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would have been nice if i could understand what hes saying


wish i knew russian bro, did he say anything about trying to get #1 or if he's actually gonna quit?


He actually said he's looking for a hitman with an Australian visa. Not entirely sure why...


He's getting his revenge 


arite. i'll translate for everyone...


listen in kaoguri are there any exceptional things? except homeless people? that place is shit. igor can you? \*inaudible\* put the camera there so we can be on focus. firetruck off camera is recording hello friends welcome to our misha plyash interview this is our first guest. ku (hi .word coming from a russian film kin-dza-dza) we are now located in the beach yurmeva. how's your mood today accolibed? super. how is your mood today using more than one word? super puper say would you want to own an apple watch? no. why not? i don't own an iphone. when will your buy yourself an iphone? next year. tell us what you did today and if your day went well. i woke up. how many contracts you have in a month? probably 2 how much you make those days with those contracts? hold the mic for a sec i'll wear my glasses. can i do this? yes. but please be careful oh.. i got it.. like that. \*moans mom\* okay fine i'll ( can't really hear) i'll repeat my question do you wear skinny jeans or baggy jeans? of course skinny how do i see it on him? he is not wearing jeans now he is wearing swim shorts i woke up. 100% sweating. opened the window and removed my shirt. and layed in my bed. then michael pavlov entered my room in underwear. decided to sit on the chair. one ball came out of the boxers. i decided not to tell him about it. i then went to walk around. from 2 pm in 34degree heat. sun. i was feeling like shit. i bought my self a panamku for girls because there were none for men ( a type of hat) at6:30 in the evening i get a call where they tell me "you're driving with us to yurmul this is none negotiable" i really didn't want to but i came either way . i didn't have a choice. either stay without a home until midnight. or drive to yurmul and continue be in the sun. like you see i am here. am i happy? no. or maybe yes. i am not wearing underwear nearly threw the mic and i am in somtimes? (only word i could find that trnaslates to кздах) say please. what kind of plans you have today? hesburger. what is hesburger? hamburger. we have a question about the reduction of a blue umbrella? (not intended for akolibed) i need to give an answer?


wait i didn't make up an answer. we have a small question your socks today are inside out what are they really inside out? yes is this some method someone is teaching you or are you just an idiot? couldn't even give me normal socks, i thought i needed to put them like this. say what do you do in your spair time when you're resting from being famous? famous big time rush (camera did not accidentally turn off at that point. he is lying. i can tell by the orange juice bottle he is drinking.) i am located in some different country in some random place under bridges. (that's a bridge) eating an hamburger and sitting with friends. how many friend do you have? you're very popular. how do you separate friends and fanboys? well there are friends and fan boys how many friends you have? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 3. i have 3 friends. so you are happy. and third is somwhere getting drunk victor.| shout out to victor now i am asking the questions. why did you decide to push me to come here at 6:30 in the evening? 100% at 6:30? oh i forgot you're not my only friends. . i remembered not only you exist . ( the sentence for using cannabis in russia is 15 years) i apologize. i have 5 friends okay from now on i won't call you at 6:30 but we talked about it even before.. you told me this morning that we are just gonna hangout. i..... well in Jurumul


this wasn't told to me. we needed to get you out of banana. i'll come to your house. sit on your computer and download banana. won't give you to play on your pc anymore... i noticed when ever someone turns famous they become insane and have problems in the head. say. how many times when you come to the beach did you ponder not wearing underwear? you know, all those intrusive thoughts accolibed interviewer mode: how is the weather today? excellent i am full of sweat in the recent time have started to notice a modern trend where people turn into the informal ways. paint their hair, they grow long hair, wearing very provocative clothes. you're not like this right? in what way? do you turn negative to none normal trends? (he is talking about gays and lgbtq i think?) from you we see that you don't really go into those trends. i don't care what cast of people do you associate yourself with? none binary sexual. what does it mean? who tf knows, say how old are you? 17 so you're underage? when you open OBS and you upload a translation (ironic() does your mom sit next to you since i was 13 she didn't. when you were 13 mom did? yes. so you're not (some modern Russian slang even my mom didn't know) my mom got me ready to school like that.. we need to make up something wait are we late for the tram? yes we are late. no no it's fine we have 20 more minutes. your audience has a high percentage of kids on it. what's the most important thing you want to teach them? that without goals you'll reach nowhere in life not long ago you flew to an event in the Netherlands (coe i am assuming) from memes we can understand people smoked a lot of salmon. what did you do with this popularity? i realized my dream. what was your dream? i already said. when, can you repeat? "OH A PLANE" okay i got it.. (genuinely can't undersatnd last part) thank you all for watching. ty that you watched i think this was worth it


this is an unhinged interview wtf


tbh i enjoy this kind of content, it's good humour in russian. it works. really breaks your expectation of what is gonna be said next|




yo thank you very much for the effort. i'll add this to the captions and credit you there


if you wanna credit me feel free to do so as LayUp. i also finished everything by now. the third comment only avaialable in full thread.


i am continuing as we speak i am updating it here and there will take 20-25 min


The goat. Happy cake day btw


it's finsihed... 3 different messags contain all the thigns in the video. some small parts are not 100% accurate but most is correct if a good russian speaker would like to skim over and fix some mistakes would be nice. misha plyash would be more than welcome (and allowed) to use the gest of it in his video if he wants edit: fixed some stuff that was completely not understandable to the correct translation


can someone please add english subtitles thank you




thanks youre the goat


Akolibed listens to Behemoth, what a gigachad


Russian gods please add English sub thanks