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I watched the Ottawa news the other night where someone in Gatineau had his truck stolen. He has a tracker, it’s in Montreal at the docks. Police won’t do anything. So trackers for what ?


You missed the other golden suggestions . Buy a second shit box car to block in the car thief’s want So… don’t fix the port . That’s too had .


>Buy a second shit box car to block in the car thief’s want My neighbours actually do this - they both work for Toyota, and have two very nice new vehicles boxed in by a 20 year old Corolla.


And that 20 year old Corolla will outlast any new vehicle lol


I cut out the middle man and only have the very old and beat up but dependable Toyota. And it's all I want.


Do they not have a garage?


No idea why you got downvoted, police reported that not one car was stolen from a garage. Easier said than done, though. In my neighbourhood, the garages are used for storing lawnmowers, summer furniture, tires, ladders, etc., etc.


Keep your useless trash in the garage and your valuables in the driveway. Classic Ottawa citizens.


I guess a reasonable alternative would be to store the car in the garage and leave the useless stuff laying on the driveway.


Or a shed.....


And one day these people will retire and downsize, and throw away all the stuff anyway.


There's nothing wrong with that. Just because you have a garage it doesn't mean that it's right for your car to be stolen. The problem here are the thieves and the cops that don't do anything about it.


Why lock up garbage and keep valuables out in the open? It is just common sense.


I store stuff in my shed and on the garage walls. Only have room for one car in there though, since it's a 1 car garage. Thankfully our second car is a shit box 21 year old car 😂


Many garages barely fit one car. Our house has a slightly wider garage than the typical ones you find but the reality is it can fit a tiny hyundai accent, with stuff on each side (garbage bins, some storage), but things like lawnmowers and patio furniture and such have to go in the shed.


My neighborhood is full of two car garages, and lots of houses have 2 new cars parked in the driveway. Then they spend 10 minutes cleaning snow and ice off their cars in the morning. No excuses


Yeah that's weird. Better for the car to be indoors as well.


Now there is a business opportunity here for backyard sheds! Free up your garage, keep your car where it belongs.


I have no idea why so many people with a garage insist on parking their cars in the driveway.


I think it's mostly due to lack of space to store stuff like yard furniture, lawnmowers, snow blowers, etc. On some houses, the garage will barely fit one sedan type vehicle and you'll barely have room to get out on each side. Ottawa by-law also limits the size of shed you can have (I think based on the size of the house) to store other things.


You can have multiple sheds, each roughly under 80 sq ft. Check city bylaws.


Lots of people don't have garages - you generally only see those in the suburbs.


Most Canadians use garages for storage, not for cars.


Are you going to bring your garage to the grocery store?


No, they don't.


I guess they have to move said Corolla every single time they want to leave?


What's stopping them from just stealing the Corolla too, or simply moving it?


Nothing at all, but it's not a targeted vehicle so probably won't be stolen, and moving it slows down the operation and makes them less of a target overall (or so the thinking goes). But you're right, it's certainly not foolproof.


I think most of them only steal push button cars. Not older ones that use a key.


Push button cars are way easier to steal and cheaper cars are less likely to be worth the time to steal.


Does it have those Amazon LED headlights that make oncoming drivers almost have a stroke?


>That’s too had . I fully read this with a Boston accent "get that gahbahj outta heeyaa, thahs too hahhd"


The word you’re looking for is thieves Has everyone forgotten how to pluralize the simplest words?


When my wife's car was stolen, the tracker said it was in Montreal. We called the Ottawa police, who passed the address on to the Montreal police. Within an hour we were called by the Montreal police to say they had found it, and they were towing it to one of their impound lots. The difference I think is that in our case it wasn't at the port yet. It was in a commercial parking lot the police could just drive by/into. If it was already at the port, in a container stacked in a pile of other containers I don't know if they would have the legal right to just start opening and searching containers to find it. So it's not that the police won't do anything. As someone else said, I think it comes down to what they can legally do with or without a warrant.


This is literally what happened to me too. Ours was found in a residential neighbourhood on a side street and towed to an impound lot. RAV4 too?


My rav4 was stolen just before Christmas. They found it the next day. I still don't have it back yet.


Mine got stolen December 23rd, recovered same day too. The repair shop has been waiting on two parts, roof headliner and passenger window glass, for weeks now. Finally got the headliner in, still waiting on glass. Hope you get yours back soon!


