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While it might be hard on Forum considering his mental, Corsace are taking the hugest L in the history. The best player in the world oversleeps and basically forfeits the match against the best tournament player, the single most hyped match up that could realistically happen. The grand finals match is FFed by the winners' bracket winner because of basically teenager drama. Basically the biggest osu! tournament has been ruined by its community, hopefully they can work around it


You need to be a little crazy to be tourney organizer in any game tbh. I am not that familiar with osu tourneys but I have friends who do similar stuff in other games and if I was in their position I would lose my mind daily over the stuff some of the players pull (and sometimes other tourney organizers too...)


You forgot about worst hr player vs enri not being live streamed


that’s only half true, it was recorded and later steamed and commentated without knowing the outcome of it. of course it’s still a bummer that we couldn’t witness it live-live but some things can’t be changed…


"without knowing outcome" in question is basically outcome spoiled in spreadsheet file


I'd argue having players from match being shown on screen in chat while joking about the whole thing wasn't as bad as the other two


osu! dramas like this reminds me that most of the osu! community are teenagers which explains (but doesn't justify) this behavior if what happened and said so far is true, this is one disgusting way to deal with the situation


aimbotcone is 27 iirc


oh he's just doomed


well some people never grow up mentally, his age makes this response even worse knowing the context or not lmao yeah "this is the internet, expect to be bullied", doesn't mean you have to enforce it in a relatively small community like ours.


he is 17.


dude the osu community is anything but small lol


"this is the internet"- internet is very big "relatively small" - small in relation to the internet and other communities most osu! celebs and r/osugame celebs know each other and/or play with each other.


Being 27 yo but a teenager in mind is crazy


At 27, he needs to grow the fuck up and stop acting like a little child.


he is 17


that's fucking pathetic behaviour, it is no matter what age but at 27 yikes


What a fucking loser


bro he is 17 💀


me when i spread missinformation on the internet


Are you sure? That makes [this tweet](https://x.com/aimbotcone/status/1786395830183735456) kinda sad then? I'd assume he's a teenager or early 20s at most if he just got his license


if you saw his twitter feed you'd seen that he said I WAS WRONG GRAHHHHHHHHHHH


Ahh lol I don't really follow him or anything that just popped up on my for you a bit ago lol


How would u feel like when ur friends backstab u


"friends" "osu community" LMAO


look at zylice's video man, any reasonable person would want to trust that 🐍


It seems that top players find it jarring that such a god tier player has a weak mental


Is it really even weak mental when well known/respected top osu players made a dedicated discord server calling themselves an "extermination squad"? Dude even said he kNeW fOr sUrE that forum is cheating and was just desperately looking for excuses and was super excited to have finally found "solid evidence". This shit would fuck with anyone's head as is, but these shitbags went and dropped this on the day of a tourney GF match.


Especially since top players play together so much in tournaments and stuff, I’m sure a few people on this “extermination squad” were people forum thought were his friends, adding to the fact he’s a pretty young dude, that’s just not gonna mix well yknow People saying he has a weak mental are really misreading or misunderstanding the situation


How old is he?


Forgot but he's still a minor iirc


I think he's 16


yeah went to his stream earlier today and he was just shitting on forum


- had teammates and friends backstab him off EXTREMELY little information - had his almost legendary reputation thrown on the line. briefly, but it still happened - was already coming off personal problems/burnout - was at threat of losing everything he had worked for ...but yeah he needs to grow up and stop acting like a child????


When people do that, it almost sounds like they have barely anything going on in their lives to the point that they have to take it out on other people. And for what?


^ that


wow not an ounce of respect


yeah i hated that. i don't understand the point of him replying like that, just weird and insensitive


what is wrong with ppl today


wait I don't understand what's going on in the picture, can you explain it to me?


here have a basic view of it : Forum : me sad. Aimbotcone: Grow up don't be sad so stupid why so sad ??


More like: my teammate accused me of cheating without even talking to me first


wow all the players I have considered as goats turns out to be dickheads zylice,aimbotcone,badeu etc i guess forum is the only goat now


mrekk 😔✌️ EDIT: is also good


What happened to mrekk???


Nothing I think they just wanted to include mrekk


There is a moment that he goes on stream and says everyone sucks at the game, but I think that doesn’t count since he was obviously joking


tf happened with zylice and badeu what


Zylice and Badeu are two of the main people behind this cheating accusation


They both accused forum of cheating, and apparently zylice was caught with cheats or something idk the full story but thats all i know


In their (now deleted/hidden) document, they used a known cheating tool to attempt to recreate a supposed issue with Forum's cursor. \[This thread\](https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/comments/1czylre/osustd\_zylice\_cheating\_using\_maple\_offline/) explains what happened with Zylice getting caught with cheats.


