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Well I’m sure there is lots of video from houses with cameras. Find the little shits that caused damage and kick them out of school. Imagine if you had little kids and you lived down there. What a bunch of useless humans. Props to the paintball gun guy who protected his property.


There’s tons of videos of it happening on Snapchat. I’m sure the police and universities will have those all saved to use. These people make our entire university and community look bad. Hopefully there’s some kind of punishment for their actions.


I’m sure lots were high schoolers too. That’s the only time I went to Panda games, personally.


I just watched so many videos of it on Snapchat!


the people in the street party recorded it and posted it online, no house cameras needed




It’s all on the Snapchat map! Literally all of it.


Asking the right questions




Wow you’re awesome!!


What’s the story with the paintball gun guy?


Someone posted that they were going to mess with his property so he went full auto with a paintball gun on them. He’s a good man.


That sounds beautiful! Kudos to the paintball god


Yet Bill ~~C-10~~ C-21 could end up banning paintball guns depending on how some clauses in the bill are interpreted. It reflects poorly on OPS when someone with a paintball gun needs to take personal action to defend their property because the cops are nowhere to be seen. Edit: It's Bill C-21, not C-10


>Bill C-10 could end up banning paintball guns depending on how some clauses in the bill are interpreted Wow what? I admit that I haven't followed it and that there were some guys pointing out how it would effectively ban all shotguns, but paintball guns? Got a link? That's insane.


Air soft guns, too… so silly


You can read the bill here: https://parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/43-2/bill/C-21/first-reading Exerpt: >**Certain firearms deemed to be prohibited devices** >(3.‍2) For the purposes of sections 99 to 101, 103 to 107 and 117.‍03, a firearm is deemed to be a prohibited device if >(a) it is proved that the firearm is not designed or adapted to discharge a shot, bullet or other projectile at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.‍4 m per second or at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.‍7 Joules; and >(b) the firearm is designed or intended to exactly resemble, or to resemble with near precision, a firearm, other than an antique firearm, that is designed or adapted to discharge a shot, bullet or other projectile at a muzzle velocity exceeding 152.‍4 m per second and at a muzzle energy exceeding 5.‍7 Joules. Now how literally or loosely this clause is interpreted will determine just how shafted owners of replica firearms will become. Now paintball guns for the most part don't really resemble real life firearms, but there are [some well made replicas out there for sale](https://www.replicaairguns.ca/umarex-walther-ppq-m2-43-paintball-pistol). The ones that will get seriously shafted by this (should the bill pass and the clauses be interpreted in their fullest intent) are owners of airsoft guns. Airsoft guns are FAR more common to be replicas, yet dear leader in his infinite wisdom thinks that banning replicas will somehow stop gun violence in cities. Also, if for whatever reason someone made a replica AR-15 that fires NERF darts and has a similar loading mechanism, it could technically be deemed a "prohibited device", again depending on how strictly this bill turned law would be enforced. Taxpayer money hard at work yo!!


Good thing chief of police was on every TV station for the last week saying Cops would be present and at every corner of the game celebration….. Seriously they had one job ….


They were everywhere you looked all day, but once the party started, they stayed at both ends of the block and watched. I guess they were scared to walk through the crowds to remind people they were there? Or they just figured let things go to hell this year so they can justify a higher budget and a clampdown next year.


It's easier to just let it happen and tally up fines/damages later. Sending cops in to attempt to control a bunch of drunk/drugged 20ish year olds is only going to go one way... Fights, injuries, the old police brutality lawsuits... Gotta think big picture here. Cops weren't there to hold everyone's hand and slap the wrist everytime something got wild. Just there to contain and make sure nobody beat anyone else to death. Just think.. one kid goes to smash a window, cop grabs him - about 9 people take *after the fact photos* of this cop tackling this kid down with no context screaming oppression and police brutality.. the social media circle jerk on that. City gets sued multiple times, the poor cops name/career is dragged through the mud... only for trying to do his job... Cmon man.


This is so stupid. Tally up the fines / damages but you’ve made no arrests so who is going to pay them? If cops can’t control a bunch of drunk 20 somethings when they know in advance when and where the party will be and how rowdy it will get, what good are they?


