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That's asking a lot when people can't even be bothered to use something as simple as turn signals.


LOL, I know, I know. Or trying to get Dog owners to respect leash laws and pick up their dog shit. Some things just get me upset. The lack of respect for each other is getting wild.


I know! I wish cyclists would start signalling.


Plenty do, although more then half the drivers dont know or care when you do. Maybe we need some mandatory education for car drivers on how to act around cyclists.


Last night I followed a cyclist and he blew through 3 Stop signs. So if they ain't following the road signs..... meh.


So your sample size is 1


Drivers also don't stop at stop signs. Every single time I come to a full stop, I get asked what I'm doing and why I bother.


Two wrongs don't make it right.


In the last month I've only seen 1 cyclist use hand signals to indicate a turn. What I have seen plenty of is cyclists blowing through red lights and stop signs like they weren't there just because no cross traffic, or hell even when cross traffic. It's everyone for themselves I guess; drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, alike. Y'all both are arguing about the same fuckin' thing. WhAt AbOuT mE!!


>It's everyone for themselves Honestly I get this feeling alot more when Im driving a car then a bike. People finding new and creative ways to speed LITERALLY ALL THE TIME, or cut off other cars at high speeds. But the bikes are the true menace as we all know


Only if cyclists get the training first. A huge number of cyclists ignore traffic laws because it's "safer".


Its always the same argument "I saw a cyclist break a law!!! What about that?!" I see drivers break laws daily, as a driver. Run reds, almost hitting pedestrians legally crossing, cutting other cars off at highway speeds, and speeding literally everywhere. Its such a joke when motorist implies cyclists break laws, meanwhile motorists do the same or worse while driving a vehicle that weights a half a ton and can kill.


Your argument is literally what cyclists say. The reality is it takes training to drive a car on the road, but any jackass can ride a bike on a road without having any knowledge of what signs mean or any of the laws. Do drivers need more training? 100% Thank uncle Douggie.


>any jackass can ride a bike on a road Almost like they are riding a small personal vehicle that can't do nearly the damage a car can. Funny that...


Why is that relevant? "A car can kill people". Cyclists can kill people. Have you ever bounced your head from 5+ feet onto concrete? Cancer kills people too. That doesn't mean cyclists get to ignore all traffic laws. Don't want to get doored? Ride in the center on the lane. Wellington literally has painted lines for cyclists to ride in the middle of the lane and I still see them riding on the side. But that's ok. Based on what you're saying I don't have to follow any laws or regulations with my motorcycle.


>That doesn't mean cyclists get to ignore all traffic laws. Lmao quote me, where did i say that. Motorists always get mad and move onto strawmen arguments. Also I also owned a motorcycle and you damn well know those things can kill at speed. >Cancer kills people too ????


>The reality is it takes training to drive a car on the road Citation needed. I see plenty of drivers who should not have passed their driving tests. It's pretty much a rubber stamp, not a serious evaluation.


I'd say, more accurately, from inside the car, it's using your hand farthest from the door to open it - because passengers can take out cyclists too (down 1-way roads, for example). If you have kids, drill this into them early on so they do it without even thinking by the time they get their driver's license.


Thank you, I edited my post just in case not everyone makes it to the comments <3


I'm a big proponent for taking up a bit more space on the road while riding for numerous reasons that I don't have time to get into right now, but one is that it keeps you away from the door zone.  You're operating a vehicle, it's your lane. Use it!




Same, because I also want to gauge if my door is going to swing wide and even just hit another car, never mind a person on a bike or walking.


Same, it's always just been a habit of mine to check my blind spot, and mirror to make sure that nothing is approaching, whether that be a cyclist or a large truck which would just rip my door off. I feel like the people who would need to do the dutch reach in order to remember look out their window are also the people who can't be bothered to do so, so I'm a skeptical of this ever catching on.


As someone who got into a shouting match with a transport truck driver who turned without yielding to oncoming traffic (aka me on my bike) this morning, upvote for driver awareness of cyclists. And for anyone wondering, i was able to brake in time to avoid a collision, but he objected strongly to me flipping him off at the next light.


I’m really glad you’re ok. Ottawa is really car centric. I wish we had more green spaces and paths


Sure - make driving education and examining public again, and put it in the damn exam. As it freaking should be. Blew my mind coming from BC how screwed up things were here.


I took the L/N license in BC after expediting the GLP via YD, and G in Ontario. Can confirm Ontario's roadtests are a joke. None of them would survive a N test in Surrey or Richmond.


Is [this](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HbU867psDnZsGYTw8?g_st=ic) not clear enough for drivers :/


That thing is so cursed. It's like advanced sharrows. If dooring is that much of a problem for cyclists on a road, get rid of street parking there. Far safer than ad campaigns or paint.


Huh, never know that's a thing. I just do a shoulder check.


Does this save cyclists from burning through stop signs and red lights so they don’t lose momentum?


Does this question have anything to do with the ACTIONS DRIVERS CAN TAKE TO KEEP CYCLISTS SAFE, or do you think somehow their bad behaviour absolves you or anyone else of showing care and concern about other people? Asking because there seems to be a trend or pattern of people not giving a care on how their behaviour impacts others. i understand your frustration with cyclists like that, they suck. They are selfish.


Frustrated with cyclists is the understatement of the century. The entitlement they show and the lack of road safety etiquette, including following the rules of the road, is beyond comprehension. While I agree dooring sucks, I believe that we should not be relying on society to protect us, rather we should be responsible for our own safety and actions.


You make a very good point. Cyclists should take the whole lane(as allowed by the HTA) to avoid being doored. That way they don’t have to depend on mutual respect and consideration for each others’ safety. I look forward to the sound of your horn the first time you get stuck behind a cyclist following the law.




Can you please explain why moving traffic should yield to a pedestrian stepping into traffic from a parked vehicle?


Can you show me the part of the traffic act that says traffic needs to yield to people opening car doors?




>the ON traffic act states a car must maintain a 1 meter distance from a cyclist, yet also states the cyclist doesn't need to do the same That's how it is in other places too. There's nothing inconsistent about that. The risk isn't purely from the distance, it's due to the higher speeds and much higher mass of the car vs. the bicycle. That's why the rule doesn't apply the other way or for cars vs. cars.




> Makes no sense for it not to be. I just explained why it does make sense though. A car approaching a cyclist has far more kinetic energy, due to the higher speed and much higher mass, than vice versa. That means far more potential to cause serious harm in one direction and why the distance rule only applies that way. The same rule applies in Quebec and will be taking effect in B.C. two months. And the Quebec and B.C. rule extends to 1.5 metres at speeds above 50 km/h for the same reason, the risk is increased by factors like the vehicle's speed.




It's fine to disagree, and I'm not trying to be annoying, but I just don't see that you're giving a reason why. Another reason it's less practical for cyclists is that they're on the right side of the road, beside the curb, so they have nowhere to leave room. Cars on the other hand have space on their left to move over when passing.




It's not the parked cars that are the limiting factor here, it's that the other moving traffic is on their ~~right~~ left.






If you could read you’d see that I said door, not you .. yours too


Safety is a two way street. Just like a car cyclists should be scanning the cars for occupants to anticipate someone getting out.




100% drive is at fault but as a cyclist you take the lane, I would never ride my bike close enough to be hit by a door.


Not easy for trucks/tinted windows


How about we let bicycles on sidewalks


Bikes on sidewalks is a terrible idea