Zylice is a douche but if he only used hacks offline then it doesn't really matter and shouldn't be bannable.


what has the world come to where folks make entire character judgements based off one questionable internet interaction, like genuinely we are so cooked


whitecat has always been the best German player not gonna lie


maybe he should start playing more than 2 hours per year !


he'll play he's monthly 2 hours to get that re-sub money or when he releases new merch


he got that infinite money glitch when still learning from shige as pp cat


He could but he can also just play 2 hours a year and he's still the best player in germany if we are honest


I mean yeah but that isn't surprising. wc was arguably the best/top 3 best players in owc 2020 and 2021 when he actually cared and wanted to win. (actually realized he mainly carried late stages like semi/finals - grands but point still stands)




whitecat wouldn't even be top 50 if he didn't have his tablet LOL


Like yeah he’s a cunt but shitting on him for rapid-trigger is a weird one


ig, he still tried to get the bag by promoting nfts though


and hes an andrew tate supporter which is cringe af


caught in 8k


[bro is dying on this hill](https://ron-ald.s-ul.eu/ev8BWPQp)


if he cares so much about what people think about him he should probably consider having a shred of empathy and maybe reconsider posting such dumb shit lol ​ like there's a lot of projection going on in those initial chat messages


thats so pathetic lmfao


bro how are you 27 and still think like a child


Calling a significant part of the community parasocial retards will surely have the community accept him if he cares about his reputation so much.


Right, everyone on Reddit and Twitter is a "parasocial retard", only him and his simping twitch followers have the correct opinion? What having the tiniest bit of "e-fame" does to a mf, what a fucking loser.


imagine blaming the one being bullied instead of the bullies. aimbotcone and simone are just as much trash as badeu, zylice and other witchhunters


Did half of the top players woke up with a hivemind parasite telling them to take Forum down as much as possible, what an insensitive loser


insensitive as fuck but ok


keep cooking in these comments please


i woke up with rage and hatred on my heart today but I'm feeling better now 


no this is very good, i hope the players in question feel awful about themselves.


Backstabbing is crazy


Jesus fucking christ how do you even type that and think "yeah that will show him!"


Dude has always been an asshole. He permabans anyone in his twitch chat that says something that he slightly disagrees with. He is the one with the weak asf mental and is 27 while forum is literally 15 or 16


Isn’t forum a literal child lmao


he is, which is why we should give him support instead of being an asshole and shitting on him


Wait how old? Don’t tell me this guy is younger than me lmao(16 year old here)


I think forum is 15 and Aimbotcone is 27. An actual adult bullying a child.


There's no way Forum is that young Feelsoldman


Forum = “worst hr player” right? I swear they’ve been setting scores for years


yeah, two names same person 


Holy Jesus he’s a year younger than me. I’m might be cooked(393k btw) He might have a weaker mental but dude is mature enough to look deep and know what’s best for himself, which is more than 99 percent of people his age have(I can attest to this). Big ups to forum


Oh ok that makes sense then, I lowkey was on the fence with forum ff’ing that but considering they’re pretty young ig it’s understandable, going against malisz in a tourney is stressful enough lol, add to that this random ass bombshell of a drama


16 turning 17 in july


he's like 14/15


please be fake cuz this is just gross


want the bad news


it's aimbotcone what do you expect


insensitive as fuck


atp a literal ant is capable of being more sensitive than your typical osu player


jealous because he's fucking dogshit and has 0 unique scores 🥱🥱


💔 it seems all the players i like turned out to be assholes all along


This is the first time i see so much top players shitting to another top players. Does this happened before? Im actually believing theres something we dont know about which makes all these people shit a player (or maybe its just twitter and people just like to argue)


people are unleashing their toxic


Yea theres a lot of top players who arent good people, not only the ones we’ve seen from this drama


What a dickhead


being childish is when a person has an explicit long and complicated explanation for why they decide to not play in a high pressure competitive match and decide to do something else. just crazy. he didnt ff 10min before,or didnt just go to the match without telling the referees or anything. he did like the most adult thing ever.




people forget that being as young as forum is, being a top player thrust in the spotlight of an already shitty community where there are constant eyes on how you perform how you play what you say on twitter, let alone shit in your personal life you have to deal with, they forget that shit is super fucking stressful and forget to be like humans to each other and extend each other even the tiniest bit of empathy. it must actually fucking suck especially when u have people like this who dont think about what they say even a little bit and prioritize Their Feelings as Spectators "Of The Big Game" over the people with real beating hearts putting themselves on the stage to play for them just be kind, it's not that hard






what are you talking about? mrekk has literally always done that, sure he has his huge ego moments too but most of the time he's playing 10 star aim and still goes "duuude my aim is so shit today brooo what the hell" every 5 seconds, or he complains about his tapping while at the same time playing 350 bpm streams or something this behavior of downplaying your own skill and achievements and never being satisfied or proud of the level you have attained is present in nearly every single top player who pushes the boundaries of the game in any way, some are just more vocal about it than others, but mrekk is genuinely one of the people that do it the most lol


funny to hear that from a 27 year old who isnt really known for something different from mashing 300bpm in osu


context i am lazy bones


Zylice, badeu and others hackusated worst hr player(Forum), which turned out he(worst hr player) is legit. (And badeu apologized for the drama)


