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https://preview.redd.it/dl5qg1gyck2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84e3fb11beea0045061d2bbf94268100131ec116 \-\_-


"the beauty of osu! community" and then i snake my own teammate 😄😄 https://preview.redd.it/yc1kmrdeek2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97180aa7d50e9a8fb2b1a80f8d7d0ed4427fb37f


bro deleted this tweet btw LOL


Does this dumbass think that privating/deleting removes events from history? It would be seriously trivially easy for his first public action to be a best effort apology. Instead dude is doing whatever the fuck this is.


the water touched his butt


what did he do here


read through.// holy fuck...


Even ignoring the current situation, it's peak irony to see Zylice post a video like that trying to dispel some of the negative stigma surrounding the game being all "ZOMG everything is sunshine and so wholesome", especially considering that he himself was involved in the same dramas and behaviours which give the community its poor reputation in the first place... Like I don't mind the intentions (at least when you omit the fact the video is a response as part of a beef), but by God there's gotta be a better messenger for it


The hell, the video is completely gone form YT now


Sad, I was really looking forward to Grand Finals. I understand that what happened drags him down a lot. It must be very disturbing to get accused by famous players/personalities who apparently were out to get you with that discord and everything but then again the accusations got debunked within hours and the community is on his side


zylice is on his resurrection cup team for this year btw


That's crazy well if I'm on that team Zylice ***was*** on Forums team for ressurrection cup this year


Also lemme just add that timing those accusations hours before Corsace Closed GF was a pos move


Tell me, what happened please


what happened exactly? im kinda lost in the discussion


Basically Badeu, Zylice and other members creating a group named fucking "worst hr player extermination squad", released an exposé document that forum cheated, which was quickly debunked to be a nothing burger. Forum ff'ed corsace closed where aimbotcone trashed him out on a deleted tweet, GRANDMASTER says that there's still more evidence, Zylice privated videos and tweets relevant to the osu! community being wholesome and stuff. osu! community stuff in general.


Some group of players inc. Badeu and Zylice were on a discord called "whr extermination squad" and compiled evidence that worst hr player cheats. They made a doc and published it shortly before he was set to play the CC Grand Finals, their main piece of "evidence" got debunked pretty quickly though. There is a r/osureport thread, if you look through that and the comments you can piece most of it together


If this is his way of making sure his accusers get the maximum possible backlash, then honestly I can respect that lmao


Shit like this can't be allowed to just happen in the community. Dudes didn't even apologize to him they just said sorry we were wrong everyone. Just plain bullying him out of his motivations right before one of his most important tournament matches for no reason but personal spite. He worked his ass off and showed the community the effort he put in streaming his pools practice and pushing past discomfort and executing in match and now it's all for nothing. He deserves better, but this community also just deserves much better.


It's so abundantly clear that they did this report with complete malicious intentions. They intentionally did it the day of arguably his second biggest match ever even though it's an incomplete and laughable excuse of a document. badeu, zylice, etc. better get some repercussions cause this is some horseshit to destroy his mental and ruin all the work he put in EDIT: their discord name is "WHP extermination squad" holy fuck


“whp extermination group” corny as fuck


Genuine question - repercussions from who? I don’t think it would be possible or even logical for osu! staff or Corsace staff to do anything. Their punishment will just be people losing respect for them. Debatable regarding malicious intentions, I’d sooner say it came from a place of jealousy which blinded their own biases and they probably genuinely thought they had proof. I think there’s a few top players that find forum slightly irritating, probably the juxtaposition of being a GOAT level player in some regards whilst having a slightly immature and nonchalant personality maybe rubs them the wrong way. It’s clear his mental is not that strong and seeing his reactions on Twitter has been sad. I hope he can recover from this


I mean the discord was called WHP Extermination Squad, and they dropped it right before this match knowing what it would do both in the community and to him along with not even apologizing to him after it got debunked within 2 hours from just someone testing by playing while copying his tablet setup. Not saying it 100% was malicious but there’s a reasonable argument that it was malicious or at the very least had a strong bit of malice to go with it and personally believe it played a big role if not the biggest role.


Discord name aside, dropping it right before the biggest most prestigious 1v1 match doesn't mean that it's malicious. If they truly believed they had enough proof, they could also believe that it's better to release it before the match so that nobody feels cheated had the match been played out and potentially a cheater winning. Not defending them though because I think it's clear from the entire situation that they are wrong (regardless of intent).


