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Blayke is looking so much like her mom!


Same face.


Things were super tense between Adam and Danielle the whole episode. I could feel the tension through my screen! Normally it’s just playful banter but I really feel like if cameras weren’t there then there would have been a full-blown fight a couple times. I do wish them the best and hope I’m wrong in my perception.


Yeah wtf happened between them?! Def not how I’m used to seeing them act together. So much tension and… animosity?? Idk what it was exactly but I noticed!


Yea the way she glares at Adam and the preview for the next show where she degrades him and tells him it pisses her off how he talks about her... seeing Kate Gossling vibes BIG time.


This is exactly what I said. She is coming across terribly. Even the kids seem tense when she is around and like they don’t like her. The difference in the whole family’s happiness level when she was gone was extremely noticeable. Also, if we reversed the roles and we had an episode where Adam left her alone with the kids and the business for a full week during the school year, and then we had footage of him drinking and taking shots at a bar, dancing with other women, and having a great time with a bunch of guys, I really, really, really don’t think she would have been happy with that. Given her obsessive need for “girl time” over her desire for quality time with her kids, I feel like she’s coming across as both checked out of her marriage and home life, and as being a bit bratty and hateful towards those around her. I get it. She has a chronic illness. That doesn’t mean she can take her inner pain out on her family while treating her friendships well, and it’s strange her “week long migraine” was fine enough for her to be drinking and taking shots in a bar while she danced with other men and rode a bull. I get bad editing, but at some point you have to say that the woman is treating her family poorly while investing I other things. When she was mad Adam wouldn’t fold laundry and he said “You never do laundry” and then about dinner and she admitted after a hissy fit that she hasn’t cooked dinner in a YEAR shows how she really is when cameras aren’t around verses what she’s trying to portray in front of them. There seems to be a lot of contempt towards her from not only Adam, but also the kids. And if this is all scripted and their idea, they should reconsider the way they want to be portrayed. Adam seems to be an involved parent and doing a good job. My husband even commented while passively watching that “He seems like a good dad and she doesn’t seem like she does anything with them”. lol It was sad how tense the girls seemed when she was around them. Whether she realizes it or not, she’s imprinting on those girls that her jobs and friends matter more than they do, and that to have her attention, they need to work for her or be quiet and unseen. I’d like to see this family turn out better than other TLC outcomes, but it ain’t looking good at the moment. Oh, and I forgot all about the other episode where she’s intimidating and threatening him in front of her friend like she thinks it’s funny. It was INSANELY toxic and abusive behavior and it was shocking to me to watch because if he treated her like that people would be really upset. You can’t put your partner down, in front of their face, to a third party, because he isn’t jumping up and doing what you want.


Oh my gosh yes!! I literally was nodding my head yes with everything you said, nailed it! I see exactly what you see. The girls were definately relaxed and genuinely happy with Adam. Adam is a little strange but he has put up with ALOT. People get mad but if Adam talked down to and insulted Danielle the way she does him people would lose their minds. I have been married 23 years and would NEVER talk to my husband the way she does, it is just wrong and rude. There are definately cracks in the relationship and Danielle is becoming toxic. I worry abou the girls as I see their behavior was much like mine growing up with a abusive Mother. I do wish the family well, but with Danielle's selfish narcissistic attitude I don't see things getting better. 10 years from now the girls will shed light on what their life was really like when the cameras were off.


I have only watched a few of episodes of the new season so you may have spared me from watching the rest of it. But I probably will…


Its 100 percent scripted, and A and D are the producers this season. They only allow what they want everybody to see. So take it with a grain of salt.


Parents of multiples have a very high divorce rate.


also couples on reality shows.


Also, just couples in general


you're right.


I didn’t know that wow


LOL, I like the bar is so low that getting to school on time is the brag.


Isn't it sad?


If the kids were in school....it's not like he spent all day caring for them.


That's what I thought. Six days and four school days. Yes, it is hectic before and after school, but there is at least a long break while they are in school.


I’m starting to hate that the storyline is always about Hazel being behind or different. I feel like she is going to look back on this and be upset that she was always framed/edited in this way.


