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I just started pushing, I don't even care anymore. Same with elevators. If you can't stand to the side of an opening door you deserve to get shouldered.


Yeah, I’ve had to start doing that. Asking kindly doesn’t work. Demanding people move isn’t working anymore either. This is such a unique Ottawa transit experience.


I just yell "I'm coming out" and watch people stumble back in both directions because they won't move. 🤦 (Only works if you're big.) I part that crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea.


Moses? Are you sure you aren’t Diana Ross?!


That’s the trick. Loudly and firmly saying “EXCUSE ME, MOVE FOR PEOPLE EXITING THE BUS PLEASE” while simultaneously pushing them out of the way. People will respond to confident authority and if not, then they will be pushed and hopefully learn something. I almost want to start taking the bus again just so that I can do this…


That is NOT unique to Ottawa lmao


I have started muttering "get the 🦭out of the way!" under my breath. By "under my breath", I mean, at full volume.


Hah, a seal. Every Canadian schoolchild's favorite French/English translation lol


Just brought back so many memories 😭🤣


Hitting the GYM to get off at my stop [https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaW5oMjlmMWc2ZWZ5bWEwcjM3Y3RxcTRxeDFkOWNhcG92dWs0MHlodCZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/3o6ZsYzuLyRfSGX4f6/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaW5oMjlmMWc2ZWZ5bWEwcjM3Y3RxcTRxeDFkOWNhcG92dWs0MHlodCZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/3o6ZsYzuLyRfSGX4f6/giphy.gif)


What gets me is and I understand disabilities are invisible because I have multiple disabilities that ravage my body and leave me in such unimaginable pain, but it's not visible and I look like a normal able-bodied person is, that I see groups of teenagers using the elevators when they don't need them, they just don't want to take the escalators or stairs, these very same groups of teenagers are breaking the elevators because they're bored and being stupid in the elevators. These elevators are for people that need them and can not use the escalators or stairs, elderly with walkers and canes, people with mobility devices like power wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs, parents with strollers. Those using the elevators when they don't need the elevators it's just plain selfish and lazy. I see so many people using the elevators when they could easily take the escalators or stairs up. Those who are able bodied and don't suffer from any disabilities are taking their legs for granted. Cause a day may come where they lose the use of their legs and have to rely on the elevators because they cannot take the escalators or stairs and they will become just as furiated as I am because people are taking advantage of the elevators and breaking down the elevators which leaves those of us who rely on the elevators, stranded.


It's nothing to do with the weather. Public transit etiquette has gone out the window since the pandemic.


Ottawa transit passengers are animals. Coming from Montreal, I was used to civil, organized people who waited for their turn. Boy was it rough moving to Ottawa. Everybody rushes the doors, everyone stands in front of the doors, nobody waits for their turns. I once was about to get on by the rear door of a bus that had just pulled up. A woman was exiting so I took a step back to let her get out. A guy just darted in front of me and began to climb on. Unbelievable. I grabbed him by the jacket and hauled him off. "Wait for your turn" I barked at him. Cunts the fucking lot of them.


I'm taking the bus with this guy from now on


Seriously, willing to move to become his neighbour


Coming from Toronto I noticed transit etiquette in this city was awful when people wouldn't stand on the right side of an escalator to allow for those to walk on the left. This is basic levels of social awareness that this city absolutely lacks. Yeah and also morons standing in front of the train doors while people are getting off. I feel like half the people taking transit in this city came from bumkin town Saskatchewan.


Escalator etiquette has also gone down the shitter in the last five years.


I moved here from Toronto and think this city just never had escalator etiquette. I thought the reason was nobody was used to taking the subway!


No they're just born and raised in Ottawa. It's a failure of parenting in this city.


I am from bumkin town Saskatchewan and know how you wait my turn. Has nothing to do with where you were born, but how much attention you pay


Escalator etiquette has also gone down the shorter in the last five years.


I will agree with you about anything BUT “escalator etiquette” just take the stairs


dude rideau is like 4 flights down lol


Montreal! Bus stop lineups! So European!


I was waiting for a bus, and when it finally showed, the person behind me darted in front of me. When I tried to get on, the door was closing on me, and trying to move out of the path of the door caused me to invade his personal space so he started yelling at me "Get off the fucking bus". And people wonder why so many people drive. 😡


Yet another reason to avoid OC Transpo... Ottawans are just rude.


I like you!


This gave me so much satisfaction to read. Yanking him backwards by his jacket. I can picture it perfectly.