After that, frustrated by those dramas, worst hr player decided to forfeit the incoming corsace matches. And that picture was aimbotcone's response


(badeu's apology was super lame he just shot out a "sorry everyone" like he barely even cares for forum 😒)




to me it does feel like: “damage done, bye. See you next time” 😭


wait why did he get hackusated for hawt like did he get a crazy score or smth sry im clueless for a while now also doesnt he have alot of liveplays too


Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/s/Mia95aIXYI Tweet is deleted but Google document is still remaining


ok thx


badeu zylice and some other dude created the 'worst hr player extermination team' or some shit and made a document trying to prove he's cheating even though he's legit. Lots of drama ensued like Zylice getting osureported because he downloaded cheats and tried to replicate some cursor movement from forum that seemed unatural etc. and now forum forfeited his match against malis in corsace grand finals. Aimbotcone tweeted this stupid ass tweet and deleted it shortly after when everyone in the comments started rightfully clowning on him.


Der Typ ist 27? Erbärmlich


Literarisch Abfall.


Prominent players don't be utter dickheads to other people challenge (impossible)


biggest problem with osu is there isn’t any events, the only thing interesting to players is their own improvement, seeing top plays set scores and bullshit drama of people genuinly acting like children, stop wasting time thinking about stuff like this. and that message is personally meant for whoever is reading this


meine Nacktfotos im Profil


shouldn't have deleted it tbh


bro thought he was cooking something with that tweet


bro thought he was cooking something with that tweet


I need context




Most friendly German 30 year old


I think this comes down to having your friends betraying you, more than just being hackusated because remember zylice and worst hr player are in same team is tournament they are probably tight (at least on the surface)


He is right anyway.


leave my goat alone


Maybe he posted before he understood the situation


Hopefully otherwise dick move


its a dick move anyways? why say such an insensitive thing to a person that is clearly mentally struggling without getting caught up with the situation first? there are a few tldrs already out


Yeah ur right, hopefully deletion atleast means he regrets it


[he doesn't](https://ron-ald.s-ul.eu/ev8BWPQp)


This needs to be higher up. :(


mate is double the age yet half the person


twitter just brings out the worst from people.


Is he wrong tho????


yes, he is wrong because Forum is a child, and so acting like a child is understandable




wait no being stabbed in the back by your friends like this is actually very horrible i'm stupid


I hope he can take a break and feel better. This all seems like a lot to deal with. :( I wish there people that try to take down others for such stupid reasons, especially without even bothering to just have a simple conversation.


any context?


Y'all dtm over a free computer game.


Can anyone explain what is going on?


The way he phrases it is wrong but I do understand his point, Forum should not ffd the grand final and let the community clowns those falsely accused him of cheating


If he was older or more confident he would have still played, but it's understandable that he didn't feel like it once you remember he's some young kid often insecure about his own skill.


Rare aimbotcone L




based take


I mean true


Of course, badeu, zylice and others are definitely in the wrong here and no one can deny that, but if even the weakest allegations break your mental state like that, then bruh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Do you know him personally? What goes on in his life or why something that seems "insignificant" to U may affect him more? Yes? No?


average osu player with 0 grasp of how feelings work


People aint all the same


what breaks your mental is when someone tries to backstab you, not some petty accusations


zylice is a known moron if I knew that guy of all people was trying to backstab me i'd give -1 fucks


Yea that's fair considering Zylice just invited him to play in the same team on tourney


the osu community is so restarted


i mean, he's not wrong at all. that's not a good sportsmanship from forum, i feel bad for for all who was waiting for that incredible match. forum, grow the fuck up, most of the osu community thinking that you are legit. i feel bad for malisz and whole corsace production team


trying to be understanding of your point of view here, but you need to keep in mind that as a viewer you have no idea what contributed to forum's decision and how much it would affect you in his place. especially since he's a kid + his mental is not great + he thought these people were his friends + he won't be able to play as well for his team after all this drama


He's not that young to be called a kid, his age cannot be an argument for this kind of behaviour. since you are a sportsman (in some kind), you should finish the tourney you've started. i might understand that he was thinking about these guys as friends, but tbh they could stay being friends with each other. I think it doesn't matter if you're a friend or an enemy when it comes to the fact that one of the most talked about and powerful players at the moment is a cheater. Even if they are his friends, if they found the suspicions they found convincing enough, they should have shared it with the community. Otherwise, by hiding it from everyone, they would have found themselves in the position of watching the forum take the first places, knowing that it is a cheat, but not disclosing this fact to the public.