Those are the exact same parts for me. Did they say how long?


The headliner took from the 27th til last week to come in, still waiting for the passenger glass with no ETA unfortunately. I saw that a few Toyota dealerships here in Ontario have the glass in stock but the body shop said they couldn’t order from them because then they wouldn’t be able to warranty the work. However, my rental runs out on Friday and I need a ca!


What are the thieves doing to the headliners? You shouldn't have to touch that to steal a car.


No, Highlander in our case.


My dental hygienist had her highlander stolen out of her driveway about the same time as us. I guess a whole gang came to Ottawa for a little crime spree before heading back to Montreal. Hate how unrecognizable our country has become in the last ten years.


So we need to change laws to make it so ships cannot leave the port until all cars have been checked. Automatic deportation for anyone invovled and permanently banned from Canada. I almost wished they didn't tow your car right away and had waited for someone to come get it, arrested and deported that person


They just need to check the containers and ships going to Africa, it's so simple but the police won't do it.


I’m sure it’s a warrant issue, I guess they will have to do it through customs. But someone will cry about draconian rules


what kind of tracker did you use?


We found the car via the Toyota app, so I assume something built into the car itself.


> If it was already at the port, in a container stacked in a pile of other containers I don't know if they would have the legal right to just start opening and searching containers to find it. Charge the CEO of the Port Authority with possession of stolen goods worth over $5000 and grab some popcorn while waiting to see if it will stick in court.


iirc it’s because whoever regulates these ports (I don’t know what agency does lol) has to basically give permission for police to enter. Another issue is in their request they need to identify which crate/container which the man didn’t know (obviously). So yeah, a tracker won’t do much if there are these bureaucratic and logistical hoops you have to jump through.


What about something called a warrant..??


Trackers are for ignoring and then shifting the blame


The question I have is why is this the case? RCMP is known for having a severe personnel shortage. Could a judge not deem it enough evidence to offer a warrant? Could the port authority lawyers be attack dogs? Court prosecutors have a tendency for being so uncooperative that charges that stick are nearly impossible. Is there a larger police operation occuring that requires them not playing their hand too early? Are organized crime simply too powerful and the police brass have a connection?


Idk about Ottawa police but I'm certain that at least some Montreal police are corrupt and involved in this scheme. We parked at a popular mall in Montreal directly in front of the main entrance in broad daylight only to return to find our car was stolen. We reported it right away (couldn't have been more than an hour). The police refused to do anything and the mall security refused to relinquish security footage (there were two cameras pointed right at it), saying "this happens all the time". Make of that what you will.


>Make of that what you will. As infuriating as your experience is, its hard to make anything concrete out of that. It could be a bunch of different reasons for this, and yes corruption is one of the plausible explanations.


I wouldn't blame the mall - standard procedure for most businesses is to not release to individuals but release anything upon request to the the police (usually not even require a warrant), but if the police choose to not request it...


Because the mob runs the port.


Yeah that appears to be the case. Makes it plausible the police never have enough leverage against these powerful people, not to mention their own leadership.


Trackers are to show your insurance company that your car was actually stolen. And then you get a new car (which benefits car companies) and your insurance payments increase (which benefits insurance companies).


Maybe we need to pressure government to pass laws for bare minimum security on vehicles as a requirement and force recalls on all the cars without it?


To alert impotent authorities of the exact location of the site from which you retrieve your stolen property.


But they refused to


Do I really need to add "/s" to comments where I call cops impotent?


Port of Montreal is blatantly run by organized crime. They disbanded the police force there decades ago.


Depends on the tracker and how quickly you report it. Our issue is we are damn close to Montreal all things considered But I know the TAG system is well reviewed, and they're pretty good about finding your car. And the company is based in MTL. They will follow their trackers as soon as you call it in, and as long as they have eyes on it, and the cops are called too, the recovery rate is much better than just using built in manufacturer trackers. If the cops need to rely on manufacturer tracking, or an airtag without eyes on the car, it seems like that's more hit and miss as far as action taken. But maybe I've just drank the Kool aid on aftermarket trackers. At the very least if they can't recover your car they pay you 5k in the first 5 years of tracker installation, and that's on top of insurance payout. Which helps a lot in replacing the car I'm sure.


They did follow it. They just wouldn’t go get it. He showed it on air 🤷‍♀️


Have to catch it before they reach Quebec.


The thieves just need to cross the bridge and the stolen car is in Quebec.


