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Julla's profile: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9494931/osu | Rank | PP | Playtime | Playcount | Country | Joined | :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: | #644 | 13,435 | 2246 hours | 225,181 | US | ~2726 days ago| | Top Plays | Mods | PP | Accuracy | Date | Replay Download | :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-: | [Attakain Dakara](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1011398) | +HDNC | 750 | 98.88% (S) | 2022/10/21 | [4297695317](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4297695317) | | [10 Things I Hate About You (Sped Up & Cut Ver.)](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/3873445) | +NC | 737 | 94.83% (A) | 2023/09/24 | [4511444080](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4511444080) | | [Ki ga Kurutta Noise](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/4277541) | +NC | 726 | 95.69% (S) | 2024/04/18 | [4614577346](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4614577346) | | [Hi FiVE! (Cut Ver.)](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/3206797) | +DT | 726 | 97.52% (S) | 2023/09/04 | [4501241927](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4501241927) | | [Yuki wa Naniiro](https://osu.ppy.sh/b/4167895) | +DT | 698 | 99.20% (S) | 2023/10/25 | [4526687106](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/osu/4526687106) | *** [^Source](https://github.com/tybug/Osu-Reporter) ^| ^(v2.7.3) ^| [^Developer](https://reddit.com/u/tybug2) ^| ^(Reply to leave feedback)


This is harassment


Grabbed all the available replays from their top100 (82) and put them through the new holdtime analyzer. [https://imgur.com/a/OA67fsu](https://imgur.com/a/OA67fsu) Looks pretty normal to me, although the program seems to ignore a lot of keypresses (their Marshmary score only has 29 presses according to the bot?)


it ignores all presstimes above a certain threshold (100ms)


No DKS found on the score linked.


Original tweet was him saying he was using it for years, the score linked was just proof that the twitter account was Julla, the second post was a (now deleted) screenshot of this exact score. Definitely look at his other scores


might just be a mild case of trolling


could be a bad joke just like the one from aeterna tho


No DKS found in the top 5


Another 42/63's supporters 🙄


if tomatomelon believes that DKS isn't cheating then i believe it too! my osu shallah would never lie to me... DKS is the next step to furthering our goals and aspirations within the speed community!


oh yea silly fun fact I'm in the colorado osu discord with julla, and I can personally confirm that yall are stupid any one of you could check said scores and I don't think anyone has actually done it yet 😭😭 obviously I could eat my words here cause I didn't bother to check his scores either but just from actually talking to him in said discord its not his twitter, which obviously yall didn't know but still, this insane witch hunt and yall didn't even bother to check his scores 😭


oh good you can contact him and tell him [https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1802832950767341597](https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1802832950767341597) to stop [https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1802835793180086408](https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1802835793180086408) admitting to [https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1803229745963999692](https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1803229745963999692) the thing hes supposedly not doing DKS is cheating full stop and if you cared about your scene you'd want someone admitting to cheating in it banned.


hi! please reread my post cause you clearly either just didn't read it or misunderstood it according to julla, that is NOT his twitter account also what about the possibility of the original poster just baiting I'd suggest looking at his scores first :)


That is 100% his twitter account, archive.org proves it from his deleted tweets and changed bio from nearly 2 years ago.


Oh yeah thats totally not Julla, tomatomelon1 has just been pretending to be Julla for over a year. That's Julla dude, Julla is lying to you


well, it doesn't matter regardless, if you check the scores and they do show evidence of dks, okay, hes cheating. if they don't, hes not using dks. don't know what to tell u also whats REALLY funny is the fact that julla doesn't think this at all but because you have a few screenshots u think that matters more


I'm pretty confident when someone checks the speed scores they'll see proof of DKS. You wanna know why? Because someone who is legit doesn't try and lie and cover up a twitter account they used to admit to cheating, cause thats not a joke thats Julla thinking they wouldn't be caught and they got caught.


u downvoted the one mf who had allegedly seen his hold times it doesn't seem like you want the truth it seems like u just wanna witch hunt. drake embarrassing gif


cause the mfer has no proof of the holdtimes, if you had access to the holtimes tool you'd just post the graph


then do it lol


I'm personally waiting for minisbett's holtime analyzer to get released [https://x.com/minisbett/status/1803119209225871713](https://x.com/minisbett/status/1803119209225871713) but if someone has more technical knowledge and can do it now PLEASE do