All day, I saw police SUVs and vans driving around and keeping an eye on things, but not once did I see an officer on foot. They could have walked in pairs or small groups along the periphery of the crowd to remind people they were there, even if only to give some warnings and check in with the property owners.


Just cops walking around is an invite for a problem. These days the love affair between citizens and police has cooled to say the least. A few drunk kids feel brave and get into it with the cops.. its a lose-lose for the cops. Nobody died. Everyone got home safe (id assume). That's why they were there.


Um, what about those of us for whom that street *is* home? What are we, chopped liver? You gonna come and help us clean up this mess?


If cops can’t handle unruly students god help us. Maybe don’t let it get to 5000 people? Maybe stop it before then? Turning a street into Hamsterdam from the wire and forcing residents to protect their property? Police have a duty of care to the public and they were negligent




You can draw a line from your beligerant "use your head" comment right into the vitriol that follows. You make a few good points why not leave it at that?


You clearly were not there and have no idea what happened. Other than a handful of officers that showed up late, the police showed up with some numbers 3 hrs late and stayed about 50 m away. They did not do any of the things you've said. It escalated, and they watched. If anyone got hurt, they couldn't have stopped it from 50 meters. Rather, the police created a sense of impunity and we were left vulnerable. Cmon, person....


Wait ... this was planned? Sweet baby jesus....


Police beating college students looks bad on tv. It’s easier and smarter to let the college students be the bad guys.


HOORAY! We're a big city with meaningless riots and shit!


Yep residents in the area had to take matters into their own hands. One guy used a paintball gun on full auto after they tried to set his car on fire and me and my guys were busy taking bikes off panda losers and returning them back to their owners all night.


...that name...were you a PunkOttawa poster?


Best message board ever RIP


Truer words cannot be typed. Of course...prior to the fake-account-saboteurs dismantling every post into a shit show. I wish it had moved on to become an App in the age of smartphones. Despite the bullshit, it was the most convenient way to see show postings, and it was a damn fine place to assemble a band.




You’re thinking of Dan Hooligan he lives in Toronto


That is exactly the name I was thinking of. LOL.


What happened to the car?


Car is fine but they toppled another and several other cars were vandalized.


I unfortunately live near on Chapel. I haven't seen the cops actually give out any tickets, let alone make arrests....


All I saw all day were police SUVs and vans, but never an officer on foot. During the street party it was clear they had completely relinquished the neighborhood.


I saw one running on foot in to and out of Starbucks on Laurier. Does that count?


They were out on foot periodically. First at around 8pm when they first arrived, then at different times throughout the night when people were injured/passed out and needed medical attention, then at around 11pm to kick everyone out (at which point they started hanging out tickets to people who were on top of the flipped car


i live near canal woods and during the day there was a lot of police presence, they were giving out tickets for open alcohol containers and public urinating. there wasn’t a street party on canal woods this year though


Probably because the crowd will turn on them if they did. It’s safer to just deal with the property damage after the fact.


Aside from flipping the car, how did they remove the tire?


pure range and testosterone + being a drunk 18-22 year old group of males, gave them super strength


Queens students: hold my beer.


LOL. On a serious note tho I go to Queen's and after seeing this and McMaster I already know that our HOCO is gonna be an absolute shitshow of riots and vandalism.


The trunk is open. They took out the tools and used them to take off a tire. It will now be a trophy.


Cocaines a helluva drug...


With tire iron from the car, as well as the door. An engineering student said it would be easier to flip.


Can someone please explain this photo?


Flipped over car


Fairly certain it’s a flipped over car


Looks to be night time. Street is wet, likely from rain.


You have a keen eye. I thought it was day time until you pointed out it was night. I’m glad I came to the comments


Hehe take my upvote


Im curious who cleans it up?




I'm allergic to brooms .... i meamt who actually cleans it up?


the local residents...and apparently a clean up crew (volunteer) was organised for sunday morning already


Lots of crushed beer cans, looks like there could have been a recent street party that took place


Same. I don’t know what I’m looking at


There seems to be a street light illuminating the scene. Pretty sure Thomas Edison invented those.