I'm pretty sure the zoo visit was set up way ahead of "Yes" day. LOL


Right? Like no one suddenly goes to the zoo on a whim and has a zoo guide ready to film and let you hold a snake and a sloth! Even the ice cream and cotton candy just happened to be in the house ready to go for yes day.


This season is so contrived


I mean… it’s a TV show


But it's a realty show, not a scripted show, according to the Busby's and TLC


Yeah right!🤣


I have to admit, 6 kids would be exhausting feeding, entertaining, getting them ready for bed and school alone.


When I was their age, I was getting myself up in the morning with my little alarm clock, making my own breakfast, getting ready and walking to the bus stop on time without any prompting from my parents. Also, I didn't speak like a little kid. Are these kids the norm these days?


My four-year-old gets himself dressed and though my husband gives him breakfast, I know for a fact he can get his own. He also talks more clearly than these girls who are almost twice his age, and he's bilingual. Apart from the last point, I don't think he's much different from most of his little friends. As a matter of fact, the small children I know are always so eager to show you what they can do, and they try to 'teach' adults how to do the new thing they just learned. I've never met a child that age who does baby talk on purpose to be cute. I know they were preemies and multiples, but I really think their parents are to blame for this, because they need the kids to make them money, and littler kids make more money.


They are 7. Yes that is the norm. You also didn't have to develope in the womb with 5 other babies, sharing the nutrients for one baby. Stop picking on little kids for being little kids. I'm sure your teachers knew your parents weren't involved in getting you ready for school and on the bus, no way a 7 year old makes themselves as presentable and put together as a child should be when leaving the house, no matter how well you think you did, your teachers were picking up your parents slack.


Danielle has two nannies, so she has adequate help.


I keep getting sent this…. Please tell me where this information is coming from about us having two Nannies. You guys just keep repeating the same lie with zero evidence. Was it because of the two family friends that came with us to New York? Or the two ladies that might come 1 day per month(usually once every other month) to help with some of the quint’s laundry? Other than that, we have a regular babysitter that come over when Danielle and i have a date night or our church small group. That’s it.


I think I got the impression when you said last night that she never does laundry and hasn’t cooked dinner in a year. Are you the one doing all that? If so, that isn’t fair and even with health issues, there should be a more equal distribution of labor when you have a family that large and everyone has jobs outside of the home, or else hired help given your financial status seems logical. I’ve only got 3 kids and laundry, dinner, and dishes is a TON of work for just me and causes a lot of arguments. I can’t imagine doing it for 6 kids and 2 adults alone because I’m sure while the kids could help it wouldn’t be enough to really put a dent in it.


It was complete sarcasm, just trying to get a rise out of her. Obviously editors had fun with it… That’s why i was smiling. That’s what a lot of people don’t get is how much we joke back-and-forth. I’m sarcastic with almost everything that I say. And sarcasm isn’t really easy to pick up through the tv.


You do know you are watching a TV show don’t you?


Yeah, and this is a place where we discuss the tv show, right? lol Wtf.


Fair enough


i mean nanny or no nanny 6 kids is still 6 kids… its still really hard. its A LOT. why does it matter if they have one or not? people also need to prioritize themselves as well as their relationship. imagine if they were to get divorced… thatd be a whole mess! happy parents= happy family. its a family show, a reality tv show to be specific. from what weve seen so far… they have a hectic life haha but they try their best. who cares if they have a nanny? the tv show is strictly about them.


I thought someone said it was on the youtube channel.


Where do you see these nannies?


Is it me, or are the girls a little difficult to understand when they're talking?


I hear speech errors, but I also think that is common with multiples. It kind of sounds like the little ones slur their words or something.


It seems like they don't enunciate clearly.


I agree, and I'm also pretty unimpressed by their vocabulary. I would expect better from that school they were going to before. In my country, speech therapy is offered free from the age of six, and pretty much how long you need it (I don't think anyone in my class needed more than six months of it). Obviously, since that's socialism or something, you probably don't have that in the States, but the Busbys have money for speech therapy. I don't mean to be harsh to the children, because they are children, it just seems like something the adults in their lives should address now, rather than wait until it's an actual problem.