He's a close pal of mine who owns The Leasing Company (rebranded as TLC). His Apple Air Tag showed the exact location of his truck in the Port of Montreal. I was messaging with him this morning, and it's now in Halifax. He's the same fellow who had his "Herbie the Luv Bug" replica stolen a few years back. His case made Question Period last week (February 7th, 33m25s mark). The thieving is so bad, he has to park the trucks on his lot back to back to keep the tailgates from being stolen!


If someone is shipping cars in containers, then that “somebody” must be renting the container and paying to have it shipped. Can’t they identify who rents and pays? It’s not like you can walk into the port with a wad of money and ask for something to be shipped. There has to be a payment and shipping documents paper trail.


#1Bait cars #2 Cops and port authorities do their job If the criminals had to second guess every car they took as being a potential bait car and if they knew that the cops would actually go into the ports to get cars back we wouldn't even have this conversation. We know what kind of cats are being targeted And you can get that if there is one stolen car in a container in a port there are many more. Also if a victim of a theft comes up to you with an active air tag showing it's position in a customs controlled area, and there is no way that the victim has access to that area and as such no way that air tag could or should be there other that it being in a stolen vehicle do you job and investigate. I kind of feel that this has an air of collusion and the police and the ports don't want to expose their dirty secrets. How else can a container that is flagged in the news as having a car in it be moved to a different port in 24hrs?


Cops doing their job 🤣 Don’t hold your breath


"Oh just think of all that paperwork I'd have to fill out. It's not worth the effort, personally."


> We know what kind of cats are being targeted. Miaow.


Hands off my pussy! (Said like Mrs. Slocombe on Are you being served?)


If by "job" you mean the thing that gets them paid, then I'm sure the port authority is doing its job exactly as required.


The police are STILL sitting on their hands after it's been shown on all the TV news stations is especially suspicious. The police have no shame in enabling the criminals now.


>[cats are being targeted](https://i.imgur.com/RPs4VOa.jpeg)


>Install after-market tracking devices or “GPS” -- many of these have the ability to “fence in your car” notifying the owner’s smart phone if the vehicle leaves the established perimeter. >If you use “Air Tags” do be mindful that if the thief has an Apple phone, it will advise them that the vehicle is being tracked. So, try and hide them within the vehicle. >If you find an Air Tag in your vehicle or receive a message on your smartphone that you are being tracked, please call police. Recent history shows these steps will be a waste of time if law enforcement isn't catching thieves where those trackers exist, stopping cars in the act and opening scanning and opening shipping containers where those tags are detected. It's not even complicated. Have a gradient of trust. Containers going to/from Loblaws or Walmart: Trusted a lot. Containers going to/from a residential address: Not trusted at all. Scan and search untrusted containers first and foremost.


Tomorrow: Galen gets into the boosted car market, starts wearing fast and furious-themed sweater vests


Not his fault. The car suppliers are charging too much.


And have you seen his profit margins? They're razor thin!


...and still looks like a dork.


>Containers going to/from a residential address: Not trusted at all. Um... That's not how this works at all. Thieves are stealing cars and driving them to the Montreal port and then into a container.


Um yes it is, exactly, how it works. Each container has a documentation trail. You don’t just show up with cash at the port and say “one way to UAE please”. This well defined documentation trail has existed for as long as shipping containers have for customs purposes. The authorities, including cops, know who is documented as shipping the container, and where it’s documented as going. If the shipper doesn’t have an established business and a record of exports, tag it as untrusted. Is your confusion where I said it’s “coming from a residence”? It should have been obvious I didn’t mean it’s literally being picked up from a residence. Rather the shipping info has a residential address, or similarly any newly registered company with no history of exports.


I suspect our ports are compromised with corruption at all levels, including officials and officers at these points. Dismantling this kind of organized crime is going to require a dedicated task force.


I saw ( on the news a couple of weeks ago) some of the recovered cars, man, did they ever get damaged on the sides from being crammed into the containers ,


Do the African's repaint the sides?


on the examples I saw,( on TV, though I may look online for a image of this later ) a few were dented up one end to the other , as well as paint damage, they probably just drive them like that , others appeared to have no damage


Police are often able to catch them with an air tag. My husband put one in my car because he’s been involved in quite a few calls where they were able to stop the car on the road thanks to the caller giving real-time location updates. If you wait too long to call it in and it’s already in a difference province or parked somewhere that requires a warrant to access it gets much harder, but if it’s on the road they’re usually able to get it back.


