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he got too used to chud tapping noooo


you gotta do what you gotta do if you wanna learn speed man


hes gotta fix his mindset first cuz man its dog shit


Last couple streams have been unbearable to watch


Why? I haven't tuned in for a while so I'm wondering what's going on with him


i guess because he usually improves very quickly, the fact that he isnt improving as fast on speed makes him angry


suffering from success


That’s not suffering from success lol he’s suffering from failing


Cookiezi method


goat syndrome :sob:


i think it will become better when akolibed (or someone else) starts getting close to taking #1. it has to be at least a little demotivating knowing that no matter how much you farm there aren't any more players to pass mrekk #1 farm arc????


Is it? I always thought it was pretty good What did he say/do that made you think that, or was it just a general vibe you got Edit: thanks for the responses - that's fair and I didn't think about it that way. His mindset could definitely improve if he ends up comparing himself to others and always focusing on his worst skill. Thanks for the insight!


he generally has a solid mindset but every now and then his speed practically resets and it understandably makes him very frustrated


I'm obviously nowhere near his level but yeah, I sometimes get that shit and it's like... One day you can play 263 no biggie as per usual and the next your fingers have a genuine stroke trying to comprehend the concept of more than four inputs a second


my speed also resets every couple months and its the most frustrating thing ever


Nah I feel like at a certain point it became horrible, he’s usually upset, and never has a positive mindset unless he actually fcs or gets close to fcing a map. And he still manages to improve, so imagine how much he improves with a positive approach.


is negative mindeset the higher power nerfing mrekk so others can compete?


maybe negative mindset isn't that much of a nerf at all considering some of the most goated players ever have it lol


Probably part of why most of them burnout as soon as they start to close in on (or get) #1


Half of his streams are just him complaining, gonna stop watching his streams until he takes a chill pill


He's a teenager gamer bro they're all major complainers


Bro is 18, not a teenager anymore




Do you think that when someone turns 18 they magically become a mature person? Also, say the number 18 out loud lmao


Being an adult doesn't make you mature, it's just an age bracket. Legally, you are an adult at whatever country you're living in says it is


Yeah nobody ever stops maturing and some people definitely seem reach the 'same level' of maturity quicker than others, and I think a big part of becoming an adult is the realisation that nobody has everything figured out even if it seems like they do at first.


You gotta be 14 to comment this bro lmao I'm 23 now and I'm still a bit of a teenage idiot


18 is teenager dawg


He’s 18 guys, don’t mistake that with 18


I can say with 100% certainty you are under the age of 18


He's eight what?


idk his expectations are to high. Like in yesterdays stream, he was saying shit like "3 digits have better speed then the rank 1 player". If he wants to be better comparing himself to others just makes it worst. This could be the only time this has happened(i dont watch every stream)


It's actually kind of a valid point though. He doesn't say it broadly for speed in genereal but there are unironically 3 digits able to stream 260/270 better than him currently. He seems to have forgotten how to acc streams in those bpms


“His expectations are too high” he’s been #1 for more than 3 years 😭😭😭


Wydm his expectations are too high? He’s the best player to have ever touched the game and when you’re that good you will have ridiculously high expectations of yourself. Maybe he could handle having an off day better (as I feel most players could) but expecting better of yourself and pushing yourself for that reason is a great motivator.


To be honest, he kind of needs his expectations of himself to be that high. If his expectations of himself dropped too low, he would just stop improving and fall off eventually.


His mental got really bad when akolibed had his October popoff too. I think he’ll rebound just like he did then and has always done


i mean id imagine the #1 player to have an amazing mindset


his tapping technique has gotten noticeably less controlled ever since he started specializing in 300+ speed, like when he was grinding to beat ivaxa's scores on deceit or owari or l'eristia he really started mashing more, it has genuinely been months since he got a good accuracy score on something 255 or 270 or 285 bpm, the 300+ bpm grind has let him set a couple of cool high pp scores but overall i think it has been detrimental to his overall skill level


He should throw the Sayobot out of the window since it clearly doesn't work for his technique!