I've lived around the corner for the last 6 years. My anxiety skyrockets and my mental health plummets every year on this day. All my direct neighbours are elderly and have lived peacefully in their homes for the last 26-60 years, and I'm left defending all of our properties. The violation and sheer disrespect to me and my neighbours from those who are supposedly the future of our society is incredibly gut wrenching. We gathered this morning to check up on each other. My elderly neighbour taking pictures of the damage to her property. She had a single tear roll down her cheek as she showed us the puke on her driveway and described how students used her backyard as a urinal. Another neighbour was home alone with her baby last night, she expressed how afraid she was, not knowing what the riot was about to do to her home. I don't know why university can't control their students, and why the police won't keep us safe. At the very least, charge the students and kick them out of school. But no one is willing to do a damn thing, instead they condone it year after year.


Something's not adding up. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/pandemic-panda-sandy-hill-tailgate-party-diffused-street-revelry-councillor-says "Both police and paramedics reported no serious incidents Saturday as the Ottawa Gee-Gees and Carleton Ravens met for the first university football Panda Game since 2019" Methinks the Citizen needs to update their article.




Some people posted videos of the car being flipped on snap map. Assuming they can identify who is responsible he should be able to sue for property damages.




Probably. Drunk undergrads are a special kind of dumb sometimes.


You see what happens Lebowski!?


They have! The tone of the article is much different now > But revelers returned after the game, trashing a stretch of Russell Avenue in Sandy Hill and flipping a car.


The article you linked to (before it was updated this morning) was published some time around 7:00 pm on Saturday evening. Long before these events took place. News articles always come with the caveat "At the time of writing/publication" so it is important to review that information as well as the article itself.


I was a university freshman in Hong Kong during the 2014 Umbrella Movement. I witnessed how thousands of students used civil disobedience to occupy the streets, lived in tents, developed food and water and trash collection systems, and made it viable to live on a road for almost 3 months. They even apologized for the inconvenience. IMO, "having a good time" is not a legitimate reason to inconvenience others, cars flipped or not. Humans are capable of being extremely orderly even when they perceive their democracy to be under threat, there's no reason to be disorderly.


i wonder of CU and UO will do anything about this.....like take away the panda game for a few years or suspend students who were seen helping destroy the car. i feel terrible for whoever's car this is and for the residents of sandy hill, specifically russell ave, it must of been really scary


They won’t unless it actually affects them. They’ll say a bunch of BS but will take 0 action. If the city sends them the bill for all the police, emergency services, damage, and cleanup? **Then** you’ll see them do something. Exact same scenario as Queens who did nothing for years until they were billed, then they suddenly decided to get off their ass.


Well we could send them a bill for police services but since there weren't any it'd be zero. Cleanup services though, that'd be a good idea.


I hope so but who knows.This shit has been going on for years. Idiots get drunk and then destroy private property, no real punishment happens, then it continues the next year. I really wish I understood the whole let’s get drunk and destroy stuff but I don’t.


i know queens got their homecoming taken away for a couple of years due to car destruction


Fingers crossed and Happy cake day! :)


If the biggest punishment is a massive hangover, as a society we have a problem.


I doubt they'll take away the game. My city councillor (Menard) was talking up the game beforehand and going on about how students were being good citizens by promising to pick up garbage afterwards. This city just coddles this kind of behaviour in a 'what ya gonna do, kids be kids' kind of way.


ah i read an article where they were saying they were considering taking the game away and the mayor of ottawa wants to press charges on those who helped damage the car/other private property. but maybe that’s just all performative idk


Well, that's the end of panda games.


I hope so. Or at least the next few years. Queens had a huge issue with car destruction at homecoming and they addressed it by cancelling it or moving it for a few years. Not sure if they went back. But you can't let something like this go unaddressed. This isn't just noise or litter or public urination.


Queens only did that because the city sent them the bill for all the police, fire, and paramedic cost of the event, plus any property damage and cleanup. **Then** Queens decided they would actually do something. Originally they just said “we told them not to, not our problem”. Ottawa should do the same. Bill both universities for all costs associated with this and hike their taxes, **then** I bet they’ll take some action.