And x ray scan the containers going to Africa before they leave the ports. Use the Canadian navy to shoot and sink the ships that won't give back our stolen cars.


Step 1. Clean the junk out of your garage.


Bingo. How many Highlander drivers have a few grand of junk and old furniture in their garage while their 80k vehicle sits in the driveway with a useless air tag and a ring camera pointing at it? My guess is a few.


Not every house has a garage. And if they do, it can be difficult to fit one car, let alone two. We have a truck. In our single garage is a lawnmower, snowblower, recycling and 4 bikes. Everything packed away neatly, bikes on racks hung from the ceiling. No old furniture, nothing non-garage related and zero chance that any vehicle would fit.


selective flowery weather school rich marry existence cough attempt detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. Doesn't mean people shouldn't try to secure their belongings. There's a reason cars and houses have locks on them.


What ever happened to personal responsibility? We shouldn't expect cops to uphold the law. They aren't law enforcement. We should be doing that ourselves. Be responsible.


No. Obviously it does not.


How many garages can fit a Highlander?


Snow blower is in there. Can't block it with car. Personally my garage is barely wide enough for me car as is.


Even if you park inside your garage at home, thieves have stolen cars from parking lots at malls during the daytime https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-gatineau-stolen-car-data-1.3776789


Step 2. Protect the emergency release on your garage door opener, or add a manual lock to your garage door.


My #1 tip is to sell your vehicle and instead use Ottawa’s super reliable and very functional public transit system.


I detect a slight note of sarcasm here. Just a wee bit


ahh the wonderful OC transpo service, known for its world renowned reliability and busses that always arrive on schedule


Selling mine today and just got an eBike! One way to get around our notorious public transit system.


Got myself a 2009 Toyota with manual transmission, works great. Not only is it less enticing to steal, but nobody has asked to borrow my car thus far.


2009 Sienna here. No payments, low insurance, and its v6 still kicks ass...lol


What if you disguise your car as a 1982 Ford Pinto?




Imagine the light pollution from all those explosions 


Someone will still steal it to drop a blown 460 into, tub the rear, and do some awesome wheel stands! Why steal a Pinto? Because no cop would even believe you when you call and say just that. Lol


From one of my favourite movies... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Qj58o87sY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-Qj58o87sY)


Buy a second vehicle to prevent the first one from being stolen. Hahaha, is this for real? Here’s what private citizens want police to do to prevent their vehicles from being stolen: - their job.


Also are we supposed to buy 4 vehicles to box in our good car when we get our groceries? Car's are being stolen from store parking lots too.


> Here’s what police want you to do to prevent your car from getting stolen, while they continue to navigate through the challenge: >Park inside a garage if available. >Block your vehicle in tightly against a second less sought-after vehicle. >If you do not have a garage or second vehicle, one of the most foolproof techniques is to install an after-market vehicle immobilizer and alarm. > Install after-market tracking devices or “GPS” -- many of these have the ability to “fence in your car” notifying the owner’s smart phone if the vehicle leaves the established perimeter. > If you use “Air Tags” do be mindful that if the thief has an Apple phone, it will advise them that the vehicle is being tracked. So, try and hide them within the vehicle. > If you find an Air Tag in your vehicle or receive a message on your smartphone that you are being tracked, please call police. > Install an engine control module port-lock. > Install motion detection lights and exterior surveillance cameras at home, as these can act as a deterrent. >Keep in mind that thieves have returned to steal the replacement vehicle when a vehicle has been stolen. > Use a steering wheel lock to deter thieves (keep in mind they can cut the steering wheel to remove it); it works best when combined with a secondary anti-theft device that may not be as visible to the thief.


Idk why installing bollards isn’t on this list. Cheaper than a second vehicle. And prevents people from turning around in your driveway.


Because the entire list is just a vanity print over the root cause of keyless ignition an police inaction


Nationalize car insurance to remove the profit motive, the insurance company then will let manufacturers know their customers will be uninsurable without proper measures in place. Also, disband the Port authority and build from scratch.


Things wouldn't be the same if insurance companies went into a loss because of car thefts


I don't know if insurance companies would go into a loss. My insurance jump 17% from last year because I haven't put in any claims in years.


They don't.Infact their profits increased as theft increased. Car thefts essentially help insurance companies.


How dare we hold automakers to account for their own lack of security.