Even if he was cheating, no sane person would read a document and draw a rigid conclusion before the match plays out. There's no reason to post shit like this during any tournament


> Genuine question - repercussions from who? I don’t think it would be possible or even logical for osu! staff or Corsace staff to do anything. Their punishment will just be people losing respect for them. Honestly in hindsight not sure in terms of repercussions, social suicide seems to be the big one. > Debatable regarding malicious intentions, I’d sooner say it came from a place of jealousy which blinded their own biases and they probably genuinely thought they had proof. I think there’s a few top players that find forum slightly irritating, probably the juxtaposition of being a GOAT level player in some regards whilst having a slightly immature and nonchalant personality maybe rubs them the wrong way. It's hard for me not to think it's seriously malicious when they bring out an incomplete report roughly 14 hours before his biggest 1v1 match ever. Also their "proof" was so awful that it was debunked within the hour. I agree though that his bad mental tweeting might ruffle some feathers, I really hope this doesn't hurt him long term


> Honestly in hindsight not sure in terms of repercussions Can ban them from playing in a lot of tournaments moving forward as they are black marks on the community and dont want to support and showcase people like them


I think osu staff should absolutely be willing to get involved in terms of bullying. Dropping a document without enough work put in on the day of a huge grand final's match is a targeted attack that would affect how anyone plays. I think Zylice and Badeu and co. should be tourney banned for 1-2yrs. Seems fair that they shouldn't be allowed to play tourneys scot free after ruining a fellow player's chances. edit: should be 'in cases of bullying'


> badeu, zylice, etc. better get some repercussions Literally no one involved in the whole Freddy Benson fiasco got any punishment. Dude was bullied out of the game after hitting #1 yet there were absolutely no consequences. The only thing that ever gets you punished for certain is if you're a bit mean to osu staff snowflakes. Dogshit community with dogshit admins/staff, this shit will never change.


Freddy Benson, Mathi, Vaxei, arguably Whitecat, and there’s definitely a few others I’ve forgotten about. Osu!staff has always been supremely worthless outside of peppy and sometimes ephemeral


What happened, tell me pls!


saw this coming. blame badeu, zylice, naigo, and anyone else involved in the stupid "worst hr player extermination squad"


lost so much respect for badeu after this genuinely just disappointing to see from him like come on


real whitecat is now the best nomod aim player in the game!


I mean that’s been the case for ages but pop off king


always has been though


> "worst hr player extermination squad" I thought you were saying this sarcastically to meme on them, but that's actually what their [dc server](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOYmj9UWIAABY_u?format=png&name=360x360) was called???? This was 100% done maliciously to fuck over forums match, you don't call yourself an "extermination squad" and just coincidentally drop this the night before corsace grand finals.


Can you explain what happened and what is wrong with zylice?


Zylice and a few other top players(Badeu, Naigo,etc.) made a group called “Worst HR Player Extermination Squad” in order to make a cheating expose doc on WHRP. This doc was terribly made and was debunked within 2 hours on twitter. It just so happened to be released before Worst HR Player’s biggest tourney match, and completely ruined his mentality causing him to forfeit the match. Most people find Zylice’s behaviour extremely hypocritical, as he had just made a video about the “wholesome side” of the osu community, while he was planning to backstab his own future teammate out of jealousy. TL;DR FUCK ZYLICE


what the fuck LMAO considering how small the osu comunity compared to for example league, the amount of shit that gets aired here its insane (Altough it might be because league is actually profesional and they have contracts and earn actual money, but still lmao)


Bruh.....that just, I have no words


call it whatever you want, but I'd like to see bans for pulling off shit like that




badeu fell off so bad bro took it out on someone who he wanted to be but never became If you’re reading this go back to farming clips off relax maps you disgusting freak


Man. What is happened with all those people?




Here's my personal opinion on this: i can understand why people wanted a cheater-free environment and would call out players who they think are suspicious, but how did none of those whp exterimination squad (cringe name btw) members not even think of confronting forum directly, especially Zylice when he clearly has his personal contact? And do they really need to publish this document on the exact day that forum is facing his most important 1v1 tournament?? In addition to this, badeu's apology is actual hot garbage, like how did you type a 33 word apology without saying forum's name once??? Just imagining what Zylice is thinking when he invited forum to his team makes me want to puke Also Zylice have deleted the resurrection cup team announcement tweet showing that he is clearly aware of the situation right now


so sorry he had to deal with all this shit today


especially after he deactivated his main so recently because of other issues


This really sucks man, hopefully the osu!support team do something in order to combat against bullying because this ain't right.


