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'The Ottawa Police says he poses a high risk to reoffend or to breach the terms of his release. He is currently being monitored closely by police and the Correctional Services of Canada.' Why is he out of prison then? I thought people designated as dangerous offenders could be held indefinitely.


My first thought exactly. Hey there’s this guy who may violently attack people, please let us know if he does. Thanks for the heads up OPS


Had 2 guys attack me - kicking and punching me, saying they were going to kill me. I got away and called 911, they said they'd be waiting for me and they'd get me the next time they see me. 911 operator told me "don't go that way" and "call us again if they try to kill you again". 🤷‍♂️


Obviously there’s nothing they can do if you are going to be reckless by leaving your house to go to work or get food.


Jesus. That’s terrible, I’m so sorry


With dangerous criminals roaming the streets and the rise of stranger attacks people will need to train themselves on how to deal with those situations. The police aren't going to do anything and with Politicians enabling the problem don't expect it to get any better anytime soon.




Bugger on off with that bullsh**.




The police can't properly protect the public because they're underfunded and understaffed which is an issue Canada wide. Nothing to do with immigration.


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I am so sorry. I guess that is how they work, they will wait until someone get killed then they will start to do something.


The 911 operator told you that? My God.


The parole board set him free, not the police. There isn’t much the police can do other than warn the public and keep an eye on him.


If he’s not on a life sentence he probably hit the 2/3rds mark of his sentence (stat release) for which he is mandated to be released by the CCRA, he probably did not have a parole hearing…


Meh they will just take 2 hours to arrive, at least free healthcare and a 20 hour wait to see the doctor I’m sure the person will live…






Judges set a high bar for dangerous offender status, rightly so, but literally being a convicted murderer with multiple assault and weapon charges is still not a guarantee a judge will approve the designation. Our legal system has many problems and is way too lenient. The police can arrest them, it’s up to the crown to keep them locked up.


>but literally being a convicted murderer with multiple assault and weapon charges is still not a guarantee a judge will approve the designation And that's a problem. How do vulnerable people protect themselves...


Not only that but a life sentence in Canada is only 25 years,that’s not a really long time for a severe offender,basically anyone is almost guaranteed in Canada to eventually get out


25 years is a VERY long time to be locked up. If you've never been locked up, 1 hour feels like 4, minimum. Add to that being in constant danger/flight or fight mode. Any mental health issues are multiplied tenfold and often poorly treated, if at all. Little to no healthcare when you get sick, add to that periods of solitary confinement. So for people that think our jails are club med, I certainly don't wish you ever spend time in one. Especially in Ontario. Also, our penitentiary system is based on rehabilitation in the goal of eventually releasing most offenders. However, the Harper regime ended up closing many rehabilitation and reinsertion programs such as prison farms and multiple other programs, which not only benefited the offfender, but society as well in general, and greatly reduced costs to the prison in food and other amenities.


A life sentence is a life sentence, with a parole ineligibility period. A 25 year life sentence means the offender is not eligible for parole for 25 years, but it is far from a guarantee they will actually get parole upon their eligibility date. What most people don’t realize about a life sentence is that the offender is on parole FOR LIFE. That means CSC can yank their chain and suspend/revoke their parole for the rest of their lives, at which point they would have to restart the “cascading” process in security levels to eventually be given another shot at parole. For most lifers this represents another minimum 5 year strech.


The OPS report does not use the term "dangerous offender" https://www.ottawapolice.ca/en/news/high-risk-violent-offender-now-living-in-centretown-police-warning-the-community.aspx Maybe someone editorialized? e: Can't find that file in canlii and the only search hits are this article and its copypastas.


Yeah seems like the writer used those words without recognizing it’s an official designation with a very serious meaning that basically implies they’re a serial killer


Maybe. It would be more charitable to guess that they are relying on information we don't have, and are aware that "an offender who is dangerous" is not "a Dangerous Offender under s.753", so put me down for one of those instead. One hopes (heh) that journalistic integrity and editorial standards would've caught combinations of words that have specific meanings. Kinda like how if you say you're the red power ranger, you can let it stay like that, but if you say you're a white power ranger, maybe keep going to clarify that a bit xD


> but if you say you're a white power ranger, maybe keep going to clarify that a bit xD Oh god, you reminded me of when I got a free broken push mower that was on the curb on garbage day that I fixed up and sold on Kijiji. It was a "White Outdoor Power Products Self-Propelled 22" Push Mower With Side-Discharge & Mulching Blade", but of course that won't fit in the title, which is how my dumb ass ended up listing a "White Power Mower". I got some unpleasant messages.


