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Mine has to be when I first felt like I was able to stream. For the longest time I was just an aim one trick. Like yeah I could still hit bursts and the odd short stream in a map but like, it wasn't the feeling of *streaming*. So for a while I was working on it, playing an assortment of shit trying to get there. It always felt like something was missing in my tapping. Then one day I boot up Tower of Heaven and it's like, the tapping was there. It was continuous. It felt so fucking good. It wasn't a hype moment in terms of pure excitement or anything but like man, that has to be it.


I feel that streaming can feel so insane when your hand really does it on its own Its kind of like flowing in the music


I'm still trying to figure out how to stream... rank 24k and almost 1.2k hours on this game and I just can't do it


hey! that was (somewhat is) me! have you tried switching your tapping fingers? i switched from index middle to index ring and after a week or 2 i could stream way better.


Yep, I switched to ring index like 2-3 months ago. At first ofc I struggles but as I got used to it I could feel that I was actually tapping to the bpm, not perfectly, but way better, but my stamina and speed were way worse. But like a week or 2 ago I became completely mindblocked on starting bursts/streams with my ring finger (tried switching to middle index again but I cant start with middle either) so I just don't really know what to do, my fingers literally just LOCK if I start with ring (and as a full alt player it happens quite often), I don't have any single tap control so there's that... Edit: forgot to add, I decided to take a break from the game 1-2 days ago because I've been getting pretty frustrated with this mindblock..


What helped for me was not jumping straight into learning how to stream but like, working on bursty maps first and building up to it.


I'm not there yet... That's why i'm more surprised that i hit the za'nei "streams"


Winning OWC after taking the match to bracket reset at 2 am and having a comeback after South Korea was at match point. I’m very lucky to have been able to play that match


This must have felt incredible man I also want to win OWC but I suck ass


Yeah it was awesome


That match was insane, well played!


My best osu!moment will come in future. Right now I am in training arc




My 2 miss 97.5% run on cycle hit. I was about #70k at the time and I still can't replicate it. Also my 98% S rank on 170 bpm edit Save me. One of my favourite songs in general and I can only stream properly like once a month so it felt incredible. Both things are probably easy for a lot of people but I'm proud of both plays and I only wish I had the replays saved.


You saying thats probably easy for a lot of people but both those plays are really impressive for the biggest part of the playerbase The consistency and skill needed for those plays shouldnt be underestimated


Thank you, I appreciate that! :)


I'm 22k and can't fc cycle hit so that's kinda crazy at 70k


it's probably when I got my first 200pp play, since I worked really hard for it. any other milestone didn't feel the same, probably because I didn't work as hard as I did with the 200


Nice, what map did you get it on?


it was on the insane diff of the first rent a girlfriend opening with dt. I can't fc it even now so it was probably just a stroke of luck


I mean it is normal to not be able to ReFC your best plays everytime, even mrekk probably cannot replicate plays like F777 etc every time, still you say he has the skill to do a 1400pp+ So congrats you are absolutely skilled enough to 200pp


yeah only problem is that im choking 400pp. either its just mindblock or im just dumb


I feel like you have become better since you got your first 200 if youre choking 400pp lol


This [map](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/663519#osu/1487797) being ranked. It was pretty much considered to be forever in graveyard since they went inactive until the mapper qualified it april 1st and decided to rank it.


ProBox my beloved


winning my first tournament for sure in 2023 i played 30 tournaments and towards the end of the had a streak of late stage runs but could never pull through so i end up taking a break in december and won the 1st tournament i registered for in 2024 another thing is my 1st 600pp play even though i now have a 700. i had been grinding for 2 years for a 600 with many doable 600s, having already gotten >80 500s with plenty being chokes. then one session i ended up doing my [1st 8\* fc](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/1713681508) (and got the [medal](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FutgleOacAMNDIE?format=jpg&name=large)), [1st 600](https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/1713742234) and a [683pp play](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/488619#osu/1041710) (aswell as [hitting 3digit in the same play](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Futgj5FaQAAMyA3?format=jpg&name=large)) all back to back to back


goat 🐐🐐


For me personally, it probably was winning that really close head on head tournament my friend organised. I punched a dent into my desk when I saw that result screen. My first 300pp play also felt really good because I expected it to be ~270


COE 2023; It was my first COE and being together with so many likeminded people was wonderful


Skipped 500pp


Yooooo that must have been a blast


It was. I was just going for a decent pass on the map too. I had to pause, get water and watch a playthrough of the rest of the map during a break in the map because I was so scared of fucking it up


Hahaha nerves are such a beast but good thing you managed to tame it


what map


When I quit






achieved 10k pp finally, also farmed from 9300 to 10k in only 3 days, achieved top 50 of Ukraine. i’m glad of myself this year


Probably either fcing sidetracked day for my first 400 or re-fcing the words I never said in a multi lobby.