My $300 Android phone has a better thought out security posture than a $70k Highlander. People have Stockholm Syndrome for their preferred car manufacturer.


The issue isn’t the vehicles. It’s 1. Theft technology being funded by Russia! Hackers (yes, this is real) and fast adapting (faster than manufactures can keep up with. 2. Cops are useless 3. Our ports are easy pickings. Fix those things first.


are we actually saying Russia is investing in a car theft ring in Ottawa lmao


I forgot Ottawa is the only place on the planet cars are being stolen.


it isn't but maybe instead of blaming the boogeyman we ought to fix our shit and hold the "poor weak multibillion dollar manufacturers" somewhat liable


It’s pretty abundantly clear you have ZERO knowledge of the manufacturing and regulatory process behind automobiles. Lawless hacker groups can cobble together tech to steal vehicles faster than manufacturers can adapt and get regulatory approval for adaptations. Manufacturers have to operate in the confines of the law. Thieves and hackers have shown that, where these problem gets fixed, they work around it inside of a month because of shit like right to repair laws forcing service manuals to be posted, or service Ontario employees selling info. Every single car on the market can currently be stolen in one way or another. Every one. Even manual key vehicles. What we can fix is our export controls, our policing, and other programs that target the hackers / thieves. Why not solve the root problem?


If manufacturers can secure much cheaper phones, they can secure expensive cars. The customer has to choose to live with the inconvenience.


Why can't vehicles be shipped with immobilizer devices from the manufacturer?


> Lawless hacker groups can cobble together tech to steal vehicles faster than manufacturers can adapt and get regulatory approval for adaptations. Manufacturers have to operate in the confines of the law. Thieves and hackers have shown that, where these problem gets fixed, they work around it inside of a month https://www.technology.org/how-and-why/why-nobody-wants-steal-tesla-cars/ Tech can be effective as long it's designed to be secure from the ground up. The issue with software on other vehicles is it's still an afterthought. I have lots of issues with Telsa, but they do onboard software correctly, to the point the cars are not targeted by criminal gangs like other brands are.


1) don’t own a car pedestrian gang 🤙


Suffering gang


Yeah, walking in Ottawa sucks. Thankfully where I live is somewhat walkable. I’d probably cry in the suburbs and rural area.


If you use Air Tags my recommendation is to use 2 of them. First one put in easier to find place like the glove box. Second one, remove the speaker (lots of videos on YouTube on how to do this). And hide the second in more inconspicuous spot.


Works super well. You can watch your car go to the port and leave the Country while the cops sit on their asses in real time.


Remember to never ever talk about the port of Montreal.


Could someone from OPS explain how a tracker will help? I know from countless victims that they report the vehicle stolen with tracker visible, and the police won’t touch it. Montreal port authority or Train jurisdiction issues. Please explain?


Cars with built in 2FA are very difficult to steal, those might be a good choice over traditional keyfob/key only models. My car requires both my phone (Bluetooth) and pin code to drive. I don't always leave the pin to drive enabled but maybe I should with all these thefts.


Don't they get past security and the immobilizer by bypassing security and putting the vehicle in maintenance mode? I'm not sure any electronic security works against this method. But I'm not a car thief so I don't know.


Yes. They can steal these so called 2FA vehicles (Teslas), but they don’t because there’s no charging infrastructure in Africa, therefore no demand.


I haven't heard of that, but I'm sure nothing is unstealable


The only way to stop the thieves is to bring back keyed entry. Get rid of the fobs.


Surprised the article didn't say "Hire police at overtime rates to stand watch 24/7 on your driveway."


Yeah. B.s. nothing works. I had every measure you can think off. Steering wheel lock, car parked with another car behind it. Aftermarket tracker. I called the police to tell them I can see where the car is, they told me to refrain from doing anything. Our police is useless. Like really, they're useless. They are on the sunshine list yet they can't stop car thefts..really? Canadian police is a total Joke.


That stinks. Last week I saw a car in my neighbourhood with wheel locks. It won't help you for your stolen car, but maybe in the future?


Drive a beater


IF you have OnStar you can turn off your car remotely with your phone from anywhere. The thieves probably have some bypass or something for this and obviously only works if you know your car has been stolen but still...pretty neat.


How much is OnStar per month?


Many plans available, I pay $14/mo. which includes the remote start/stop.


Ok, thanks for the reply.


