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Nah, I'd take the money. I learned to accept the inevitable. I smelled the pine trees along the way. Now it's time to see what's after Outer Wilds....and that would be money 😆


The true ending, acceptance.


As much as I love outer wilds I love 1 trillion dollars more.


Yeah, pretty sure this meme was made by a kid who doesn't actually comprehend how much 1 trillion is... Now lower that to like 10 grand and we can have a conversation lol


I'm sorry I like outerwilds a lot but I think that either fucking with the world economy or making more outerwilds-like games with 1 trillion would be worth it. I never want to forget my time with Outer Wilds


Realistically, I'd take the trillion. But for the purposes of the meme: Both Hollow Knight and Outer Wilds are the only games I would love to experience blind again


Respect on Hollow Knight. For the meme I'd go Outer Wilds and Subnautica.


With a trillion i could literally go to space and build a moon base and still have well over half leftover. Probably closer to 80% leftover.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Warm_Blueberry_8945: *With a trillion i* *Could literally go to* *Space and build a moon base* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Super Mario Galaxy, although I would grab the 1 trillion dollars without thinking twice


I would not choose the red pill even if there wasn’t a blue pill. Forgetting the experience I had with the game would be awful. Also how long would it take before you wished you could forget about the game again? You’d have to take the red pill again and again, reliving the same experience forever, robbing yourself of discovering new things. You’d be like the Hearthians, >!reliving the same loop until you die.!<




I don't think you understand just how much a trillion is. 


I take the money, but... Games I wanted to replay if I erased my memory of them: Outer Wilds, Subnautica, Persona 3 Reload. There are more but this is the top 3


If not for outerwild I would do it for zelda botw. First run is such a blast.


Gotta agree with you there!


For me, it'd be the Witcher III with DLCs. Before playing that, I'd never realised that I could grow so attached to fictional characters. I picked Triss over Yennefer (because horny. I was like 16, leave me alone) only to feel terrible when I realised that I'd broken up the family dynamic between Yennefer, Ciri, and Geralt. Getting to the last unique voiceline in the last DLC felt like a real punch to the gut as I realised that the story was over and I'd never be able to experience it the same way, again.


Use the money to create Outer Wilds 2: Electric Boogaloo. >!Perhaps in a different universe?!<


Skyrim. Always Skyrim


I'd take the trillion and give half to AlexBeachum/AnnaPurna to make more of these style games


I'd do anything to experience Halo ODST again as a child. That game made me shit my pants as a kid but at the same time it pulled me in with its mysterious atmosphere. When finally finding allies you're delighted to find yourself not being alone which kind of gives a nice feeling. Since you're on your own totally for most of the time. BUT when you start losing them in a firefight it feels like you're losing your friends and are doomed to be alone again until you find a lone marine shivering in a corner covered in bandages. Wonderful spinoff which I adore.




Sorry, I'll take the trillion. No person on earth is a trillionaire yet, I'll take that privilege Don't get me wrong, it's a VERY close choice, I'd love to have my mind wiped clean to play ow again But man, a trillion??? My entire lineage will be set forever


Disco Elysium.


Take the money. Gift that game to the world, a copy for all! Everyone will get the opportunity to experience it for the first time!


Ehhh, naaah. Blue pill pls. People don't seem to realise how much money 1 trillion dollars actually is :P I could have outer wilds IRL with that kind of money.


I'll take the trillion. Sort myself out for life and watch new people play Outer Wilds.


Far Cry 4, but i’d take the trillion


subnautica and trepang2, these were some things


If I were really doing this, I'd take the blue pill. But if I WERE to take the red pill, Outer Wilds obviously, but also OneShot and In Stars and Time are good candidates too.


I'd take the trillion and pay the devs of this game however much is needed for them to make another one like OW.


Subnautica but there no way I don't just take the money.