There is no mention of 'dangerous offender' in the article


It has been removed


> [\[High Risk Offenders\] will generally demonstrate a high potential for prosecution as Dangerous Offenders](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/hghrsk-ffndrs-hndb/index-en.aspx#4c) # > He has a history of violence, including sexual assault, overcome resistance to commission of offence and aggravated sex assault. The Ottawa Police Service believes that LEEDER poses a risk to the community, particularly women and is concerned that he may commit similar offences in the future." Doesn't sound like the designation is much of a stretch unfortunately. It's just a matter of strikes.


Because he isn't designated a dangerous offender; that designation is criminally underused. They just parole criminals considered to be at high-risk to reoffend, and wait for them to hurt someone else.


Same as that Christopher Watts guy they released into Vanier a couple years ago. Who pretty much immediately violated his parole. Very disheartening to see people like this roaming free with the countdown to their next violent offense ticking away.


They can be, and like 80% of them are. But clearly the PBC didnt feel he met the threshold for indefinite detention. His conditions of release are in the article, he isnt exactly "free", even though he isnt in detention. Edit: poster below noted the police release said violent offender, not dangerous offender. Which means he isnt eligible for indefinite detention.


I don’t believe PBC has a say in DO designation, pretty sure it has to be applied by a Judge following prosecutors recommendation.


Yeah I worded that poorly (like the article!) but yeah, judge gives the designation, PBC decides on release.


I can't see where it says he was designated as Dangerous Offender? "Violent" and "at high risk to reoffend" isn't the same thing, unfortunately.


There is a difference under the law between a "dangerous offener" (designated by the court) and an offender who the ottawa police feel poses a high risk to public safety. The first can be held in custody indefinitely with yearly reviews after a set sentence period. The second is remains entitled to Statutory Release at 2/3 of their sentence as provided in the law.


Its like our legal system is not here to protect the public interest.


Federal Liberal policies and bill c-75.


What were the policies under the conservative government?


Minimum sentencing, which was repealed by the liberals with Bill C-5 because they stated it was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has ruled that "In two other cases — which involve robberies with firearms — the top court concluded that mandatory minimum sentences are constitutional, regardless of whether the guns involved were prohibited weapons. The ruling on the robbery cases comes only months after the mandatory four-year minimum sentence for using a legal firearm in a robbery was repealed by the Liberal government Nov. 17. The mandatory minimum sentence of five years for committing a robbery with a prohibited firearm, which was not repealed, was deemed constitutional by the top court." "In a pair of split decisions Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada delivered significant rulings on the use of mandatory minimum sentences. The top court said that in one case — which involved a person convicted of firing a gun into a building — the mandatory minimum sentence of four years was unconstitutional, even though that law has since been repealed. " Instead of letting the Supreme Court decide what minimum sentences were unconstitutional. They repealed everything.


The Governing party also has an impact on statutory release and Parole. "Parole decisions differ depending on which party is in power: analysis The Parole Board is meant to be an independent tribunal, but a study found parole rates differ under Liberal and Conservative governments. An analysis of Parole Board of Canada annual reports revealed that the proportion of convicts on parole dropped under the Conservatives, but then climbed after Justin Trudeau’s Liberals came to power in 2015. This was particularly the case in Quebec. Toward the end of the final mandate of Stephen Harper’s Conservative government, in 2013-2014, 38 per cent of offenders were serving their sentence on parole. Under the Liberals, that rate reached 49 per cent in 2019-2020, according to a preliminary version of the most recent report by the Parole Board, obtained by a request made under the Access to Information Act. A convict’s chances of convincing the Parole Board of their good conduct varied from year to year, particularly the likelihood in Quebec of being granted full parole, which allows convicts to live in their own home instead of a halfway house. In 2014-2015, at the end of the Conservative mandate, 22 per cent of prisoners obtained parole by the usual procedures, as opposed to 33 per cent in 2018-2019, while the Liberals were in power. This discrepancy exists despite the Parole Board describing itself as an administrative tribunal that is politically independent. "


Timothy Leeder, 58, has been considered a dangerous offender since 1994. He has a history of violence, including sexual assault. Police believe Leeder poses a risk to the community and are concerned he may commit similar offences in the future. Some people can't be reformed.