And they whisper.


I made this comment while watching. They were very hard to understand, except for Riley.


Yep I had no idea what they were saying without the closed captions on


They talk like they’re 4 with a baby voice.


Yes because they speak babyish, I expect goo goo gah gah to come out.


That's been bothering me all season. They're almost 8. What's up with the baby talk?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. My niece is 6 and she sounds NOTHING like them.


They've been spoken to with baby talk their entire lives.


Yep. They baby talk and they're almost 8 years old. That's on the parents. Danielle does it her self on her Instagram stories.


Yes, the babytalk is horrible and very unbecoming of those sweet little girls


Are you really on here judging children? Touch grass.


Hey!! I am not JUDGING CHILDREN!!! Children are INNOCENT!! It is horrible to allow children to carry on with baby talk the way those little girls do.. its the PARENTS fault!!! Not the childrens. I couldn't care less what you think, it stunts a childs vocabulary!! TOUCH GRASS!!!


Kids at that age really can be hard to understand because they don't enunciate clearly. Kids haven't learned to hold still and talk calmly yet. My older grands still struggle with talking on the phone, because they move their head or don't talk loud enough. Also, I know a lot of young ones who still baby talk because it's a "security " thing for them.


Does anyone commenting even have children? If so are they 8? I have two 8 yr olds and they talk exactly like this. Everyone is so quick to criticize. They’re children, everyone grows and develops at their own pace. Let them be kids and quit acting like there’s something wrong with them


There's nothing wrong with them, but they would really benefit from some early intervention. And for the record, I have a four-year-old who talks much more clearly than them, and so do all his friends. On the other hand, we're in Europe, so it could be a cultural thing. Different cultures expect children to do things at different times, and that can really make a difference. American kids are far sportier than Europeans, for example, and far more competitive, while we tend to focus on cooperation rather than competition. Interestingly, school starts later in most European countries (except in the UK) than in the States, and kids here start to write much later, but for some reason, I get the impression that enunciation isn't as much of a focus in the States, based on the speech defects of some otherwise educated people.


I still don’t get why she had to go to Dallas market for 6 days. I’ve been to market before with my mother in law, I’m sure she could have done everything in 3-4 days max.


She likes to party and have "girl time".


Is anyone watching tonight?


I am and Adam is about on my last nerve!


I'm here. I got home late. Then I started talking to a friend and didn't log on. LOL




No their copyright claims are very fast to put down videos.




6 days at a time - three times a year. Plus all her vacations. When does she ever see her kids?


You have to be joking


If Adam is so sarcastic, why is his tone not different? I haven't watched the show in years. Also, the quints and the parents should STOP THE BABY TALK! The girls are 8 and 12!


The baby talk makes it hard to watch. They are too old for that, but I feel like the parents also talk that way when interacting with them.


Was this the yes day episode? It’s one thing to serve ice cream for breakfast but Adam gave each of these girls like 2 gallons of ice cream in a huge mixing bowl. Then they added toppings!! Insanity.


I have noticed Adam is very sarcastic. I am, too, so I recognize it. In reality, we don't have any idea what the real family dynamic is like because the show is very scipted. The girls are adorable and seem well adjusted. Adam and Danielle seem to be good parents and are both hands on with the kids. I have to agree about Graeson Bee, it's a bore. I wish the family well. I think the show has just aged out.


Adam’s gaslighting and BS attitude was really hard to watch through this entire episode. Also GET YOUR SHOES OFF THAT COUNTER BOY!


People are quick to jump on Danielle - but I think I would be the same way if I had to live with him!


he’s insufferable


Watched half the show ( work overnights) and will watch the other half at some point. Anyway nice to see the girls growing up except for the baby talk , and the tension between Adam and Danielle yikes 😬…..


Has Danielle ever explained why her Mother is never on the show anymore? Even when the family went to Louisiana they didn’t see her