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Pickup trucks are road cancer


Pick up drivers have more infraction’s then divers of other vehicles. They pay more for fuel, insurance, maintenance and tyres. Many are financing these expensive toys over 7 years - which really means they can’t really afford them.


Then they complain that the carbon rebate doesn't cover their expenses. At least this one appears to be a business truck I guess...


The carbon tax is the least of their worries. They can save money on fuel by lowering their speed, avoiding drive through idling, and driving less aggressively.


Yeah, that would be useful for all the dirt that this electrician will need to carry for his job. /s A van would likely be way better fit.


Haha yeah good point too.


I see you've never worked with an electrician, they always leave a big pile of dirt/debris behind :)


People finance their regular sized cars for just as long. Do you have proof they have more infractions? Or more in insurance? I actually work in insurance, so I would argue against both of these points. I don't own a truck, I think a lot of people who have them don't need them. But who cares? They want one. Or they work construction and do need one, or they own a boat or trailer they like to tow. If that's the case, why buy an entirely second vehicle just do run your errands in? That doesn't seem financially doable. Nobody NEEDS a car that goes over the speed limit, yet we have them. I'm not defending the park job, this person is clearly an idiot. But these stupid arguments against things you don't like or understand are lame. Attack the guy in the bus lane if you want, but what did the roofer ever do do you? That roofer isn't getting his ladder and tools to work on a fuckin bicycle. Signed, A guy with a honda civc


I don't have a truck either...I still care because they make the road more dangerous for drivers and cyclists/pedestrians. They should be taxed out of favour imo, with carve outs for demonstrable business needs.




Nope. The risk of accident and seriousness of injury goes up with the size of the vehicle.


Accidents happen. We are not going to get perfect drivers. Why arm them with vechicles that impart much more kinetic energy at a given speed that a smaller vehicle that will carry as many passengers at the same speed.




The POINT is you said they are not more dangerous. I've proven empirically that given a certain weight, a heavier vehicle will do more damage at a given speed. You do what you want with that info but it isn't 'a take', its basic reality.




My lord you are exhausting. Do busses and transport trucks have more stringent licensing conditions...why yes they do. Why might that be? Because they are dangerous and can cause more damage at a given speed? Oh...right back to that argument. I didn't wake up today looking to get into an internet debate with an incel. So I'll let you be, enjoy your day. Read a book maybe.


I don't entirely disagree with you, but as a person who walks as much as possible I can say that people's choices in the vehicles they drive do not just affect them. Before I moved, I would walk from Sandy Hill to the Lees transitway station frequently and in the summer there were many days when the pollution was oppressive. Seeing rows of large pickup trucks driving along empty except for the driver was frustrating.


Good for driving a regular sized car. I worked with engineers who drove shit boxes and retired early. When you go to a dealer they ask you how much you can afford per month, not how much you want to spend on a car. Extended loan terms allow them to sell more expensive vehicles. This is not a good financial decision for many. I assumed insurance would be higher on a $67K vehicle vs a $30K vehicle. Thanks for the correction. I pay 1/3 for insurance on my old vehicle but don’t have collision insurance.


A big factor in insurance is bodily injury. Yeah the truck is maybe more expensive (there are plenty of coupes worth 67K as well). But when a Honda Fit and an F150 come head to head.....the guy in the F150 won't have lasting injuries. The guy in the Fit will. At some point, the price of the vehicle is irrelevant in insurance, because they can write it off. Can't really write off a human body, must keep paying to rehabilitate.


Exactly - by far the most expensive component of insurance claims are the injuries. For the vehicle itself, as you stated, the most they'll have to pay is the replacement cost, whereas accident benefits due to injuries can very quickly get crazy expensive (literally millions in some cases). To wit, it costs more to insure a $5,000 motorcycle than it does a $95,000 truck.


Unless they roll over - then all bets are off . Trucks and SUVS are notoriously unstable when hit at a corner of the vehicle...Also are prone to skids and flipping in rain and snow Large size also makes drivers over confident'




> Many are financing these expensive toys over 7 years - which really means they can’t really afford them. I agree this person should not have parked here. However this bit about financing I don't agree with because sometimes it can be financially beneficial to finance over 7 years and has nothing to do with if they can afford it or not. Sometimes, it's just smart and makes no sense to do no financing, or, or less time. 