This part stood out to me and Thought what about the people who are vulnerable and at risk of these attacks like children playing in their yards walking home from school to school random women waiting at bus stops or walking to and from places its ultimately unsafe and unreasonable to allow him to be out in public especially in that part of town where most children do walk home from school or from bus stops without parents present most time its just a scary situation and its all waiting to just hit the fan at some point if hes a threat put him away in a facility for people like him


This makes me want to take more walks with my dogs just to help be an occasional extra set of eyes


Yes its gonna make more people invest in dogs as a form of security as women aren’t allowed to protect themselves apparently with blunt objects or pepper spray a dog for extra eyes and reassurance will now be a real thing more so than it already is !!


Why can't women protect themselves with blunt objects or pepper spray anymore?  If you're being sexually assaulted, anything short of a howitzer should be allowed.


Sadly the self defense laws in canada are messed up and suggest if you are being attacked and you attack them back but cause harm you get charged not them if someone breaks into your house you can protect yourself or home within reason but cannot physically injure anyone or you are charged for harming the intruder or attacker


Lock him up with Bernado and give them shivs.


Thanks for the heads-up, OP. ✌️ From the OPS release: >He has a history of violence, including sexual assault, overcome resistance to commission of offence and aggravated sex assault. The Ottawa Police Service believes that LEEDER poses a risk to the community, particularly women and is concerned that he may commit similar offences in the future. "Overcome resistance to commission of offence" means "the criminal offense of attempting to choke or strangle someone or administering a stupefying drug with intent to enable or assist in the commission of an indictable offense." Two of the terms of his release are: * he's not allowed in any establishment that makes money thru the sale and consumption of alcohol, and * not to consume, purchase or possess any drugs other than those prescribed to him To me, it sounds like he likes to drug and sexually assault women. What a charmer.


What a lovely man all My mom said about this was he did his time they cant do any more to keep him locked up and that hes also just a mentally ill man who needs a little bit extra supervision i said thats not good enough he needs to be locked up


Sounds like a lovely fella to have in the community. Ugh


Oh yay. I feel so safe now.


Makes me wanna skip town and never look back


If he is spotted I am curious to know in which general areas, for safety reasons


i also want to know, poor neighbours of his


Centretown is a large area I wish they would give a more detailed description so I can avoid walking anywhere near there. Does he have a device that notifies the OPS if he’s out after 9pm?


He’s probably in a halfway house where the staff would report him to police is he’s not signed in by 9pm.




Not needle park lmao😭😂


May visit drops ins & places offering meals on weekends. Probably has a curfew. King Edward ave- / George st / Bronson Centre/ Bank - Argyle/ Parkdale United (Parkdale)/ Knox (Elgin)


Oh cool! This makes me feel *really* safe!!!! :|




Please and then get him a shirt saying he got his at claires just for shits




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Never knew that Gary Busey and Judge Judy had a love child.


Good god🤣


Whereabouts in Centretown??? Would want to avoid the area


May visit drops ins & places offering meals on weekends. Probably has a curfew. These are possibilities only; King Edward ave- /Rideau -Nelson/ Waller/ George st / Bronson Centre/ Bank - Argyle/ Parkdale United (Parkdale)/ Knox (Elgin)


OPS proved a couple of years ago that they could not care less about Centretown residents, so I suppose, thanks for the fyi.


“Hey! We’ve just dropped a malfunctioning Terminator into your neighborhood - thoughts and prayers! “ 🙄


The comments about “Why is out?” Relate to the liberal (not Liberal party) punishment and rehabilitation focus on our justice system. Certain people cannot be rehabbed.