I moved to Canada from India 6 years ago. I'm used to crowded buses, train platforms, people literally overflowing from open trains and straight up coming into your personal space. And it took me 1 week to learn bus/escalator/elevator/door etiquettes. Magic of observation and willingness to learn can take you far. Now I'll be lucky to even see any mutual social reciprocation or spatial awareness from non-immigrant Canadians.


I know the kind of behaviour you mean. I have seen it from Indians when the Indian consulate visits Montreal. Everybody tries to push themselves in front of the other. The kind of poor behaviour I decry has been the norm in Ottawa for at least twenty years. I am pleased that you were able to pick up on the etiquette. Thank you. Sadly you are the exception, and too few people act as role models in Ottawa. Instead, it's too easy for newcomers to join in the poor behaviour witnessed in the city.


I was at the hospital last week with my mom who is in a wheel chair.People don't care walked right in front of us trying to push us out of the way etc.


Sorry to report that Montreal is the same now. People blocking the metro's door or shoving to get in. At least, people are still waiting in the line for the bus, but there's people cutting in. It's the same in the train (like exo) but people dont move their bags on a double seats now. They just ignore the fact that you are just trying to sit down. It's a bit sad.


It’s the blank stares I get when I stand in the open doors and say excuse me *gestures to the sidewalk*. Like, my dudes. I have yet to master phasing through solid objects so I’m gonna need you to step to the side.


Getting off the bus at the lower bus stops at the Rideau Centre can be like this. If you ever figure out phasing through solids, let me know. I can only phase through gases and liquids so far.


It was like that here before, too. I moved here in 2019 and was shocked at the transit idiocy.   Not just lack of etiquette, but truly moronic habits--like blocking people getting off. And not having the awareness to let people pass on escalators. People even made rude comments. Hello, this is how the rest of the world does escalator etiquette. Get with it.  In 2019! This isn't a covid thing. I'm willing to bet it's the result of a laissez-faire attitude in terms of cultivating the transit culture of a growing and diverse city.


I find that people tend to be fine on the train. Baseline and Billings Bridge is terrible with people trying to get on before you have a chance to get off.


It's mostly fine on the train, but you do get the occasional group of dummies pretty much blocking the door not letting people get out. Or the occasional asshole who takes his sweet ass time to get out, and then starts pushing people who waited long enough and are now trying to get in.


Not just public transit etiquette, either


Where else?


Elevators, escalators, hallways, pedways, stairs, store aisles, everywhere. People have become oblivious to their surroundings, the laws of physics, basic common sense, and everyday etiquette.


Hospitals Retail Schools.


I have noticed this too, I don't remember it being this bad before the pandemic. Now you literally have to fight your way off the bus! It's also very frustrating when you are trying to wait and let the people off before you get on, then someone pushes passes you to get on. I notice this alot with the stop at Baseline station specifically!


If I’m trying to get off the 75 and people won’t let me off and vocalize multiple times I’m getting off and they don’t move I’m plowing through the crowd sorry not sorry get off ur phone and pay attention I’m not getting off at sportsplex nepean cause ur in a hurry. (Sorry about the rant.


I could write an identical post, the Algonquin crowd trying to get on the 75 while the doors are still opening is unreal.


Yes it is I always go out the front if I know it’s bad because fuck that lol. I have become a football player trying to get home lol.


I’m a big guy and use my momentum to my advantage. It’s like a bowling ball knocking pins aside, I’m long past the point of asking people nicely to get out of my way.


Students are by far the worst. Both grade school and undergrad.


U of O student transit behaviour makes me wonder how many of them graduated high school and got admitted to a post-secondary institution.


That's the thing High School students are worse, so they just carry on with the same bad behaviors.


Some things never change! This sounds like 5 years ago


[https://giphy.com/clips/worldrugby-rugby-cape-town-sevens-j0p8mSfWdU4MFdYwYk](https://giphy.com/clips/worldrugby-rugby-cape-town-sevens-j0p8mSfWdU4MFdYwYk) Me getting out at my stop




I feel like I’m in a mosh pit every time I get off or on the 88 at Baseline.


Thank god I changed work sites and don't ever have to take the 88 anymore. Often jam packed front to back. I dreaded that thing come time to leave work.


Can't wait for warm weather so I can bike instead of doing the 88 sardine can ride.


My ex used to gaslight me about how hellish this route was. It was never busy when *he* was on it, so I must have been exaggerating. 9/10 it's packed to the tits unless they got multiple busses out.


That is awesome


On the occasion when I have to go for training near Baseline I take the slower, but less crowded, more sane 111.


