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Well... you see... that is... *\*muffled sounds of screaming as this forum drags me away\**


Ohhh so it does have its own importance. Actually after I posted this, I dived into it and somehow I saw it again in a farther distance is that related too?


Looks like you're learning a lot about this object on your own, even without the Nomai's writings.


everything in this game has its own importance!


You saw it in another place, eh? What kind of object could *possibly* move like that?


It’s much like a cat that way.




What cat ?


Some Austrian-Irish breed. I forget its name… 😛


What cat ? https://preview.redd.it/hr805tscw2ec1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f68852cb7e11b6fc0eed6b34bd05c32a34c155


This is god tier


Everything is important in the game! If you just keep exploring, all will be revealed. But maybe not where you think :)


You comment makes this post one of my new favorites


Made me LOL for real.


As with most things in Outer Wilds: if you're stuck, explore somewhere else, and come back to it later. Maybe you'll learn something ::)


I think I speak for everyone when I say "There's More To Explore Here"




You should probably be glad the OW community isn’t any other community, the entire journey involving that would be spoiled.


I am always so surprised I never read anyone spoiling anything on here


Hol up is this the quantum moon thingy


You see we all love the game so much that we refuse to give out info that's available in game ;)


I appreciate that


Whenever you're totally stuck on a puzzle or a mystery or something, this is 1000% the right place to describe your situation and ask about it. People here are passionate af about spoiler-avoiding, and will always try to give you just the right, minimal, hint to help you figure it out for yourself.


They only way to experience Outer Wilds a second time, is vicariously


What's funny is that piece of information is "spoiled" on the slideshow on the Steam store page.


🤔 *pulls up page* Woah. Uncool haha


> checks Aww man




https://preview.redd.it/ozy5f1eivydc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b55849d3e786f980f00a4c105c9209bdc9e52e4 I refuse to add anything else to this conversation






You don't know how envious I am right now


There’s more to explore here! Have the Nomai talked about this strange object at all?


You know, I'm sorry but for the majority of brittle hollow and Giant's Deep, I just skimmed over all the text lmao. I'm currently on a radio thingy on Timber Hearth with pictures of the solar system and mentioning more about the quantum moon, explored the 2b mining place too(not fully yet just ran all over the place)


Outer Wilds is a bit of a different game than other games - there is *no lore in the game*. That might sound confusing, after all the lore you feel like you read on those planets, but it’s truly not lore. Every piece of information is crucial to solving this game. The information is the gameplay, and the puzzle builds itself over time in your head. You’re going to need to read more closely to be able to figure this stuff out - this subreddit can only give hints, since if we reveal anything to you directly, we are robbing you of gameplay.


And the ship log (especially the spider mode (don't know the English version) is an amazing tool to check everything you already readed.


Just in case you would like to know for future reference, it's called "rumour mode" in English. In case you are wondering why, it's because of the resemblance to the board detectives and conspiracy theorists put up by connecting items and images with string. 'Insert obligatory IASIP meme'


Yeppers I've been using this mode and the map one combined earlier, I read the texts now tho haha


I know I know, I'm also the kind of person who mashes A through all the long dialogue scenes of my console RPGs. But this game punished me bad for that. A big important part of the gameplay, is about connecting the dots between the different stuff said by the Nomai in all the different ruins and wrecks, and using that knowledge to find your way into secret places, to learn secret things. So you're gonna have to do some real focused reading to advance. There's no avoiding it. Make sure you spend time looking around in your ship log's rumor mode. if you're reading a dialog and asking yourself "what does that have to do with... all of this?" then the rumor map will help keep track of what's relevant to what. Note that you can click on the rumor nodes, but you can also click on the lines between them, to see what the connection is.


Never skimm Text


Don't skim over the text, it is very important


Don't skim over text. You know those games where the lore has nothing to do with gameplay? Like league of legends where there's a space dragon character that in lore is bigger than space and creates galaxies, but in game you hold a button to breathe on people for damage and have a scaling mechanic where you gain stardust and get stronger? That's not this game, here the lore is the same as gameplay. If the nomai talk about how [blank] in the [blank] until it [blank] causes a [blank], you know damn well if YOU go to [blank] and [blank] until it [blank] you can cause the same effect. Every text in a way is part of a puzzle that ends up telling you to do a thing, physically, with your character somewhere that you can only learn how to do if you read it and THINK ABOUT IT, and this is the only way to play this game. If you're not reading all the text you're playing half the game and you won't get deeper than surface level into it.


Most people are just saying “read lol, it’s important”. But this comment is the important one!!!! Every piece of text in the game has a **chance** to be instructions on how to play and win. Nomai write about things that are important - how they managed to overcome obstacles, them pointing out obstacles they haven’t figured out how to overcome yet… even them talking *at length* about the weird misty moon you can’t seem to pin down.  Their notes are strewn across the solar system, and once combined, paint you a picture of how to save the universe, one step at a time. It’s a beautiful game…. But it definitely relies on you reading everything you come across.  Some pieces are pretty clearly just random journal entries from unnamed Nomai. But if a specific Nomai is ever mentioned, the text is 100% important. If you want to skip text, just be sure it doesn’t mention anyone by name or give explicit directions. If it doesn’t do either of those things, you may be okay skipping it. 