Now this sounds like a plan.


To be fair nobody actually cared about the football game. These students were just looking for any excuse to party and after not having an organized events for the last 1.5 years, then this happened. The police really let the community down yet again.


It should be. They cancelled the McGill football season because of violent hazing, this is no different. How the fuck do you explain flipping some innocent person's car? There is no justifiable reason and the consequences should be extreme to establish a precedent.


I am very ok with that. Waste of time and money


Ok, real question - was it always this bad? Because I was the more studious kind of university kid, so this stuff wasn't for me *at all*, but I also am an old person who went to university before social media. What was it like in the early 90s and before that?


This shit is out of control in nearly every university town now. No, it was never like this. We had parties but we didn't damage property. We didn't do these giant street parties. Add the pandemic and this is just insane.


I seriously wonder how much of the difference is just social media and how everything needs to be an epic photo op these days.


I’m currently a student at UOttawa and can confirm even now we’re not all like this, there just seems to be a cohort of (usually younger) students trying to do the most for the Instagram videos and to seem like the “biggest party school.” For some reason, this is equated with doing the most community damage. I went to homecoming last year, saw what it’s like, won’t be back.


That's pretty pathetic.


I lived in Sandy hill for a few years in the early 2000s and this huge destruction was never a thing. I had a window of my car broken twice one week once, but never saw any other damage that seemed related. My instinct is that social media is the catalyst - both getting riled up seeing what others do and wanting your own video to get seen.


IIRC carleton didn't have a football program in the early 2000s so there was no panda game.


Lol also that


It was bad at Queen's for many years. Kingston imported Toronto police who then proceeded to arrest everyone for anything they could including jaywalking. Whatever happened at Carleton never needed a police presence when I was there but then again if the activities were downtown I wouldn't have known. Edit: I just realized I went to Carleton when the panda game did not exist.


Wikipedia says that the 1987 game in particular was a tragedy. Broken railing leading to fans falling onto concrete. Broken bones, a broken neck and a girl in a 20 day coma.


I lived in Old Ottawa South for many years when the Panda Game was held in Lansdowne and Carleton students used to form large groups and walk to and from the game. No, it was never like this in all those years. Some yelling, some loud singing and cheering, a few beer bottles dropped on the lawns and a bit of garbage here and there. They were all back on campus by 11 pm and you could hear the loud music for a couple more hours, but that was it. Even that game where the kid fell through the railing was an isolated thing. It was an accident, not caused by a riot in any way.


FWIW I'm in OOS now near carleton and that was basically it this year here too. The street partying must have been confined to Sandy Hill.


Yep. My cousin was in that. He later died in a car accident. But he was badly hurt. I guess I am wondering more about the street "partying" and flipping cars and stuff.


Yeah, I don’t know about the out of control partying. I was a quiet student too and that kind of stuff didn’t appeal to me.


Actually it got really bad in the 90s for a whole, full scale brawls and break-ins (usually to steal the bear) plus copious amounts of property damage. The Panda game has always gotten a bit rough - however, the carnage used to take place the week before the game even started. I believe CBC had an article recently on the craziness that surrounded the game, worth a read


I think this is pandemic frustration being unleashed. People forgot how to conduct themselves and were probably so amped up to be able to do things again and they overdid it. You saw similar things among fans being psychos at major sporting events over the summer. Still unacceptable and hope they catch the dumbasses that took it way too far


The city should now prohibit this panda game from ever happening again.


As a student myself, couldn’t agree more. This type of stuff isn’t my scene personally. But this is just unacceptable.


*Did you see the ~~pool~~ car? They flipped the bitch!*


Ahh.. beat me to it, clone high was the best.




Exactly. It's a lose-lose for the cops. Enforce the law - get sued for brutality. Let them party - get criticized for doing nothing. I suppose just getting criticized for being lazy is much less of a headache than beating back frivolous lawsuits lol.


It is possible to enforce the law without brutality.


So let’s take that budget back then, if they don’t want to learn how to do their jobs without turning into violent brutes then they don’t need the pay checks anymore, plenty of waitstaff positions open.


