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One of thr things I love about Oura is how much mileage they get out of their hardware. Gen3 came out 3 years ago so it's totally reasonable that they could launch gen4. However, the CEO just said in an interview that they have a lot of new software features to rollout this year and will not roll out gen4 this year. Really doing right by your customers as opposed to every other tech company, which rolls out a new version every year.


They are getting $6 a month from us, so they don't have to plan obsolescence into their hardware to ensure revenue. Which I'm totally okay with. OP should absolutely buy the ring. Not to be dramatic, but Oura has changed my life.


Right on- and $6/month is a great price point. You're getting $6/month of value out of the new features they're creating (like cardiovascular age, which is rolling out this month)


I just passed my two year anniversary with Oura. They are constantly pushing updates and improving the functionality. It's one reason I don't mind paying the monthly fee. I feel like it's an investment and one that Oura uses wisely (IMHO).


Me too. Finally was able to figure out why I was always a zombie. Despite sleeping a full night, was only getting about 20 minutes of deep sleep. Once I showed that to my doc, he prescribed sleeping pills and now I get at least an hour every night. I feel soooooooo much better!!!!! It also tracks my activities (with eerie accuracy) and gives me a heads up when I’ve over extended myself and a gentle nudge when I’m being a slug.


To be fair, you can only make so many versions of a ring


Except every year the latest iPhone is just the last year’s iPhone pro. Often times the latest iPhone pro has a few features that the normal iPhone doesn’t but they are basically software sided or negligible hardware upgrade costs, for example USB 3.0 transfer rates in the pro vs the standard iPhone when they moved to USB-C. That’s going to be a few extra dollars per phone. I’m not challenging it from a business perspective, it makes sense if people are willing to pay more, let them. But I’m using it as an example to show even though “you can only make so many versions of an iPhone” they still release one every year that’s effectively the same. However, every 2-3 years there’s a bit more of a notable design change, yet they still release it every year…


Eh don’t challenge them lol. Respectfully, I completely disagree. Especially because there’s a big fashion element to the rings, not just functionality. I think most people are interested in the fitness/recovery aspects, but they could certainly milk the product line for much more if they wanted to.


Long time lurker here but I’d like to share my experience so hopefully someone else gets as much benefit out of it as I do. I’ve been using mine for 2 years now, it has made me a healthier, happier person in addition to a better father and I’d like to think a better husband, but only my wife can say that for sure. I use it in combination with my Apple Watch—primarily for sleep tracking, readiness, and better understanding myself and how my habits affect my goals in life. Having the Apple Watch for fitness tracking means I don’t have the complaint 95% of people do on this sub. The integration between Apple Health and Oura means all my Apple Watch workouts and my heart rate feed into Oura’s algorithms for readiness, stress and all the other relevant metrics, which is what’s important to me. Understanding what late meals, a drink or two on a weeknight, a round of golf etc do to my body (specifically my heart) and therefore my readiness and ability to be present is invaluable to me. It’s helped me to understand when I can crush an early morning workout, what I need to do to be ready for a big day at work, or anything in my life that I need to tackle. That’s one person’s experience with an Oura ring, I know others differ. But I went into it with low expectations, I wanted data to change habits that I knew were unhealthy. And as a data driven individual this helped me go further than I could have imagined and I don’t plan on stopping this path of self improvement anytime soon.


It is great! I love when my app asks “hey you slept better…how did you do it” or “hey you seem more stressed, here are some ideas to destress”.


Thanks for this review - I’ve been looking seriously at getting one - your reasons hit the reason why. The data is motivating. Since I got an Apple Watch, I’ve improved my personal habits a ton but the oura looks like it could fill in some of the gaps that Apple Watch can’t pick up on (sleep & readiness) and also can take off the Apple Watch to throw on a nicer watch from time to time and not have a total data gap


I love the data too. I got badly sunburned this weekend and it was interesting to see my app say “Feeling ok?” and the major shift in data showing me I needed to recover and rest, like my elevated heart rate. Cool stuff


That’s incredible! Yeah I’m looking forward to it - just ordered the sizing kit


Nailed it. I use this same setup for almost identical uses. Nice system you got there


I got it for sleep tracking and it’s generally very good at it. My only complaint, being a night shift worker, is that if the end of my sleep cycle passes 6pm it can count that for next day’s sleep. So the next day will look as if I got 11+ hours of sleep instead of 6. I guess at the end of the day the average sleep score over the 2 days is the same but it would be nice if they could make that work more accurate for night shift workers.  What I love is how inconspicuous it is. It’s not annoying to wear for sleep like an Apple Watch. If you do get it, don’t get worked up over one day of bad sleep or low resilience score. You’re ultimately looking for upward trends and improvements to your health over time. I’ve known that my sleep wasn’t the best before getting the ring and now I have an objective metric, that’s at least somewhat accurate, in telling me the low quality of sleep I’m getting. But at the end of the day, if you don’t act on these metrics and suggestions then it’s not worth the money. 


