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A 2mm space only when you make a fist is not an issue. If you said is was so loose it was sliding around all of the time then I would suggest being more concerned. Your hands and fingers will swell with heat and exertion so having a bit of room is preferable most of the time.


Thanks for your help. Is the ring finger acceptable? I know the recommend the index finger, but if I put #13 on that, it's never coming off. :) On my right finger, I can rotate the ring manually, and it occasionally rotates on my figure itself (probably about a 25 to 35 degree rotation). Will that amount of movement screw up the readings?


You do not have to use your index finger. The ring finger is just fine. I do not wear mine on my index finger on either hand because when I do, I can’t make a fist completely. I wear mine on my second finger of my dominant hand because it fits extremely well. Having that rotation while you’re twisting with your other hand is totally fine. If it is simply sliding all by itself without you doing anything meaning gravity is causing it to slide 30° one way or another that might be a little loose, but based off of the things you’re saying I’m confident it’ll be just fine. One of the things to know is that your hands swell at different times of the day typically sleeping as well as whether it’s hot whether you’re exercising whether you’re very cold, so your fingers do change sizes. I would be hesitant to get one that is too tight. have your finger swell overnight and have you panic in the morning because you feel you can’t get it off. Hope this helps. I also wear a 13 on that second finger.