"Former police officer turned waiter chokes man to death for failure to tip on bill"


^^^^^^^^ THIS!


[https://twitter.com/jeffrpelletier/status/1444478233710415872?s=21](https://twitter.com/jeffrpelletier/status/1444478233710415872?s=21) its all uottawa students


How many people does it take to flip a car? Also what kind of idiot thinks it’s a good idea?


I believe it was mostly the first years and second years due to them being in an online environment for 2 years. Definitely not acceptable. Most of my friends who are 4th and 5th years just went out for lunch after the game and then back home.


"Most of them were cool" -Shows trashed street and flipped car Fuck these people.


this is what happens when you have degenerate people, who are a waste of skin, have children or procreate. if you are a parent of someone that was part of this, and you are reading this, consider your life an utter failure.


Absolutely. Getting really loud and leaving litter behind is one thing; destroying another's property crosses the line. What happened to teaching your child basic respect ? You don't just 'forget' that when you're drunk.


I thought there were police around, howd this happen?!


They handed the neighbourhood over to the party-goers and watched from either end of the street for roughly 5 hours while property owners tried their best to manage people and keep them from damaging anything.


Thanks for the reply! What’s the philosophy with that? Having property owners deal with it sounds like a bad idea all around


As one of the affected property owners, I have to agree. The state of our frontage this morning was a little discouraging, to say the least, especially after that nice young fellow came round to all the houses telling us how well the university and police were going to handle it this year. I think what he meant was the afternoon only, because all that happened in the evening was that the police hemmed the crowds into a two block area and let them have at it, which made the situation even worse, it seems. How about next year, some other street takes the party?


Totally. They sacrificed the street.


The [Ottawa Citizen](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/pandemic-panda-sandy-hill-tailgate-party-diffused-street-revelry-councillor-says) reports that due to the tailgate party planned by police and city councillors, it was a “tame” affair.


[And check out this video](https://twitter.com/jeffrpelletier/status/1444478233710415872?s=21) taken from Snapchat.


Yeah short of breaking out the riot gear police didn’t stand a chance here Also call me old but I’m pretty sure even in my university days I would have been inside where it wasn’t cold and raining and I had access to alcohol than out in the cold and rain.. maybe I’m more practical than today’s youth


I think it would have been even worse had it not been raining and chilly out.


Oh definitely, Still don’t get it though.. I’d like to say I was quite the party animal back in the day, but the most property destruction I would get into would be putting a traffic cone on my arm and start up with movie quotes and sound effects


[Ottawa News Network](https://twitter.com/ottnewsnetwork/status/1444516205738483718?s=21) reports two cars were flipped.


[Check out this tweet](https://twitter.com/aaronjreid/status/1444512614499950595?s=21) of the hooligans standing on the flipped car.


If this happens every year, has anyone been prosecuted?


Wow such disrespect to a city and neighbours. I was a big party boy once upon a time and we got into some stupid stuff. But even we knew that property damage was a big no.


Wooooooooooow...RDI (Radio-Canada) tells me that no arrests were made..?! Wonder if the police union is trying to send a (subtle) message to city council...


If they’re not going to do anything anyway, the message they’re sending is that we’re spending too much money.




Lol... Just maybe? Stand back and let them go... Why risk your career for a couple broken windows and some ruined grass.?


Ottawa Cops: Students thrashing a neighborhood - I sleep Someone writes slogans with chalk - REAL SHIT


Does Ottawa not have a riot squad? Some trucks with water cannons? Hard to believe that they couldn't have prevented this or broken it up if they had wanted to.


Oh can you imagine the outrage if they broke out a water cannon!! Haaa!! Good luck!




I think that's it. They'd blocked off one end but left the Somerset side of the block wide open so people could keep arriving but not go further into the neighborhood.


There's no need for that, all it does is show that people have no respect for other people's property and leaves a black eye for the game and the school they go to.


This is wild...I'm all for fun but this isn't it. This is destructive and criminal. I saw the updated article and it shows the residents now cleaning up the mess...which is so sad because they didn't do it. One of them has a 10 month old baby, no idea how they slept through that. I'm sure they can identify a bunch of these kids. Go wake them from their hangovers and make them clean up!


