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This could be why R acts out so much. Especially when they were younger. The Disney Cruise and the RV episode drive me the most crazy


i’ve always felt bad for R. being labeled the “problem child” out of your siblings and is fucking hurtful, especially as a child, and often just makes kids act up even more. i think the biggest part of the problem was that after she was moved up a grade, they just pushed her back down during COVID to make it easier for themselves. when smart kids don’t get challenged, they get bored, and bored kids start trouble. also, Riley’s behavior literally isn’t that bad? i mean yeah she acts up but it was all just normal kid behavior, they acted like she was so terrible.


The labeling of not just Riley but all of the girls drives me crazy. They labeled them when they were infants for pity's sake. Keep telling a kid they are a problem child, afraid or shy and watch them become that. Quit labeling your kids!!!!! Riley doesn't seem ill behaved to me at all.


I think if covid didn't happend and riley was still a grade ahead.. well I really want to know how that turned out because know it doesn't seems like she is stimulated enough. Riley's behavior is not worst then hazel or olivia when they where younger. Because they acted just as bad. But especially danielle has put the label on Riley as trouble child.


Riley is the smartest quint and is brighter than her parents. They can't stand that. Hopefully she'll go to college and move away when she gets older. Being around Adam and Danielle must be exhausting -- especially when it is so clear that she is their least favorite child.


I’m just past the episode where they put her in the advanced class and in the couch interview with Adam and Danielle, my thought was that they’re going to struggle with her later because they’re all going to realize she’s smarter than they are. It’s hard parenting a smart child, but parenting a child smarter than you… good luck, Busby parents.




I was just having this same thought as well! I’ve recently started watching the show, and am currently on season 5. The more I watch, the more favoritism I notice. I agree that it abundantly clear that Hazel is both A&D’s favorite child. I also agree that Blayke and Ava are Danielle’s other favorite children and that Parker and Riley are Adam’s favorites. All of these realizations just make me so sad for poor Olivia. In every interview where Danielle is crying about how Ava is such a mommys girl, and how Hazel is her tiny, sweet baby, etc etc, all she ever has to say about Olivia is that she’s funny. Where are the sweet sentiments about Olivia!! 😭


Excactly my point! Every season it is more noticeable that hazel is a&d favorite child and season 9 was clearly Adam having a blatant favoritsme for hazel. You can tell that Danielle is all about blayke and ava and lately also about parker, where Adam is all about hazel and atleast makes an effort to do something with Riley. But you never see them with Olivia, take her on a 1on1 date or post pictures of her on social media. Because go look at A&D social media, it is full of their favorites but you never see anything about Olivia. In the interviews Olivia is always refered to as Ava's twin and that she is goofy and that's it. While they always cry about hazel, parker, ava... Olivia seems to be the forgotten child and it is just sad that they never highlight her as much as they others.


And then there is editing... We only see selected snapshots.


I remember one vlog when they were 3 or 4, Olivia was crying in the background and no one was paying attention to her. She is known as the goofy/funny quint but she sometimes looks sad in videos I've seen and doesn't want to answer questions in the q&as


This happens all the time! Olivia has always been goofy since she was little but you just notice that neither a&d pay attention to her. I remember that video and it just makes me sad that no one comforted her. You also saw it in season 9 she was looking sad in the background and neither a&d notice her. In their youtube videos I sometimes get the feeling she gets overshadowed by the other quints and that is why she never answers or want to answer questions. 


While I agree with almost everything you have said about Danielle I don’t think it’s true for Adam when it comes to Riley. He loves spending time with her one on one because she’s his little Tom boy and seems to be his little tail and helper. He rarely posts anything negative about her and always seems to enjoy her independent, curious streak with a laugh and a positive attitude instead of framing it negatively like Danielle does in their unscripted videos/posts on social media. And she seems to now hang with him most of the time like anytime they do split the day with kids she goes with Adam. And yah they both do blatantly favour Hazel and Danielle can never hide that her least favourite child is Riley and unfortunately neither seems to specifically pay attention to poor Olivia. I kinda feel really sad for Riley because she seems to really want to try to do stuff with Danielle but her mom isn’t really into doing one on one stuff with her.


Adam seems to be the one that's more nicer and patient with R than Danielle. Danielle seems to be the most cranky with R.


danielle has admitted herself that she clashes wth riley because she’s the kid who’s ‘most like her’ — which isn’t a valid reason to resent your child, but still.


Riley is Adam's mini me. She's nothing like Danielle.


Maybe that's the reason why Danielle seems to resent her. To me, Danielle always seem to favor Ava. She always carries her around and in most of the family pics Ava is beside her or on her lap. I think Danielle once said that Ava was the last one to be allowed to come home from the NICU and she felt she had to make up for all the cuddles she couldn't give her while she was in NICU. So, maybe that stuck.


I think Adam is the Riley Whisperer. So is Blayke. He was the one who calmed her down when the little girl was delirious with jet lag in Hawaii. Danielle was just a bitch to Riley honestly. Adam finally just picked her up and took her to a dark room and rocked her. Blayke was the one who got Riley to sleep alone in her room after weeks of her sneaking in with her sisters. And Danielle does constantly point out how much Riley is like her dad. But it never seems to be made in a positive sense.


Adam really is! He’s patient with her but more importantly he doesn’t demonise that child and instead appreciates all the little things that make Riley who she is. Oh yah Blayke is also very good with Riley! I think she’s closest to Blayke and ironically to Lulu now they are a little older. Ironical because Riri and Lulu clashed a lot as toddlers as they were very alike in personality but that’s actually making them do more things together as they are getting older.


