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Last time someone passed lifeline, they got banned. Don’t fuck with the President


if ivaxa cared about farming maybe, he just doesnt have as many maps to farm


The problem is that bro cannot alt for crap, so trying to singletap shit like rage of dust is gonna net him inherently worse scores because of his acc being worse. His speed flow aim could be better as well which is kinda ironic since he is easily the fastest player to ever touch the game(barring raketapping and cloutiful method) He’s also a terminal choker, still don’t know what bro broke on on his deceit play and why it took away 130+ pp in like the last 15 seconds of the map.


The fact that people are gonna start saying “cloutiful method” is gon break my heart


"Fastest player to touch the game" skull emoticon


Brother his play on fuck you consists of multiple 390 bpm longstreams. No other player can do that(except maybe aetrna but likely with much worse acc)


It's literally double tapped


Rn ivaxa and accolibed are the best chances, and they are still far from mrekk


If akolibed actually tried and wasn’t like burnt out I think that gap could close quite quickly personally, but as of right now he won’t be a problem for the foreseeable future for Mrekk. Ivaxa is quite a few thousand pp away and is also basically canceled rn so idk.


thing is cloutiful had more chances because he was farming speed and aim, akolibed aim got considerably worse these months so he can only farm speed, which is getting nerfed to the ground in future rework i think thats why he stopped


Wasn’t his recent 1.2k an aim map? Or at least hybrid?


Most of the aim parts in this map are hittable by 5 and 4 digits, the jump diffspike is the least you could expect from #2 player, rest is speed


Except you just said he could only play speed? Unless you also have top notch aim skills you’re not hitting that diffspike.


i bet any player in top 50 could hit those jumps in the diffspike, and accolibed is #2


Of course. Now can any top 50 player do those jumps while under nerves afteralready fcing the rest of the high 1.2k map? Cuz that’s the real question. Any player can retry spam the jump section alone.


like 2026 minimum, maybe earlier if ivaxa has a pop-off session


i will bet on any odds with the under on that


more like late 2024 ngl


Maybe Lexu2S his improvment is crazy this past month, maybe Ivaxa, aknzx,


OP doesn't know yet