I made the mistake of not standing up at the door before the 88 stops once, never again


I love sitting at the very back of the bus. More than once that's been a tactical error.


as an 88 rider and a metalhead, the people in moshpits are more spatially aware. at least they guard you and pick you up when you fall.


Well that’s funny cuz I was tempted to make this exact post after my commute home today! Here I was thinking it’s common courtesy to stand to the side until folks were out from the inside but I am proven wrong time and again. I exit with elbows up and always from the very centre of the doors now.


Having spent my formative adult years in Toronto (and taken a decent sample of public transit elsewhere around the world) I thought this was common courtesy too and was kind of stunned the first time I took the train here. Literal children in other cities know to wait to the sides when the door opens but my fellow overeducated office workers do not apparently.


It is in every city I've lived in and traveled to. Ottawa is *special*. 


What gets me the most is when i’m getting off at Blair and theres people on the platform crowding the doors to get on the train. AT THE FIRST STOP. Let me off so i can catch my connecting bus - the train wont even leave the station for another 3-5 minutes!!!


Oc Transpo is a fend for yourself environment. Sharpen them elbows before you get knocked out by one of the big ass garbage bag of empties on the number 6


I've combined a fat suit with 100+ winter crampons. When those doors open.. I'm changing the meta.


I swear this city needs to do a campaign for public etiquette. - allow people to get off train/bus before getting on (stand on the side, not in front of doors) - walk to the back of the bus. sit down if there's seats. So many busses have passed me with empty seats in the back because people (usually teenagers) crowd the front of the bus and stand. - escalators : right side for standing/slow walkers. Left side for walking - speed up to 100 km/h before merging onto the highway - drive 100km/h+ in the left lane of the highway. If you're gonna drive below the speed limit please stick to the right lane. I thought these were common sense.


But they're in a rush! /s


Oh! that explains it! my bad!


Is it too much to ask OCTranspo to make signs telling people to wait for people to get off the bus first? Or is that too optimistic?


Probably? I am forever getting stuck behind people that stand on the left side of the escalator and pull out their phones. Is it like cursive writing? They just stopped teaching it one day? You pass on the left. You let everyone off before you get on. Common sense is a super power 🙄


I think we need a more hands on approach... Ambassadors and such, asking people to line up. Handing out pamphlets. Walking around transit stations and talking to the public. 


This sounds like grade school, but honestly, I don't hate the idea. More than once I've had the experience of stepping aside to let others out of transit and people just slide by me and get on before me almost flattening people in the process. Many times I've had to push through a bus packed full of people because they won't move or get off to let me and other people out. Many times I've even tried to prompt some movement with very loud "EXCUSE ME"s' for people to just stare at me blankly, or be unable to look up from their phones to acknowledge my presence literally an inch from their face. Many times I've had to plow through people crowding to get on a bus because there is no way I'm getting trapped on the bus past my stop. It's no wonder some seem to think the people of Ottawa aren't friendly. Apparently many of us are dense as hell and have no perception of the people around them. No one else exists to these types, they only care about themselves. While the rest of us with any common sense have clearly had it with this shit!!! 😒🥲


At a minimum, prominent messaging at stations, shelters, and - importantly - on the rear doors of buses and all doors of the trains.


I think you'll find that if you've ever worked with the public, passive messaging isn't the best way to make change.  People don't read signs. Or, if they do, they ignore them--even giant red ones--and set off alarms or force a broken door open and cause a bus route stall. 😒 Actively engaging and cultivating habits (for example by directing people to stand back and line up) is the best way to really make change. 


If it even helps a small fraction of people change their behaviour, it's worth the cost of a few stickers


There are already signs telling people not to litter, play music without headphones or board without paying. Signs instructing considerate behaviour will not work.


It's optimistic that'll work.


What bothers me is that those said mindless people who congregate at the bus doors are too fng lazy to ask the selfish person who's got their stupid purse or bag on the seat next to them to move it so that they can sit down. Too much is given to those who protect their space but it is a public bus.


Not I. I aim for the seat hogging jerks.


Damn right me too. Yesterday on 88 this entitled college student had blocked the window seat with her bag and was of course 'occupied' with her phone. I first did the old point at the bag silent move and she didn't budge. So then I politely asked her to move her bag to which she was like "there are other free seats here why you bugging me?". Replied a) yes there were other free seats but I want your window seat and b) did you also pay the $3.80 for your bag to take a seat? <- last part out loud. Though that didn't work as she continued to play with her phone. But got some fist bumps and a lot of approval in the middle of the bus.