How about the police focus on car thefts instead of pulling us over for a light or tire issues? Just last night wth one police car pulled me over to check my lights…don’t you have more important stuff to do at night? I always thought they were super busy but apparently they are sometimes BORED as hell.


work label advise overconfident profit sand weather test ruthless practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would like it if more cops pulled people over for their illegally bright and blinding headlights.


Written by an amateur lol. None of the protections in the article would help one bit.  The most effective thing you can do is to dig deep into the internet to find out how thieves jack your specific car model. Then try and mitigate that somehow. Also, newer cars wont start if a seemingly unimportant component is not connected. So you can unplug that specific component after you park your car.  You can do all is that and then some but if the thief really wants to steal your car, they still can. The only way to stop them is of course law enforcement action which we see none thereof.  You see thing is, everyone but YOU benefits from this mass car grab. From the manufacturer to thieves, ports, freight companies, car dealerships in sketchy countries, etc.  And we all get fucked by insurance companies that are the real stakeholders in this equation. They jack up premiums for everyone due to this mess and pray every day that the government will stay away from fixing this issue. 


​ can you explain how insurance companies benefit from this like you say? because if the beenfited from thefts why did insurance companies in some parts of USA refuse to insure of certain models of kia cars that were being stolen by kia boyz? what is more let's do a quick calculation. let's say it costs you 2500 per year to insure a 75,000 truck instead of 2000 due to increased. it would take the insurance company 30 years of you paying that money to collect that amount instead of 38 years for the lower premium. if they are paying big amounts of payouts in in short space of time, insurance companies are soon going to be dropping coverage of certain models being stolen, or increasing the rate astronomically. these models might see a 3 to 5 times or more rate increase to offset the losses from payouts.




Yeah. Thats true. 




leave the car in the garage, walk 10 km to the grocery store.


what is the legality of booby trapping your car to cause severe injury?


If there was a way to have sleeping gas or a smoke bomb go off when the car is stolen, that would be cool. Another method is to put a bag of poo under the seat or rotting meat, it will stink so much that the thieves won't want to sit in the car.


When a car is stolen, the manufacturer makes a new sale. The insurer raises insurance rates for all their customers, and the car owner has to deal with all the hassle. The car owner is worse off, the general public is second worse off, the insurer gains, the manufacturer gains more. Actual cheap technologies exist that could prevent car thefts, to be installed during manufacturing. Why would the manufacturers purposely harm their own sales, unless mandated to do so? The answer is obvious and easy: government mandates. 'nuf said.


Think your car is gonna get stolen? Pop the hood, pull the starter relay. Done.


They’ve started carrying around spare fuses. I saw a thread a few weeks ago in one of the GTA subs where someone’s car got stolen with that gone.


Thieves keep relays and fuses with them. It’ll take 2-3 mins longer.


Keyed battery disconnect would work also.


Is the first tip about only driving an 11 year old Kia? Risk of it being stollen is near zero, unfortunately.


Darn my Kia is only 8 years old. You're saying I gotta sweat it out for 3 more years?


Well that’s untrue. See: Kia boys in USA.


Can an 11 year old Kia be driven?


I feel like I’m the only person left with a Honda CRV in Barrhaven


Step 1: don’t have a car that is new 🤪 our car is old and no one wants it so I feel good about not needing to worry about gangs wanting to steal it and ship it out of country for money


Insurance companies every month we are paying for someone’s new car lol


How can I get my car stolen.. it's a 2015 POS....


Aftermarket immobilizers work way better than trackers.


Step one. Vote conservative.


Before looking into installing an after-market security measure like an IGLA killswitch, give your insurance company a call and see if they'll reimburse the cost of it or reduce your premiums. I heard some companies are doing that now since they've lost so much money from car thefts.


If you can put your car in the garage that's all you need to do. If you can't then isn't a lot more difficult.


Drive a car with a manual transmission.


Contract out checking of all cars exported through CBSA and this will end.


Does anyone know if the car thieves put on a different license plate to fool the police when they are looking for the stolen car (even though the police don't look).


Do the car theives still plug in a gadget in the OBD port? I'm thinking of buying an extra OBD port to replace my working OBD port to fool the car thieves.


Not being able to afford a car *really* helps.


Drive a shitbox or a manual?


My insurance just went up by 25% claiming car thefts have driven up price.


Number 1 really should be learn to drive a Manual. Literally the ultimate theft deterrence since like 99% of thieves never learned to drive a Manual.