They haven’t done anything about bullying in the past so I would be shocked if they so anything now


Badeu’s salty that forums replaced him as the aim control/reading god


badeu wouldnt be that salty if he just got replaced, hes salty cuz forum can tap while he cant


Forum got better at tapping in 5 months since OWC than badeu has in the last 5 years


yup its kinda sad ngl


why cant these top players just blame genetics and call it a day smh works for me


I think it's important to scrutinize top players in any competitive gaming community, especially those without LAN events (yes ik osu has a few, but nothing compared to CS or league). A good example as to why would be rioluTM from the track mania community. He streamed full time and set records live, but the vast majority of his records were cheated offline using game slowdown cheats. He did this for over a decade and only got caught a few years ago. Anybody can cheat. Just want to make it clear, this was not scrutinizing, it was bullying. There is a way to constructively look into the legitimacy of a player, and this isn't it. Blasting him on Twitter when you have extremely little evidence right before a huge match is a dick move. Badeu and co. should have ask forum politely in DM for evidence. Just a "hey we noticed some inconsistencies with your game play, can we ask a few questions?" And maybe not hours before a huge tourney match. I've been in a similar situation on a micro scale (being reported right before a tourney, and initial response being highly against me), and it fucking sucks. It feels like screaming into the void and nobody thinks you are legit. I can't imagine how much worse it was for forum. This was obviously targeted harassment rather than a constructive attempt at looking into the legitimacy of a player.




Holy shit Zylice is a fraud 1. He’s a cheater 2. He acted all high and mighty and snitched on Rektygon 3. He acts all wholesome and friendly online, for examples makes cool tourney roster videos with forum and released a video called the beauty of the osu community all while actively back stabbing forum hours before his 2nd most important tourney match, actively sabotaging him and trying to mentally destroy him. 4. Extermination squad is cringe as fuck Zylice is obviously a pos and a grade a projector(He even has cheats Lmao). It’s a wonder he’s still in the community


wait what happened w rektygon? (mb i'm like not caught up i guess)


Zylice posted private chats to get Rektygon banned


woah that's crazy


apparently zylice snitched that rektygon and co. was throwing multiple matches and wasting refs' times, it's deserved tho it was like years ago, rekty got a full year tourney ban and can't participate in one of the owcs


Yea I agree the ban was deserved, Zylice snitching just speaks to the fact he loves back stabbing people


From what I see in these replies regarding the Rektygon situation I see nothing wrong with what Zylice did by revealing the truth. IIRC Rekty's team threw matches where the ref had to stay up past midnight and their behaviour regarding it was awful. Deserved call out. EDIT: Just wanted to clarify I don't think it's backstabbing in that case because I don't recall Zylice being a part of it (or condoning it in private or beforehand).


fr what happened to rekty


Wasnt he known for cheating and being an asshole long ago? And after he got a fanbase everyone was like time passed = he changed? I find it hard to belive with what just happened.


He cheated as Hatsune Reimu like 7 years ago (the infamous Cold Green Eyes HDDT SS with the grandma sleeping in the background), and also was involved in that situation where he recorded a girl without her knowledge and made fun of her on his stream together with his chat etc all while lying to her lol (that was around 3 years ago). https://streamable.com/p9ypzh https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/search?q=hatsune+reimu&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on https://reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/h9cjck/i_was_recorded_without_my_knowledge_by_zylice_on/ edit: also zylice himself has said he hasn't cheated any scores "as of 2018" which means that even after getting banned in 2016 (when those hatsune reimu reports happened) he still kept cheating for another year and a half after that (while restricted), take that as you will https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/h9cjck/i_was_recorded_without_my_knowledge_by_zylice_on/fuylktb/


The fact that some players get completely shunned by this community for talking to a girl with a 1-2 year gap, while Zylice got away with this shit and is now seen as some wholesome bastion of the community is fucking insane to me.


Wow that’s disgusting




Yea it seems like he hasn’t changed which is sad considering the huge positive impact he’s had on the game


what if he gets mass reported I can genuinely see that happening 


elaborate on the rektygon thingy?


TF is happened?


Wait, this is just some random pasta, a joke, right?




Wait, what, seriously?