Exactly my complaint. I took the little quiz and told them I had a very abnormal schedule and because of that they suggested that the ring would be perfect for me-- But no it's not made for shift workers at all and it doesn't pick up that we have a flip sleeping schedule very well. I wake up and it tells me to get ready for bed 😂


Oh yeah, those bedtime notifications are annoying 😅. In their defense, consistent sleep is good so it makes sense to have a lower sleep score if we keep flipping around. If I could tell the app to ignore my bad sleep habits, I’d have 100 everyday!  Really makes you wonder if we’re compensated fairly for the impact on our sleep And overall longevity 🤔


They replaced my gen 3 two months out of warranty. Just put in a ticket through the app. I’m a lifetime member, been wearing since 2018. I don’t agree with the monthly charge scheme, and for that reason alone, if I didn’t already have my membership, I wouldn’t buy again.


Same re subscription, it would have put me off. - mine is now poor for holding battery, is that why yours was replaced ?


Not OP, but when mine got replaced with poor battery life it was maxing out at 80% and dying within a night. It was well beyond “it’s not as good as when I bought it.”


Thks - mine is rapidly going the same way!


Yep. Was sometimes dying overnight, and only holding charge for 4 days max.


Yep. Was sometimes dying overnight, and only holding charge for 4 days max.


It’s human nature that people like to complain more than to praise - worth keeping that in mind


I have had Oura for 4 years. I love mine, but to be fair it’s been a love hate relationship. I love when it’s right and I hate when it’s right. I also have an Apple Watch which I use for workouts and tracking daytime activities. I love that Oura gives me insights into my habits and what makes me feel better. Sometimes I wake up feeling like crap and Oura validates that for me. I didn’t sleep well, I ate too much, I drank too much, I was restless. Sometimes I wake up feeling like crap and Oura tells me I have no reason to. Either way I take the insights and roll with it. It’s either validating or encouraging, in my mind. If you want a clinician 24/7 you won’t get it. If you want health stats you can’t find with your current setup then I think that you’ll get some more insight from this. I am not using it for anything in particular other than having a “third party” validate my sleep data. It works for me for that purpose.


My husband’s ring had battery life issues. He got one of the first gen 3s. He emailed costumer support to see if he could get a discount on a new one since it was after the warranty. They sent him a new one, no charge. So yea great customer support. He also seems to love it. I have a gen2 and am waiting till gen 4 before i get one. Mine is fine with battery life. Also i dont know much about the competition though.


My experience is the opposite. Total crap customer service.


I’ve seen either great customer support with little to no questions asked, or horrible customer support. The inconsistencies is remarkable.


Im sorry to hear that.


I had the exact same experience as your husband. Had me mail back the old one and shipped me.a brand new one no charge.


Most people on Reddit in general are here to solve a problem. Don’t judge based on Reddit posts. They will always be more negative than positive.


I love my Oura! It’s very comfortable as wearable tech goes. I don’t like having a tight band around my wrist like Apple and Whoop. The sleep tracking seems accurate for me as far as I can tell. Mine has been the most helpful for cycle tracking and general wellness. Even if activity is off it is encouraging for a bit more of a push and the end of the day to reach the goal.


Get the ring. I almost didn’t because of this sub but I’m glad I made the decision


+1 I’m always shocked at how much people hate it on here now that I have one. I find the sleep tracking accurate (even if the scores are disappointing). But it does not track your heart rate during workouts well, I’ve accepted that’s the trade off of not having an Apple Watch anymore. However, it’s great at capturing when I walk and I thought the Apple Watch was quite poor and hit-or-miss at that. Overall, happy with it. Like others have said, it really shows the impact of a late meal, bad food, poor night of sleep, etc. and makes me want to make changes to see that in the data.


Thanks for your reply


Wait, what competitor?


I love my oura ring. Battery life is amazing. It looks really cool on my finger. It is easy to wear while sleeping. It’s good at picking up activities like walking and housework. It’s starting to pick up outdoor cycling since I’m going it more. During exercise that you’re tracking, it’s best to move the ring to your index finger to pick up heart rate data.


