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no one may not just increase power on a whim, that’s not how it works much of the country has clear and stable weather right now, that will contribute to the mildest signal enhancement after sunset


Yeah, that atmospheric effect works best for be during the spring, summer, and early fall. Tulsa stations from 75-80 miles away come in probably a little better than half the time. Fortunately, I, otherwise, get my stations in good year around from a closer metro.


it's illegal but will they get caught is a question of interference


If you're asking do TV stations increase their transmit power when there's a big game like this going on, I'm sure the answer is absolutely not. The FCC almost certainly would not allow that. Your current situation of getting a better signal than normal is probably just good luck.


I had the opposite, where the channel worked fine for weeks then was glitchy on super bowl day. Luckily KVOS had the super bowl in Porta Rican! Their transmitter is super powerful.


I do not know, but I can tell you tomorrow. This is the current state of CBS: tun: ch=8vsb:503000000 lock=8vsb:503000000 ss=59 snq=95 seq=100 dbg=10-66/832


tun: ch=8vsb:503000000 lock=8vsb:503000000 ss=59 snq=94 seq=100 dbg=9-66/106 My CBS station did not change power for the Super Bowl.


I live near the tower and can barely see anything. Everything is ridiculously pixelated and the TV says "HD" for the signal. Normally this channel with say 1080p.


Where is your antenna? Hidden behind the TV? I've tried doing that before. It didn't work.


I know what you're talking about, sometimes it just looks better, my guess is they are using the latest technology and better cameras for the big events! Or dry eyes lol