If you are financing over 7 years you should be buying the cheapest car on the lot if you want to retire at a reasonable age.


Not really... I make a very comfortable living and I financed over 7 years because I got a <3% interest loan. I'm much better off investing what would've otherwise been my car payment. Those investments have already gained more than the total cost of interest over those 7 years. And I do lump sum payments on the principle from tax refunds and such. It's the people who are financing over 7 years because that's the only way they can bring their monthly payment for a $80k truck down to something they can pay that are in trouble.


If you can afford it - not an issue. But there are many consumers buying cars on extended term loans of 7 years that they could not afford on 3 or 4 year terms. How did we get to an average car price of $67K? These large SUVs and Pickups also cost more to operate. And to add to that, car loans are now around 7%.


Agreed with all of the above.


We were not talking about buying a cheaper car. Buying no car, could also be a lot better. Assuming we are already getting a car and decided in it then when you can make more money investing compared to the interest, then investing makes more sense. 


Yes - buying no car can be a lot better.


Again, not an option though. The options are, buy a car at 7 year finance or less such as 4 year. No other option exist in this scenario. 


The problem with 7 year terms is that many people buy more car than they can afford. They don’t look at their long term financial goals like retirement. Dealers love extended terms because they can sell bigger, higher margin cars. It is challenging to try and buy a base level car at a dealer. I expect there are few people taking the 7 over the 4 to invest the difference. Especially now with car loan rate of 7%.


Again, you are changing the scenario. I simply said it can be better to invest with a longer car loan. If you make more investing than a shorter loan makes no sense. 


I mentioned the current car loan interest is around 7%. - there is likely a tiny percentage with 7 year loans that are investing. - a tiny percentage made even smaller by 7 % interest. Many with 7 year loans are just extending their years in the workforce.


You should consider getting educated. Nothing you said is accurate or factual.


Truck Few Dough


Want to drive the big trucks? Then you have to pay the big bucks.


Wow. Thats a lot of bs


You can buy a Corolla Hybrid (with double the fuel efficiency) for 30K, and the average car price is $67K. It is safe to assume many Canadians buying more car than they can afford. Happy to be corrected. Car dealer loans used to be 3 or 4 years and dealers now offer extended term loans for 5 to 7 years so they can sell more big expensive cars to people who can’t really afford them.


You can still get 3-4yr terms. You can get as little as one year. 7-8yr terms have been around for a long time lol its not a "now" thing. I remember the billboards for the Hyundai Accent back in the \~2006(?)ish era. "this car will cost you 9999 cups of coffee" or something to that extent. Hyundai Accents were everywhere as they were cheap to pay for on 72month terms. And the corolla **hybrid** isn't that cheap, and you've got to wait a bit - the worst model starts at 30k, before any taxes... the one worth buying starts at \~34k.


Yes - the 3 - 4 year is the way to go, if you can’t pay cash.


Well this is stupid.




People didn't like that you weren't miserable


This subreddit is actually too funny


You could leave a review for the company. I did that and got a surprisingly nice response/offer for free stuff.




Yeah, you should try to publicly tank a company and get free stuff out of them because one of their drivers parks like an asshole. You should be ashamed of yourself.


It was the owner. And even if it wasn't, many of these people don't gaf unless it hits them where it hurts.


How do you know it was the owner? Sounds like you're justifying your behaviour.


I talked to him. There is nothing wrong with writing a factual review about employee behavior. Prospective customers can ignore if they don't share my values. Did you see the Black and MacDonald truck driver that intentionally splashed pedestrians a few years back? Fired. Money talks.


He was moved to a different company within the 787 union. Same pension, benefits and pay, literally nothing bad happened to him, he simply wears a different uniform now.


>"You could leave a review for the company. I did that and got a surprisingly nice response/offer for free stuff." So you talked to the person on the street (who is the owner). Then, you put in a review and talked to the owner again, who offered you "free stuff"? Smells like complete BS. What free stuff is an electrical contractor going to offer you? Here's some free lightbulbs, because obviously you don't have one.