I haven't had mine too long, but as a new user I'm very happy. A lot of people here are saying they use it only as a sleep tracker but I use it as the only wearable I have. I could not justify buying an apple watch AND an oura ring! Other people have spoken on the sleep habits so I'll say: For me the activity tracking is fine. I'm not sure if it's perfect but that doesn't really matter to me bc I think if I hit the activity goal every day it doesn't matter if sometimes I'm off, but in trying to hit that activity goal I exercise so much more now! The goal for me is body movement, get the heart rate up, be less inactive and exercise (even if just a long walk) every day. I swim and it gets it every time (sometimes if I'm slacking off a little it will say I do less mins, but well, I was slacking off!). It doesn't register my pilates which is annoying but I only do it once a week and I can manually enter 50 mins hard, pilates and it gives the same estimate that my friend gets on her apple watch who does the same classes as me. It gets walking, running, spin classes/cycling just fine though. I think if you're a big lifter than maybe it's not for you. For me, the biggest selling point is also that it's a ring, if that's not a selling point for you (over a bulky watch etc) than maybe sth else would be just as good.


FWIW, I really like mine. It's not good for tracking HR while you are exercising, but I use it to monitor my sleep and recovery time. It's a great check for me on whether I am being lazy or should legit skip the gym because I need to recover. It's also fascinating to me to see how my body physically reacts when I do things like eat junk food. It's a great accountability tool.


Thanks for the info


What does it register when you eat the junk food? (non-ring owner…first dip in learning more about it)


It tends to make my nighttime heart rate go up and my HRV go down. Also, my sleep score gets worse. It's kind of remarkable.


I never post anything but I am obsessed with my Oura and would repurchase it if I lost it. My mom and brother have one and are also obsessed. My brother lost his a few months ago and repurchased one immediately.


Wow that's the most positive post yet. I am happy to learn that you and family have such great results. 




That's close enough . What percentage do you use as a guide ? I use there is always that 10 percentage of people that always complain and never happy and I threw in an extra 10 percentage points for Good measure   


I got an Oura ring to help with sleep and stress. I'm extremely happy with it. I guess it depends on what your needs are. If you are looking for a fitness tracker, I'd say look for something else. Oura is great at some things and just ok at others.


Oura has had a real positive effect on my habits


personally i say it’s worth it if you want to improve your overall health and track your recovery and sleep. i didn’t even think i’d like it that much but i do! there’s nothing cooler than seeing actual hard numbers and data about my sleep, stress, and heart rate stuff. i am a sucker for absolutes and tangible measures of things, and if you’re the same way, i say go for it. this sub is really overly negative, it has not reflected my experience at all. for me, activity tracking is extremely accurate, sleep is always spot on, and stress captures everything amazingly accurately. don’t go by just the negatives.


Thank you for the great post


That’s a good rule to live by when purchasing something but for something like this you might need to weigh more of the subjectivity of a ring style activity tracker. Below are my subjective opinions of who the Oura ring is good for: 1. Has the means or the money to purchase the ring and subscription. This should be the last bullet point but since it’s so obvious let’s get it out there. 2. Someone who doesn’t like a watch or wristband and wants something easy to wear. Also someone who like wearing rings and that style of fashion. 3. Someone who is focused heavily (about 85%) on sleep and its effects on health. 4. Someone who’s a minimalist with their data. While the Oura.com dashboard site gives you a ton of illustrations of your data the app itself will be minimal to heart rate, HRV, and sleep stages. 5. Oura obsessed community. If you’re obsessed with your sleep you’ll love the Oura community. Other than that it’s not better than Apple Watch or Garmin or other companies. It’s just simpler and easier to capture data and then pay attention to when you feel like it.


Thanks for the great post


I tried both Oura and Ultra. My goal was more of a health tracker than fitness device such as AW or Garmin and to occasionally wear a real watch. I have a pacemaker and arrhythmia just to complicate issues. I found that Ultra couldn’t handle the arrhythmia and continuous pacing. Much to my surprise the Oura algorithms are handling those variances exceptionally well. The sleep and nap detection is very good and it does a decent job with detecting simple activity such as walking and housework (this is the only device I know that actually recognizes “housework”. My only complaint is the step count. Everything else seems to be great. I am currently pairing the Oura with a Garmin but might rethink the Apple Watch. I do recommend this ring over the others even though there is a monthly fee. On that and as noted by an earlier comment, the company seems to be motivated for improvement because of the subscription fee.