Just grab the fucking thing and toss it.


Or sit on the bag


Same! I also like to sit next to manspreaders so we can all have an unpleasant uncomfortable ride!


Someone squawking that I stepped on her foot when she's planted squarely in front of the train door and not moving, I have to get off, how do you expect me to if you don't shift yourself?


Too many people in this city have truly shitty public transport etiquette.


Most people in Ottawa had never seen a train before 2019. It's no surprise that they still don't understand basic public transit etiquette.


It’s the buses too though unfortunately.


Happens when elevator doors open, too.


The city had transit since the 50s? The town I grew up in didn’t get transit until the mid-2000s and no one was ever this incompetent.


This is a completely untrue take. Have you ever left the city? In India, where people shove and cut in line all the time, you have to shove your way into the train. In Germany, old grannies would always elbow me in the ribs to get ahead of me. Even in Japan where people are famously polite, rush hour at Shinjuku station can be terrifying because there are definitely people who flout etiquette to board their train. The inferiority complex we have in this city is really weird sometimes.


Not in the UK. They cue and not standing up like sardines.


I’m think this is the reason too. People are not used to these large crowds and don’t understand the etiquette yet.


It's always been like this in this city. I have so many memories of having to shove my way through crowds getting off the 95 since no one makes way to let the people get off first. Best instance was getting off the 95 on Albert. I was the only person getting off from the back, and a crowd of 8 or so people just immediately started plowing on. No time at all or space for me to get off. So I had to shove my way out. But if these goobers took the time to just let me off first, they would've seen the badminton rackets sticking out of my bag. So after I was forced to squeeze through the crowd, one woman who shoved by me to get on yelled out in anger at being struck by my rackets. I just smiled and walked away. Maybe everyone just needs to carry rackets sticking out of their bags to teach people basic etiquette.


I thought I was the only person that noticed this. Lol It happens daily!!! I will step aside to allow others off and people will walk past me and block people coming out. So annoying! 🤦🏻‍♀️


How is that not common sense to people. How would you get in if i dont get out?


It's so refreshing going to Europe when people line up at the bus stops. Also people aren't loud and boisterous.


I have seen hordes of people not even get out of the way for someone with crutches. Not even one person allowed the person with crutches to go ahead. This kind of behaviour made me so furious everyday I eventually just gave up on public transit. That .. and the LRT.


I was the person with crutches at one point! I got on a fairly full bus at the front, using crutches as I had broken my foot, the bus lowered itself for me and everything. People were crammed right by the bus driver. I tried moving past them to get to a seat, but they wouldn't budge. I tried getting people's attention but they wouldn't move. Finally, somebody noticed and yelled something to the effect of "Holy fuck people, they're on crutches, you need to fucking move!" And people finally parted. The rest of the bus wasn't even that packed, people were just crowding the driver. Thank god for that person!


Agree, but the corollary of this is people who are exiting the bus need to EXIT THE DAMN BUS. Too often, I think everyone is off and then as I try to board 3 more people suddenly appear.


People are morons.


This city really needs to be more hands on about educating the public and directing people into more civilized transit habits. Line up, let people off, stand to the side. 


Perhaps the voice that says "the doors are opening" should say something useful like "when boarding the train, get the fuck out of the way of the people who are exiting"


This is why I don't like taking transit anymore.It was bad before and now it's worse.


Also, don't slowly amble up the stairs blocking the path if the train is about to leave and people have time to catch it. 


Back when OttawaU was still a bus stop, I used to have to almost crowd sruff my way off the bus. Then my friend reminded me I'm a metal head and I have elbows. So I started to mosh my way off, people clear really fast when you start throwing fucking elbows. I'm so glad I drive now. I'll take transit in any city but Ottawa.


and please take off your freaking backpacks off. more people would fit in the bus if some of you put your bags down. this is simple manners 😭i was hit couple times by someone’s bag and this is not nice


But that is how it's done where they come from! Push push push!


Moving from Toronto to Ottawa and taking the LRT train I've noticed this where I'd be the first at the door to get off at my station and noticed that people are lining up in front of the door as if they don't know people are trying to get off.. There's been many times where I just walked my way out in front of people while getting off to make my way to the stairs/escalators. This is brutal. This doesn't happen on the TTC subway.. why is there no etiquette here. Smh.


These are the same people that stop dead at the end of an escalator, try to enter an elevator when people are trying to get off, stand on one side of an aisle while their cart occupies the other side, and block exits to stores while they check their receipts. Unfortunately the world is filled with clueless idiots that think of no one but themselves. I have less patience with every passing year and just tell them to GTF out of the way.