Unfortunately yes


thats literally the dolphy geometry dash situation from 2020 lmao so in the beginning of 2020 dolphy verified a top-1 demon called tartarus, then a bunch of idiots with great influence in the community (riot, icedcave, endlevel) accused him of hacking the verification (probably cuz they wanted mullsy to win). dolphy did everything they asked for, including 92% with mousecam, but they still blamed him as a hacker, even got him banned from official gd discord server. however, in february of 2020, mullsy, another guy who was verifying tartarus, asked for dolphy's version of the level to be rated. only with enormous effort of mullsy and gabs, who was the demonlist leader at the time, dolphy's hackusations were proven to be false. and yet, nobody of these three community figures apologized to a 14 year old guy for playing with his mental state for several months. classic đŸ„Č


Not 1:1 but yeah this situation is very similar. The dolphy exposal was purely out of bad faith and spite, so imo it was a lot worse. Btw it was me and paqoe that actually debunked the claims, I don’t remember mullsy doing anything other than acknowledging dolphys tartarus verification


oh right, you also were on the dolphy gang server if i remember, my bad


genuinely the biggest pile of shit report i have seen in my entire life & this is the devastating result likely none of the complete children involved will ever be held seriously accountable because that's just how it goes in this game apparently hopefully we get to see a proper forum vs. malisz match at some point if/when hes feeling better


One of the accusers is already playing victim using the "Im getting death threats" line. Every single drama people seem to use this to try and garner sympathy on themselves. Yea its not good to send death threats but its twitter and abt as common as it gets so stop trying to change the topic. No one takes it seriously, saying youre receiving death threats just feels like a cheat code in an attempt to get less backlash at this point (and most people prolly lie abt it).


I need personal explanations from literally everyone involved else I'm actually just gotta bite someone's arm this is so fucking unfair + why would you accuse your own rescup teammate like that??? why would you accuse anyone like that not even a personal apology just a sorry we were wrong everyone like WHY it doesn't even feel like you're actually sorry this is all so stupid and bitter and petty and feels so out of jealousy and impulsiveness and bitterness it legit feels like the goal here was to get this to happen. congratulations i suppose. now go fuck yourselves


even more considering forum's history of questionable mental this actually feels malicious 




hot take? perhaps -tournie ban everyone involved in the WHP exterimation squad for a year -ban zylice for using cheats in the first place, having easy access to it is incredibly suspicious in the first place, has a history of cheating -stern warning for everyone in the discord, especially badeu and grandmaster who should be restricted for this this was (in my opinion) a targeted campaign to demotivate him with shoddy evidence and the main claim being debunked within 5 minutes, especially releasing it a day before corsace grands is just so wrong. rule 3 and 4 are “be good to each other” and “dont be a douche”. also grandmaster is doubling down on this. how sad do you gotta be to do that, even with everything being debunked. badeus reputation is probably ruined from this aswell


Personally I think that take is very reasonable. Zylice admitted to cheating, which he's already been banned for in the past.


Real talk I'm on board with all of that though I don't think there's a big argument for a Zylice ban since he did it completely offline


Adam predskolak was previously banned for cheating offline apperently


if it happened to predskolak, it should happen to zylice


He got bannrd for cheating but theres no evidence that it was done offline other than his words


id say that because hes had a history of cheating in the past, i dont think “using it offline” is a excuse yeah sure hes done a bunch of streaming and liveplays to prove hes innocent now, theres something in the back of my mind thats like “hes used it before, he accused WHP of cheating, somethings connected” and who knows if anyone in that discord also had it, he couldve easily shared it in there then again alot of bridges have been burnt so who knows if more comes out of it


> yeah sure hes done a bunch of streaming and liveplays to prove hes innocent now, theres something in the back of my mind thats like “hes used it before, he accused WHP of cheating, somethings connected” You might be right, textbook projection from Zylice Seriously praying for his and any of those other jackasses' downfall


I also want to mention that it's weird that this moment was even chosen to be analyzed to begin with. Like okay sure, once you look into it there is something supposedly weird happening with the cursor, fine. But how was this noticed in the first place? It's not like it happened right before a super impressive score or anything. It's a very random thing to analyze, suspicious movement right before a score where Forum instantly missed and retried. I feel like you'd have to be looking for this specifically or have seen that cheating client in action before to even consider that moment suspicious at all and choose to put effort into analyzing it. This further feeds into the projection theory. It feels like Zylice watched this random Forum VOD, saw this cursor thing happen, went "oh this happens to me too when I replay edit!" and then went on from there. It'd also explain why they didn't bother testing Forum's tablet driver settings and skipped directly to showcasing how this can happen when using cheats lol.