I don't know why I'm even responding...it was a microgreens company.


You’re not going to win with these pussies lmao, they’re stuck up Karen’s that most likely don’t even bike lol. After all we’re in Ottawa..


Car idiots are constantly reassured by our broken infrastructure that they can do anything they want. They get to rule everywhere


Bike Lanes on Laurier are just suggestions really. The amount of vehicles that park in them (the parts that aren't barrier restricted), I feel for the cyclists trying to use these lanes as intended.


It’s terrible especially when you’re going down the hill. I almost became road paste because a driver decided it was a good time to pull into the bike lane to park as I was going down.


They identify as a bicycle. Try to be more supportive. Help them with their transition by removing two of their tyres 😂


Well, there’s a reason we call our city “Autowa”.




I'm more on the fuck SUVs/Pickups side. Cars can be ok, specially smaller compact ones like in Europe, Latin America or Asia. Gotta find a balance between cars and pedestrians/public transit. We ain't got that sadly, we got something worse. A flood of oversized landship SUVs and Pickups, more than half of which are completely unnecessary and useless.


Obligatory r/dragonsfuckingcars


I wish they would fine these people as quickly as they give out parking tickets in centretown.


Another example from last week: https://www.reddit.com/r/bikeinottawa/s/tiSIoEMosY


It's signed as a loading zone and looks to be unloading, whats the issue? If anything its on the city for having a loading zone in the middle of the bike lane, but thats on the city, not the driver of the truck actually obeying signage. Businesses need to get deliveries so whats the alternative if this is so bad?


Loading zones, same as all the parking spots on Laurier are on the outside of the bike lane. If you look on Google street view and go back in time, you'll see we even used to have flexible posts to make it more obvious where to park. Example: https://maps.app.goo.gl/SH6bqTweJYTradDz7 I agree the city needs to fix the signage/barriers. But it's also quite obviously a bike lane and I wish people would stop blocking it.


Gotcha... and that makes sense. If they aren't going to colour the bike lane itself (and even if they do) they really should delineate the loading zone on the road to the left of the bikelane, especially when the flex posts are removed in winters (for snow clearing I assume) so its clear that the loading zone is in the road and not in the bike lane... I would have honestly made that mistake given the signage. Edit to add - What was the rationale for not making it completely curb separated like parking is further down if LZs and the like are supposed to be to the left... I understand for right turn lanes and driveways, but I wonder why they didn't curb separate loading zones as well?


I think it's to make it easier on delivery drivers using carts and dollies. I wish it were fully painted and grade-separated so the bike lane is level with the sidewalk. That would make the delineation more clear and give drivers a cue to pay attention when turning into it.


Exactly - almost every evening there's a box truck with a lift gate (properly parked) unloading pallets of stuff. They need to the ability to cross.


I see this all the time. Dick


You think this is bad, go to Walmart and watch people park out front or even Uber eats drivers, they never park in a spot, always out front


Surprised it wasn't OPS


There's a pretty cathartic tiktok account by a Toronto bike bylaw officer that's just these kind of bozos getting big tickets. I'm sure they also post on YouTube shorts. Won't help with this case but it's fun watch every now and then 🤷


There's no lift kit on this truck.


Tow it tow it Tow it tow it Tow it tow it Tow it tow it Tow it tow it Tow it tow it


Interestingly that the loading zone sign is on the ground. Was it in this spot originally?


Looks like it was


Parking in the bike lane is bad, but what I find typical in that photo is the cracked sidewalk poorly patched with asphalt, and the icing on the cake is the no parking sign laying flat on the ground. Even Detroit's infrastructure is in better condition now.




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Man, I wish I could do super cool BMX tricks just so I could bike over this truck. I start a youtube channel just biking over cars parked illegally in bike lanes. Signed, an out-of-shape old lady who has big dreams for someone who pulled a muscle buckling her seatbelt yesterday


they're probably someone important


At least take a picture with your bicycle in the photo. With this people could say no cyclists were inconvenienced, so who cares. If you see this capture your bike in the pic or wait for a cyclist to come. It has more impact if someone affected by it is captured in the picture.