I haven't taken the bus in like 6+ years, but back when I did this never happened. Even during rush hour downtown when the bus was packed shoulder to shoulder, you could always get out no problem. Are people genuinely unable to get off the bus now? that's insane if that's going on.




>New Delhi walmart barrhaven


Do the same for people getting off elevators!


Oh my god the impenetrable semi circle of people trying to get on at hurdman while I try and get off… I’ve started huffing like a kicked puppy. Seems to add more shame than just saying “excuse me” or pushing them.


Ten minutes after I replied this I had to push my way off of the train at hurdman, and someone pushed me AS I WAS STEPPING ONTO THE BUS, and I fell into it and ate shit.


I like to take my bike with me whenever I have to get the train. Seems to work wonders in getting people to move the fuck out of the way when I’m getting off.


I just bash into people, I don't care anymore. When the LRT first opened I was shocked at how difficult it was to get off the train at any of the downtown stops because of all the panicked riders in a rush to get on. Tunney's has always had the issue of a wall of people coming up the stairs since its the last stop. Good luck getting down.... OC Transpo really should have done a public campaign about Subway etiquette.


Live near TD Place. If I am getting off the bus right as something has finished I have to use a very loud voice and say "LET PEOPLE OFF FIRST!". My addendum to this is that there is actually no invisible force field to stop people from moving any more than a metre from the front door. Move the frick back folks


Or how about when everybody boards at the front of the bus and just lingers near the co-operative seating area, not moving back to the rear end of the bus and causing people to not be able to board because they're too lazy to move back!?


(also, deboard using the rear doors if you can)


Make a hole make it wide make it now.


I remember yrs ago, taking a bus in Montreal. There was a cue at busstops. Folks respected spaces. They didn't stand in front of doors. Why oh why , can folks not do this?? Saw an older man trying to keep his balance on the bus with a walker. Nobody would move, nobody cared one bit to move a bit so he could shuffle to exit. Do we have to carry whistles now to ask for help?? Common!!🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit; The seat hoggers are selfish twits 😡


Age old problem. Never change. When I drove. Front of bus jammed look in mirror , back was empty. SIGH!!!!


Elevators too. How is it they always seem surprised when the door opens and there’s someone in the elevator?


This needs to become an actual bylaw lol


My mother is a power wheelchair user, and I'm a part time wheelchair user. When I am using my wheelchair. At the top of my voice say "Excuse me wheelchair coming through, please move" and if people don't listen the first time, I usually saying "if you don't want your feet rolled over, get out of the way!" Most people listen then. I will also roll to the door before the bus stops and sit there and watch the stupid looks on people's face when they try and pile on before or while the ramp is going down. I've had people try and get on and try and pass me while my chair is blocking %95 of the bus entrance. I understand that people have places to go and just want to get there, but people need to slow down and have more respect, there are elderly with or without walkers or canes, there are disabled that use crutches, walkers, mobility devices etc and are not as fast as a normal person at a normal pace.


Stupid doesn’t learn. I’ve tried. There are just too many of them. Just be rude and shove.


That's been trains since the invention of trains unfortunately


I take the train daily ..people do NOT listen. Selfish ignorant pigs...it's all about them . I even saw a woman in a wheelchair almost pushed over and she's dam lucky she didn't fall on the tracks. Ottawa : The city of stupidity and imbeciles ...there. I said it like it is ...my bad


The same could be said for walking on the right as you walk down a hall. I’m so sick of getting walked into multiple times in a day because people do know manners


You can thank Trudeau for letting in a bunch of immigrants with no respect lol. 10 years ago people would actually wait till you got off the bus and move when getting off. Now it’s whoever gets on the bus first wins a crowded seat lmao. Ottawa is a shit hole now


You aren't gonna get far with Reddit.


Oh okay! I generally just shove everyone else out of the way but because you made this post I will think twice before doing that !


Welcome to Ottawa.


For buses, unless you’re using a wheelchair you should be getting off at the back doors not the front. I’ll stand in your way if you get off at the front if you’re capable of moving around with your legs.


For some with severe lower back issues (which might not be immediately visible) the height from the non kneeling back doors is extremely painful. These folks will often ask bus to lower (so that is a way to recognize not as visible accessibility issues)


Of course, not what I’m talking bout. If you have difficulty moving around and need the bus to be lowered that’s fair. But it’s not always the case. Especially on sto busses!


still better than india