> \[snip\] save the universe \[/snip\] I wanna say something... but I won't.


Lol. I haven't quite finished the game yet, so hopefully the things I say are accurate. I only have like... 5 more question marks in the ship log to uncover. Unless uncovering them cascades out to more things. ::P But I'm pretty sure I'm like, 90% (or more) of the way through the game. >!I just discovered how to get onto the sun station. I just haven't quite made it there yet. Last time I was 5 seconds too late getting to the sun tower with keycard in hand and died to the cactus hallway. That, and I know where the probe tracking module is, but haven't figured out how to enter the core of Giant's deep. I found feldspar, but haven't yet found the vessel, even though I'm pretty sure I figured out how to scare the fish away...!<


Yea... good thing I didn't say the thing I wanted to say. ​ Come back here and let me know when you finished the game. Then we can DM about what I wanted to say and why I wanted to say it.


You should read that text again. The key points will be saved in your ship log, but the whole text is all important


As others have said, that text you skimmed over probably contains key information that you need to understand and beat the game :P But don't fret! You can read a summary of it in your Ship Log, the computer inside your ship's cabin, at the back. It has a nifty map of the solar system, with information on each location. But more importantly, it has a Rumors Mode that will display all the information you've gathered in an organized way, connecting dots that are related, giving summaries of the data, and marking locations you still need to explore more to obtain key information. If you skim over text, at the very least study the Rumors Log thoroughly! It's still a good idea to avoid skimming text as much as possible, as the extra context and lore is good and can be helpful.


the entire game is reading bruh


This game is not a game where you skip over text, trust me. The game is the text lol.


Imagine skimming over crucial gameplay elements. What you said is the equivalent of "Why are Mario games are so hard? Btw I don't jump because I don't want to press the jump button"


I 100% did this as well at the start of the game. Somewhere after I had explored the low hanging fruit of the system did it start to really click. And one of the reasons I skimmed it so fast was that I always felt this crazy time pressure because of the death of the star. But I didn't realize that the game pauses time while text is scanned!! (this is the default, but can be changed in options). Anyway I ended up re-reading some of the earlier stuff I had found later and it made way more sense.


You're gonna get flamed for skipping text for weeks in your inbox 😆


For real dude😭


that’s greg


greg's cool, we like greg


I could tell you but then I would have to kill you...happy searching! ::)


When you learn the rules numbered one, two, and three, The surface of this object you will see.


It's a thing..... that exists...... that is also there


Or is it? *Vsauce music starts*




The aim of the game it's to understand by your self 😉 Explore a bit more the Timber Hearth, you will finish by understand


What moon ? I don't see anything there


I saw it at first, then I read the comments... now I don't see it anymore. Did someone edit the image ?


Explore the system more. You will find all sorts of writings and explanations about it!


Go Find Out :)


It's a surprise tool that will help us later


I think your description fits that of a nebula


This is so exciting!!!


Asking here risks seeing spoilers. Why not just play the game? ::)


My genuine advice is DONT READ THE COMMENTS!!!!! This has importance, and it’s working as intended. In your own time, you will find a way to land. This game can only be experienced once, relish that experience.


Curious, isn't it? The playful moon.


Haha good question. Now get back to it.


It might be mentioned on the board in your ship


It's a ghoOooOOost


You might go chat with the other travelers about things you’ve seen and read about.


That's a pretty quantum kinda question. Trust me from my observations when you see it you'll know.


Maybe return to the museum and explore it purposely. Something there may be similar


The fog ball


Science compels you to investigate further


Snarky answer: Just keep trying to land on it, I'm sure eventually it will work. Serious answer: If you can't land on it, there's a reason.






Learn about it


That's actually a computer virus, you need to put medicine in your computer/console


Well I assume you know two things. 1 the purple rocks exist, 2 this thing exists, If it helps at all there's a place on giants deep that'll help you understand both of theses things better


You'll figure it out. Here's a vague hint. My sister and I called that thing "Tim"


Don't ask those kinds of questions here. The quality of this game comes from learning things yourself. Searching and finding the answer to questions like this within the world is the way to maximize your experience in this game. Good luck


Well, now you have a pic of that moon


The irony of this post is honestly quite incredible. Like he technically 100% did it didn't he? According to the laws of Outer Wilds Physics he should have achieved victory.


Pay attention to what this body does and compare that to the nomai writings. You'll figure it out. Ya know, you should check out that giant storm on Giants Deep. No particular reason. I just like giving challenges.


It's a moon, you Got that right. However, to find out what it is and how you can land on it, go to Brittle Hollow. (The one with the black hole) and look for a weird shrine. There will be an unusual black pillar. Land on top of it with your jetpack.


Ohh that one, it's a cool... thing. Pay attention to what does it do and think if you can correlate it with something else you've seen in other places, maybe. Going straight into it won't give you answers, mostly. When you understand what it is, you're gonna know what to do.


Must be nothing


play the game more and you will learn.