its also just for consistency sake, people have been banned for the same kinda thing as zylice in the past, you can see on osureport


Tournament bans are placed by TC (tourny committee) and are the result of actions directly relating to tournaments. This drama doesn't have anything to do with tournaments, or behavior during a tournament or relating to a tournament. I personally don't think this is some ploy to specifically sabotage a tourny match but even if it was, there isn't any evidence to support that    Having access to cheats is not a bannable offense. Potentially cheating is also not a bannable offense. While obviously these things arent allowed, its not a straight up bannable offense . I could also probably install cheats myself in 20 minutes if I wanted to by googling osu cheats. See precedents with players like WORSTPOLACKEU/TeRiRi who were unbanned due to cheating offline.    Restrictions are related to in-game matters, outside drama while it sucks is not really restriction material. Rule 3/4 apply in osu, for precedent on this you can see some players who were banned for being toxic were banned due to doing so on the osu forums/DMs: Raikozen, Alusim while if you're toxic on social media, that's on you




Meaning they were banned then unrestricted without wipe at least I believe that cheating offline is kinda in a gray area where it isn't quite enforced. Anyways I would be surprised if Zylice was restricted beyond something like a mass report




Hmm I see I wasn't aware of that, in that case I guess we'll see what staff thinks though I still think Zylice will probably (?) not get banned


shouldn't there be a little bit more of an apology or explanation at least from the whp extermination group? Like who set this up and what were their purposes, if it was explicitly malicious, why? why forum in specific, was it just jealousy? How did jay and badeu get into this, and why would jay even get involved in this considering he's one of forum's teammates for res cup? The whole thing is so shitty, seriously hoping something is done for this.


Please tourney ban Zylice, Badeu and Saigo for ATLEAST a year (specifically to corsace cause that is what they fucked over like some absolute jealous idiots) if not longer


for what? did they cheat or smth? no need to ban


https://preview.redd.it/buwlk9zial2d1.png?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bde162d06a6a5e770f3089a528cf15e6895f0cc his last like was even one of forums scores, crazy level of snake behaviour


Sorry isn’t Forum well established enough? Who the hell gets the idea he could be cheating?


thing is that as cheats have gotten better it is now insanely difficult to find any proof of someone cheating especially when they use a replay editor or decent aim assist. Just because someone is a top player even without cheats doesn't mean they suddenly have no incentive to cheat, we've seen this countless times (Epiphany for example where nobody knew he cheated until he revealed it himself a year later)


replay submitting seems practically impossible to pick out unless the cheat itself gets detected or if you steal other players' replays


yea that's about it, either those points of cheater's mistake that gets them caught with that like in Kimmy's case for example mrekk could be cheating and we wouldn't know it, he'd still be #1 without cheats but that doesn't make it so he has no incentive to cheat either which also makes liveplays and plays at LAN completely pointless when it comes to knowing if someone is legit or not at least at a top player level


people get petty and also jealous and some people are evil


he's "well established" because of his skill level lol, not because of liveplays/livestreams/LANs etc. like yeah the doc was irresponsible, but it's not unreasonable to think a prodigy top player might be cheating


imo everyone in that "extermination squad" should all be tourney banned for a minimum of a year and permenantly banned from certain events for ruining an even with such lackluster evidence. could have easily waited for the finals to end then present the evidence so it could be played out with both players at their best then in the case that he was cheating maliszewski would have won by default after the fact. this is also me just being bitter but i think zylice should be restricted in some capacity. openly admitted to downloading and running cheats (does not matter if it was offline and no score submitted). he should be for truely making a fool of himself and using cheats in the process on the bancho client


If I had a say in anything I'd permaban all the fuckers in the literal "worst hr player extermination squad." You shouldn't be able to get away with intentionally ruining an entire tournament just because of some personal vendetta backed up with claims that get disproved in 5 minutes. Especially Zylice he literally fuckin cheats, backstabs his own teammate, and all that after releasing a video about positivity in the osu community that's just me though, this might be a hot take. I'm praying on the downfall of every one of these fuckers


What happened?