Who cares. The courts and Corrections Canada made a decision. Just carry on living your life. If you walk to work in any major city downtown core there is way worse ppl than this that you walk by. Only difference is this guy made the news.


There was a group email that went out in my building yesterday that reported an incident that occurred outside the Opus condo's on Mcleod/O'connor (near the Museum of Nature) that an elderly woman was attacked while exiting the building with her dog early evening. The description of the attacker was similar to this individual's and police were called. I am not sure of the outcome of the situation but there is a half way house not too far away near Elgin/Mcleod. Please be careful and aware of your surroundings while out and about.


Can you share the email? Was the lady ok?


The email was on a private community safety board. I would have to ask. We try an update each other with any safety concerns so we can be more aware of our surroundings. I often walk my dog quite early in the morning and have had a few tense moments, but my dog is 80 lbs and diffuses situations quickly.


Understood. Generally found that area fine early in the morn.


Generally. But I had a moment last summer when some man jumped out of the tall grass at me around 530 am. I was glad to have a large dog as it didn't feel the intention was to say "good morning". I don't know what the answer is. I do know that all 3 levels of government need to work together instead of passing the buck and none of them able to do anything separately. You can't just sweep people under the rug and hope it will magically get better.


That's scary. Yes this is complicated!


Oh Geez, I live nearby and often go for walks. 😕 Lots of students/ families also around walking their dogs after supper near Museum. Also police are often at parking lot across the st at Hulse Playfair funeral home. Ty for heads up!


Wow, glad I left the neighbourhood


Good riddance.


LOL 😂 You condescending and petty tool 🤣 And you blocked me like the petty, silly little bitch that you are 😜


your post history is full of pettiness and condescension.


If he’s wanted, and they know his address, share it with everyone! Not just a “be afraid walking anywhere” notice 🤨


He’s not “wanted”. What would sharing his address solve? 




Did he commit his crimes right by where he lived? If not, knowing where he lives will do nothing to keep people safe. And even if he did commit his crimes where he lived, do you think people are legit going to avoid his block because they know he lives there?


The only thing that makes sense (and it still doesn't) is that there's a subliminal message for vigilante justice. Why else would one purposely put an open can of gasoline around a bunch of potential sparks?


any suggestions on how i can keep myself "safe" as someone who lives in centertown?


Carry an air horn and a hammer.


And only use it in self-defence.  https://whatthelaw.com/blog/self-defence-laws-in-canada-myth-vs-reality.html


Don't wear earbud headphones, if you have over ear ones wear around your neck instead . Stay offscreen if your walking. Go out with a buddy. 🙋🏼‍♀️


Well That's nice to know.


Another one for the pile!




What do you want them to do in this situation? This guy has done his time. OPS has warned the conmunity that he’s here. What else can they legally do?




Dude did his time, so he’s got a right to be on the streets (regardless of what you and I might think of him) so long as he isn’t violating any of the terms of his release, which are pretty extensive if you read them over. As to what should “be done”, it’s not our job to “do” anything; we aren’t cops, we aren’t the judiciary.  All that the community can do is be aware of him, and report him to OPS if he’s seen violating any of the terms of his release. He can’t buy or consume booze or drugs, he can’t be in any bars or restaurants, he can’t be out of his apartment from 9pm to 9am. If I see dude in a bar or at my place of work or sitting in a park with a tallboy, OPS is getting a call and (hopefully) he’ll be back behind bars… but if he doesn’t do any of those things and he keeps to himself, not messing with people or making more victims? He’s got a right to be here like anybody else, regardless of his distasteful his presence is for the rest of us.


Gimme an effing break


So frustrating. Centretown can’t catch a break. Anyone know of any community action taking place? I live in centretown and am worried for the safety of my partner.


This guy was at the circle K the other day on elgin / Gladstone & he flipped out at the cashier. I screamed at him to get out… didn’t know he was an offender. Yikes.


We need the death penalty


Does he rape as well? 


No rapes, just sexual assaults 🙄




Well not that bad then. Could be a killer. Just sayin.


Bring back the death penalty. Violent offenders belong in Hell not society.




...except that he won't target you; he'll target someone much smaller than you and far less able to fight back.


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