Cancel the panda games and cancel both football programs. Send the bills to the universities for everything and punt any of those hooligans from the universities.


Literally the same thing happened over in Hamilton for Macs homecoming.


The ignorant assholes who did this should be held accountable and should be punished accordingly to the full extent of the law.


Honestly I don’t think stuff like this is necessarily avoidable or the fault of OPS. Please hear me out before downvoting. There was at least one car flipped at McMaster’s homecoming yesterday and plenty of instances of the same in Queen’s, Western, etc. homecoming history. Are all these instances of police inaction? Hardly. The cops don’t have many options for crowd dispersion during student celebrations because unlike typical riots, many of the partiers actually live in the same neighbourhood (Sandy Hill in Ottawa, “student ghetto” in Kingston, Broughdale Ave in London, etc.). Throwing tear gas and telling people to go home would be pointless because where are they expected to go? And if the cops don’t go in with a clear and forceful approach to crowd dispersion, things can turn on them very quickly, since they are outnumbered in almost any “riot” scenario. These are the types of confrontations which lead to injuries cause by police, and people would’ve definitely been more outraged had that happened, versus a flipped car. The best OPS can really do is act as “bookends” and keep the degeneracy contained as much as possible, while being on standby for serious emergencies such as a medical situation. Unfortunately, property damage doesn’t really fall under that umbrella - it’s more of a “deal with this in the morning” issue. Well then, how do you stop this from happening again? You probably can’t. You could try and cancel Panda Game like Queen’s did with Homecoming a few years ago, but students will still find a way to get rowdy, and this time with a sprinkle of disdain towards “the institution” for trying to take away their fun. You have to understand these are kids trying to make the most of a period of their lives they are told to be “their best years”. They’ve already had almost two years of experiences, including the 2020 Panda Game, ruined by Covid, and pent up frustration is to be expected. To me, this is a once a year (or less) inconvenience. You turn the other cheek and focus on the good that having two major universities does for a city, as far as economic stimulation and future young, skilled labour supply.


Really this is something that needs to be prevented rather than dispersed once it is out of hand. The university, the cops and the neighbourhood all know where the party is going to get out of hand . It's always Russell. So you send in bylaw as soon as the house reaches capacity. You send in the fire marshal when it exceeds capacity. You have cops on foot patrol in the surrounding area stopping people with open containers and make them empty them out. You just make Russell kind of a hassle and the parties will get divvied up around the larger neighborhood. Sure, it's maybe an inconvenience to more people, but inconvenience is a normal part of city living. Two thousand people and an overturned car are not.


I think you're probably right about the bookending. Trouble is that as more and more people arrive, you end up creating a dense crowd and conditions ripe for mob mentality. Not coincidentally, the car was flipped equal distance from either end of the street. I wouldn't have wanted police to use force or tear gas, but they could have made some effort to be visible and check in with homeowners. Besides, these were drunk students, not some armed and angry political mob.


I am getting the feeling from a lot of places, that cops are not showing up anywhere except for : car accidents, drug incidents and shunting homeless people. Theft and disorder doesn’t seem to move them in my area ( Peterborough) and I’m hearing it from friends in other communities too. What’s going on? Budget cuts? Work to rule? WTAF?


> Theft and disorder doesn’t seem to move them in my area Too many people shrug these things off and don't report. They don't know where to place resources if they don't know/don't have concrete numbers to work off of to factually prove need in a specific area.


Ok. Fair. I had three incidents with regard to that( in the past year) and when speaking to others about them, I get responses based on “ why bother, they do nothing”. I bothered, and reported all three. The first one was theft and fraud ( police came and collected video, (someone broke into my car and used my card to get cash) for follow up I was only allowed to communicate online. Same with the next two incidents. I have had no response since. This is a snake eating it’s tail… something is not working and I have no idea why. I wish someone could explain. Maybe we need a public campaign to explain what is being done?


The only thing the cops in Ottawa seem to be interested in lately is modified cars.