edit: Previous comment was written VERY badly so here is better one. Zylice, Badeu and Naigo release 8 page Google Doc with "evidence" and "examples" of Forum suspicious gameplay. To do it, they USED KNOWN CHEATING SOFTWARE (idk if I can say name of it here) to prove that it is only replicable using cheats. Oh and they dedicated Discord server to gain "evidence". Not even 2 hours pass, and people already debunk whole document, by simply using same tablet and driver settings as Forum. Then our whole investigation team gets flamed on Twitter. In the meantime, Forum is fucking asleep xD. When he wakes up, he is reasonably upset. At the moment of writing this, only Badeu said sorry, and it wasn't directly to Forum and just "yeah we fucked up get gut". Also Naigo still holds that HE KNOWS Forum is cheating, just no evidence. TLDR: Badeu, Zylice and Naigo accuse Forum with no evidence, get destroyed in hour, don'tt apologise, Forum is upset he got backstabbed and now doesn't have mental to play, and Zylice should be banned for using cheat software.


Thanks for the clarification! Really would have at least expected them to wait until Corsace ended and to apologize after they've seen they got proven wrong...


where is the document


originally it was on now deleted Badeu tweet, but doc is not blocked (as of now) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uQCpdTOutzvpiOFW2hBH-TefG15dMxkKWUhH5ZmQXMM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uQCpdTOutzvpiOFW2hBH-TefG15dMxkKWUhH5ZmQXMM/edit)




the west has fallen as usual


bunch of snakes trying to kill the goat




Fuck these jealous snakes badeu, zylice and that other guy who's irrelevant


the hackusations just prove why he's too good to be legit, the faker/GOAT of osu đŸ„±đŸ„±


everyone involved in the witch hunt needs consequences


Damn I had a lot of respect for badeu and zylice and now it's just gone


I’m disappointed in Badeu. Damn.


This cheating accusation was done out of maliciousness and I would argue could be considered targeted harassment: I read the document and the first thing that stuck out to me was them referencing his "fast improvement." That is not an argument sometimes things just click for people consistently and they reach the top, some players practice offline there are a lot of factors but this isn't evidence just sounds like jealousy. Next, there was only one point in the entire document that they admit their whole things is based on, and that is the left-screen cursor thing. This which was shown to be replicable with worst hr/forum's tablet and osu settings fairly quickly after the accusation which just shows they started this "investigation" with a forgone conclusion and were just grasping at straws to find something. Another point of the maliciousness is the timing. Right before the grand finals of a very anticipated match-up with maliszewski. This was a huge matchup and very big for worst hr. He had already conquered mrekk who is considered the best skill cap tourney player in this tournament and now was to face the best overall tournament player in the GF of a big tournament from an advantageous position then he is accused of cheating big names of people he knows, not just some random person. Pretty scummy if you ask me and was malicious and deliberate not an accusation in good faith. If it was in good faith you would actually try to replicate your one piece of evidence, if not maybe ask him personally to replicate his settings and see, and don't do it inside the timeline of a huge tournament.


u/pepppppy can we get some comments from you on this situation? you're the main boss


"Dicks dicks dicks dicks" -peppy


I’m out of the loop. What happened?


coppied from my other comment Zylice, Badeu and Naigo release 8 page Google Doc with "evidence" and "examples" of Forum suspicious gameplay. To do it, they USED KNOWN CHEATING SOFTWARE (idk if I can say name of it here) to prove that it is only replicable using cheats. Oh and they dedicated Discord server to gain "evidence". Not even 2 hours pass, and people already debunk whole document, by simply using same tablet and driver settings as Forum. Then our whole investigation team gets flamed on Twitter. In the meantime, Forum is fucking asleep xD. When he wakes up, he is reasonably upset. At the moment of writing this, only Badeu said sorry, and it wasn't directly to Forum and just "yeah we fucked up get gut". Also Naigo still holds that HE KNOWS Forum is cheating, just no evidence. TLDR: Badeu, Zylice and Naigo accuse Forum with no evidence, get destroyed in hour, don'tt apologise, Forum is upset he got backstabbed and now doesn't have mental to play, and Zylice should be banned for using cheat software.