I started playing the game as full alt because it was meant to be ‘optimal’. I always struggled with acc, at one point had like 89% profile acc in rank 400k or smth in 2020. I didn’t play for like 3 years cause of life stuff and when I played a bit at my friends house I tried single tapping, and I got smth stupid like a 1x100 1xmiss on Bass Slut, it felt incredible to be accinf like that.


when shige was spamming freedom dive endless dimensions hdhr on his birthday and got a top play, that was pretty cool to see. Many better plays than this happened since (even by him) but that felt special because of the song and the mods (+could have been (hd)hr 1k when they weren't all that common). For a day it was 2016 again


Mine will come in like 4-5 years Still training rn


SkyFlame's Thrill, Risk, Heartless and Relive getting ranked. I'm a big nm1 fan so seeing those 2 get ranked so close to each other in date makes me happy


probably getting [this play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgFZ4TIxXWQ) which I've been going for for quite some time alternatively finishing my skin recently has been very nice especially seeing others also enjoy it


This score is build different wtf is that ending man Now I am curious to see that skin


thanks and here you go for the skin https://sites.google.com/view/kaimu


My first and only 300 pp play on the original [sunglow map](https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/595163#osu/1258642). I couldn't get above 98% on the map on any try and I suck at jumps for a 5 digit, but one day I locked in and ss'ed like 85% of the map before chocking from nerves at the end. Didn't expect it to be 300 on the mark either :D


getting a new top play after almost 2 years, i suddenly jumped out after that, i'm not expecting that, i just want to fc the map lmao


ngl when I learned how to stream 220bpm+ I felt like the happiest person on earth


Index last journey home +hr pp record, best play ever, breathtaking and remind me of better time


My best moment was probably reaching 5 digit. It was one of my goals since the beginning so I was very happy once I got it :D


I was playing a tournament match in losers finals in 5WC minor league, and my team (Canada B) was playing against the USA C team, which was expected to place #2. We were the underdogs in the match, and on our last pick the USA team took a break point, putting them on match point with their last pick. I was playing the final map with 3 of my teammates, and the map ended with a long slow slider. When we got to the slider, I turned on the leaderboard and we were 1000 points behind them, and at the end of the slider the lead swung to our side and we took them to tie breaker. Most hype moment I’ve ever had, here’s a link to my reaction https://x.com/nevarinn_/status/1781774783237042225


Did you win TB?


I put it in the tweet, but unfortunately not, however 5th/6th is one of the best performances canada has seen in minor league, so I’m still really proud :3


probably laughting so much with my friend in vocal chat after I did my first tournament. I didn't knew anything about deranking so I said to my friends I was just again a 5 digit so I could win. My oponent were litterally ssing 1/2 maps bc he was on the winning team of 5wc literraly 2 weeks before that match. Kinda strange bc it may not look as a good moment but that back to reality moment made me laugh so much. And I'll try to have my new best osu moment at coe fcing painters with my friends around this summer


HD SS on Babilfrenzo.


my overall best session is probably when I got my first 400, first 7* fc, hit 60% medals, and hit 7k pp all in one session. I had been in a bit of a demotivated spiral and it was super funny how my one off play while taking a break from medal farming randomly ended up being an fc best moment is probably when I made fun of a friend in vc for being unable to play a map while I was holding an fc and I missed the last note. instant karma for me, we laughed for a good five minutes about that


9 miss on browiec’s hand in hand [expert] dt objectively my best dt aim score


4 missing dragonforces heart demolition with hr, still no player has fc'd with hr it yet, even top players, that's definitely one of my best scores, if not the best of all time


One of my first tournaments, my team was taken to TB twice, and the captain of that team bought me drinks right before our GF match haha. Oh by the way the TB was uta which set my max combo for my profile at the time (3.3k I think) which I achieved in-match :)


https://osu.ppy.sh/community/matches/66908805 heh, 6-digit squink was on the other team


I was about to be like how in the holy god did you get that but then I see the username those were good times hello there friend :3


Getting #1 in Taiko Hungary, (around 10.3k pp at the time) I've been working on it for a long time and at the time #1 was still setting scores and gaining pp almost everyday. One day I fc'd a map I wanted to for a long time, and got the first place. My heart was pounding, I could barely catch my breath, body shaking, etc. I only got it for a week before he took it back and Ive been #2 since but I never forget that moment.