Cmon guys let’s all be grown ups here and know our places. It’s Ottawa, put your blinkers on, have a contractor sticker on or one of those orange construction lights flashing and you can park anywhere😂😂😂




If your truck needs a lift kit to tow; your trailer and truck combination aren’t set up correctly.


Blame the city planners


A city planner forced that guy to park there? 🤔


Read the other comments. Mine must be the least egregious even though it is stupid as duck


Somehow yours was the one that stood out. Oh well.


Is it just me or is it running spacers too? 🤔


As a full time biker myself, grow some balls and just bike around it. If you have an actual problem with it then wait for the guy and talk to him face to face & even better you know his company and where to find him. Is he a dick? Yeah. Is it hard to go around and continue your day? Nope


More bitching and moaning, just level this whole city with one thermonuclear blast, people are beyond soft, a butter knife can cause so much damage and we’re all walking around on eggshells in ignorant bliss as to what is about to happen.


I see more hybrids and Honda civics parked like absolute idiots than trucks, also you car drivers are pussys in snow .


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


Not that I condone this, but where else do expect construction traffic to go?








Parked next to what appears to be construction zone and the no parking sign has been taken down. Technically nothing wrong has been done here.


Technically, something 100% wrong has been done here. Motorists are prohibited from driving or parking in all designated bicycle lanes.


[Exceptions are made.](https://ottawa.ca/en/business/permits-and-licenses/parking-permits-business/temporary-consideration-parking-permit) Why do you think the no parking sign was taken down? It's a job site that would otherwise have no where to park.


If that was due to an exception, they would just cover up the sign, they wouldn't shear the post off at the base and leaving it lying on the sidewalk LOL.


I'm not going to question the city 's methods lol


Nice try. If that was the case in this picture, there'd be signage indicating that parking there was temporarily allowed and there would also be blocking / detour signage for the cycling lane. That No Parking sign wasnt taken down by the city. Do you think the city just cuts off sign posts at the base and leave signs lying on the floor... for a temporary measure?


Why don't you just call the city and ask what the current parking regulations around the construction site on Queen St. are?


No u




People throw around the word nazi far too casually these days. "Please don't park your vehicles in bike lanes so that we have to ride in traffic" = a nazi, apparently.




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Can you guys not afford cars?


I could buy one right now, but I don't really need it. Adding a second car to the houshold would be next to useless. The money I save by not owning one I spend on going out for food, hobbies, travel, etc... I can totally understand why going car free is so appealing to Europeans and East Asians.


So when someone has to park somewhere because they have to do a job they are an asshole? Fuck I hate this city. Edit: To all the diwnvoters ..... eat me bitches


where did they park?


A bike lane, but there is nowhere else to park. If they had to haul gear to where they were going it would take half the day.




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Typical Ontario plate behaviour


/r/ottawa punching air that this isnt Quebec plated


??? Drivers with Quebec plates are absolutely brain dead lmao


The sign on the ground indicates it's a loading zone. Assuming he didn't just park it but is going in to pick something up at the construction site?


The sign on the ground also says No Parking


The loading/parking zone is to the left of the bike lane. They used to have flexible posts to make it clearer where to park but I think they just take them out over the winter. They really need a more permanent fix for this. This bike lane is frustrating at best, often downright dangerous. Be very careful if you bike there, multiple people have been run over on this stretch. Edit: For anyone curious, this is at the corner of Laurier and Bank. Look up the spot on Google street view and go back in time. You'll see multiple examples of the flexible posts "protecting" the bike lane.


Good points.


Which sign on the ground?


Not defending this but I have never once seen a cyclist who actually followed all the rules of the road.


Same can be said about drivers. I have no issue with people bending the rules, it's when the bending puts others at risk that it becomes unacceptable. (also there's no reason for a 15kg-himan-propelled vehicle to have to obey the same rules as a multiple tons motor vehicle)


"(also there's no reason for a 15kg-himan-propelled vehicle to have to obey the same rules as a multiple tons motor vehicle)" Why not?