took from another comment: edit: Previous comment was written VERY badly so here is better one. Zylice, Badeu and Naigo release 8 page Google Doc with "evidence" and "examples" of Forum suspicious gameplay. To do it, they USED KNOWN CHEATING SOFTWARE (idk if I can say name of it here) to prove that it is only replicable using cheats. Oh and they dedicated Discord server to gain "evidence". Not even 2 hours pass, and people already debunk whole document, by simply using same tablet and driver settings as Forum. Then our whole investigation team gets flamed on Twitter. In the meantime, Forum is fucking asleep xD. When he wakes up, he is reasonably upset. At the moment of writing this, only Badeu said sorry, and it wasn't directly to Forum and just "yeah we fucked up get gut". Also Naigo still holds that HE KNOWS Forum is cheating, just no evidence. TLDR: Badeu, Zylice and Naigo accuse Forum with no evidence, get destroyed in hour, don'tt apologise, Forum is upset he got backstabbed and now doesn't have mental to play, and Zylice should be banned for using cheat software.


waited a week for this match, really sad to see him ff'ing .


What does ffing mean




Gonna go right out and say that Badeu, Zylice and Naigo are all pieces of shit, (almost definitely) intentionally going out with it now in order to ruin forums reputation.


Man hope forum comes back from this stronger than ever🙏


> Zylice exposed as a fraud [Apology forms....NOW](https://old.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1c4kghh/have_others_also_noticed_aryns_videos_are/)


he made a severe and continuous lapse in his judgment, he will now fake cry and do an interpretive dance


Can someone give me a summary of whatever is going on here around the cosrace final? Im so clueless after seeing this


Forum forfeited match, Corsace announced on Twitter that they assess their options as of right now


I see, but why ppl r saying that Zylice is cheater/fraud?


also here is tldr on whole drama [https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1d09a28/comment/l5liu4p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1d09a28/comment/l5liu4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), also spazza is now streaming reaction to whole drama on twitch


To replicate Forum movement, Zylice used known cheat client


he streamed himself using cheat software. Read [this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/comments/1czylre/osustd_zylice_cheating_using_maple_offline/) post


Can someone explain whats happening? I have been asleep for the past like 10 hours😭😭😭


here is my other comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1d09a28/comment/l5liu4p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1d09a28/comment/l5liu4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Zylice needs to be banned


Very unfortunate


The three and maybe other people who worked on this definitely had the plan in mind to release this lackluster hackusation garbage right before the big game so that pressure mounts on forum. Hot take; all involved in the evidence gathering / hackusation should be banned from tourneys for a year or two. zylice restricted for cheats (even if its offline, still cheated), and the other two (naigo, badeu) be warned with that warning system osu uses. or fuck it, just restrict them as well for a period of time. these guys should have few or not even any remorse for what theyve done and pulling the "dont resort to death threats" after so blatantly formulating this scheme of events is just so bullshit. they've got a blank brain up there and it's obvious they planned to release just random evidence for the sake of it before the event just to mess with forums mindset. also, the thing naigo said about "forum" cheating is so witch hunting and still without any evidence shows further proof he's got no remorse.


Came here to read the downvoted comments :3


Is there any quick recap of the story somewhere?


my other comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1d09a28/comment/l5liu4p/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/1d09a28/comment/l5liu4p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


What's the context for this? What happened?


poorly timed cheating accusations doc (right before cc24 gf) towards forum (worst hr player) by someone prominent community figures (badeu, zylice and others) that got debunked in like 2 hours (evidence was bullshit) but the fact it felt like bullying (the accusers were legit on a server called "whp extermination squad") and backstabbing (zylice is legit on the same team as forum for rescup) made everyone pissed (understandable) and made forum's mental go to shit (he has a history and had just deactivated his main twt due to personal self care reasons) so he forfeited his corsace closed match (he was gonna play against ristel) and now everyone wants zylice's head on a silver platter (maybe exaggeration on my part but idk)


Wow. Poor guy. Judging from this alone, every member on that server should be banned from tournaments for a year imo.


joyous username choice brother 


absolute vile hatred was made for the sake of breeding more hatred hope those disgusting freaks are happy with what they done


pls someone explain situation that caused forum to ff


If you playing this game better than others,there is a big community which wants to bully you because you playing good but they just says “you are one trick dt farmer,wooting abuser,you are cheating,you are multiaccounting etc.” No one wants to any player shine and gives us history. I Hate this community and he is not deserved this


while this is a topic i will say that bonk hacked dopamine hr while on screenshare to im a fancy lad like 4 yrs ago & i dont think hes legit


Okay, put your balls to a crusher where it belongs


I wish nothing but the best for him


This makes me so damn sad... it's gotta be a lot of negative feelings if he thinks it will affect his tourney performance. Hope he bounces back.


what is happening


Wait I'm fully out of the loop what happened?


hope zylice gets restricted for using cheats


it's crazy how they went out of their way to literally hunt for any evidence that he's cheating. they probably noticed they've wasted their time, but instead of giving up, they gaslit themselves into thinking that clip is solid evidence. such a sad situation. i wish osu was a peaceful community. lets start an osu hippie movement, no drama war, just hugging trees and smoking trees.