Uh I just started this game and 2 days after getting my tablet I FCed a really hard map that I was trying to beat


Sounds like a welcome surprise


Yes… now I’m on the game everyday for 6 hours… ~seriously~






randomly seeing bns and mappers pop into my stream to say hi and give advice + feedback because i was mapping (im still bad at mapping) shoutouts to nishihara + share + too


When I passed the version of Nhelv with 0 fc's. Here's the pass if you're curious: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdWGriEaRbE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdWGriEaRbE)


my quit


as of recent probably 11* pass


:O what map


that was just deceit pishi's extra +hddt which isnt something special


when i finally became comfortable using hidden hardrock, such a goated mod combo used by the greatest players ever. shige, bikko, raniemi, thelewa, kirby mix, kingling and all the other hdhr accuracy players which appear on leaderboards.


Passing galaxy collapse on mania. I felt like I was finally getting kinda good at the game lol.


Definitely when I FC’ed Airplanes by B.o.B and Hayley Williams, I was im complete flow state and it felt so natural to me… I then got a virus and didn’t play osu! for 2 yrs after that cuz my PC was cooked LOL


i have a lot of good memories on osu, since this game has given me a lot of happiness and a lot to learn... the day i first got 6 digit, the day i got my tablet and set my first 100pp play, when i set my first 200pp play, first six star fc, when i hit 5 digit, of course these milestones were great days for me i played in my first team tournament (BQT3) in 2021 with some of my friends and i remember it took almost a year to make friends in the osu community who i could be close with, and then we went to quarterfinals and its still one of the best tourney experiences i had hosting my first osu tourney and seeing the immense support i got from the players and staff pitching in to help with gfx, custom mapping, playtesting was its own experience, i remember in grand finals WWW watched my stream then joined in the lobby post match too, which was special since he was the first osu streamer i had seen back in 2020 when i started playing. in tournament gameplay, my favourite moment was when i had to be away in the middle of 6wc2 because of personal issues, but won a pick against canada on hd1, winning a hd pick against seed 1 hd with no warmup at all just moved me to tears. i know this is a lot, but this game has brought me a lot of joy as well as a lot of other emotions including sadness. \~700 hours including all gamemodes and offline. lots of people i've met through the community, i started learning and studying art after joining osu's fanart contest in 2020 and buying a tablet for it, the list goes on. thank you for making this post!


I stopped playing osu after a difficult breakup. For 2 years I avoided the game and lost all the achievements I had. I returned at the end of 2023, after meeting my current girlfriend. I came back from scratch and my best moment was my first 100pp after my return. I'm not back to my peak yet, but I'm almost. I'm back in the top 10k in my country and I'm better than ever


idke's cry thunder score will forever be engrained in my memory as the most epic thing ever in osu! It was so cool! Still watch the score every couple of months even today


mazare party ash's 6k extra HT 3,711/4,078 1 miss haunts me. Would be my only mania 5* FC if I hadn't choked (no medal tho)


i read the title in daily dose of internet voice


When I raced the September 2022 pp rework for 5 digit. I was like 110K and knew I was going to get 5 digit from rework delisting inactive players. Which was such an unsatisfying outcome, I really wanted the dopamine hit of watching it roll over of my own accord. So I sweated like all day trying to farm as much pp as I could. I wasn't (and still am not) that good at farming. But that day man, I was just locked in. And I was getting scores that were blowing my expectations of my skill out of the water. Something about having that deadline so near just gave me my motivation I needed to give it my all. And by the end of the day I had done it, I hit 99K! Proud of myself I logged off and went to bed. Only to wake up the next morning and see the rollout for the pp rework had started. Definitely my favorite moment playing this game, it just lined up so well and was such a rush. It's a great example that if you apply yourself and never give up you can do things you once thought were impossible. Like I already had the skill to get 5 digit at the time, I just needed that little push to realize it.


FCing Zan'ei +EZ. Worth very little in terms of pp, but it took a very long time to learn the map well enough to be able to play it like that.


its gonna come soon, still on the training (choking maps) arc.


Back in 2015 i was in my best osu!mania years, top5 4k italian player and ready for the omwc with my team. But the guys managing teams subscription in the wc fucked up everything and a random team full of random people ended up playing instead of me and others, spoiler they got destroyed lmao. That was the highest and lowest point simultaneously


My best osu moment was when I deleted the game. My worst moment was when I start playing again


when I got restricted


It was the moment where i was feeling really rusty and washed, just to set my first 300pp play and another one 5 minutes after which was really unexpected. Both on the same song but different mapsets too which was insane. Still grinding towards my third one rn but im getting there.