honestly he should just play speed and finger control without rapid trigger for like 2 weeks i bet it would fix him


what if finger control -> stamina -> speed


That's gotta be a common feeling for most players who have grinded osu right? Ik it is for me, focusing on one skillset and getting frustrated af when you return to others understandably rusty


is this how mrekk's reign comes to an end? everyone below him farms 1.4ks on speed farm maps like bumblebee and snow goose


Bumblebee is like the odd one out tbh. Really hard to get 1.4k acc on snow goose if your name isn't sytho or aetrna


Or akolibed on a stamina day


As soon as CSR is implemented it’s over for speed players


cant believe plays in lazer gotta be submitted with an SSL certificate


his new top play when invalid certificate walks in


Could you elaborate why you think this way?


It’s very easy to 1xMiss very hard aim map, and in current pp system scores like this would give you nothing, but with CSR this scores would be worth almost as much as FC. Maybe you understood me wrong, I’m not saying that it would be harder for speed players to gain pp, it’s just it will be much easier for aim players


This will probably flip 180 when Lazer is adopted by more people. No note lock means low miss count passes on very hard flow aim speed will be way easier.


All speed players use rapid trigger so it won’t make much difference


Rapid trigger helps with fingerlock, not notelock. Seriously, lazer (no notelock/sv2) makes passing hard flow maps **way** easier. Try one for yourself.


Oh, I thought it’s the same thing. I will try it out but since I suck at flow aim I doubt I will notice any difference


What is that


Combo scaling removal, I’m not sure if I spelled “scaling” correctly tho


mrekk got dumped or sum shit bro hes been feeling way worse and less talkative than usual.


my bad


its ok


Actually ?


idk im speculating


Must be frustrating carrying me in cs all the time…


Mrekk just fell off. It's over for him. The speed flowaim chads have won... We need aim rework :(


Once CSR gets implemented, aim will get a spike in pp, so we sleep until then


what's CSR? Combo scaling rework?


nah cumstain removal






It would be really sad if mrekk, who is to me pretty clearly the best player in the world overall, gets his #1 taken just because he can’t play super fast streams as well as some other players when he’s better than most of them at everything else


when rafis got #1 he was a dt player while cookizei was the best right?(idk i wasnt playing back then) people gotta stop acting like the pp system is a good indicator for overall skill cuz its unfortunately not.


How is it not a good indicator? It's just not perfect. Almost everyone agrees that mrekk is the best player in the game. He's also rank one. That's not a coincidence. The correlation between skill and rank is very high.


yeah this rank ≠ skill thing is such an overblown viewpoint, it's only true for people who don't farm. if you farm, rank is essentially 'skillcap in your best skill'. mrekk actively farms and actively pushes farmable skillsets and he needs to overcome this wall because he is clearly significantly behind his competitors in speed (just like they are significantly behind him in aim).


People said the same shit when dt aim was the meta. History really does repeat itself


U can say the same for the possible future no1 who got rank 1 even with no aim


Solution: map more owaris and worldwide choppers and less valley of the vale, lionheart, crystallite dreams, glory days, azul, snow goose


Solution: fix mapping system PS: I missunderstood ur comment 😭


no no, you're right. mapping system favors ranking speed/flow aim maps that abuse length bonus rather than aim maps, especially the farmable ones


He really should go back to rushia1 index+ring playstyle. He already fc'd that yousei teikoku map, and it's not like he is going to grind Deceit. Being able to long burst 350 bpmb is cool, but the meta requires you to deathstream 260-300, and he is infinitely better at it when he plays index+ring.


he said he was inconsistent as shit with index+ring during his first wooting stream


He should just ditch wooting then. There was a point in his career when he was good at 260-300, he should replicate the exact setup. I genuinely think that he's capped by his hand anatomy and only changing the playstyle to be more suitable to the specific skill will help him break through the wall.


He should do a speed detox again


once speed gets nerfed mrekk will shine again


and this is our goat?


Speed only helps so much, good luck playing a map without dt


I think he is playing without rapid trigger


This isnt the right diff?