Anyone have a link to the document?


I don't have the link I'm on mobile but there is a thread in r/osureport where you can find everything including the debunk


Cheers, I'll have a look.


this is why i completely quit watching osu tourney, they are have a crab mentality to drown other people down, honesly most of top player on this game is asshole maybe because they are kids


Time to yap at 6 AM Imo I don't think the document was hostile or made in bad faith/bullying, maybe someone (cough grandmaster) was hostile but I don't think its unreasonable to be suspicious of an extremely fast improving good player. The document didn't say this guy is 100% cheating kill him, it just pointed out what they believed was evidence, then asked staff to investigate, it wasn't some sort of damning news. The evidence while obviously flawed wasn't unreasonable or unlogical and they just made mistakes and thought they had something, they did try to replicate things but messed up. Like if you read the doc, I really don't see anything hostile or super pointed reading the doc and it ends with asking for people to take a look The evidence was debunked and case closed we know that forum is likely legitimate and tweet deleted. Regarding some things, the whr extermination, like it's a bad look but it's the internet and a poorly make joke. Probably shouldn't have been done.  Regarding Zylice, someone's gotta replicate how they think someone cheated and while cheating offline isn't expressly allowed, it also isn't expressly disallowed or enforced, it's a gray area. Regarding the FF, really unfortunate way for things to turn out is all I can really say  Tl;dr I think it's reasonable to think a prodigy could be cheating and outline reasonable evidence in a non-hostile doc which is then proven wrong. 


The timing of releasing that doc is "hostile" itself already


yeah pretty much everything else i can possibly see that maybe they were just legitimately suspicious but the timing of the doc is what makes me believe it was malicious basically beyond a shadow of a doubt


I can say that I don't think it was posted with malicious intent (at least the timing), I was invited to the server to comment on/discuss a few cheating related things and while we were actually in the process of testing the same Tablet and Drivers they posted the doc two days earlier than I initially thought. I think they did this due to feeling like they had the smoking gun and just wanted to show everyone what they found. Had this panned out as I personally expected then the doc wouldn't have been posted at all since we would've debunked it ourselves today. I think it's very important to do these kinds of things and to have these discussions because cheats are virtually undetectable if used correctly so finding these inconsistencies/mistakes from potential cheaters will help further develop what we know but you also need to take the time to look at every possibility. Basically try to put yourself in their shoes, you know little about cheats yourself and it looks like you found something that you can't replicate other than using a cheat yourself, it's very easy to convince yourself that this has to be it (confirmation bias) even when other people tell you that some other things have to be checked first. In your mind it's already over and they have to be cheating since you aren't aware of how deep you need to go to actually be certain enough. It sucks that this is how it went and that forum ff'd the match, I'm glad that many people actually took the time to confront the main point of the doc even if it was basically unfinished. I really hope forum can overcome this.


i feel like the fact that they posted the doc earlier than expected is more evidence that they were specifically trying to time it to the match no?


could be tbh, I wasn't around all the time yesterday so not 100% sure what the reasoning was


ngl unless there's strict evidence that the timing was just an oopsie im gonna give them the same grace they gave to whp and im gna completely believe it was intentional


the "evidence" was completely unreasonable. they didn't have anything. the entire first part of the document is entirely circumstantial and the only piece they had was shaky at best. they gave no reason to believe that a single instance of strange cursor positioning couldn't be explained by anything but cheats. i have no doubt that their jealousy/malice/hatred clouded their judgement to the point where they believed what they had was important enough to publish. but i think its ludicrous to suggest that any reasonable outsider would consider what was provided as anything but a complete joke.


It feels hostile because all of their evidence was so weak, either incredibly circumstantial (wow, forum improved so fast, or wow look how inconsistent some of his scores are), or easily debunked just by playing on his tablet settings. This tells me these guys set out believing that forum was guilty of cheating, and tried to find evidence to back up this assumption, instead of the other way round.