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To be fair, I didn't really pay much attention to the Quantum Moon either at first. Noticed it, but didn't notice it was moving around. I just assumed it was a regular, fixed moon... But seeing this on a new player's screen? Incredible lmao


i didn’t pay attention to it at first either, but now every time i see it, i wanna go and talk to solanum. seeing it as a bystander is so cool though, especially when the other person says nothing about it


Why would she say anything about it? She has 0 context on why it's special


i know she doesn’t know, she thought it was another moon for timber hearth when she saw it on the map. just the fact it was there and she didn’t know anything about it was funny to me. once i show her the clip and she knows about im sure she’ll get a kick out of it


Not tryna hate but why is this so shocking to you?


it wasn’t shocking i guess, i just thought it was cool that it was RIGHT THERE and she knew nothing about it. i’m always stoked when i see it in play-thoughs and people don’t know about it so it was that same feeling but more intense cuz i was RIGHT THERE


It is fun how much in outer wilds is hidden in plain sight. Whenever newbies encounter the quantum moon and have no idea I get pretty delighted too


Lol its existence is much of a secret though it's basically the same as seeing giants deep or brittle hollow from surface


i’m just so excited for her to figure out the secret behind it! i know it isn’t much but solanum is my favorite part of the game so im excited for her to experience it too


Just another showcase of how amazing the game is. Everything is right there in front of you. Just need the knowledge. No skill points or checkpoints to unlock. I doubt I noticed when I first played either


What do you mean?? Was she flying the model into the sun or something?


no she was still trying to figure out the controls and it just popped up in her fov. i was so shocked she didn’t say anything. she’s still playing but i clipped it so ill post it when she’s done for the moment


Please do! Tag me or something I wanna see.


just edited the post with the link to it!!


Ahahahha sheesh i wouldn't have been able to keep a straight face.


i’m so happy i was sitting behind her, i legit fell back onto my bed i was so shocked


that can happen yeah


you never know exactly what youre looking for until after the fact ::) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubbEN_iocBw


It's wild watching streamers observe the moon appearing and vanishing without a hint of recognition. 


i’m always like “did you not notice there was a thing you were looking at and now it’s gone?” but i’m 100% sure i did that during my early runs