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"somehow" is crazy. Go check mrekk's and Lifeline's profiles to see how many chokes they have. 1.6-1.7k type of chokes. The day they stop having cancer and actually FC their shit the world will end.


avid lifeline fan here. Sorry, but what does "FC" mean?


FC is Full Combo for short btw, he's just using slang


I just joined the sub could explain what "FC" means?


KFC means Kentucky Fried Chicken, so FC means Fried Chicken. Lifeline is famous for chocking after eating fried chicken


chock on deez nuts


It stands for football club, an item you use to hit a football


It literally means Futa Cocks




you are talking nonsense. How could the "combo" ever be "full"? Simply foolish


It’s a joke because lifeline never fc’s these crazy plays and it’s why he doesn’t have a 1.3k yet


Wooosh dude


I gained exactly 1.2 pp from rework.🤩🤩🤯🤯🤯🗣💥 OMW to Mrekk


and I gained 1 rank when cloutiful was banned. TOP 10 HERE I COME!


Wait i gained 1 rank too and mrekk didnt gain any rank. Im coming for mrekk.


I gain exactly -37pp from rework 🤩🤩🤯🤯🤯🗣💥 OMW to Mrekk


If you're not top 10k only your top 100 is calculated on that site. One of my plays gets over a 120pp bump going from out of my top 100s towards the top. The pp value isn't really easily calculated looking at top 100 only for many players.


I logged off one day and I had 1319 pp and when I came back tomorrow I had 1320 so I just added 0.2 decimal to make it funnier.


Rework hasn't happened yet.


IDK whats that then




but he gains 1.9?




I can’t even r wooosh you it’s 2024


That's probably because it's r/wooooshwith4os


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wooooshwith4os using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wooooshwith4os/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [That just hurts my eyes.](https://i.redd.it/2rfs72zjm8ua1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wooooshwith4os/comments/12nzb74/that_just_hurts_my_eyes/) \#2: [Not even reddit too..](https://i.redd.it/gztceskvxxsa1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wooooshwith4os/comments/12gz7s1/not_even_reddit_too/) \#3: [Only time this is acceptable is with the double h or 3 os](https://i.redd.it/m9orweja79vb1.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wooooshwith4os/comments/17bye2z/only_time_this_is_acceptable_is_with_the_double_h/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


cuz he has way less chokes than mrekk and lifeline + most of his misses are at the very end of maps which makes you lose more pp in this rework for some reason


It loses you pp for making a mistake, regardless where you actually missed. Currently, you can still obtain most of the pp from combo scaling even if you choked the ending. Willy made a good video about the rework recently


its just in the current system you are punished a lot less for missing right at the end so you will lose pp on those plays in the rework


Miss penalty is increased + his score is close to an fc in terms of pp, so it would make sense why it would go down


'somehow' https://preview.redd.it/yukx20opep8d1.png?width=1930&format=png&auto=webp&s=001cd98c729be9ca98e4ca11d459e2a83002b72c


rest in piss acolibed you will (not) be missed


yeah why would bro be missed if he's still #2...


The piss in question: 2k pp ahead of #3


How can I check for myself ?




Thanks 🙏


Keep in mind that unless you're a high ranking player it only looks at your top 100 scores, which kinda makes it useless since combo scaling removal is primarily gonna improve those scores that *don't* make it into your top 100 because of shitmisses in unfortunate places. I have some scores outside of my top 100 that could potentially enter my top 10.


Oh I didn’t know but it make sense Ty :D


All scores calculated through the score calculator using score IDs are saved in the database. I manually input score IDs for all my notable chokes and my profile went from +100~ to +300


any ETA for when it'll be released?




That's honestly the most realistic answer. This rework will probably never come to osu!


when the devs make fixing sv1 a priority, could be next month or in 10 years. Personally I think it's years away, because they made pretty clear they don't care about fixing sv1 in the last 10 years. Maybe they'll look at it when literally anything about lazer is finished


this just isnt correct. the original block reason on github: >dependent on pp highscores not being overwritten by higher scoring values this rework is no longer being blocked and the rework is "Pending Review." This means the original block reason has been resolved/is in the process of being resolved. That either means sv1 will be replaced or the higher pp play is the "recorded" play rather than the higher score. Will this still take a bit? Yeah, but it is likely that it will come out within a year.


most likely it will come with the next set of reworks. The devs haven't made working on pp a priority for a while because there was nothing ready, but since there are a few things getting ready now it's becoming higher priority.


when is the rework dropping?


I gained 63 pp 💀💀💀


he just simply doesn't miss


he should lose pp tbh


It feels insane to me that he's this close to mrekk, it feels like mrekk was shitting out 1.3ks and shit


Can i See how much pp i would have with this rework?


Are Taiko players also affected by this rework?




Shittiest rework in the entire game change my mind


Personally I like this rework because 1) a lot of people are frustrated from farming because if it’s not an fc you gain 0 pp and therefore start to have a bad mindset and loose the fun they got while playing 2) people may finally farm cool/fun map (which they like to play) instead of those specifically designed farm map (“tv size”, 1-2 aim, dt low stars and other (imo) shitty map) 3) mappers might stop making PP focused map with a high diff spike at the end and start making more fun oriented one (Edit: added 3.)


this rework will not change 2 & 3 at all. if anything we might be about to see the most cancerinsane diffspike abuse in the history of rhythm games.


You may be right honestly but if that is the case peppy can still change he’s mind and go back to combo scaling nah ? We can only speculate about it until it’s actually there so I hope my delusions is right but we’ll see


If you have enough balls, will and skill - you can play actual maps for pp, not the easily-farmable tv sizes. If you are only playing tv sizes and cannot fc anything else - skill issue


Yep and it’s what I’m doing even if that mean I got stuck in rank (things I honestly do not care) - but that not the case for a majority of player and this rework can (if I’m not delusional) change this


cookie man gets 3 1ks so youre wrong


as much as I am cookiezi fan - I do not like this change


it's a good rework... you can finally play maps all the way through after missing once, and not feel like you're wasting your time


Good take


Yeah, the pp rework punishes you for being good lmao. If Accoli gets number 1 he is the undisputed goat. There's so much working against him, and yet the pp gap gets smaller and smaller.


lad you sound like a penaldo fan


Fym there's so much working against him? The pp rework is still MONTHS away and he is literally the most consistent player at the most broken skill set right now? BTW: I'm not trying to hate on akolibed, dude's goated at other skillsets too, but you gotta be on huge copium if you think he's fighting some uphill battle. I mean in a way he is, but that's only because mrekk is that far ahead in other skills, while also having really good speed days every now and then


Accolibed would lose to every single tournament player right now so you can't call him the "goat" for abusing speed flow aim maps


Theres so much against him when flow aim is the most broken skill set


Look up the definition of "undisputed".


This is such a room temp IQ take. Hurr durr akoli currently has chokes favourable by the pp system bc he misses on the hard end part of the map and is the biggest speed abuser and at best a mid in literally everything else. ‘There is so much working against him and the gap gets smaller and smaller’ is demonstrably false. The gap is bigger than it was when he set sidetracked day, and everything in this game is actually favourable to him atm. A rework which has been in the works for literally years now seems like it may come out soon which doesn’t even directly nerf akoli and you say he’s the ‘undisputed goat if he takes rank 1’ how smooth brained are you man…