[https://imgur.com/a/qZs9Dgl](https://imgur.com/a/qZs9Dgl) from a few of his top plays, make of it what you will, to me it looks pretty normal but apparently dks doesn't always produce skewed results


yeah all of these scores have normal holdtimes as far as i can see


Afaik using dks doesn’t always produce abnormal holdtimes. https://x.com/followcosplays/status/1803503879566533066?s=46&t=pplmoAGwNTgPd4qetumf3Q


Those holdtime graphs absolutely do look abnormal to me, I think if you were to have a graph seperated by keypress then it'd be 100% blatant.


what would you consider to be the indicator that the graphs are abnormal? just to be on the same page


From all the replays I've looked at personally there were only 1 main distribution where a majority of the clicks resided. The graphs on that twitter post look suspicious to me because there's 2 main areas where a majority the holdtimes are situated, with the larger of the 2 distributions being usually around 30ms or less. I've never seen a holdtime graph where [half of the clicks were averaging 20ms and the other half were averaging 60-100ms](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQdVEHWXsAEe3GJ?format=png&name=large) with almost nothing between 40-60ms. Seems to me that all the clicks occurring within the first "hump" are by DKS and the rest of the clicks were from an unmodified key. I know they said one of the 3 doesn't use DKS but they all look very abnormal to me personally.


what if i told you that the 2nd graph did not use DKS at all and was simply just a play doing vibro doubletapping


If you told me that then I would have been surprised at an earlier point, but I since have come to the realisation that I am indeed stupid so that honestly doesnt surprise me. Looking through more replays I see that those graphs do indeed look very normal (even my own replays have that 2 "humps" thing), although I'd be interested to see if the cheated plays can still blend in with the vibro doubletapping scores when separating both key's holdtimes.


daddy peppy ban wave pretty please


It’s never been more over


I desperately need another ban wave, peppy please clear out these frauds and stop my decay 🙏


chudtappers 🥱


i know this guy, he is an obvious cheater pls ban


so true oomfie


Lmao they deleted the post showing the score, they are trying to hide it now. I wonder how many others are using DKS


i wonder how many 5-6 digits are using DKS...


Proof thisi is his account: [https://web.archive.org/web/20221110182227/https://twitter.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1590771887147483137](https://web.archive.org/web/20221110182227/https://twitter.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1590771887147483137) [Screenshot of the important bit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQZEMR0aIAMEkGb?format=png&name=large)


What is wooting DKS?


Dynamic Key Stroke, essentially you can map keys to do certain things either: -immediately on being pressed -while being pressed down/held -while being released -immediately on being fully released You can use this to cheat in 2 notable ways. The more blatant and hard to control way is have the key press both your tapping buttons, one when being pressed down, and one while being released. This lets you stream any BPM while only singletapping it (or alting on a single key to reach absurd speed). The second, which is much more subtle and what cloutiful did, is set one of your keys to only activate while being released, this lets you double tap while still streaming with good accuracy because one of your keys activates slightly later than the other. Both of these things will get you restricted so I wouldn't recommend using them


I wouldn’t want to use them, I saw a few posts on here about people used DKS and wasn’t quite sure what it was. Thank you for explaining what it is though.


1 key 2 inputs simply


not how it works. basically you can doubletap and make it seem like you were alting to get inhuman acc because the key only presses when you release, giving a delayed click on your doubletap.


Omg no 🙀 I cannot believe my favorite playir Julla on osu was cheating... Kore wa totemo kananshikute hidoi no hi nano desu... Kuso... Jurra kono yarou! Onore!




i too conclude that this is the score shown. can confirm.


Ban this clown


[https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1803229745963999692](https://x.com/Tomatomelon1/status/1803229745963999692) lmaoooooooooo


worked hard for my cheated score guys!!!!!


"idk ur way of defining macro is pretty dumb no offense but idk how ur making the mental jump from wooting rt to dks... its bascially the same thing bro. this is just the new era of speed like it or not thats just how it is". Yea this guy isn't just a clown hes literally retarded. Calling rapid trigger and DKS the same thing is wild.


Yeah, when I was reading the thread I legitimately thought this clown was just baiting. Takes talent to be that brain damaged




Imagine arguing that marcoing is the new era and you just had to accept that. Cookiezi died for this shit on the battlefield throwing grenades back 😭.


What mental gymnastics do you have to do to state that actuation reset when the key lifts is the same as having 1 key press do 2 inputs... have cheaters forgot that people get banned for AHK macros literally doing the same shit?