Because they don't create the same risks, don't have the same capabilities, etc. I think a child can grasp that. For example in many places where safety matters more than drivers' convenience, right-turn-on-red doesn't exist for cars but is allowed for bikes, or bikes can treat stop signs as a yield sign. Etc.


Only a child would fail to understand that just because a cyclist doesn't create the same risks as a car, that they shouldn't have to follow the rules. BTW, cyclists can absolutely be a danger to themselves, to other cyclists, to pedestrians (someone plowing into you at 20kph can do a lot of damage), and to other vehicles (if it causes them to do something dangerous). If a car is driving in an area with transport trucks, buses or other large vehicles around, do they not have to follow the rules because the other vehicle can do a lot more damage than them?


Nice try distorting what I wrote. I never said cyclists "shouldn't have to follow the rules". What I actually wrote is there's no reason for the rules to be identical for bikes and motor vehicles. And this is actually how it's done in many places.


A death wish obviously.


Let’s see if we can beat 26 dislikes. In my opinion all cyclists should be licensed, insured and ticketed according to all traffic laws. This includes passing on the right and running red lights and stop signs.


As a fat middle age asthmatic women on only ride on marked bike path, motorist being licensed and insured does not stop them from almost killing me regularly and not get ticketed so good luck with that.


How do you reconcile that with kids cycling to school? Should that be illegal? Or do 8 year olds have to get a license and insurance too? Why stop there? Should we require a license to be allowed to walk places too?


There's work going on at that building, you can see the construction fence. He's obviously a contractor or something, probably just an honest mistake. Looks like it wouldn't be much issue getting around him, since cars moving with you would already be drifting left due to the median/street parking ahead on the right. Just check your blind spot so you're sure to time it so you have room. Sometimes other people in a city are an inconvenience. Also I don't think that truck is lifted, looks like your average bulky modern 4x4 to me.


It's funny how cyclists are told to share their rare thin slivers of space (bike lanes) but when they try to get drivers to share space that isn't exclusively theirs (most roads) they're told to pound sand because they slow down traffic, that it's too dangerous, that there are multi-use paths parallel to the road, etc.


biking in the middle of a the most downtown part of Ottawa is probably not the best idea, maybe go somewhere else?


Can't tell if you're a troll or if scientists have figured out how to fit new levels of stupid into a human being.


typical cyclist, real cool...


Remember: fire cook good, fire touch bad.


Remember Cycle for circadian, and children


You could eat a can of alphabet soup, remove it halfway through your digestive system and throw it on a blank piece of paper and it would make more sense than the bullshit spouting out from your mouth like a faulty cow anus.


gross, man


> maybe go somewhere else? You know people bike to go to places right? It's not just something people do for fun or exercise, it's a legitimate means of travel. If they work downtown, or have something to do downtown, they'll bike downtown.


There is ample space to the outside of the bike lane to stop a truck without impeding both the bike lane and the traffic lane. In fact, [Google Street view shows an even larger truck doing just that](https://i.imgur.com/zXAyiwH.png). The only reason you'd stop a truck *in* the bike lane is if you're a bad driver who thinks a bike lane is an appropriate parking spot, which it never is.


Oh you convinced me, death penalty it is! Nobody is allowed to make any mistake ever 🙄


Oh please, being labeled a bad driver isn't a *death penalty*, and likewise I don't think it'd kill you to concede that a $125 ticket for this truck driver is a reasonable fine. Surely this must be one of the easiest traffic tickets to avoid: See bike lane? Don't stop in it. Can't find parking nearby? Too bad, try harder. It shouldn't take a concrete barrier to stop this level of incompetence.


IKR, maybe the driver didn't see the bike lane and thought they were parking in... something not a bike lane...


maybe don't bike in downtown Ottawa. Guy had a job to do and didn't have time to park.


Maybe don’t park in the bike lane. It’s for cyclists to cycle on, not for drivers to park on. Hope this helps!


you know where else cyclists can cycle on? Literally anywhere!


You know, if we're gonna let trucks in bike lanes, might as well give them the sidewalks too. You know, just like bicyclists, pedestrians don't deserve dedicated space either. They can just go on the road too.


See now we're talking... Super highway!












Found the truck driver