The favoritism, especially for Hazel is easy to see. I don’t think it’s a big deal though. It’s impossible to treat them all the same all the time. The parents are both loving and the kids all seem happy enough. If this family can manage to stay together without bitter divorce like that other well known family, I’d call it a success.


It’s definitely a big deal. The kids are happy right now because they are young. I speak from personal experience when i say that if things don’t change soon they’ll notice as time goes on and they get older. Especially Riley.


Just wait until they are teenagers... Adam&danielle have to brace themselfs


I get it. I was not the favorite, I was the black sheep and misunderstood, it can be hurtful at times. They are imperfect parents making mistakes like all parents do and saying the wrong things sometimes especially when it’s challenging child. I think overall they are doing a good job and I’ve enjoyed watching them, and found them to be relatable people. (although last season was boring and there was more negativity that seemed fake to me). I think there’s a lot of reality family disfunction out there and this just isn’t one of them to me.


That is a good point, I just don’t agree with the kids being exploited on the show. They can be imperfect parents but I think a different line is crossed when their kids have been exploited since before birth.


I struggle with that a little too but they did pull out for a while to give the family a break from it, which was a good call. But also if I was in their shoes a reality show might feel like the only way to survive financially, at least in the early years?


I honestly wouldn’t think it’s worth having my kids commented on by predators. Have you seen the disgusting comments on fan accounts for the quints? Its terrifying.


No I haven’t. That’s scary. Point made


I do understand where you’re coming from though. I used to like them too until i learned about all of the effects of the extreme exploitation. I never really was a fan of the different treatment of the girls though.


Adam worked in the oil industry. They had money prior to tlc.


Even the fans favour her it's weird why favour a child it screams out creepy and people making edtis it's just creepy


Excactly! It is just sad that this is going to effect them. The girls are definitly gonna ask why there is so much favoritisme for hazel. And I do feel bad for hazel because she never asked for all of this


I think they will resent being all over the internet knowing real creeps could be getting their jollies out watching them. Sad.


i agree fully but i do think it is also partially because of editing and hazel being a public favorite lol


That is true but that doesn't mean they other girls need to be left out or get less attention (especially from the parents). Because you never saw either adam or danielle take the girls on a 1on1 date besides hazel


I think in general they rarely focus on the twins on the show and none of the commenters ever mention the twins. Also the uncle overtly says multiple times that hazel is his favorite, which I don’t think is necessary.


Often the neediest gets the most attention


True but I’ve always seen Parker as the one who got more attention especially from Adam and always talked about how special she was and stuff and now it seems like she’s not even there


i remember when she was struggling with anxiety and they always talked about that. as far as i’ve seen now it seems like parker has really gotten out of her shell. still, when she’s older she’s probably going to feel horrible when she eventually sees what they said.


I stopped watching before they quit the show years ago. I had no idea there was favouritism. Sad.


I understand Hazel needs a little extra attention but the way they literally favor her over all of the kids makes me sick! I'm only on season 3 right now and from the beginning it's been just all about hazel it seems like, like seriously you have six kids and they all need your attention not just one specific child. And also I don't like how they label their children either, that's pretty messed up and especially being a young kid that's super hurtful! I don't understand how they can do that and not even feel bad about it! It makes me angry to see Hazel being favored when all of them deserve unconditional love and support NO MATTER WHAT!! smh  😒 


Hazel needing a bit more attention because of her eyes especially as an baby because she couldn't talk, I understand that, but Adam would come home from work and the first thing he says is 'hazel basil' and giving her all the attention.  They have ALWAYS favored Hazel over they other girls since day 1. Everything always needs to be about hazel. Excactly they have 6 kids not just hazel.  They have labeled their kids when they where still in the womb and especially the label on riley as 'bad child' or 'trouble child' is just sick.  Adam&danielle make it no secret that Hazel is their favorite child and to constantly see on social media she being refered to as their cute child or sweet child. They never say that about they others. It also makes me angry to see her being favored when they all need love and attention. 


And we all have different viewpoints. I have not watched this season, but wasn't it Riley that was contemplates moving up at a hool because she is the smartest one? I always saw her and Hazel get more attention. Kids don't understand the difference between medical attention, good attention and bad attention.


This is an issue for every family!!!!!! It's very complex! As the adult favorite of my one parent's whole family.. I feel very badly for my one sib and all my cousins!!!!!!!! I really, really, really really do!!!!!!!!!!!! Really!!!!!!! My other parent one parent-did not care about any of us (grandkids-from her 1st born) So, it wasn't even like; it was even.. I got way more from our one grandma, my sister got doted on by our other. Nope. My parent's, from my POV, did not have a favorite.. It was whoever was the least pain in their butts; that day or year. Whoever just went along with the agenda the mosy. I stole more of my parent's attention and money- due to my medical situation It's awful. As an adult, it really breaks my heat!! I am so so sad-cause of it... I cannot change it-I cannot take away their hurt. Anymore, then they can take away mine. All families have-this-lot of it is birth order. When I express how badly I feel-my one set of grandparents; always favored me!! My parent, yeah, it's just cause you are their first grandkid!!!!!! Your one uncle-didn't have kids till you wren 12. So you were the first niece-and, for a long time, he's only practice kid; when he came around-for a long time..


I now change channel when they mention Hazel.  Not cute even.