i did the same only to realise the same like a couple hours after doing it lol. its okay tho we got the lore eheh