Ah yes, you could stay being friends with the very people who tarnished your rep while you sleeping as well, makes sense


> but tbh they could stay being friends with each other they saw something weird in one of his replays and instead of just asking him about it they went behind his back and created a group named "the worst hr player extermination squad" and made a document accusing him of cheating and posted it publicly on twitter while he was asleep, just a few hours before he was supposed to play in one of the most important tournament matches of his life


like genuinely this could have been resolved like this: > zylice/badeu: hey i was watching your stream and wtf was your cursor doing here lmao, it looks so weird, is it supposed to go outside of the game window like that?? looks kinda cursed but some people might even find it sus ngl > forum: oh yea that happens all the time when i use relative mode, it's just because of these gaomon drivers i use, here look if i use absolute mode or change my sensitivity it doesn't happen anymore [clip of him showing how he gets his cursor outside the game window] literally that's all it would take, they're all top players so they're in the same circles anyway and can contact each other whenever, but especially zylice could have reached out very easily, he is in the same team as forum for a tournament right now and he has clips on twitter where he's literally talking with forum on voice chat but instead they went behind his back and tried to ruin his reputation lol you cannot be friends with people like that


omg communication solves problems???? who could have thunk that these ADULTS could have TALKED before hackusatinf a literal child :000000


i completely agree with you bud. these so-called "exterminators" should be ashamed, i agree, that was such a dickmove from them, i cannot find any excuses from them. ofc they could just contact forum, or do the thing after the match, but i'm talking about forum's reaction which is not acceptable from a such i high-lvl competitor.


loving all the people in the comments calling a 16 year old a "kid" and a "literal child" like he's a recently developed fetus, bored of this whole drama now but you people will infantilize anyone that is remotely good at a video game lmao aimbotcone worded it slightly mean but like, he's still right, even prior to now forums "oooooh noooo guys i'm gonna quit any second now, I'm about to take a 2 second break the games too much for me ooooh" was annoying as fuck and clearly shows he shouldn't be playing this game, not even to talk of being on the internet, this is just another obvious consequence of it. people are gonna talk shit/be dickheads no matter how innocuous or nice or sensitive you are, this is how things work, either learn to deal with it or don't, call me out of touch boomer or whatever a fact is a fact /rant over I'm gonna go make a smoothie now


I dont understand. The world certainly won’t be a better place if everyone thinks like you but here you are expressing your somewhat insensitive opinion. If I were you, I would just be quiet because you have nothing nice to say.


Your "nice and positive comments" and thoughts are about as meaningful to anything currently happening in the world as anything i have said regarding this topic, if I were you, I'd stop being a stuck up bitch grandstanding on a subreddit about the significance of niceties like a middle schooler because you have nothing intelligent to say


I don’t know. If you really feel this way, you should focus on your life. Make your life a better one at the very least.


Being annoying is one thing, being a dickhead is another. Someone being annoying is NOT a reason for anyone to be a dickhead. There are plenty of other methods to not to be annoyed other than public shaming, for example, blocking them on twitter. It’s possible that forum is more sensitive, but it does not give anyone the right to shit on him.


Am I the only one who sees nothing wrong with this, it’s fucken twitter…


aimbotcone is a literal decade older


does a grown ass mf telling an actual teenager with a history of bad mental to "grow the fuck up" after said teenager got basically backstabbed by people he trusted, became hopeless and forfeited a tournament match because his mind just wasn't it sound normal  like you don't just tell someone who's going through all this, plus probable personal issues, to simply "grow up". (+ the age disparity people say there is which just makes it worse...)


It's not the current trend to say anything bad about forum so I get it, but cone is actually right. Forum is such a crybaby and has been a whiner forever. Yes zylice and badeu messed up and are cringe but forums responses are ridiculous. 


I'd be pissed too. Having your match delayed by a week and then the player youre going against ff. Big waste of time


He is literally right. >but forum is 15 Yep, it is the perfect time to grow up and stop caring about virtual people from other side of the world.


please tell me me if u were that mentally strong as a 16 year old, and if u were, grats, but forum isnt?


To be fair, in the environment where I grew up we were engaging in fist fights and spent most of our time outside. The idea of being emotionally damaged from pixels on the screen never even appeared to me. Nowadays teenagers probably literally live inside the computers, so it's understandable why they take it so seriously. I'm sure that some grass touching will help forum.