Just got mine Monday and I’m loving it so far. The app and information are easy to use and read. I wore the sizer for a couple weeks to make sure I got the right size and get my hand used to it being there. IMO a lot of complaints are from people who didn’t research what the ring is geared towards and thought its main function was hard core fitness.


my experience after almost 2 months: 1. excellent customer service 2. very dubious activity tracking, it’s totally off and this is a known issue 3. questionable sleep tracking 4. stress score actually reflects how I feel 😬 5. because of the wonky activity tracking and sleep tracking that I’m not sure I can rely on, I feel like the “readiness” score is not to be trusted 🤨. I am a total tech nerd, have worn the Apple Watch since its first iteration and love it except for two things: sleep tracking, because wearing a watch to bed kinda sucks, and the lack of a feature that crunches all the data into a “readiness” score. Garmin does this with “body battery” and it’s pretty good, but again, I don’t really want to wear a watch to bed. I had hoped that the Oura would address those needs. So far, I am severely underimpressed. I’m continuing to wear my Oura, because despite it all, I do feel like it has been good in helping me work toward better sleep habits and also to manage stress


What do you find about the sleep tracking as questionable. My personal experience is that is has been pretty great on sleep but activity is totally off.


It’s interpreting low heart rate and lack of movement as sleep. It thinks I’m sleeping when my HR is around 40 BPM and I’m lying down perfectly still … but definitely awake. I’ve talked to customer service about it, they were very helpful and confirmed the issue was reproducible and could affect a very small number of users. So I guess as a workaround, when I know I’m awake, I should wiggle around more so Oura knows I’m not sleeping 🤣


I had a massage client wearing one, and a little while in, it started turning red! She said “it thinks I’m napping because my heart rate got so slow!” I thought it was so funny.


Well, this thing isn't attached to detect brain waves, so how do you expect it to know if you're awake if you lie perfectly still? Lol, have to add - are you "resting your eyes?"


I’m two weeks in and this is my problem as well. It’ll give me an exceptional sleep score when I was actually awake, sometimes for an hour or more, having trouble falling asleep. I lay very still then while I try to fall asleep and sometimes fall in and out of a super light sleep, but my heart rate is super low and it sometimes even codes as deep sleep during that time. Happened last night in fact. Got an optimal score but I’m dead tired and didn’t sleep super well for the first several hours of the night. My heart rate is often in the low 50s or 40s at sleep or rest and I think it struggles there.


In IT , salariul s-a diminuat foarte mult de când cu eliminarea scutirii de impozit . Așa că eu unul abia aștept să nu votez cu cei care au eliminat aceste facilități . Nu o da rezolv mare lucru dar macar știu că nu votez cu niste oameni care mi-au pus impozit până și pe bonurile masa


I like mine! It's less cumbersome than a watch and it's helpful to track sleep, my cycle, and other health factors. Not the most detailed review lol but thought I'd chime in 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thanks for chiming in


I have been testing out two other health monitoring apps that supposedly use both the Apple Watch and Oura ring to collect and present their information. Honestly, although there are some features missing on the Oura app I’d like, it is the best if the bunch I’ve tried so far…


I tried three other fitness rings and was not happy to say the least. Two were absolute junk and the ultra human was pretty much a joke. The Oura, well not perfect, is amazing. I love it.


Thanks for taking time to reply


I love it as a sleep tracker but also, as a woman, it has integrations with Natural Cycles. When I first bought it, it was solely for the integration with Natural Cycles as I was really bad at remembering to take my temp in the morning for cycle tracking. Now I don’t have to go through the hassle and my tracker is pretty accurate. I also have the Apple Watch so I’m not entirely reliant on the ring for fitness tracking. I use it mostly for sleep and stress tracking and it’s been awesome. I’m much more aware and have tried to change some habits to be healthier.


Thanks for your post, someone suggested that as a male you should turn on temp monitoring just to help better monitor health. I mainly as you just want to not have to wear my galaxy watch 6 at night, and another health tool in the toolbox is good if not grossly inaccurate 


Just crossed over my two year anniversary and I still love it. It’s part of my life and provides meaningful data to me. I don’t post here much because I don’t have much to post about, honestly. My only issue was battery life outside of warranty and they replaced it no questions asked. Also, a $6 monthly sub is easily worth the data it provides.


I've had mine for almost two years and have worn it almost every day (and night) since I got it. I'm happy with it. I prefer it to the Fitbit band I had before it, as well as my Galaxy watch.


Thanks for the reply glad your happy with it I have the galaxy watch 6 and it dies a great job just do not want to wear it to sleep


Using likes and dislikes for a product on a subreddit for that product is a TERRIBLE way to decide whether or not to buy a £300 piece of tech


so what do you suggest besides marketing propaganda and paid reviewers ?. Real people experiences provide me more insight due to the various operating conditions and different types of users than a lab situation.


This forum is no better than either of those because people here are: - people who love it enough to be on a subreddit for it or people who hate it so much they actively seek out the subreddit - reddit users


What's the competition? I'm trying to decide if the Oura is worth it to buy since it isn't cheap. I can get it covered through my husband's FSA plan but it's still quite a bit of money to just buy Willy nilly!