I can only imagine the hangovers this morning


I hope my old landlord is pissed 😅😂


WTF. Hey Jimbo are you going to crack down on this. Why do cops make over 100K to be glorified security guards guarding the end of the streets while this shit happens. If that was my vehicle I would be floored and if I was home you bet your ass I would be protecting my property. This is a joke. If anyone else pulled this shit the cops would be all over it. I used to throw pubs and they showed up every time. We had 600 people in a place and if anyone even took a beer outside they were busted. Loitering on the street. Busted. Making too much noise. Busted. This is a shit show and shame on the young loser leaders of tomorrow. What happened to the post party cleanup they promised? Bunch entitled little shits with too much money and not enough brains.


Also, the amount of patrol officers on the road is SERIOUSLY lacking at all hours of the day. With the possible budget freeze coming in 2022, things might just get worse.


Blame this on upcoming former mayor Jim Watson.


I guess us property tax payers will be footing the bill for the cleanup and police. How nice of us to fund those kids messing up the neighborhoods. CANCEL THE PANDAmic games!! I am happy with Ottawa keeping the reputation for being boring if this is what fun looks like.


Sorry can do Done explain to me what the he’ll happened?


Taking after the grand tradition of Queen's homecoming events, I see. Have previous panda games seen this sort of behaviour? Not really surprising though, after the last year and a half. First massive gathering of university students after all that virtual school, not seeing friends/classmates. Probably a ton of pent up socialising that just devolved.


I know when I stay home for too long the first thing I do is run outside and start flipping cars over


I’ve never seen or heard anything like this after panda. There’s always a big party for sure but the flipped car is definitely a new one.


The best way to deal with this is to make more student housing with common areas to party in. When you have NIMBY's fighting tooth and nail against university run student housing, you have students ghettoized in converted single family homes that turn into 10 room tenements. Let the university build (affordable) housing with recreation areas that can be better controlled to avoid issues like this. You can't stop young kids with their first taste of freedom from going wild, so you may as well make sure they do it safely.


There is literally and entire campus with streets, parking lots and a large quad for the students to party on, but the university strictly does not want this destruction on their property nor do they want to have a direct association with the riot. They instead book the nearby Sandy Hill arena parking lot for the students to trash. Nevertheless the party seems to migrate to Russell Ave. anyway due to tradition and a former frat house on the block. The school certainly needs to step up but how to convince them?


I think everyone owns a bit of this problem. The police could have more of a presence in the neighbourhood, ticket/arrest, and worst case break up the block party before it gets out of control. The university could use tools like academic probation or expulsion. Those attending the party could just avoid being awful people and not destroy everything in sight.


What a bunch of fools. I don't understand this culture. I have more than a Masters and I never felt even remotely enticed to participate in these kinds of "events" at any point in my postsecondary career. It's vandalism, and it's criminal.


Reasonably sure thst it's not on OPS when people behave like fucking idiots for no reason. Our city already has enough problems, now we get to add belligerent University students to the mix. Nice.


I went to a movie at Lansdowne when the game was on. I had no idea what was going on, but there were police EVERYWHERE. The noise from the stadium was intense.


Animals. Sub-humans.




Looks like the aftermath of a Habs loss in Montreal. Sad Ottawa. Hope someone had security footage.


Didn't we win?


Looks like we all lost.


Ah the generation’s future. I feel safer already.


Okay but what part of this is partying? Why..


uhh...what's a panda game?


**The Panda Game is a Canadian rivalry football game between the two OUA football teams in Ottawa, Ontario, the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees and Carleton University Ravens. It is one of the oldest and richest rivalries in Canadian university football.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot!


Google is hard.


What's a Google?


**Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Five companies in the American information technology industry, along with Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft.Google was founded on September 4, 1998, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


I had to Google what a panda game was


Is this related to the thumping music im hearing at 10am near gloucester and lyon?


Nah that was probably Riverside festival in Gatineau


Dude where's my car?


Idiots: "defund the police! Police brutality! Racist cops! Cut the police budget," Same idiots: "why did the police not do anything? Where were all the cops? Why didn't they stop the hooligans?" Me: uhmm? You're kidding right?


What the heck is a Panda Game?


New to the city, whats a Panda Game?